#!/usr/bin/env python3 import dataclasses import glob import os import subprocess import sys try: import colorama as c GREEN = c.Fore.GREEN YELLOW = c.Fore.YELLOW RED = c.Fore.RED RESET_ALL = c.Style.RESET_ALL BRIGHT = c.Style.BRIGHT except ImportError: GREEN = YELLOW = RED = RESET_ALL = BRIGHT = '' @dataclasses.dataclass class Total: total:int good:int = 0 skip:int = 0 fail:int = 0 tests = glob.glob('/usr/lib/systemd/tests/test-*') total = Total(total=len(tests)) for test in tests: name = os.path.basename(test) ex = subprocess.run(test, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if ex.returncode == 0: print(f'{GREEN}PASS: {name}{RESET_ALL}') total.good += 1 elif ex.returncode == 77: print(f'{YELLOW}SKIP: {name}{RESET_ALL}') total.skip += 1 else: print(f'{RED}FAIL: {name}{RESET_ALL}') total.fail += 1 # stdout/stderr might not be valid unicode, let's just dump it to the terminal. # Also let's reset the style afterwards, in case our output sets something. sys.stdout.buffer.write(ex.stdout) print(f'{RESET_ALL}{BRIGHT}') sys.stdout.buffer.write(ex.stderr) print(f'{RESET_ALL}') print(f'{BRIGHT}OK: {total.good} SKIP: {total.skip} FAIL: {total.fail}{RESET_ALL}') sys.exit(total.fail > 0)