Reduce the number of places where top-level forms are tried

This can be significant, since failing to parse a lambda requires a lot of
backtracking, especially in the case where it was actually just a set.
This commit is contained in:
John Wiegley 2018-04-10 10:11:55 -07:00
parent a96b433471
commit 36772456bb
2 changed files with 98 additions and 71 deletions

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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import Data.Char (isAlpha, isDigit, isSpace)
import Data.Functor
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as M
import Data.Text hiding (map)
import Data.Text hiding (map, empty)
import Nix.Expr hiding (($>))
import Nix.Parser.Library
import Nix.Parser.Operators
@ -27,22 +27,15 @@ import Text.Megaparsec.Expr
nixExpr :: Parser NExpr
nixExpr = stripAnnotation <$> nixExprLoc
-- | The lexer for this parser is defined in 'Nix.Parser.Library'.
nixExprLoc :: Parser NExprLoc
nixExprLoc = whiteSpace *> (nixToplevelForm <|> exprParser)
exprParser :: Parser NExprLoc
exprParser = makeExprParser nixTerm $ map (map snd) (nixOperators nixSelector)
nixExprLoc = makeExprParser nixTerm $ map (map snd) (nixOperators nixSelector)
antiStart :: Parser Text
antiStart = try (symbol "${") <?> show ("${" :: String)
nixAntiquoted :: Parser a -> Parser (Antiquoted a NExprLoc)
nixAntiquoted p =
Antiquoted <$> (antiStart *> nixExprLoc <* symbol "}")
Antiquoted <$> (antiStart *> nixToplevelForm <* symbol "}")
<|> Plain <$> p
<?> "anti-quotation"
@ -66,52 +59,84 @@ nixSelector = annotateLocation $ keyName `sepBy1` selDot
-- #define DEBUG_PARSER 1
-- | A self-contained unit.
nixTerm :: Parser NExprLoc
nixTerm = nixSelect $ choice
[ dbg "Parens" nixParens
, dbg "Set" nixSet
, dbg "List" nixList
, dbg "SPath" nixSPath
, dbg "StringExpr" nixStringExpr
, dbg "Path" nixPath
, dbg "Uri" nixUri
, dbg "Float" nixFloat
, dbg "Int" nixInt
, dbg "Bool" nixBool
, dbg "Null" nixNull
, dbg "Sym" nixSym ]
nixTerm = nixSelect $ do
c <- dbg "lookAhead" $ try $ lookAhead $ satisfy $ \x ->
pathChar x ||
x == '(' ||
x == '{' ||
x == '[' ||
x == '<' ||
x == '"' ||
x == '\''
case c of
'(' -> dbg "Parens" nixParens
'{' -> dbg "Set" nixSet
'[' -> dbg "List" nixList
'<' -> dbg "SPath" nixSPath
'"' -> dbg "StringExpr" nixStringExpr
'\'' -> dbg "StringExpr" nixStringExpr
_ -> choice $
[ dbg "Path" nixPath | pathChar c ] ++
[ dbg "Uri" nixUri | isAlpha c ] ++
(if isDigit c then [ dbg "Float" nixFloat
, dbg "Int" nixInt ] else []) ++
[ dbg "Bool" nixBool | c == 'b' ] ++
[ dbg "Null" nixNull | c == 'n' ] ++
[ dbg "Sym" nixSym ]
nixToplevelForm :: Parser NExprLoc
nixToplevelForm = choice
[ dbg "Let" nixLet
, dbg "If" nixIf
, dbg "Assert" nixAssert
, dbg "With" nixWith
, dbg "Lambda" nixLambda ]
nixToplevelForm = keywords <|> dbg "Lambda" nixLambda <|> nixExprLoc
keywords = do
word <- dbg "keywords" $ try $ lookAhead $ some letterChar <* satisfy reservedEnd
case word of
"let" -> dbg "Let" nixLet
"if" -> dbg "If" nixIf
"assert" -> dbg "Assert" nixAssert
"with" -> dbg "With" nixWith
_ -> empty
nixTerm :: Parser NExprLoc
nixTerm = nixSelect $ choice
[ nixParens
, nixSet
, nixList
, nixSPath
, nixStringExpr
, nixPath
, nixUri
, nixFloat
, nixInt
, nixBool
, nixNull
, nixSym ]
nixTerm = nixSelect $ do
c <- try $ lookAhead $ satisfy $ \x ->
pathChar x ||
x == '(' ||
x == '{' ||
x == '[' ||
x == '<' ||
x == '/' ||
x == '"' ||
x == '\''
case c of
'(' -> nixParens
'{' -> nixSet
'[' -> nixList
'<' -> nixSPath
'/' -> nixPath
'"' -> nixStringExpr
'\'' -> nixStringExpr
_ -> choice $
[ nixSet | c == 'r' ] ++
[ nixPath | pathChar c ] ++
[ nixUri | isAlpha c ] ++
(if isDigit c then [ nixFloat
, nixInt ] else []) ++
[ nixBool | c == 't' || c == 'f' ] ++
[ nixNull | c == 'n' ] ++
[ nixSym ]
nixToplevelForm :: Parser NExprLoc
nixToplevelForm = choice
[ nixLet
, nixIf
, nixAssert
, nixWith
, nixLambda ]
nixToplevelForm = keywords <|> nixLambda <|> nixExprLoc
keywords = do
word <- try $ lookAhead $ some letterChar <* satisfy reservedEnd
case word of
"let" -> nixLet
"if" -> nixIf
"assert" -> nixAssert
"with" -> nixWith
_ -> empty
nixSym :: Parser NExprLoc
@ -134,7 +159,7 @@ nixNull = annotateLocation1
<?> "null")
nixParens :: Parser NExprLoc
nixParens = parens nixExprLoc <?> "parens"
nixParens = parens nixToplevelForm <?> "parens"
nixList :: Parser NExprLoc
nixList = annotateLocation1 (brackets (NList <$> many nixTerm) <?> "list")
@ -167,7 +192,7 @@ nixLet = annotateLocation1 (reserved "let"
letBinders = NLet
<$> nixBinders
<*> (reserved "in" *> nixExprLoc)
<*> (reserved "in" *> nixToplevelForm)
-- Let expressions `let {..., body = ...}' are just desugared
-- into `(rec {..., body = ...}).body'.
letBody = (\x pos -> NSelect x [StaticKey "body" (Just pos)] Nothing)
@ -177,24 +202,24 @@ nixLet = annotateLocation1 (reserved "let"
nixIf :: Parser NExprLoc
nixIf = annotateLocation1 (NIf
<$> (reserved "if" *> nixExprLoc)
<*> (reserved "then" *> nixExprLoc)
<*> (reserved "else" *> nixExprLoc)
<*> (reserved "then" *> nixToplevelForm)
<*> (reserved "else" *> nixToplevelForm)
<?> "if")
nixAssert :: Parser NExprLoc
nixAssert = annotateLocation1 (NAssert
<$> (reserved "assert" *> nixExprLoc)
<*> (semi *> nixExprLoc)
<*> (semi *> nixToplevelForm)
<?> "assert")
nixWith :: Parser NExprLoc
nixWith = annotateLocation1 (NWith
<$> (reserved "with" *> nixExprLoc)
<*> (semi *> nixExprLoc)
<$> (reserved "with" *> nixToplevelForm)
<*> (semi *> nixToplevelForm)
<?> "with")
nixLambda :: Parser NExprLoc
nixLambda = nAbs <$> annotateLocation (try argExpr) <*> nixExprLoc
nixLambda = nAbs <$> annotateLocation (try argExpr) <*> nixToplevelForm
nixStringExpr :: Parser NExprLoc
nixStringExpr = nStr <$> annotateLocation nixString
@ -233,7 +258,7 @@ nixString = lexeme (doubleQuoted <|> indented <?> "string")
<|> try (indentedQ *> ("''" <$ char '\'' <|> "$" <$ char '$'))
stringChar end escStart esc = esc
<|> Antiquoted <$> (antiStart *> nixExprLoc <* char '}')
<|> Antiquoted <$> (antiStart *> nixToplevelForm <* char '}')
-- ^ don't skip trailing space
<|> Plain . singleton <$> char '$'
<|> Plain . pack <$> some plainChar
@ -283,7 +308,7 @@ argExpr = choice [atLeft, onlyname, atRight] <* symbol ":" where
-- Could be nothing, in which just return what we have so far.
option (acc, False) $ do
-- Get an argument name and an optional default.
pair <- liftA2 (,) identifier (optional $ question *> nixExprLoc)
pair <- liftA2 (,) identifier (optional $ question *> nixToplevelForm)
-- Either return this, or attempt to get a comma and restart.
option (acc ++ [pair], False) $ comma >> go (acc ++ [pair])
@ -293,9 +318,9 @@ nixBinders = (inherit <|> namedVar) `endBy` semi where
<*> many keyName
<?> "inherited binding"
namedVar = NamedVar <$> (annotated <$> nixSelector)
<*> (equals *> nixExprLoc)
<*> (equals *> nixToplevelForm)
<?> "variable binding"
scope = parens nixExprLoc <?> "inherit scope"
scope = parens nixToplevelForm <?> "inherit scope"
keyName :: Parser (NKeyName NExprLoc)
keyName = dynamicKey <|> staticKey where
@ -310,13 +335,15 @@ nixSet = annotateLocation1 ((isRec <*> braces nixBinders) <?> "set") where
<|> pure NSet
parseNixFile :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m (Result NExpr)
parseNixFile = parseFromFileEx $ nixExpr <* eof
parseNixFile =
parseFromFileEx $ stripAnnotation <$> (whiteSpace *> nixToplevelForm <* eof)
parseNixFileLoc :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m (Result NExprLoc)
parseNixFileLoc = parseFromFileEx $ nixExprLoc <* eof
parseNixFileLoc = parseFromFileEx (whiteSpace *> nixToplevelForm <* eof)
parseNixText :: Text -> Result NExpr
parseNixText = parseFromText $ nixExpr <* eof
parseNixText =
parseFromText $ stripAnnotation <$> (whiteSpace *> nixToplevelForm <* eof)
parseNixTextLoc :: Text -> Result NExprLoc
parseNixTextLoc = parseFromText $ nixExprLoc <* eof
parseNixTextLoc = parseFromText (whiteSpace *> nixToplevelForm <* eof)

View file

@ -35,15 +35,15 @@ lexeme p = p <* whiteSpace
symbol = lexeme . string
reservedEnd :: Char -> Bool
reservedEnd x = isSpace x || x == '{' || x == '(' ||
x == ';' || x == ':' ||
x == '"' || x == '\''
reserved :: Text -> Parser ()
reserved n = lexeme $ try $ do
_ <- string n <* lookAhead (satisfy endMarker)
_ <- string n <* lookAhead (satisfy reservedEnd)
return ()
endMarker x =
isSpace x || x == '{' || x == '(' ||
x == ';' || x == ':' ||
x == '"' || x == '\''
opStart :: Parser Char
opStart = satisfy $ \x ->