Lennart Poettering 5f7ecd610c import: drop logic of setting up /var/lib/machines as btrfs loopback mount
Let's simplify things and drop the logic that /var/lib/machines is setup
as auto-growing btrfs loopback file /var/lib/machines.raw.

THis was done in order to make quota available for machine management,
but quite frankly never really worked properly, as we couldn't grow the
file system in sync with its use properly. Moreover philosophically it's
problematic overriding the admin's choice of file system like this.

Let's hence drop this, and simplify things. Deleting code is a good

Now that regular file systems provide project quota we could probably
add per-machine quota support based on that, hence the btrfs quota
argument is not that interesting anymore (though btrfs quota is a bit
more powerful as it allows recursive quota, i.e. that the machine pool
gets an overall quota in addition to per-machine quota).
2018-11-26 18:09:01 +01:00

94 lines
2.4 KiB

/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1+ */
#pragma once
#include <gcrypt.h>
#include "curl-util.h"
#include "import-compress.h"
#include "macro.h"
typedef struct PullJob PullJob;
typedef void (*PullJobFinished)(PullJob *job);
typedef int (*PullJobOpenDisk)(PullJob *job);
typedef int (*PullJobHeader)(PullJob *job, const char *header, size_t sz);
typedef void (*PullJobProgress)(PullJob *job);
typedef enum PullJobState {
PULL_JOB_ANALYZING, /* Still reading into ->payload, to figure out what we have */
PULL_JOB_RUNNING, /* Writing to destination */
} PullJobState;
typedef enum VerificationStyle {
VERIFICATION_PER_FILE, /* SuSE-style ".sha256" files with inline signature */
VERIFICATION_PER_DIRECTORY, /* Ubuntu-style SHA256SUM files with detach SHA256SUM.gpg signatures */
} VerificationStyle;
struct PullJob {
PullJobState state;
int error;
char *url;
void *userdata;
PullJobFinished on_finished;
PullJobOpenDisk on_open_disk;
PullJobHeader on_header;
PullJobProgress on_progress;
CurlGlue *glue;
CURL *curl;
struct curl_slist *request_header;
char *etag;
char **old_etags;
bool etag_exists;
uint64_t content_length;
uint64_t written_compressed;
uint64_t written_uncompressed;
uint64_t uncompressed_max;
uint64_t compressed_max;
uint8_t *payload;
size_t payload_size;
size_t payload_allocated;
int disk_fd;
usec_t mtime;
ImportCompress compress;
unsigned progress_percent;
usec_t start_usec;
usec_t last_status_usec;
bool allow_sparse;
bool calc_checksum;
gcry_md_hd_t checksum_context;
char *checksum;
VerificationStyle style;
int pull_job_new(PullJob **job, const char *url, CurlGlue *glue, void *userdata);
PullJob* pull_job_unref(PullJob *job);
int pull_job_begin(PullJob *j);
void pull_job_curl_on_finished(CurlGlue *g, CURL *curl, CURLcode result);
DEFINE_TRIVIAL_CLEANUP_FUNC(PullJob*, pull_job_unref);