Finish implementation of cycle detection during normalization

This commit is contained in:
John Wiegley 2018-08-10 17:50:07 -04:00
parent f0b6b6b223
commit 0613d1d604
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: C144D8F4F19FE630
7 changed files with 78 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Fix
import Data.Foldable (foldrM)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as M
@ -600,7 +599,7 @@ seq_ a b = a >> b
deepSeq :: MonadNix e m => m (NValue m) -> m (NValue m) -> m (NValue m)
deepSeq a b = do
-- We evaluate 'a' only for its effects, so data cycles are ignored.
_ <- normalFormBy (forceEffects . coerce . _baseThunk) 0 =<< a
normalForm_ =<< a
-- Then we evaluate the other argument to deepseq, thus this function
-- should always produce a result (unlike applying 'deepseq' on infinitely

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@ -508,7 +508,8 @@ instance Convertible e m => FromNix (HashMap Text (NThunk m), HashMap Text Sourc
instance (Convertible e m, MonadEffects m, MonadThunk (NValue m) (NThunk m) m) => FromNix A.Value m (NValueNF m) where
instance (Convertible e m, MonadEffects m,
MonadThunk (NValue m) (NThunk m) m) => FromNix A.Value m (NValue m) where
MonadThunk (NValue m) (NThunk m) m)
=> FromNix A.Value m (NValue m) where
fromNixMay = fromNixMay <=< normalForm
fromNix = fromNix <=< normalForm

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@ -476,6 +476,7 @@ newtype Lazy m a = Lazy
instance MonadIO m => MonadVar (Lazy m) where
type Var (Lazy m) = IORef
eqVar = (==)
newVar = liftIO . newIORef
readVar = liftIO . readIORef
writeVar = (liftIO .) . writeIORef

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@ -14,7 +14,11 @@ module Nix.Normal where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Free
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as M
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Nix.Atoms
@ -32,35 +36,65 @@ instance Typeable m => Exception (NormalLoop m)
:: forall e m. (Framed e m, MonadVar m, Typeable m)
=> (forall r. NThunk m -> (NValue m -> m r) -> m r)
=> (forall r. NThunk m -> (NValue m -> StateT [Var m Bool] m r)
-> StateT [Var m Bool] m r)
-> Int
-> NValue m
-> m (NValueNF m)
normalFormBy k n v = do
-- doc <- prettyNValue v
-- traceM $ show n ++ ": normalFormBy: " ++ show doc
if n > 2000
then return $ Pure v
else case v of
NVConstant a -> return $ Free $ NVConstantF a
NVStr t s -> return $ Free $ NVStrF t s
NVList l ->
fmap (Free . NVListF) $ forM (zip [0..] l) $ \(i :: Int, t) -> do
traceM $ show n ++ ": normalFormBy: List[" ++ show i ++ "]"
t `k` normalFormBy k (succ n)
NVSet s p ->
fmap (Free . flip NVSetF p) $ sequence $ flip M.mapWithKey s $ \ky t -> do
traceM $ show n ++ ": normalFormBy: Set{" ++ show ky ++ "}"
t `k` normalFormBy k (succ n)
NVClosure p f -> return $ Free $ NVClosureF p f
NVPath fp -> return $ Free $ NVPathF fp
NVBuiltin name f -> return $ Free $ NVBuiltinF name f
_ -> error "Pattern synonyms mask complete matches"
-> StateT [Var m Bool] m (NValueNF m)
normalFormBy k n v = case v of
NVConstant a -> return $ Free $ NVConstantF a
NVStr t s -> return $ Free $ NVStrF t s
NVList l ->
fmap (Free . NVListF) $ forM (zip [0..] l) $ \(i :: Int, t) -> do
traceM $ show n ++ ": normalFormBy: List[" ++ show i ++ "]"
k t (next t)
NVSet s p ->
fmap (Free . flip NVSetF p) $ sequence $ flip M.mapWithKey s $ \ky t -> do
traceM $ show n ++ ": normalFormBy: Set{" ++ show ky ++ "}"
k t (next t)
NVClosure p f -> return $ Free $ NVClosureF p f
NVPath fp -> return $ Free $ NVPathF fp
NVBuiltin name f -> return $ Free $ NVBuiltinF name f
_ -> error "Pattern synonyms mask complete matches"
next t val = do
b <- seen t
if b
then return $ Pure val
else normalFormBy k (succ n) val
normalForm :: (Framed e m, MonadVar m, Typeable m,
seen (NThunk _ (Thunk _ b _)) = do
res <- gets (isJust . find (eqVar @m b))
unless res $
modify (b:)
return res
seen _ = pure False
normalForm' :: forall e m. (Framed e m, MonadVar m, Typeable m,
MonadThunk (NValue m) (NThunk m) m)
=> (forall r. NThunk m -> (NValue m -> m r) -> m r)
-> NValue m -> m (NValueNF m)
normalForm' f = flip evalStateT mempty . normalFormBy go 0
go :: NThunk m
-> (NValue m -> StateT [Var m Bool] m r)
-> StateT [Var m Bool] m r
go t k = do
s <- get
(res, s') <- lift $ f t $ \v -> runStateT (k v) s
put s'
return res
normalForm :: forall e m. (Framed e m, MonadVar m, Typeable m,
MonadThunk (NValue m) (NThunk m) m)
=> NValue m -> m (NValueNF m)
normalForm = normalFormBy force 0
normalForm = normalForm' force
:: forall e m. (Framed e m, MonadVar m, Typeable m,
MonadThunk (NValue m) (NThunk m) m)
=> NValue m -> m ()
normalForm_ = void . normalForm' (forceEffects . _baseThunk)
embed :: forall m. (MonadThunk (NValue m) (NThunk m) m)
=> NValueNF m -> m (NValue m)

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ data Deferred m v = Deferred (m v) | Computed v
class Monad m => MonadVar m where
type Var m :: * -> *
eqVar :: Var m a -> Var m a -> Bool
newVar :: a -> m (Var m a)
readVar :: Var m a -> m a
writeVar :: Var m a -> a -> m ()

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@ -305,11 +305,12 @@ binops u1 = \case
instance MonadVar (Infer s) where
type Var (Infer s) = STRef s
eqVar = (==)
newVar x = Infer $ lift $ lift $ lift $ newSTRef x
readVar x = Infer $ lift $ lift $ lift $ readSTRef x
writeVar x y = Infer $ lift $ lift $ lift $ writeSTRef x y
atomicModifyVar x f = Infer $ lift $ lift $ lift $ do
newVar x = Infer . lift . lift . lift $ newSTRef x
readVar x = Infer . lift . lift . lift $ readSTRef x
writeVar x y = Infer . lift . lift . lift $ writeSTRef x y
atomicModifyVar x f = Infer . lift . lift . lift $ do
res <- snd . f <$> readSTRef x
_ <- modifySTRef x (fst . f)
return res

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@ -181,8 +181,8 @@ instance Eq (NValue m) where
NVConstant (NInt x) == NVConstant (NFloat y) = fromInteger x == y
NVConstant (NInt x) == NVConstant (NInt y) = x == y
NVConstant (NFloat x) == NVConstant (NFloat y) = x == y
NVStr x _ == NVStr y _ = x < y
NVPath x == NVPath y = x < y
NVStr x _ == NVStr y _ = x == y
NVPath x == NVPath y = x == y
_ == _ = False
instance Ord (NValue m) where
@ -190,8 +190,8 @@ instance Ord (NValue m) where
NVConstant (NInt x) <= NVConstant (NFloat y) = fromInteger x <= y
NVConstant (NInt x) <= NVConstant (NInt y) = x <= y
NVConstant (NFloat x) <= NVConstant (NFloat y) = x <= y
NVStr x _ <= NVStr y _ = x < y
NVPath x <= NVPath y = x < y
NVStr x _ <= NVStr y _ = x <= y
NVPath x <= NVPath y = x <= y
_ <= _ = False
checkComparable :: (Framed e m, Typeable m) => NValue m -> NValue m -> m ()
@ -323,9 +323,11 @@ instance Show (NThunk m) where
show (NThunk _ _) = "<thunk>"
instance Eq1 (NValueF m) where
liftEq _ (NVConstantF x) (NVConstantF y) = x == y
liftEq _ (NVStrF x _) (NVStrF y _) = x == y
liftEq _ (NVPathF x) (NVPathF y) = x == y
liftEq _ (NVConstantF x) (NVConstantF y) = x == y
liftEq _ (NVStrF x _) (NVStrF y _) = x == y
liftEq eq (NVListF x) (NVListF y) = liftEq eq x y
liftEq eq (NVSetF x _) (NVSetF y _) = liftEq eq x y
liftEq _ (NVPathF x) (NVPathF y) = x == y
liftEq _ _ _ = False
instance Show1 (NValueF m) where