Yu Watanabe d6a2a0f9a7 network: drop list of static address labels
[IPv6AddressLabel] sections are managed by both LIST and Hashmap.
Let's drop list, as they store the completely same information.
2020-10-07 02:44:42 +09:00

38 lines
931 B

/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1+ */
#pragma once
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "conf-parser.h"
#include "in-addr-util.h"
typedef struct AddressLabel AddressLabel;
#include "networkd-link.h"
#include "networkd-network.h"
#include "networkd-util.h"
typedef struct Network Network;
typedef struct Link Link;
typedef struct NetworkConfigSection NetworkConfigSection;
struct AddressLabel {
Network *network;
NetworkConfigSection *section;
unsigned char prefixlen;
uint32_t label;
union in_addr_union in_addr;
void address_label_free(AddressLabel *label);
DEFINE_NETWORK_SECTION_FUNCTIONS(AddressLabel, address_label_free);
int address_label_configure(AddressLabel *address, Link *link, link_netlink_message_handler_t callback, bool update);