Systemd/klibc/klibc/arch/alpha/setjmp.S a41a0e28c2 [PATCH] added klibc version 0.82 (cvs tree) to the udev tree.
Not hooked up to the build yet.
2005-04-26 21:05:23 -07:00

78 lines
1.1 KiB

# setjmp.S
# The jmp_buf looks like:
# s0..5
# fp
# ra
# gp
# sp
#include <machine/asm.h>
.align 3
.type setjmp,@function
.ent setjmp, 0
.globl setjmp
lda v0, 0(zero)
stq s0, 0(a0)
stq s1, 8(a0)
stq s2, 16(a0)
stq s3, 24(a0)
stq s4, 32(a0)
stq s5, 40(a0)
stq fp, 48(a0)
stq ra, 56(a0)
stq gp, 64(a0)
stq sp, 72(a0)
stt f2, 80(a0)
stt f3, 88(a0)
stt f4, 96(a0)
stt f5, 104(a0)
stt f6, 112(a0)
stt f7, 120(a0)
stt f8, 128(a0)
stt f9, 136(a0)
ret zero,(ra),1
.size setjmp,.-setjmp
.end setjmp
.type longjmp,@function
.ent longjmp, 0
.globl longjmp
mov a1, v0
ldq s0, 0(a0)
ldq s1, 8(a0)
ldq s2, 16(a0)
ldq s3, 24(a0)
ldq s4, 32(a0)
ldq s5, 40(a0)
ldq fp, 48(a0)
ldq ra, 56(a0)
ldq gp, 64(a0)
ldq sp, 72(a0)
ldt f2, 80(a0)
ldt f3, 88(a0)
ldt f4, 96(a0)
ldt f5, 104(a0)
ldt f6, 112(a0)
ldt f7, 120(a0)
ldt f8, 128(a0)
ldt f9, 136(a0)
/* We're bound to get a mispredict here, but at least give us
a chance to get the return stack back in sync... */
ret zero,(ra),1
.size longjmp,.-longjmp
.end longjmp