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{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
2018-04-07 21:02:50 +02:00
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
2018-04-07 21:02:50 +02:00
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
2018-04-07 21:02:50 +02:00
module Nix.Eval where
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Align.Key
import Data.Fix
import Data.HashMap.Lazy (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as M
2018-05-03 00:07:30 +02:00
import Data.List (partition, foldl')
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, catMaybes)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.These
import Data.Traversable (for)
import Nix.Atoms
import Nix.Convert
import Nix.Expr
import Nix.Frames
import Nix.Scope
import Nix.Strings (runAntiquoted)
import Nix.Thunk
2018-04-07 21:02:50 +02:00
import Nix.Utils
class (Show v, Monad m) => MonadEval v m | v -> m where
freeVariable :: Text -> m v
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attrMissing :: NonEmpty Text -> Maybe v -> m v
evaledSym :: Text -> v -> m v
evalCurPos :: m v
evalConstant :: NAtom -> m v
evalString :: NString (m v) -> m v
evalLiteralPath :: FilePath -> m v
evalEnvPath :: FilePath -> m v
evalUnary :: NUnaryOp -> v -> m v
evalBinary :: NBinaryOp -> v -> m v -> m v
-- ^ The second argument is an action because operators such as boolean &&
-- and || may not evaluate the second argument.
evalWith :: m v -> m v -> m v
evalIf :: v -> m v -> m v -> m v
evalAssert :: v -> m v -> m v
evalApp :: v -> m v -> m v
evalAbs :: Params (m v)
-> (forall a. m v -> (AttrSet (m v) -> m v -> m (a, v)) -> m (a, v))
-> m v
evalSelect :: v -> NonEmpty Text -> Maybe (m v) -> m v
evalHasAttr :: v -> NonEmpty Text -> m v
-- | This and the following methods are intended to allow things like
-- adding provenance information.
evalListElem :: [m v] -> Int -> m v -> m v
evalList :: [t] -> m v
evalSetElem :: AttrSet (m v) -> Text -> m v -> m v
evalSet :: AttrSet t -> AttrSet SourcePos -> m v
evalRecSetElem :: AttrSet (m v) -> Text -> m v -> m v
evalRecSet :: AttrSet t -> AttrSet SourcePos -> m v
evalLetElem :: Text -> m v -> m v
evalLet :: m v -> m v
evalError :: Exception s => s -> m a
type MonadNixEval e v t m =
(MonadEval v m,
Scoped e t m,
MonadThunk v t m,
MonadFix m,
ToValue Bool m v,
ToValue [t] m v,
FromValue (Text, DList Text) m v,
ToValue (AttrSet t, AttrSet SourcePos) m v,
FromValue (AttrSet t, AttrSet SourcePos) m v)
data EvalFrame m v
= EvaluatingExpr (Scopes m v) NExprLoc
| ForcingExpr (Scopes m v) NExprLoc
deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance (Typeable m, Typeable v) => Exception (EvalFrame m v)
eval :: forall e v t m. MonadNixEval e v t m => NExprF (m v) -> m v
eval (NSym "__curPos") = evalCurPos
eval (NSym var) =
lookupVar var >>= maybe (freeVariable var) (force ?? evaledSym var)
eval (NConstant x) = evalConstant x
eval (NStr str) = evalString str
eval (NLiteralPath p) = evalLiteralPath p
eval (NEnvPath p) = evalEnvPath p
eval (NUnary op arg) = evalUnary op =<< arg
eval (NBinary NApp fun arg) = do
scope <- currentScopes @_ @t
evalApp ?? withScopes scope arg =<< fun
eval (NBinary op larg rarg) = larg >>= \lval -> evalBinary op lval rarg
eval (NSelect aset attr alt) = do
traceM "NSelect"
mres <- evalSelect aset attr
traceM "NSelect..2"
case mres of
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Right v -> v
2018-05-03 00:07:30 +02:00
Left (s, ks) -> fromMaybe (attrMissing ks (Just s)) alt
eval (NHasAttr aset attr) =
toValue . either (const False) (const True) =<< evalSelect aset attr
eval (NList l) = do
scope <- currentScopes
toValue =<< for l (thunk . withScopes @t scope)
eval (NSet binds) = do
traceM "NSet..1"
(s, p) <- evalBinds True False binds
traceM $ "NSet..2: s = " ++ show (void s)
traceM $ "NSet..2: p = " ++ show (void p)
toValue (s, p)
eval (NRecSet binds) = do
traceM "NRecSet..1"
(s, p) <- evalBinds True True (desugarBinds (eval . NRecSet) binds)
traceM $ "NRecSet..2: s = " ++ show (void s)
traceM $ "NRecSet..2: p = " ++ show (void p)
toValue (s, p)
eval (NLet binds body) = do
traceM "Let..1"
(s, _) <- evalBinds True True binds
traceM $ "Let..2: s = " ++ show (void s)
pushScope s body
eval (NIf cond t f) = cond >>= \v -> evalIf v t f
eval (NWith scope body) = evalWith scope body
eval (NAssert cond body) = cond >>= evalAssert ?? body
eval (NAbs params body) = do
-- It is the environment at the definition site, not the call site, that
-- needs to be used when evaluating the body and default arguments, hence
-- we defer here so the present scope is restored when the parameters and
-- body are forced during application.
scope <- currentScopes @_ @t
evalAbs params $ \arg k ->
withScopes @t scope $ do
args <- buildArgument params arg
pushScope args (k ( (`force` pure) args) body)
-- | If you know that the 'scope' action will result in an 'AttrSet t', then
-- this implementation may be used as an implementation for 'evalWith'.
evalWithAttrSet :: forall e v t m. MonadNixEval e v t m => m v -> m v -> m v
evalWithAttrSet scope body = do
-- The scope is deliberately wrapped in a thunk here, since it is
-- evaluated each time a name is looked up within the weak scope, and
-- we want to be sure the action it evaluates is to force a thunk, so
-- its value is only computed once.
cur <- currentScopes @_ @t
s <- thunk $ withScopes cur scope
pushWeakScope ?? body $ force s $
fmap fst . fromValue @(AttrSet t, AttrSet SourcePos)
attrSetAlter :: forall e v t m. MonadNixEval e v t m
=> [Text]
-> AttrSet (m v)
-> m v
-> m (AttrSet (m v))
attrSetAlter [] _ _ =
evalError @v $ ErrorCall "invalid selector with no components"
attrSetAlter (p:ps) m val = case M.lookup p m of
| null ps -> go
| otherwise -> recurse M.empty
Just x
| null ps -> go
| otherwise ->
x >>= fromValue @(AttrSet t, AttrSet SourcePos)
>>= \(s, _) -> recurse (force ?? pure <$> s)
go = return $ M.insert p val m
recurse s = attrSetAlter ps s val <&> \m' ->
M.insert p (toValue @(AttrSet t, AttrSet SourcePos)
=<< fmap (, mempty)
(fmap (value @_ @_ @m) <$> sequence m')) m
desugarBinds :: forall r. ([Binding r] -> r) -> [Binding r] -> [Binding r]
desugarBinds embed binds = evalState (mapM (go <=< collect) binds) M.empty
collect :: Binding r
-> State (HashMap VarName (Maybe SourcePos, [Binding r]))
(Either VarName (Binding r))
collect (NamedVar (StaticKey x p:|y:ys) val) = do
m <- get
let v = case M.lookup x m of
Nothing -> (p, [NamedVar (y:|ys) val])
Just (p, v) -> (p, NamedVar (y:|ys) val : v)
put $ M.insert x v m
pure $ Left x
collect x = pure $ Right x
go :: Either VarName (Binding r)
-> State (HashMap VarName (Maybe SourcePos, [Binding r]))
(Binding r)
go (Right x) = pure x
go (Left x) = do
Just (p, v) <- gets $ M.lookup x
pure $ NamedVar (StaticKey x p :| []) (embed v)
evalBinds :: forall e v t m. MonadNixEval e v t m
=> Bool
-> Bool
-> [Binding (m v)]
-> m (AttrSet t, AttrSet SourcePos)
evalBinds allowDynamic recursive binds = do
scope <- currentScopes @_ @t
buildResult scope . concat =<< mapM (go scope) (moveOverridesLast binds)
moveOverridesLast = (\(x, y) -> y ++ x) .
partition (\case NamedVar (StaticKey "__overrides" _ :| []) _ -> True
_ -> False)
go :: Scopes m t -> Binding (m v) -> m [([Text], Maybe SourcePos, m v)]
go _ (NamedVar (StaticKey "__overrides" _ :| []) finalValue) =
finalValue >>= fromValue >>= \(o', p') ->
return $ map (\(k, v) -> ([k], M.lookup k p', force v pure))
(M.toList o')
go _ (NamedVar pathExpr finalValue) = do
let go :: NAttrPath (m v) -> m ([Text], Maybe SourcePos, m v)
go = \case
h :| t -> evalSetterKeyName allowDynamic h >>= \case
(Nothing, _) ->
pure ([], Nothing,
toValue @(AttrSet t, AttrSet SourcePos)
(mempty, mempty))
(Just k, pos) -> case t of
[] -> pure ([k], pos, finalValue)
x:xs -> do
(restOfPath, _, v) <- go (x:|xs)
pure (k : restOfPath, pos, v)
go pathExpr <&> \case
-- When there are no path segments, e.g. `${null} = 5;`, we don't
-- bind anything
([], _, _) -> []
result -> [result]
go scope (Inherit ms names) = fmap catMaybes $ forM names $ \name ->
evalSetterKeyName allowDynamic name >>= \case
(Nothing, _) -> return Nothing
(Just key, pos) -> return $ Just ([key], pos, do
mv <- case ms of
Nothing -> withScopes scope $ lookupVar key
Just s -> s
>>= fromValue @(AttrSet t, AttrSet SourcePos)
>>= \(s, _) ->
clearScopes @t $ pushScope s $ lookupVar key
case mv of
2018-05-03 00:07:30 +02:00
Nothing -> attrMissing (key :| []) Nothing
Just v -> force v pure)
buildResult :: Scopes m t
-> [([Text], Maybe SourcePos, m v)]
-> m (AttrSet t, AttrSet SourcePos)
buildResult scope bindings = do
s <- foldM insert M.empty bindings
res <- if recursive
then loebM (encapsulate <$> s)
else traverse (thunk . withScopes scope) s
return (res, foldl' go M.empty bindings)
go m ([k], Just pos, _) = M.insert k pos m
go m _ = m
encapsulate f attrs =
thunk . withScopes scope . pushScope attrs $ f
insert m (path, _, value) = attrSetAlter path m value
evalSelect :: forall e v t m. MonadNixEval e v t m
=> m v
-> NAttrPath (m v)
2018-04-25 10:10:25 +02:00
-> m (Either (v, NonEmpty Text) (m v))
evalSelect aset attr = do
traceM "evalSelect"
s <- aset
traceM "evalSelect..2"
path <- evalSelector True attr
traceM $ "evalSelect..3: " ++ show path
res <- extract s path
traceM "evalSelect..4"
return res
extract x path@(k:|ks) = fromValueMay x >>= \case
Just (s :: AttrSet t, p :: AttrSet SourcePos) ->
case M.lookup k s of
2018-04-25 10:10:25 +02:00
Just t -> do
traceM $ "Forcing value at selector " ++ Text.unpack k
2018-04-25 10:10:25 +02:00
case ks of
[] -> pure $ Right $ force t pure
y:ys -> force t $ extract ?? (y:|ys)
Nothing ->
Left . (, path) <$> toValue (s, p)
Nothing ->
return $ Left (x, path)
evalSelector :: (MonadEval v m, FromValue (Text, DList Text) m v)
=> Bool -> NAttrPath (m v) -> m (NonEmpty Text)
evalSelector allowDynamic binds = fst <$> traverse (evalGetterKeyName allowDynamic) binds
-- | Evaluate a component of an attribute path in a context where we are
-- *retrieving* a value
evalGetterKeyName :: (MonadEval v m, FromValue (Text, DList Text) m v)
=> Bool -> NKeyName (m v) -> m (Text, Maybe SourcePos)
evalGetterKeyName canBeDynamic
| canBeDynamic = evalKeyNameDynamicNotNull
| otherwise = evalKeyNameStatic
evalKeyNameStatic :: forall v m. MonadEval v m
=> NKeyName (m v) -> m (Text, Maybe SourcePos)
evalKeyNameStatic = \case
StaticKey k p -> pure (k, p)
DynamicKey _ ->
evalError @v $ ErrorCall "dynamic attribute not allowed in this context"
:: forall v m. (MonadEval v m, FromValue (Text, DList Text) m v)
=> NKeyName (m v) -> m (Text, Maybe SourcePos)
evalKeyNameDynamicNotNull = evalKeyNameDynamicNullable >=> \case
(Nothing, _) ->
evalError @v $ ErrorCall "value is null while a string was expected"
(Just k, p) -> pure (k, p)
-- | Evaluate a component of an attribute path in a context where we are
-- *binding* a value
evalSetterKeyName :: (MonadEval v m, FromValue (Text, DList Text) m v)
=> Bool -> NKeyName (m v) -> m (Maybe Text, Maybe SourcePos)
evalSetterKeyName canBeDynamic
| canBeDynamic = evalKeyNameDynamicNullable
| otherwise = fmap (first Just) . evalKeyNameStatic
-- | Returns Nothing iff the key value is null
:: forall v m. (MonadEval v m, FromValue (Text, DList Text) m v)
=> NKeyName (m v)
-> m (Maybe Text, Maybe SourcePos)
evalKeyNameDynamicNullable = \case
StaticKey k p -> pure (Just k, p)
DynamicKey k ->
runAntiquoted "\n" assembleString (>>= fromValueMay) k
<&> \case Just (t, _) -> (Just t, Nothing)
_ -> (Nothing, Nothing)
assembleString :: forall v m. (MonadEval v m, FromValue (Text, DList Text) m v)
=> NString (m v) -> m (Maybe (Text, DList Text))
assembleString = \case
Indented _ parts -> fromParts parts
DoubleQuoted parts -> fromParts parts
go = runAntiquoted "\n" (pure . Just . (, mempty)) (>>= fromValueMay)
fromParts parts = fmap mconcat . sequence <$> mapM go parts
buildArgument :: forall e v t m. MonadNixEval e v t m
=> Params (m v) -> m v -> m (AttrSet t)
buildArgument params arg = do
scope <- currentScopes @_ @t
case params of
Param name -> M.singleton name
<$> thunk (withScopes scope arg)
ParamSet s isVariadic m ->
arg >>= fromValue @(AttrSet t, AttrSet SourcePos)
>>= \(args, _) -> do
let inject = case m of
Nothing -> id
Just n -> M.insert n $ const $
thunk (withScopes scope arg)
loebM (inject $ alignWithKey (assemble scope isVariadic)
args (M.fromList s))
assemble :: Scopes m t
-> Bool
-> Text
-> These t (Maybe (m v))
-> AttrSet t
-> m t
assemble scope isVariadic k = \case
That Nothing ->
const $ evalError @v $ ErrorCall $
"Missing value for parameter: " ++ show k
That (Just f) -> \args ->
thunk $ withScopes scope $ pushScope args f
This x | isVariadic -> const (pure x)
| otherwise ->
const $ evalError @v $ ErrorCall $
"Unexpected parameter: " ++ show k
These x _ -> const (pure x)
addSourcePositions :: (MonadReader e m, Has e SrcSpan)
=> Transform NExprLocF (m a)
addSourcePositions f v@(Fix (Compose (Ann ann _))) =
local (set hasLens ann) (f v)
:: forall t e m a. (Scoped e t m, Framed e m, Typeable t, Typeable m)
=> Transform NExprLocF (m a)
addStackFrames f v = do
scopes <- currentScopes @e @t
withFrame Info (EvaluatingExpr scopes v) (f v)
:: forall t e v m.
(MonadNixEval e v t m, Framed e m, Has e SrcSpan,
Typeable t, Typeable m)
=> NExprLoc -> m v
framedEvalExprLoc = adi (eval . annotated . getCompose)
(addStackFrames @t . addSourcePositions)