#!/bin/bash # -*- mode: shell-script; indent-tabs-mode: nil; sh-basic-offset: 4; -*- # ex: ts=8 sw=4 sts=4 et filetype=sh set -ex set -o pipefail systemd-analyze set-log-level debug systemd-analyze set-log-target console # Create a binary for which execve() will fail touch /tmp/brokenbinary chmod +x /tmp/brokenbinary # These three commands should succeed. systemd-run --unit=one -p Type=simple /bin/sleep infinity systemd-run --unit=two -p Type=simple -p User=idontexist /bin/sleep infinity systemd-run --unit=three -p Type=simple /tmp/brokenbinary # And now, do the same with Type=exec, where the latter two should fail systemd-run --unit=four -p Type=exec /bin/sleep infinity ! systemd-run --unit=five -p Type=exec -p User=idontexist /bin/sleep infinity ! systemd-run --unit=six -p Type=exec /tmp/brokenbinary systemd-analyze set-log-level info echo OK > /testok exit 0