#include "url.hh" #include "url-parts.hh" #include "util.hh" #include "split.hh" #include "canon-path.hh" namespace nix { std::regex refRegex(refRegexS, std::regex::ECMAScript); std::regex badGitRefRegex(badGitRefRegexS, std::regex::ECMAScript); std::regex revRegex(revRegexS, std::regex::ECMAScript); ParsedURL parseURL(const std::string & url) { static std::regex uriRegex( "((" + schemeNameRegex + "):" + "(?:(?://(" + authorityRegex + ")(" + absPathRegex + "))|(/?" + pathRegex + ")))" + "(?:\\?(" + queryRegex + "))?" + "(?:#(" + fragmentRegex + "))?", std::regex::ECMAScript); std::smatch match; if (std::regex_match(url, match, uriRegex)) { auto & base = match[1]; std::string scheme = match[2]; auto authority = match[3].matched ? std::optional(match[3]) : std::nullopt; std::string path = match[4].matched ? match[4] : match[5]; auto & query = match[6]; auto & fragment = match[7]; auto transportIsFile = parseUrlScheme(scheme).transport == "file"; if (authority && *authority != "" && transportIsFile) throw BadURL("file:// URL '%s' has unexpected authority '%s'", url, *authority); if (transportIsFile && path.empty()) path = "/"; return ParsedURL{ .url = url, .base = base, .scheme = scheme, .authority = authority, .path = percentDecode(path), .query = decodeQuery(query), .fragment = percentDecode(std::string(fragment)) }; } else throw BadURL("'%s' is not a valid URL", url); } std::string percentDecode(std::string_view in) { std::string decoded; for (size_t i = 0; i < in.size(); ) { if (in[i] == '%') { if (i + 2 >= in.size()) throw BadURL("invalid URI parameter '%s'", in); try { decoded += std::stoul(std::string(in, i + 1, 2), 0, 16); i += 3; } catch (...) { throw BadURL("invalid URI parameter '%s'", in); } } else decoded += in[i++]; } return decoded; } std::map decodeQuery(const std::string & query) { std::map result; for (auto s : tokenizeString(query, "&")) { auto e = s.find('='); if (e != std::string::npos) result.emplace( s.substr(0, e), percentDecode(std::string_view(s).substr(e + 1))); } return result; } const static std::string allowedInQuery = ":@/?"; const static std::string allowedInPath = ":@/"; std::string percentEncode(std::string_view s, std::string_view keep) { std::string res; for (auto & c : s) // unreserved + keep if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || strchr("-._~", c) || keep.find(c) != std::string::npos) res += c; else res += fmt("%%%02X", c & 0xFF); return res; } std::string encodeQuery(const std::map & ss) { std::string res; bool first = true; for (auto & [name, value] : ss) { if (!first) res += '&'; first = false; res += percentEncode(name, allowedInQuery); res += '='; res += percentEncode(value, allowedInQuery); } return res; } std::string ParsedURL::to_string() const { return scheme + ":" + (authority ? "//" + *authority : "") + percentEncode(path, allowedInPath) + (query.empty() ? "" : "?" + encodeQuery(query)) + (fragment.empty() ? "" : "#" + percentEncode(fragment)); } bool ParsedURL::operator ==(const ParsedURL & other) const { return scheme == other.scheme && authority == other.authority && path == other.path && query == other.query && fragment == other.fragment; } ParsedURL ParsedURL::canonicalise() { ParsedURL res(*this); res.path = CanonPath(res.path).abs(); return res; } /** * Parse a URL scheme of the form '(applicationScheme\+)?transportScheme' * into a tuple '(applicationScheme, transportScheme)' * * > parseUrlScheme("http") == ParsedUrlScheme{ {}, "http"} * > parseUrlScheme("tarball+http") == ParsedUrlScheme{ {"tarball"}, "http"} */ ParsedUrlScheme parseUrlScheme(std::string_view scheme) { auto application = splitPrefixTo(scheme, '+'); auto transport = scheme; return ParsedUrlScheme { .application = application, .transport = transport, }; } std::string fixGitURL(const std::string & url) { std::regex scpRegex("([^/]*)@(.*):(.*)"); if (!hasPrefix(url, "/") && std::regex_match(url, scpRegex)) return std::regex_replace(url, scpRegex, "ssh://$1@$2/$3"); else { if (url.find("://") == std::string::npos) { return (ParsedURL { .scheme = "file", .authority = "", .path = url }).to_string(); } else return url; } } // https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3986#section-3.1 bool isValidSchemeName(std::string_view s) { static std::regex regex(schemeNameRegex, std::regex::ECMAScript); return std::regex_match(s.begin(), s.end(), regex, std::regex_constants::match_default); } }