Anita Zhang 14d044da23 test: fix TEST-56-OOMD thresholds for linux 5.9 changes
Fixes #17533

The memory pressure values of the units in TEST-56-OOMD seemed to be a
lot lower after updating to linux 5.9. This is likely due to a fix from

To account for this, I lowered memory.high on testbloat.service to
throttle it even more. This was enough to generate the 50%+ value to trigger
oomd for the test, but as an extra precaution I also lowered the oomd
threshold to 1% so it's certain to try and kill testbloat.service.
2020-12-02 15:27:15 -08:00

43 lines
1.3 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -ex
set -o pipefail
systemd-analyze log-level debug
systemd-analyze log-target console
# Loose checks to ensure the environment has the necessary features for systemd-oomd
[[ "$( awk '/SwapTotal/ { print $2 }' /proc/meminfo )" != "0" ]] || echo "no swap" >> /skipped
[[ -e /proc/pressure ]] || echo "no PSI" >> /skipped
cgroup_type=$(stat -fc %T /sys/fs/cgroup/)
if [[ "$cgroup_type" != *"cgroup2"* ]] && [[ "$cgroup_type" != *"0x63677270"* ]]; then
echo "no cgroup2" >> /skipped
[[ -e /skipped ]] && exit 0 || true
systemctl start testsuite-56-testbloat.service
systemctl start testsuite-56-testchill.service
# Verify systemd-oomd is monitoring the expected units
oomctl | grep "/testsuite-56-workload.slice"
oomctl | grep "1%"
# systemd-oomd watches for elevated pressure for 30 seconds before acting.
# It can take time to build up pressure so either wait 5 minutes or for the service to fail.
timeout=$(date -ud "5 minutes" +%s)
while [[ $(date -u +%s) -le $timeout ]]; do
if ! systemctl status testsuite-56-testbloat.service; then
sleep 15
# testbloat should be killed and testchill should be fine
if systemctl status testsuite-56-testbloat.service; then exit 42; fi
if ! systemctl status testsuite-56-testchill.service; then exit 24; fi
systemd-analyze log-level info
echo OK > /testok
exit 0