/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1+ */ #pragma once typedef struct Mount Mount; #include "kill.h" #include "dynamic-user.h" #include "unit.h" typedef enum MountExecCommand { MOUNT_EXEC_MOUNT, MOUNT_EXEC_UNMOUNT, MOUNT_EXEC_REMOUNT, _MOUNT_EXEC_COMMAND_MAX, _MOUNT_EXEC_COMMAND_INVALID = -1 } MountExecCommand; typedef enum MountResult { MOUNT_SUCCESS, MOUNT_FAILURE_RESOURCES, /* a bit of a misnomer, just our catch-all error for errnos we didn't expect */ MOUNT_FAILURE_TIMEOUT, MOUNT_FAILURE_EXIT_CODE, MOUNT_FAILURE_SIGNAL, MOUNT_FAILURE_CORE_DUMP, MOUNT_FAILURE_START_LIMIT_HIT, MOUNT_FAILURE_PROTOCOL, _MOUNT_RESULT_MAX, _MOUNT_RESULT_INVALID = -1 } MountResult; typedef struct MountParameters { char *what; char *options; char *fstype; } MountParameters; /* Used while looking for mount points that vanished or got added from/to /proc/self/mountinfo */ typedef enum MountProcFlags { MOUNT_PROC_IS_MOUNTED = 1 << 0, MOUNT_PROC_JUST_MOUNTED = 1 << 1, MOUNT_PROC_JUST_CHANGED = 1 << 2, } MountProcFlags; struct Mount { Unit meta; char *where; MountParameters parameters_proc_self_mountinfo; MountParameters parameters_fragment; bool from_proc_self_mountinfo:1; bool from_fragment:1; MountProcFlags proc_flags; bool sloppy_options; bool lazy_unmount; bool force_unmount; bool read_write_only; MountResult result; MountResult reload_result; MountResult clean_result; mode_t directory_mode; usec_t timeout_usec; ExecCommand exec_command[_MOUNT_EXEC_COMMAND_MAX]; ExecContext exec_context; KillContext kill_context; CGroupContext cgroup_context; ExecRuntime *exec_runtime; DynamicCreds dynamic_creds; MountState state, deserialized_state; ExecCommand* control_command; MountExecCommand control_command_id; pid_t control_pid; sd_event_source *timer_event_source; unsigned n_retry_umount; }; extern const UnitVTable mount_vtable; void mount_fd_event(Manager *m, int events); const char* mount_exec_command_to_string(MountExecCommand i) _const_; MountExecCommand mount_exec_command_from_string(const char *s) _pure_; const char* mount_result_to_string(MountResult i) _const_; MountResult mount_result_from_string(const char *s) _pure_; DEFINE_CAST(MOUNT, Mount);