{ customConfig ? {}, target ? builtins.currentSystem, haskellCompiler ? "ghc865" }: let lib = import ./nix/lib.nix; # Instantiate a package set using the generated file. in lib.pkgs.haskell-nix.cabalProject { src = lib.pkgs.haskell-nix.haskellLib.cleanGit { src = ./.; }; ghc = lib.pkgs.buildPackages.pkgs.haskell-nix.compiler.${haskellCompiler}; pkg-def-extras = [ # # Additional packages ontop of all those listed in `cabal.project` ]; modules = [ # # Specific package overrides would go here for example: # packages.cbors.package.ghcOptions = "-Werror"; # packages.cbors.patches = [ ./one.patch ]; # packages.cbors.flags.optimize-gmp = false; # # It may be better to set flags in `cabal.project` instead # # (`plan-to-nix` will include them as defaults). ]; }