Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek 2798430e00 machined: only Unref units that we AddRef'd
b92d0b4c5a added AddRef to the StartTransientUnit
call in machine_start_scope()/manager_start_scope() and a corresponding Unref
call in machine_stop_scope(). But when we are running systemd-nspawn@ with
--keep unit, the unit is not created by machined so the AddRef never happens.
Then when trying to stop the unit, we'd get:

systemd-machined[1101]: Sent message type=method_call sender=n/a destination=org.freedesktop.systemd1 path=/org/freedesktop/systemd1 interface=org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager member=UnrefUnit cookie=37 reply_cookie=0 signature=s error-name=n/a error-message=n/a
systemd-machined[1101]: Got message type=error sender=:1.1 destination=:1.13 path=n/a interface=n/a member=n/a cookie=2443 reply_cookie=37 signature=s error-name=org.freedesktop.systemd1.NotReferenced error-message=Unit has not been referenced yet.
systemd-machined[1101]: Failed to drop reference to machine scope, ignoring: Unit has not been referenced yet.
2019-10-29 10:54:45 +01:00

97 lines
2.4 KiB

/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1+ */
#pragma once
typedef struct Machine Machine;
typedef enum KillWho KillWho;
#include "list.h"
#include "machined.h"
#include "operation.h"
#include "time-util.h"
typedef enum MachineState {
MACHINE_OPENING, /* Machine is being registered */
MACHINE_RUNNING, /* Machine is running */
MACHINE_CLOSING, /* Machine is terminating */
} MachineState;
typedef enum MachineClass {
} MachineClass;
enum KillWho {
struct Machine {
Manager *manager;
char *name;
sd_id128_t id;
MachineClass class;
char *state_file;
char *service;
char *root_directory;
char *unit;
char *scope_job;
pid_t leader;
dual_timestamp timestamp;
bool in_gc_queue:1;
bool started:1;
bool stopping:1;
bool referenced:1;
sd_bus_message *create_message;
int *netif;
size_t n_netif;
LIST_HEAD(Operation, operations);
LIST_FIELDS(Machine, gc_queue);
Machine* machine_new(Manager *manager, MachineClass class, const char *name);
Machine* machine_free(Machine *m);
bool machine_may_gc(Machine *m, bool drop_not_started);
void machine_add_to_gc_queue(Machine *m);
int machine_start(Machine *m, sd_bus_message *properties, sd_bus_error *error);
int machine_stop(Machine *m);
int machine_finalize(Machine *m);
int machine_save(Machine *m);
int machine_load(Machine *m);
int machine_kill(Machine *m, KillWho who, int signo);
void machine_release_unit(Machine *m);
MachineState machine_get_state(Machine *u);
const char* machine_class_to_string(MachineClass t) _const_;
MachineClass machine_class_from_string(const char *s) _pure_;
const char* machine_state_to_string(MachineState t) _const_;
MachineState machine_state_from_string(const char *s) _pure_;
const char *kill_who_to_string(KillWho k) _const_;
KillWho kill_who_from_string(const char *s) _pure_;
int machine_openpt(Machine *m, int flags, char **ret_slave);
int machine_open_terminal(Machine *m, const char *path, int mode);
int machine_get_uid_shift(Machine *m, uid_t *ret);