Lennart Poettering 463d0d1569 core: remove ManagerRunningAs enum
Previously, we had two enums ManagerRunningAs and UnitFileScope, that were
mostly identical and converted from one to the other all the time. The latter
had one more value UNIT_FILE_GLOBAL however.

Let's simplify things, and remove ManagerRunningAs and replace it by
UnitFileScope everywhere, thus making the translation unnecessary. Introduce
two new macros MANAGER_IS_SYSTEM() and MANAGER_IS_USER() to simplify checking
if we are running in one or the user context.
2016-04-12 13:43:30 +02:00

862 lines
33 KiB

This file is part of systemd.
Copyright 2012 Lennart Poettering
Copyright 2013 Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek
systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
systemd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with systemd; If not, see <>.
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/capability.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "alloc-util.h"
#include "capability-util.h"
#include "fd-util.h"
#include "fileio.h"
#include "hashmap.h"
#include "hostname-util.h"
#include "install-printf.h"
#include "install.h"
#include "load-fragment.h"
#include "macro.h"
#include "specifier.h"
#include "string-util.h"
#include "strv.h"
#include "test-helper.h"
#include "user-util.h"
#include "util.h"
static int test_unit_file_get_set(void) {
int r;
Hashmap *h;
Iterator i;
UnitFileList *p;
h = hashmap_new(&string_hash_ops);
r = unit_file_get_list(UNIT_FILE_SYSTEM, NULL, h);
if (r == -EPERM || r == -EACCES) {
printf("Skipping test: unit_file_get_list: %s", strerror(-r));
log_full(r == 0 ? LOG_INFO : LOG_ERR,
"unit_file_get_list: %s", strerror(-r));
if (r < 0)
printf("%s = %s\n", p->path, unit_file_state_to_string(p->state));
return 0;
static void check_execcommand(ExecCommand *c,
const char* path,
const char* argv0,
const char* argv1,
const char* argv2,
bool ignore) {
size_t n;
log_info("expect: \"%s\" [\"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\"]",
path, argv0 ?: path, argv1, argv2);
n = strv_length(c->argv);
log_info("actual: \"%s\" [\"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\"]",
c->path, c->argv[0], n > 0 ? c->argv[1] : NULL, n > 1 ? c->argv[2] : NULL);
assert_se(streq(c->path, path));
assert_se(streq(c->argv[0], argv0 ?: path));
if (n > 0)
assert_se(streq_ptr(c->argv[1], argv1));
if (n > 1)
assert_se(streq_ptr(c->argv[2], argv2));
assert_se(c->ignore == ignore);
static void test_config_parse_exec(void) {
/* int config_parse_exec(
const char *unit,
const char *filename,
unsigned line,
const char *section,
unsigned section_line,
const char *lvalue,
int ltype,
const char *rvalue,
void *data,
void *userdata) */
int r;
ExecCommand *c = NULL, *c1;
const char *ccc;
Manager *m = NULL;
Unit *u = NULL;
r = manager_new(UNIT_FILE_USER, true, &m);
printf("Skipping test: manager_new: %s\n", strerror(-r));
assert_se(r >= 0);
assert_se(manager_startup(m, NULL, NULL) >= 0);
assert_se(u = unit_new(m, sizeof(Service)));
log_info("/* basic test */");
r = config_parse_exec(NULL, "fake", 1, "section", 1,
"LValue", 0, "/RValue r1",
&c, u);
assert_se(r >= 0);
check_execcommand(c, "/RValue", "/RValue", "r1", NULL, false);
r = config_parse_exec(NULL, "fake", 2, "section", 1,
"LValue", 0, "/RValue///slashes r1///",
&c, u);
log_info("/* test slashes */");
assert_se(r >= 0);
c1 = c->command_next;
check_execcommand(c1, "/RValue/slashes", "/RValue///slashes", "r1///", NULL, false);
log_info("/* trailing slash */");
r = config_parse_exec(NULL, "fake", 4, "section", 1,
"LValue", 0, "/RValue/ argv0 r1",
&c, u);
assert_se(r == 0);
assert_se(c1->command_next == NULL);
log_info("/* honour_argv0 */");
r = config_parse_exec(NULL, "fake", 3, "section", 1,
"LValue", 0, "@/RValue///slashes2 ///argv0 r1",
&c, u);
assert_se(r >= 0);
c1 = c1->command_next;
check_execcommand(c1, "/RValue/slashes2", "///argv0", "r1", NULL, false);
log_info("/* honour_argv0, no args */");
r = config_parse_exec(NULL, "fake", 3, "section", 1,
"LValue", 0, "@/RValue",
&c, u);
assert_se(r == 0);
assert_se(c1->command_next == NULL);
log_info("/* no command, whitespace only, reset */");
r = config_parse_exec(NULL, "fake", 3, "section", 1,
"LValue", 0, " ",
&c, u);
assert_se(r == 0);
assert_se(c == NULL);
log_info("/* ignore && honour_argv0 */");
r = config_parse_exec(NULL, "fake", 4, "section", 1,
"LValue", 0, "-@/RValue///slashes3 argv0a r1",
&c, u);
assert_se(r >= 0);
c1 = c;
check_execcommand(c1, "/RValue/slashes3", "argv0a", "r1", NULL, true);
log_info("/* ignore && honour_argv0 */");
r = config_parse_exec(NULL, "fake", 4, "section", 1,
"LValue", 0, "@-/RValue///slashes4 argv0b r1",
&c, u);
assert_se(r >= 0);
c1 = c1->command_next;
check_execcommand(c1, "/RValue/slashes4", "argv0b", "r1", NULL, true);
log_info("/* ignore && ignore */");
r = config_parse_exec(NULL, "fake", 4, "section", 1,
"LValue", 0, "--/RValue argv0 r1",
&c, u);
assert_se(r == 0);
assert_se(c1->command_next == NULL);
log_info("/* ignore && ignore (2) */");
r = config_parse_exec(NULL, "fake", 4, "section", 1,
"LValue", 0, "-@-/RValue argv0 r1",
&c, u);
assert_se(r == 0);
assert_se(c1->command_next == NULL);
log_info("/* semicolon */");
r = config_parse_exec(NULL, "fake", 5, "section", 1,
"LValue", 0,
"-@/RValue argv0 r1 ; "
"/goo/goo boo",
&c, u);
assert_se(r >= 0);
c1 = c1->command_next;
check_execcommand(c1, "/RValue", "argv0", "r1", NULL, true);
c1 = c1->command_next;
check_execcommand(c1, "/goo/goo", NULL, "boo", NULL, false);
log_info("/* two semicolons in a row */");
r = config_parse_exec(NULL, "fake", 5, "section", 1,
"LValue", 0,
"-@/RValue argv0 r1 ; ; "
"/goo/goo boo",
&c, u);
assert_se(r >= 0);
c1 = c1->command_next;
check_execcommand(c1, "/RValue", "argv0", "r1", NULL, true);
/* second command fails because the executable name is ";" */
assert_se(c1->command_next == NULL);
log_info("/* trailing semicolon */");
r = config_parse_exec(NULL, "fake", 5, "section", 1,
"LValue", 0,
"-@/RValue argv0 r1 ; ",
&c, u);
assert_se(r >= 0);
c1 = c1->command_next;
check_execcommand(c1, "/RValue", "argv0", "r1", NULL, true);
assert_se(c1->command_next == NULL);
log_info("/* trailing semicolon, no whitespace */");
r = config_parse_exec(NULL, "fake", 5, "section", 1,
"LValue", 0,
"-@/RValue argv0 r1 ;",
&c, u);
assert_se(r >= 0);
c1 = c1->command_next;
check_execcommand(c1, "/RValue", "argv0", "r1", NULL, true);
assert_se(c1->command_next == NULL);
log_info("/* trailing semicolon in single quotes */");
r = config_parse_exec(NULL, "fake", 5, "section", 1,
"LValue", 0,
"-@/RValue argv0 r1 ';'",
&c, u);
assert_se(r >= 0);
c1 = c1->command_next;
check_execcommand(c1, "/RValue", "argv0", "r1", ";", true);
log_info("/* escaped semicolon */");
r = config_parse_exec(NULL, "fake", 5, "section", 1,
"LValue", 0,
"/bin/find \\;",
&c, u);
assert_se(r >= 0);
c1 = c1->command_next;
check_execcommand(c1, "/bin/find", NULL, ";", NULL, false);
log_info("/* escaped semicolon with following arg */");
r = config_parse_exec(NULL, "fake", 5, "section", 1,
"LValue", 0,
"/sbin/find \\; /x",
&c, u);
assert_se(r >= 0);
c1 = c1->command_next;
"/sbin/find", NULL, ";", "/x", false);
log_info("/* escaped semicolon as part of an expression */");
r = config_parse_exec(NULL, "fake", 5, "section", 1,
"LValue", 0,
"/sbin/find \\;x",
&c, u);
assert_se(r >= 0);
c1 = c1->command_next;
"/sbin/find", NULL, "\\;x", NULL, false);
log_info("/* encoded semicolon */");
r = config_parse_exec(NULL, "fake", 5, "section", 1,
"LValue", 0,
"/bin/find \\073",
&c, u);
assert_se(r >= 0);
c1 = c1->command_next;
check_execcommand(c1, "/bin/find", NULL, ";", NULL, false);
log_info("/* quoted semicolon */");
r = config_parse_exec(NULL, "fake", 5, "section", 1,
"LValue", 0,
"/bin/find \";\"",
&c, u);
assert_se(r >= 0);
c1 = c1->command_next;
check_execcommand(c1, "/bin/find", NULL, ";", NULL, false);
log_info("/* quoted semicolon with following arg */");
r = config_parse_exec(NULL, "fake", 5, "section", 1,
"LValue", 0,
"/sbin/find \";\" /x",
&c, u);
assert_se(r >= 0);
c1 = c1->command_next;
"/sbin/find", NULL, ";", "/x", false);
log_info("/* spaces in the filename */");
r = config_parse_exec(NULL, "fake", 5, "section", 1,
"LValue", 0,
"\"/PATH WITH SPACES/daemon\" -1 -2",
&c, u);
assert_se(r >= 0);
c1 = c1->command_next;
"/PATH WITH SPACES/daemon", NULL, "-1", "-2", false);
log_info("/* spaces in the filename, no args */");
r = config_parse_exec(NULL, "fake", 5, "section", 1,
"LValue", 0,
"\"/PATH WITH SPACES/daemon -1 -2\"",
&c, u);
assert_se(r >= 0);
c1 = c1->command_next;
"/PATH WITH SPACES/daemon -1 -2", NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
log_info("/* spaces in the filename, everything quoted */");
r = config_parse_exec(NULL, "fake", 5, "section", 1,
"LValue", 0,
"\"/PATH WITH SPACES/daemon\" \"-1\" '-2'",
&c, u);
assert_se(r >= 0);
c1 = c1->command_next;
"/PATH WITH SPACES/daemon", NULL, "-1", "-2", false);
log_info("/* escaped spaces in the filename */");
r = config_parse_exec(NULL, "fake", 5, "section", 1,
"LValue", 0,
"\"/PATH\\sWITH\\sSPACES/daemon\" '-1 -2'",
&c, u);
assert_se(r >= 0);
c1 = c1->command_next;
"/PATH WITH SPACES/daemon", NULL, "-1 -2", NULL, false);
log_info("/* escaped spaces in the filename (2) */");
r = config_parse_exec(NULL, "fake", 5, "section", 1,
"LValue", 0,
"\"/PATH\\x20WITH\\x20SPACES/daemon\" \"-1 -2\"",
&c, u);
assert_se(r >= 0);
c1 = c1->command_next;
"/PATH WITH SPACES/daemon", NULL, "-1 -2", NULL, false);
for (ccc = "abfnrtv\\\'\"x"; *ccc; ccc++) {
/* \\x is an incomplete hexadecimal sequence, invalid because of the slash */
char path[] = "/path\\X";
path[sizeof(path) - 2] = *ccc;
log_info("/* invalid character: \\%c */", *ccc);
r = config_parse_exec(NULL, "fake", 4, "section", 1,
"LValue", 0, path,
&c, u);
assert_se(r == 0);
assert_se(c1->command_next == NULL);
log_info("/* valid character: \\s */");
r = config_parse_exec(NULL, "fake", 4, "section", 1,
"LValue", 0, "/path\\s",
&c, u);
assert_se(r >= 0);
c1 = c1->command_next;
check_execcommand(c1, "/path ", NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
log_info("/* quoted backslashes */");
r = config_parse_exec(NULL, "fake", 5, "section", 1,
"LValue", 0,
"/bin/grep '\\w+\\K'",
&c, u);
assert_se(r >= 0);
c1 = c1->command_next;
check_execcommand(c1, "/bin/grep", NULL, "\\w+\\K", NULL, false);
log_info("/* trailing backslash: \\ */");
/* backslash is invalid */
r = config_parse_exec(NULL, "fake", 4, "section", 1,
"LValue", 0, "/path\\",
&c, u);
assert_se(r == 0);
assert_se(c1->command_next == NULL);
log_info("/* missing ending ' */");
r = config_parse_exec(NULL, "fake", 4, "section", 1,
"LValue", 0, "/path 'foo",
&c, u);
assert_se(r == 0);
assert_se(c1->command_next == NULL);
log_info("/* missing ending ' with trailing backslash */");
r = config_parse_exec(NULL, "fake", 4, "section", 1,
"LValue", 0, "/path 'foo\\",
&c, u);
assert_se(r == 0);
assert_se(c1->command_next == NULL);
log_info("/* invalid space between modifiers */");
r = config_parse_exec(NULL, "fake", 4, "section", 1,
"LValue", 0, "- /path",
&c, u);
assert_se(r == 0);
assert_se(c1->command_next == NULL);
log_info("/* only modifiers, no path */");
r = config_parse_exec(NULL, "fake", 4, "section", 1,
"LValue", 0, "-",
&c, u);
assert_se(r == 0);
assert_se(c1->command_next == NULL);
log_info("/* empty argument, reset */");
r = config_parse_exec(NULL, "fake", 4, "section", 1,
"LValue", 0, "",
&c, u);
assert_se(r == 0);
assert_se(c == NULL);
#define env_file_1 \
"a=a\n" \
"b=b\\\n" \
"c\n" \
"d=d\\\n" \
"e\\\n" \
"f\n" \
"g=g\\ \n" \
"h=h\n" \
#define env_file_2 \
#define env_file_3 \
"#SPAMD_ARGS=\"-d --socketpath=/var/lib/bulwark/spamd \\\n" \
"#--nouser-config \\\n" \
#define env_file_4 \
"# Generated\n" \
"\n" \
"HWMON_MODULES=\"coretemp f71882fg\"\n" \
"\n" \
"# For compatibility reasons\n" \
"\n" \
"MODULE_0=coretemp\n" \
#define env_file_5 \
"a=\n" \
static void test_load_env_file_1(void) {
_cleanup_strv_free_ char **data = NULL;
int r;
char name[] = "/tmp/test-load-env-file.XXXXXX";
_cleanup_close_ int fd;
fd = mkostemp_safe(name, O_RDWR|O_CLOEXEC);
assert_se(fd >= 0);
assert_se(write(fd, env_file_1, sizeof(env_file_1)) == sizeof(env_file_1));
r = load_env_file(NULL, name, NULL, &data);
assert_se(r == 0);
assert_se(streq(data[0], "a=a"));
assert_se(streq(data[1], "b=bc"));
assert_se(streq(data[2], "d=def"));
assert_se(streq(data[3], "g=g "));
assert_se(streq(data[4], "h=h"));
assert_se(streq(data[5], "i=i"));
assert_se(data[6] == NULL);
static void test_load_env_file_2(void) {
_cleanup_strv_free_ char **data = NULL;
int r;
char name[] = "/tmp/test-load-env-file.XXXXXX";
_cleanup_close_ int fd;
fd = mkostemp_safe(name, O_RDWR|O_CLOEXEC);
assert_se(fd >= 0);
assert_se(write(fd, env_file_2, sizeof(env_file_2)) == sizeof(env_file_2));
r = load_env_file(NULL, name, NULL, &data);
assert_se(r == 0);
assert_se(streq(data[0], "a=a"));
assert_se(data[1] == NULL);
static void test_load_env_file_3(void) {
_cleanup_strv_free_ char **data = NULL;
int r;
char name[] = "/tmp/test-load-env-file.XXXXXX";
_cleanup_close_ int fd;
fd = mkostemp_safe(name, O_RDWR|O_CLOEXEC);
assert_se(fd >= 0);
assert_se(write(fd, env_file_3, sizeof(env_file_3)) == sizeof(env_file_3));
r = load_env_file(NULL, name, NULL, &data);
assert_se(r == 0);
assert_se(data == NULL);
static void test_load_env_file_4(void) {
_cleanup_strv_free_ char **data = NULL;
char name[] = "/tmp/test-load-env-file.XXXXXX";
_cleanup_close_ int fd;
int r;
fd = mkostemp_safe(name, O_RDWR|O_CLOEXEC);
assert_se(fd >= 0);
assert_se(write(fd, env_file_4, sizeof(env_file_4)) == sizeof(env_file_4));
r = load_env_file(NULL, name, NULL, &data);
assert_se(r == 0);
assert_se(streq(data[0], "HWMON_MODULES=coretemp f71882fg"));
assert_se(streq(data[1], "MODULE_0=coretemp"));
assert_se(streq(data[2], "MODULE_1=f71882fg"));
assert_se(data[3] == NULL);
static void test_load_env_file_5(void) {
_cleanup_strv_free_ char **data = NULL;
int r;
char name[] = "/tmp/test-load-env-file.XXXXXX";
_cleanup_close_ int fd;
fd = mkostemp_safe(name, O_RDWR|O_CLOEXEC);
assert_se(fd >= 0);
assert_se(write(fd, env_file_5, sizeof(env_file_5)) == sizeof(env_file_5));
r = load_env_file(NULL, name, NULL, &data);
assert_se(r == 0);
assert_se(streq(data[0], "a="));
assert_se(streq(data[1], "b="));
assert_se(data[2] == NULL);
static void test_install_printf(void) {
char name[] = "name.service",
path[] = "/run/systemd/system/name.service";
UnitFileInstallInfo i = { .name = name, .path = path, };
UnitFileInstallInfo i2 = { .name= name, .path = path, };
char name3[] = "name@inst.service",
path3[] = "/run/systemd/system/name.service";
UnitFileInstallInfo i3 = { .name = name3, .path = path3, };
UnitFileInstallInfo i4 = { .name = name3, .path = path3, };
_cleanup_free_ char *mid = NULL, *bid = NULL, *host = NULL, *uid = NULL, *user = NULL;
assert_se(specifier_machine_id('m', NULL, NULL, &mid) >= 0 && mid);
assert_se(specifier_boot_id('b', NULL, NULL, &bid) >= 0 && bid);
assert_se((host = gethostname_malloc()));
assert_se((user = getusername_malloc()));
assert_se(asprintf(&uid, UID_FMT, getuid()) >= 0);
#define expect(src, pattern, result) \
do { \
_cleanup_free_ char *t = NULL; \
_cleanup_free_ char \
*d1 = strdup(, \
*d2 = strdup(i.path); \
assert_se(install_full_printf(&src, pattern, &t) >= 0 || !result); \
memzero(, strlen(; \
memzero(i.path, strlen(i.path)); \
assert_se(d1 && d2); \
if (result) { \
printf("%s\n", t); \
assert_se(streq(t, result)); \
} else assert_se(t == NULL); \
strcpy(, d1); \
strcpy(i.path, d2); \
} while (false)
expect(i, "%n", "name.service");
expect(i, "%N", "name");
expect(i, "%p", "name");
expect(i, "%i", "");
expect(i, "%u", user);
expect(i, "%U", uid);
expect(i, "%m", mid);
expect(i, "%b", bid);
expect(i, "%H", host);
expect(i2, "%u", user);
expect(i2, "%U", uid);
expect(i3, "%n", "name@inst.service");
expect(i3, "%N", "name@inst");
expect(i3, "%p", "name");
expect(i3, "%u", user);
expect(i3, "%U", uid);
expect(i3, "%m", mid);
expect(i3, "%b", bid);
expect(i3, "%H", host);
expect(i4, "%u", user);
expect(i4, "%U", uid);
static uint64_t make_cap(int cap) {
return ((uint64_t) 1ULL << (uint64_t) cap);
static void test_config_parse_capability_set(void) {
/* int config_parse_capability_set(
const char *unit,
const char *filename,
unsigned line,
const char *section,
unsigned section_line,
const char *lvalue,
int ltype,
const char *rvalue,
void *data,
void *userdata) */
int r;
uint64_t capability_bounding_set = 0;
r = config_parse_capability_set(NULL, "fake", 1, "section", 1,
"CapabilityBoundingSet", 0, "CAP_NET_RAW",
&capability_bounding_set, NULL);
assert_se(r >= 0);
assert_se(capability_bounding_set == make_cap(CAP_NET_RAW));
r = config_parse_capability_set(NULL, "fake", 1, "section", 1,
"CapabilityBoundingSet", 0, "CAP_NET_ADMIN",
&capability_bounding_set, NULL);
assert_se(r >= 0);
assert_se(capability_bounding_set == (make_cap(CAP_NET_RAW) | make_cap(CAP_NET_ADMIN)));
r = config_parse_capability_set(NULL, "fake", 1, "section", 1,
"CapabilityBoundingSet", 0, "",
&capability_bounding_set, NULL);
assert_se(r >= 0);
assert_se(capability_bounding_set == UINT64_C(0));
r = config_parse_capability_set(NULL, "fake", 1, "section", 1,
"CapabilityBoundingSet", 0, "~",
&capability_bounding_set, NULL);
assert_se(r >= 0);
capability_bounding_set = 0;
r = config_parse_capability_set(NULL, "fake", 1, "section", 1,
"CapabilityBoundingSet", 0, " 'CAP_NET_RAW' WAT_CAP??? CAP_NET_ADMIN CAP'_trailing_garbage",
&capability_bounding_set, NULL);
assert_se(r >= 0);
assert_se(capability_bounding_set == (make_cap(CAP_NET_RAW) | make_cap(CAP_NET_ADMIN)));
static void test_config_parse_rlimit(void) {
struct rlimit * rl[_RLIMIT_MAX] = {};
assert_se(config_parse_limit(NULL, "fake", 1, "section", 1, "LimitNOFILE", RLIMIT_NOFILE, "55", rl, NULL) >= 0);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_NOFILE]->rlim_cur == 55);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_NOFILE]->rlim_cur == rl[RLIMIT_NOFILE]->rlim_max);
assert_se(config_parse_limit(NULL, "fake", 1, "section", 1, "LimitNOFILE", RLIMIT_NOFILE, "55:66", rl, NULL) >= 0);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_NOFILE]->rlim_cur == 55);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_NOFILE]->rlim_max == 66);
assert_se(config_parse_limit(NULL, "fake", 1, "section", 1, "LimitNOFILE", RLIMIT_NOFILE, "infinity", rl, NULL) >= 0);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_NOFILE]->rlim_cur == RLIM_INFINITY);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_NOFILE]->rlim_cur == rl[RLIMIT_NOFILE]->rlim_max);
assert_se(config_parse_limit(NULL, "fake", 1, "section", 1, "LimitNOFILE", RLIMIT_NOFILE, "infinity:infinity", rl, NULL) >= 0);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_NOFILE]->rlim_cur == RLIM_INFINITY);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_NOFILE]->rlim_cur == rl[RLIMIT_NOFILE]->rlim_max);
rl[RLIMIT_NOFILE]->rlim_cur = 10;
rl[RLIMIT_NOFILE]->rlim_max = 20;
/* Invalid values don't change rl */
assert_se(config_parse_limit(NULL, "fake", 1, "section", 1, "LimitNOFILE", RLIMIT_NOFILE, "10:20:30", rl, NULL) >= 0);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_NOFILE]->rlim_cur == 10);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_NOFILE]->rlim_max == 20);
assert_se(config_parse_limit(NULL, "fake", 1, "section", 1, "LimitNOFILE", RLIMIT_NOFILE, "wat:wat", rl, NULL) >= 0);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_NOFILE]->rlim_cur == 10);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_NOFILE]->rlim_max == 20);
assert_se(config_parse_limit(NULL, "fake", 1, "section", 1, "LimitNOFILE", RLIMIT_NOFILE, "66:wat", rl, NULL) >= 0);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_NOFILE]->rlim_cur == 10);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_NOFILE]->rlim_max == 20);
assert_se(config_parse_limit(NULL, "fake", 1, "section", 1, "LimitNOFILE", RLIMIT_NOFILE, "200:100", rl, NULL) >= 0);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_NOFILE]->rlim_cur == 10);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_NOFILE]->rlim_max == 20);
assert_se(config_parse_limit(NULL, "fake", 1, "section", 1, "LimitCPU", RLIMIT_CPU, "56", rl, NULL) >= 0);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_CPU]->rlim_cur == 56);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_CPU]->rlim_cur == rl[RLIMIT_CPU]->rlim_max);
assert_se(config_parse_limit(NULL, "fake", 1, "section", 1, "LimitCPU", RLIMIT_CPU, "57s", rl, NULL) >= 0);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_CPU]->rlim_cur == 57);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_CPU]->rlim_cur == rl[RLIMIT_CPU]->rlim_max);
assert_se(config_parse_limit(NULL, "fake", 1, "section", 1, "LimitCPU", RLIMIT_CPU, "40s:1m", rl, NULL) >= 0);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_CPU]->rlim_cur == 40);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_CPU]->rlim_max == 60);
assert_se(config_parse_limit(NULL, "fake", 1, "section", 1, "LimitCPU", RLIMIT_CPU, "infinity", rl, NULL) >= 0);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_CPU]->rlim_cur == RLIM_INFINITY);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_CPU]->rlim_cur == rl[RLIMIT_CPU]->rlim_max);
assert_se(config_parse_limit(NULL, "fake", 1, "section", 1, "LimitCPU", RLIMIT_CPU, "1234ms", rl, NULL) >= 0);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_CPU]->rlim_cur == 2);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_CPU]->rlim_cur == rl[RLIMIT_CPU]->rlim_max);
rl[RLIMIT_CPU] = mfree(rl[RLIMIT_CPU]);
assert_se(config_parse_limit(NULL, "fake", 1, "section", 1, "LimitRTTIME", RLIMIT_RTTIME, "58", rl, NULL) >= 0);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_RTTIME]->rlim_cur == 58);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_RTTIME]->rlim_cur == rl[RLIMIT_RTTIME]->rlim_max);
assert_se(config_parse_limit(NULL, "fake", 1, "section", 1, "LimitRTTIME", RLIMIT_RTTIME, "58:60", rl, NULL) >= 0);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_RTTIME]->rlim_cur == 58);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_RTTIME]->rlim_max == 60);
assert_se(config_parse_limit(NULL, "fake", 1, "section", 1, "LimitRTTIME", RLIMIT_RTTIME, "59s", rl, NULL) >= 0);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_RTTIME]->rlim_cur == 59 * USEC_PER_SEC);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_RTTIME]->rlim_cur == rl[RLIMIT_RTTIME]->rlim_max);
assert_se(config_parse_limit(NULL, "fake", 1, "section", 1, "LimitRTTIME", RLIMIT_RTTIME, "59s:123s", rl, NULL) >= 0);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_RTTIME]->rlim_cur == 59 * USEC_PER_SEC);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_RTTIME]->rlim_max == 123 * USEC_PER_SEC);
assert_se(config_parse_limit(NULL, "fake", 1, "section", 1, "LimitRTTIME", RLIMIT_RTTIME, "infinity", rl, NULL) >= 0);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_RTTIME]->rlim_cur == RLIM_INFINITY);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_RTTIME]->rlim_cur == rl[RLIMIT_RTTIME]->rlim_max);
assert_se(config_parse_limit(NULL, "fake", 1, "section", 1, "LimitRTTIME", RLIMIT_RTTIME, "infinity:infinity", rl, NULL) >= 0);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_RTTIME]->rlim_cur == RLIM_INFINITY);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_RTTIME]->rlim_cur == rl[RLIMIT_RTTIME]->rlim_max);
assert_se(config_parse_limit(NULL, "fake", 1, "section", 1, "LimitRTTIME", RLIMIT_RTTIME, "2345ms", rl, NULL) >= 0);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_RTTIME]->rlim_cur == 2345 * USEC_PER_MSEC);
assert_se(rl[RLIMIT_RTTIME]->rlim_cur == rl[RLIMIT_RTTIME]->rlim_max);
static void test_config_parse_pass_environ(void) {
/* int config_parse_pass_environ(
const char *unit,
const char *filename,
unsigned line,
const char *section,
unsigned section_line,
const char *lvalue,
int ltype,
const char *rvalue,
void *data,
void *userdata) */
int r;
_cleanup_strv_free_ char **passenv = NULL;
r = config_parse_pass_environ(NULL, "fake", 1, "section", 1,
"PassEnvironment", 0, "A B",
&passenv, NULL);
assert_se(r >= 0);
assert_se(strv_length(passenv) == 2);
assert_se(streq(passenv[0], "A"));
assert_se(streq(passenv[1], "B"));
r = config_parse_pass_environ(NULL, "fake", 1, "section", 1,
"PassEnvironment", 0, "",
&passenv, NULL);
assert_se(r >= 0);
r = config_parse_pass_environ(NULL, "fake", 1, "section", 1,
"PassEnvironment", 0, "'invalid name' 'normal_name' A=1 \\",
&passenv, NULL);
assert_se(r >= 0);
assert_se(strv_length(passenv) == 1);
assert_se(streq(passenv[0], "normal_name"));
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int r;
r = test_unit_file_get_set();
return r;