Lennart Poettering dd480f7835 copy: optionally, reproduce hardlinks from source in destination
This is useful for duplicating trees that contain hardlinks: we keep
track of potential hardlinks and try to reproduce them within the
destination tree. (We do not hardlink between source and destination!).

This is useful for trees like ostree images which heavily use hardlinks
and which are otherwise exploded into separate copies of all files when
we duplicate the trees.
2020-09-09 20:21:29 +02:00

324 lines
11 KiB

/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1+ */
#include <sys/xattr.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "alloc-util.h"
#include "copy.h"
#include "fd-util.h"
#include "fileio.h"
#include "fs-util.h"
#include "hexdecoct.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "macro.h"
#include "mkdir.h"
#include "path-util.h"
#include "rm-rf.h"
#include "string-util.h"
#include "strv.h"
#include "tests.h"
#include "tmpfile-util.h"
#include "user-util.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "xattr-util.h"
static void test_copy_file(void) {
_cleanup_free_ char *buf = NULL;
char fn[] = "/tmp/test-copy_file.XXXXXX";
char fn_copy[] = "/tmp/test-copy_file.XXXXXX";
size_t sz = 0;
int fd;
log_info("%s", __func__);
fd = mkostemp_safe(fn);
assert_se(fd >= 0);
fd = mkostemp_safe(fn_copy);
assert_se(fd >= 0);
assert_se(write_string_file(fn, "foo bar bar bar foo", WRITE_STRING_FILE_CREATE) == 0);
assert_se(copy_file(fn, fn_copy, 0, 0644, 0, 0, COPY_REFLINK) == 0);
assert_se(read_full_file(fn_copy, &buf, &sz) == 0);
assert_se(streq(buf, "foo bar bar bar foo\n"));
assert_se(sz == 20);
static void test_copy_file_fd(void) {
char in_fn[] = "/tmp/test-copy-file-fd-XXXXXX";
char out_fn[] = "/tmp/test-copy-file-fd-XXXXXX";
_cleanup_close_ int in_fd = -1, out_fd = -1;
const char *text = "boohoo\nfoo\n\tbar\n";
char buf[64] = {};
log_info("%s", __func__);
in_fd = mkostemp_safe(in_fn);
assert_se(in_fd >= 0);
out_fd = mkostemp_safe(out_fn);
assert_se(out_fd >= 0);
assert_se(write_string_file(in_fn, text, WRITE_STRING_FILE_CREATE) == 0);
assert_se(copy_file_fd("/a/file/which/does/not/exist/i/guess", out_fd, COPY_REFLINK) < 0);
assert_se(copy_file_fd(in_fn, out_fd, COPY_REFLINK) >= 0);
assert_se(lseek(out_fd, SEEK_SET, 0) == 0);
assert_se(read(out_fd, buf, sizeof buf) == (ssize_t) strlen(text));
assert_se(streq(buf, text));
static void test_copy_tree(void) {
char original_dir[] = "/tmp/test-copy_tree/";
char copy_dir[] = "/tmp/test-copy_tree-copy/";
char **files = STRV_MAKE("file", "dir1/file", "dir1/dir2/file", "dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4/dir5/file");
char **symlinks = STRV_MAKE("link", "file",
"link2", "dir1/file");
char **hardlinks = STRV_MAKE("hlink", "file",
"hlink2", "dir1/file");
const char *unixsockp;
char **p, **ll;
struct stat st;
int xattr_worked = -1; /* xattr support is optional in temporary directories, hence use it if we can,
* but don't fail if we can't */
log_info("%s", __func__);
(void) rm_rf(copy_dir, REMOVE_ROOT|REMOVE_PHYSICAL);
(void) rm_rf(original_dir, REMOVE_ROOT|REMOVE_PHYSICAL);
STRV_FOREACH(p, files) {
_cleanup_free_ char *f, *c;
int k;
assert_se(f = path_join(original_dir, *p));
assert_se(mkdir_parents(f, 0755) >= 0);
assert_se(write_string_file(f, "file", WRITE_STRING_FILE_CREATE) == 0);
assert_se(base64mem(*p, strlen(*p), &c) >= 0);
k = setxattr(f, "user.testxattr", c, strlen(c), 0);
assert_se(xattr_worked < 0 || ((k >= 0) == !!xattr_worked));
xattr_worked = k >= 0;
STRV_FOREACH_PAIR(ll, p, symlinks) {
_cleanup_free_ char *f, *l;
assert_se(f = path_join(original_dir, *p));
assert_se(l = path_join(original_dir, *ll));
assert_se(mkdir_parents(l, 0755) >= 0);
assert_se(symlink(f, l) == 0);
STRV_FOREACH_PAIR(ll, p, hardlinks) {
_cleanup_free_ char *f, *l;
assert_se(f = path_join(original_dir, *p));
assert_se(l = path_join(original_dir, *ll));
assert_se(mkdir_parents(l, 0755) >= 0);
assert_se(link(f, l) == 0);
unixsockp = strjoina(original_dir, "unixsock");
assert_se(mknod(unixsockp, S_IFSOCK|0644, 0) >= 0);
assert_se(copy_tree(original_dir, copy_dir, UID_INVALID, GID_INVALID, COPY_REFLINK|COPY_MERGE|COPY_HARDLINKS) == 0);
STRV_FOREACH(p, files) {
_cleanup_free_ char *buf, *f, *c = NULL;
size_t sz;
int k;
assert_se(f = path_join(copy_dir, *p));
assert_se(access(f, F_OK) == 0);
assert_se(read_full_file(f, &buf, &sz) == 0);
assert_se(streq(buf, "file\n"));
k = getxattr_malloc(f, "user.testxattr", &c, false);
assert_se(xattr_worked < 0 || ((k >= 0) == !!xattr_worked));
if (k >= 0) {
_cleanup_free_ char *d = NULL;
assert_se(base64mem(*p, strlen(*p), &d) >= 0);
assert_se(streq(d, c));
STRV_FOREACH_PAIR(ll, p, symlinks) {
_cleanup_free_ char *target, *f, *l;
assert_se(f = strjoin(original_dir, *p));
assert_se(l = strjoin(copy_dir, *ll));
assert_se(chase_symlinks(l, NULL, 0, &target, NULL) == 1);
assert_se(path_equal(f, target));
STRV_FOREACH_PAIR(ll, p, hardlinks) {
_cleanup_free_ char *f, *l;
struct stat a, b;
assert_se(f = strjoin(copy_dir, *p));
assert_se(l = strjoin(copy_dir, *ll));
assert_se(lstat(f, &a) >= 0);
assert_se(lstat(l, &b) >= 0);
assert_se(a.st_ino == b.st_ino);
assert_se(a.st_dev == b.st_dev);
unixsockp = strjoina(copy_dir, "unixsock");
assert_se(stat(unixsockp, &st) >= 0);
assert_se(copy_tree(original_dir, copy_dir, UID_INVALID, GID_INVALID, COPY_REFLINK) < 0);
assert_se(copy_tree("/tmp/inexistent/foo/bar/fsdoi", copy_dir, UID_INVALID, GID_INVALID, COPY_REFLINK) < 0);
(void) rm_rf(copy_dir, REMOVE_ROOT|REMOVE_PHYSICAL);
(void) rm_rf(original_dir, REMOVE_ROOT|REMOVE_PHYSICAL);
static void test_copy_bytes(void) {
_cleanup_close_pair_ int pipefd[2] = {-1, -1};
_cleanup_close_ int infd = -1;
int r, r2;
char buf[1024], buf2[1024];
infd = open("/usr/lib/os-release", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC);
if (infd < 0)
infd = open("/etc/os-release", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC);
assert_se(infd >= 0);
assert_se(pipe2(pipefd, O_CLOEXEC) == 0);
r = copy_bytes(infd, pipefd[1], (uint64_t) -1, 0);
assert_se(r == 0);
r = read(pipefd[0], buf, sizeof(buf));
assert_se(r >= 0);
assert_se(lseek(infd, 0, SEEK_SET) == 0);
r2 = read(infd, buf2, sizeof(buf2));
assert_se(r == r2);
assert_se(strneq(buf, buf2, r));
/* test copy_bytes with invalid descriptors */
r = copy_bytes(pipefd[0], pipefd[0], 1, 0);
assert_se(r == -EBADF);
r = copy_bytes(pipefd[1], pipefd[1], 1, 0);
assert_se(r == -EBADF);
r = copy_bytes(pipefd[1], infd, 1, 0);
assert_se(r == -EBADF);
static void test_copy_bytes_regular_file(const char *src, bool try_reflink, uint64_t max_bytes) {
char fn2[] = "/tmp/test-copy-file-XXXXXX";
char fn3[] = "/tmp/test-copy-file-XXXXXX";
_cleanup_close_ int fd = -1, fd2 = -1, fd3 = -1;
int r;
struct stat buf, buf2, buf3;
log_info("%s try_reflink=%s max_bytes=%" PRIu64, __func__, yes_no(try_reflink), max_bytes);
fd = open(src, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC | O_NOCTTY);
assert_se(fd >= 0);
fd2 = mkostemp_safe(fn2);
assert_se(fd2 >= 0);
fd3 = mkostemp_safe(fn3);
assert_se(fd3 >= 0);
r = copy_bytes(fd, fd2, max_bytes, try_reflink ? COPY_REFLINK : 0);
if (max_bytes == (uint64_t) -1)
assert_se(r == 0);
assert_se(IN_SET(r, 0, 1));
assert_se(fstat(fd, &buf) == 0);
assert_se(fstat(fd2, &buf2) == 0);
assert_se((uint64_t) buf2.st_size == MIN((uint64_t) buf.st_size, max_bytes));
if (max_bytes < (uint64_t) -1)
/* Make sure the file is now higher than max_bytes */
assert_se(ftruncate(fd2, max_bytes + 1) == 0);
assert_se(lseek(fd2, 0, SEEK_SET) == 0);
r = copy_bytes(fd2, fd3, max_bytes, try_reflink ? COPY_REFLINK : 0);
if (max_bytes == (uint64_t) -1)
assert_se(r == 0);
/* We cannot distinguish between the input being exactly max_bytes
* or longer than max_bytes (without trying to read one more byte,
* or calling stat, or FION_READ, etc, and we don't want to do any
* of that). So we expect "truncation" since we know that file we
* are copying is exactly max_bytes bytes. */
assert_se(r == 1);
assert_se(fstat(fd3, &buf3) == 0);
if (max_bytes == (uint64_t) -1)
assert_se(buf3.st_size == buf2.st_size);
assert_se((uint64_t) buf3.st_size == max_bytes);
static void test_copy_atomic(void) {
_cleanup_(rm_rf_physical_and_freep) char *p = NULL;
const char *q;
int r;
assert_se(mkdtemp_malloc(NULL, &p) >= 0);
q = strjoina(p, "/fstab");
r = copy_file_atomic("/etc/fstab", q, 0644, 0, 0, COPY_REFLINK);
assert_se(copy_file_atomic("/etc/fstab", q, 0644, 0, 0, COPY_REFLINK) == -EEXIST);
assert_se(copy_file_atomic("/etc/fstab", q, 0644, 0, 0, COPY_REPLACE) >= 0);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
test_copy_bytes_regular_file(argv[0], false, (uint64_t) -1);
test_copy_bytes_regular_file(argv[0], true, (uint64_t) -1);
test_copy_bytes_regular_file(argv[0], false, 1000); /* smaller than copy buffer size */
test_copy_bytes_regular_file(argv[0], true, 1000);
test_copy_bytes_regular_file(argv[0], false, 32000); /* larger than copy buffer size */
test_copy_bytes_regular_file(argv[0], true, 32000);
return 0;