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#pragma once
#include "ssh-store-config.hh"
#include "store-api.hh"
#include "ssh.hh"
#include "callback.hh"
#include "pool.hh"
namespace nix {
struct LegacySSHStoreConfig : virtual CommonSSHStoreConfig
using CommonSSHStoreConfig::CommonSSHStoreConfig;
const Setting<Path> remoteProgram{this, "nix-store", "remote-program",
"Path to the `nix-store` executable on the remote machine."};
const Setting<int> maxConnections{this, 1, "max-connections",
"Maximum number of concurrent SSH connections."};
const std::string name() override { return "SSH Store"; }
std::string doc() override;
struct LegacySSHStore : public virtual LegacySSHStoreConfig, public virtual Store
// Hack for getting remote build log output.
// Intentionally not in `LegacySSHStoreConfig` so that it doesn't appear in
// the documentation
const Setting<int> logFD{this, -1, "log-fd", "file descriptor to which SSH's stderr is connected"};
struct Connection;
std::string host;
ref<Pool<Connection>> connections;
SSHMaster master;
static std::set<std::string> uriSchemes() { return {"ssh"}; }
LegacySSHStore(const std::string & scheme, const std::string & host, const Params & params);
ref<Connection> openConnection();
std::string getUri() override;
void queryPathInfoUncached(const StorePath & path,
Callback<std::shared_ptr<const ValidPathInfo>> callback) noexcept override;
void addToStore(const ValidPathInfo & info, Source & source,
RepairFlag repair, CheckSigsFlag checkSigs) override;
void narFromPath(const StorePath & path, Sink & sink) override;
std::optional<StorePath> queryPathFromHashPart(const std::string & hashPart) override
{ unsupported("queryPathFromHashPart"); }
StorePath addToStore(
std::string_view name,
const Path & srcPath,
FileIngestionMethod method,
HashAlgorithm hashAlgo,
PathFilter & filter,
RepairFlag repair,
const StorePathSet & references) override
{ unsupported("addToStore"); }
StorePath addTextToStore(
std::string_view name,
std::string_view s,
const StorePathSet & references,
RepairFlag repair) override
{ unsupported("addTextToStore"); }
void putBuildSettings(Connection & conn);
BuildResult buildDerivation(const StorePath & drvPath, const BasicDerivation & drv,
BuildMode buildMode) override;
void buildPaths(const std::vector<DerivedPath> & drvPaths, BuildMode buildMode, std::shared_ptr<Store> evalStore) override;
void ensurePath(const StorePath & path) override
{ unsupported("ensurePath"); }
virtual ref<SourceAccessor> getFSAccessor(bool requireValidPath) override
{ unsupported("getFSAccessor"); }
* The default instance would schedule the work on the client side, but
* for consistency with `buildPaths` and `buildDerivation` it should happen
* on the remote side.
* We make this fail for now so we can add implement this properly later
* without it being a breaking change.
void repairPath(const StorePath & path) override
{ unsupported("repairPath"); }
void computeFSClosure(const StorePathSet & paths,
StorePathSet & out, bool flipDirection = false,
bool includeOutputs = false, bool includeDerivers = false) override;
StorePathSet queryValidPaths(const StorePathSet & paths,
SubstituteFlag maybeSubstitute = NoSubstitute) override;
void connect() override;
unsigned int getProtocol() override;
* The legacy ssh protocol doesn't support checking for trusted-user.
* Try using ssh-ng:// instead if you want to know.
std::optional<TrustedFlag> isTrustedClient() override
return std::nullopt;
void queryRealisationUncached(const DrvOutput &,
Callback<std::shared_ptr<const Realisation>> callback) noexcept override
// TODO: Implement
{ unsupported("queryRealisation"); }