# Name `nix-collect-garbage` - delete unreachable [store objects] # Synopsis `nix-collect-garbage` [`--delete-old`] [`-d`] [`--delete-older-than` *period*] [`--max-freed` *bytes*] [`--dry-run`] # Description The command `nix-collect-garbage` is mostly an alias of [`nix-store --gc`](@docroot@/command-ref/nix-store/gc.md). That is, it deletes all unreachable [store objects] in the Nix store to clean up your system. However, it provides two additional options, [`--delete-old`](#opt-delete-old) and [`--delete-older-than`](#opt-delete-older-than), which also delete old [profiles], allowing potentially more [store objects] to be deleted because profiles are also garbage collection roots. These options are the equivalent of running [`nix-env --delete-generations`](@docroot@/command-ref/nix-env/delete-generations.md) with various augments on multiple profiles, prior to running `nix-collect-garbage` (or just `nix-store --gc`) without any flags. > **Note** > > Deleting previous configurations makes rollbacks to them impossible. These flags should be used with care, because they potentially delete generations of profiles used by other users on the system. ## Locations searched for profiles `nix-collect-garbage` cannot know about all profiles; that information doesn't exist. Instead, it looks in a few locations, and acts on all profiles it finds there: 1. The default profile locations as specified in the [profiles] section of the manual. 2. > **NOTE** > > Not stable; subject to change > > Do not rely on this functionality; it just exists for migration purposes and is may change in the future. > These deprecated paths remain a private implementation detail of Nix. `$NIX_STATE_DIR/profiles` and `$NIX_STATE_DIR/profiles/per-user`. With the exception of `$NIX_STATE_DIR/profiles/per-user/root` and `$NIX_STATE_DIR/profiles/default`, these directories are no longer used by other commands. `nix-collect-garbage` looks there anyways in order to clean up profiles from older versions of Nix. # Options These options are for deleting old [profiles] prior to deleting unreachable [store objects]. - [`--delete-old`](#opt-delete-old) / `-d`\ Delete all old generations of profiles. This is the equivalent of invoking `nix-env --delete-generations old` on each found profile. - [`--delete-older-than`](#opt-delete-older-than) *period*\ Delete all generations of profiles older than the specified amount (except for the generations that were active at that point in time). *period* is a value such as `30d`, which would mean 30 days. This is the equivalent of invoking [`nix-env --delete-generations `](@docroot@/command-ref/nix-env/delete-generations.md#generations-time) on each found profile. See the documentation of that command for additional information about the *period* argument. {{#include ./opt-common.md}} {{#include ./env-common.md}} # Example To delete from the Nix store everything that is not used by the current generations of each profile, do ```console $ nix-collect-garbage -d ``` [profiles]: @docroot@/command-ref/files/profiles.md [store objects]: @docroot@/glossary.md#gloss-store-object