John Ericson ac89bb064a Split up util.{hh,cc}
All OS and IO operations should be moved out, leaving only some misc
portable pure functions.

This is useful to avoid copious CPP when doing things like Windows and
Emscripten ports.

Newly exposed functions to break cycles:

 - `restoreSignals`
 - `updateWindowSize`
2023-11-05 12:20:02 -05:00

347 lines
11 KiB

#include "fetchers.hh"
#include "processes.hh"
#include "users.hh"
#include "cache.hh"
#include "globals.hh"
#include "tarfile.hh"
#include "store-api.hh"
#include "url-parts.hh"
#include "fetch-settings.hh"
#include <sys/time.h>
using namespace std::string_literals;
namespace nix::fetchers {
static RunOptions hgOptions(const Strings & args)
auto env = getEnv();
// Set HGPLAIN: this means we get consistent output from hg and avoids leakage from a user or system .hgrc.
env["HGPLAIN"] = "";
return {
.program = "hg",
.searchPath = true,
.args = args,
.environment = env
// runProgram wrapper that uses hgOptions instead of stock RunOptions.
static std::string runHg(const Strings & args, const std::optional<std::string> & input = {})
RunOptions opts = hgOptions(args);
opts.input = input;
auto res = runProgram(std::move(opts));
if (!statusOk(res.first))
throw ExecError(res.first, "hg %1%", statusToString(res.first));
return res.second;
struct MercurialInputScheme : InputScheme
std::optional<Input> inputFromURL(const ParsedURL & url, bool requireTree) const override
if (url.scheme != "hg+http" &&
url.scheme != "hg+https" &&
url.scheme != "hg+ssh" &&
url.scheme != "hg+file") return {};
auto url2(url);
url2.scheme = std::string(url2.scheme, 3);
Attrs attrs;
attrs.emplace("type", "hg");
for (auto &[name, value] : url.query) {
if (name == "rev" || name == "ref")
attrs.emplace(name, value);
url2.query.emplace(name, value);
attrs.emplace("url", url2.to_string());
return inputFromAttrs(attrs);
std::string_view schemeName() const override
return "hg";
StringSet allowedAttrs() const override
return {
std::optional<Input> inputFromAttrs(const Attrs & attrs) const override
parseURL(getStrAttr(attrs, "url"));
if (auto ref = maybeGetStrAttr(attrs, "ref")) {
if (!std::regex_match(*ref, refRegex))
throw BadURL("invalid Mercurial branch/tag name '%s'", *ref);
Input input;
input.attrs = attrs;
return input;
ParsedURL toURL(const Input & input) const override
auto url = parseURL(getStrAttr(input.attrs, "url"));
url.scheme = "hg+" + url.scheme;
if (auto rev = input.getRev()) url.query.insert_or_assign("rev", rev->gitRev());
if (auto ref = input.getRef()) url.query.insert_or_assign("ref", *ref);
return url;
Input applyOverrides(
const Input & input,
std::optional<std::string> ref,
std::optional<Hash> rev) const override
auto res(input);
if (rev) res.attrs.insert_or_assign("rev", rev->gitRev());
if (ref) res.attrs.insert_or_assign("ref", *ref);
return res;
std::optional<Path> getSourcePath(const Input & input) const override
auto url = parseURL(getStrAttr(input.attrs, "url"));
if (url.scheme == "file" && !input.getRef() && !input.getRev())
return url.path;
return {};
void putFile(
const Input & input,
const CanonPath & path,
std::string_view contents,
std::optional<std::string> commitMsg) const override
auto [isLocal, repoPath] = getActualUrl(input);
if (!isLocal)
throw Error("cannot commit '%s' to Mercurial repository '%s' because it's not a working tree", path, input.to_string());
auto absPath = CanonPath(repoPath) + path;
writeFile(absPath.abs(), contents);
// FIXME: shut up if file is already tracked.
{ "add", absPath.abs() });
if (commitMsg)
{ "commit", absPath.abs(), "-m", *commitMsg });
std::pair<bool, std::string> getActualUrl(const Input & input) const
auto url = parseURL(getStrAttr(input.attrs, "url"));
bool isLocal = url.scheme == "file";
return {isLocal, isLocal ? url.path : url.base};
std::pair<StorePath, Input> fetch(ref<Store> store, const Input & _input) override
Input input(_input);
auto name = input.getName();
auto [isLocal, actualUrl_] = getActualUrl(input);
auto actualUrl = actualUrl_; // work around clang bug
// FIXME: return lastModified.
// FIXME: don't clone local repositories.
if (!input.getRef() && !input.getRev() && isLocal && pathExists(actualUrl + "/.hg")) {
bool clean = runHg({ "status", "-R", actualUrl, "--modified", "--added", "--removed" }) == "";
if (!clean) {
/* This is an unclean working tree. So copy all tracked
files. */
if (!fetchSettings.allowDirty)
throw Error("Mercurial tree '%s' is unclean", actualUrl);
if (fetchSettings.warnDirty)
warn("Mercurial tree '%s' is unclean", actualUrl);
input.attrs.insert_or_assign("ref", chomp(runHg({ "branch", "-R", actualUrl })));
auto files = tokenizeString<std::set<std::string>>(
runHg({ "status", "-R", actualUrl, "--clean", "--modified", "--added", "--no-status", "--print0" }), "\0"s);
Path actualPath(absPath(actualUrl));
PathFilter filter = [&](const Path & p) -> bool {
assert(hasPrefix(p, actualPath));
std::string file(p, actualPath.size() + 1);
auto st = lstat(p);
if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
auto prefix = file + "/";
auto i = files.lower_bound(prefix);
return i != files.end() && hasPrefix(*i, prefix);
return files.count(file);
auto storePath = store->addToStore(input.getName(), actualPath, FileIngestionMethod::Recursive, htSHA256, filter);
return {std::move(storePath), input};
if (!input.getRef()) input.attrs.insert_or_assign("ref", "default");
auto checkHashType = [&](const std::optional<Hash> & hash)
if (hash.has_value() && hash->type != htSHA1)
throw Error("Hash '%s' is not supported by Mercurial. Only sha1 is supported.", hash->to_string(HashFormat::Base16, true));
auto getLockedAttrs = [&]()
return Attrs({
{"type", "hg"},
{"name", name},
{"rev", input.getRev()->gitRev()},
auto makeResult = [&](const Attrs & infoAttrs, StorePath && storePath)
-> std::pair<StorePath, Input>
assert(!_input.getRev() || _input.getRev() == input.getRev());
input.attrs.insert_or_assign("revCount", getIntAttr(infoAttrs, "revCount"));
return {std::move(storePath), input};
if (input.getRev()) {
if (auto res = getCache()->lookup(store, getLockedAttrs()))
return makeResult(res->first, std::move(res->second));
auto revOrRef = input.getRev() ? input.getRev()->gitRev() : *input.getRef();
Attrs unlockedAttrs({
{"type", "hg"},
{"name", name},
{"url", actualUrl},
{"ref", *input.getRef()},
if (auto res = getCache()->lookup(store, unlockedAttrs)) {
auto rev2 = Hash::parseAny(getStrAttr(res->first, "rev"), htSHA1);
if (!input.getRev() || input.getRev() == rev2) {
input.attrs.insert_or_assign("rev", rev2.gitRev());
return makeResult(res->first, std::move(res->second));
Path cacheDir = fmt("%s/nix/hg/%s", getCacheDir(), hashString(htSHA256, actualUrl).to_string(HashFormat::Base32, false));
/* If this is a commit hash that we already have, we don't
have to pull again. */
if (!(input.getRev()
&& pathExists(cacheDir)
&& runProgram(hgOptions({ "log", "-R", cacheDir, "-r", input.getRev()->gitRev(), "--template", "1" })).second == "1"))
Activity act(*logger, lvlTalkative, actUnknown, fmt("fetching Mercurial repository '%s'", actualUrl));
if (pathExists(cacheDir)) {
try {
runHg({ "pull", "-R", cacheDir, "--", actualUrl });
catch (ExecError & e) {
auto transJournal = cacheDir + "/.hg/store/journal";
/* hg throws "abandoned transaction" error only if this file exists */
if (pathExists(transJournal)) {
runHg({ "recover", "-R", cacheDir });
runHg({ "pull", "-R", cacheDir, "--", actualUrl });
} else {
throw ExecError(e.status, "'hg pull' %s", statusToString(e.status));
} else {
runHg({ "clone", "--noupdate", "--", actualUrl, cacheDir });
auto tokens = tokenizeString<std::vector<std::string>>(
runHg({ "log", "-R", cacheDir, "-r", revOrRef, "--template", "{node} {rev} {branch}" }));
assert(tokens.size() == 3);
input.attrs.insert_or_assign("rev", Hash::parseAny(tokens[0], htSHA1).gitRev());
auto revCount = std::stoull(tokens[1]);
input.attrs.insert_or_assign("ref", tokens[2]);
if (auto res = getCache()->lookup(store, getLockedAttrs()))
return makeResult(res->first, std::move(res->second));
Path tmpDir = createTempDir();
AutoDelete delTmpDir(tmpDir, true);
runHg({ "archive", "-R", cacheDir, "-r", input.getRev()->gitRev(), tmpDir });
deletePath(tmpDir + "/.hg_archival.txt");
auto storePath = store->addToStore(name, tmpDir);
Attrs infoAttrs({
{"rev", input.getRev()->gitRev()},
{"revCount", (uint64_t) revCount},
if (!_input.getRev())
return makeResult(infoAttrs, std::move(storePath));
static auto rMercurialInputScheme = OnStartup([] { registerInputScheme(std::make_unique<MercurialInputScheme>()); });