Lennart Poettering b997d1115b cryptsetup: read PKCS#11 key and token info from LUKS2 metadata
Optionally, embedd PKCS#11 token URI and encrypted key in LUKS2 JSON
metadata header. That way it becomes very easy to unlock properly set up
PKCS#11-enabled LUKS2 volumes, a simple /etc/crypttab line like the
following suffices:

    mytest /dev/disk/by-partuuid/41c1df55-e628-4dbb-8492-bc69d81e172e - pkcs11-uri=auto

Such a line declares that unlocking via PKCS#11 shall be attempted, and
the token URI and the encrypted key shall be read from the LUKS2 header.
An external key file for the encrypted PKCS#11 key is hence no longer
necessary, nor is specifying the precise URI to use.
2020-12-17 19:59:24 +01:00

51 lines
3.2 KiB

/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
#pragma once
#include "json.h"
#include "macro.h"
#include <libcryptsetup.h>
extern int (*sym_crypt_activate_by_passphrase)(struct crypt_device *cd, const char *name, int keyslot, const char *passphrase, size_t passphrase_size, uint32_t flags);
extern int (*sym_crypt_activate_by_signed_key)(struct crypt_device *cd, const char *name, const char *volume_key, size_t volume_key_size, const char *signature, size_t signature_size, uint32_t flags);
extern int (*sym_crypt_activate_by_volume_key)(struct crypt_device *cd, const char *name, const char *volume_key, size_t volume_key_size, uint32_t flags);
extern int (*sym_crypt_deactivate_by_name)(struct crypt_device *cd, const char *name, uint32_t flags);
extern int (*sym_crypt_format)(struct crypt_device *cd, const char *type, const char *cipher, const char *cipher_mode, const char *uuid, const char *volume_key, size_t volume_key_size, void *params);
extern void (*sym_crypt_free)(struct crypt_device *cd);
extern const char *(*sym_crypt_get_dir)(void);
extern int (*sym_crypt_get_verity_info)(struct crypt_device *cd, struct crypt_params_verity *vp);
extern int (*sym_crypt_init)(struct crypt_device **cd, const char *device);
extern int (*sym_crypt_init_by_name)(struct crypt_device **cd, const char *name);
extern int (*sym_crypt_keyslot_add_by_volume_key)(struct crypt_device *cd, int keyslot, const char *volume_key, size_t volume_key_size, const char *passphrase, size_t passphrase_size);
extern int (*sym_crypt_load)(struct crypt_device *cd, const char *requested_type, void *params);
extern int (*sym_crypt_resize)(struct crypt_device *cd, const char *name, uint64_t new_size);
extern int (*sym_crypt_set_data_device)(struct crypt_device *cd, const char *device);
extern void (*sym_crypt_set_debug_level)(int level);
extern void (*sym_crypt_set_log_callback)(struct crypt_device *cd, void (*log)(int level, const char *msg, void *usrptr), void *usrptr);
extern int (*sym_crypt_set_pbkdf_type)(struct crypt_device *cd, const struct crypt_pbkdf_type *pbkdf);
extern int (*sym_crypt_token_json_get)(struct crypt_device *cd, int token, const char **json);
extern int (*sym_crypt_token_json_set)(struct crypt_device *cd, int token, const char *json);
extern int (*sym_crypt_volume_key_get)(struct crypt_device *cd, int keyslot, char *volume_key, size_t *volume_key_size, const char *passphrase, size_t passphrase_size);
int dlopen_cryptsetup(void);
DEFINE_TRIVIAL_CLEANUP_FUNC(struct crypt_device *, crypt_free);
DEFINE_TRIVIAL_CLEANUP_FUNC(struct crypt_device *, sym_crypt_free);
void cryptsetup_enable_logging(struct crypt_device *cd);
int cryptsetup_set_minimal_pbkdf(struct crypt_device *cd);
int cryptsetup_get_token_as_json(struct crypt_device *cd, int idx, const char *verify_type, JsonVariant **ret);
int cryptsetup_get_keyslot_from_token(JsonVariant *v);
int cryptsetup_add_token_json(struct crypt_device *cd, JsonVariant *v);
/* Stolen from cryptsetup's sources. We use to iterate through all tokens defined for a volume. Ideally, we'd
* be able to query this via some API, but there appears to be none currently in libcryptsetup. */
#define LUKS2_TOKENS_MAX 32