Switch to a Parsec expression table

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John Wiegley 2014-07-01 03:11:26 -05:00
parent be1434726a
commit 682f039023
4 changed files with 79 additions and 50 deletions

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@ -1 +1,2 @@

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@ -17,17 +17,16 @@ import qualified Prelude
import Prelude hiding (elem)
nixApp :: Parser NExpr
nixApp = go <$> some (whiteSpace *> nixExpr True)
nixApp = go <$> someTill (whiteSpace *> nixExpr True)
(try (lookAhead (char ';')))
go [] = error "some has failed us"
go [x] = x
go (f:xs) = Fix (NApp f (go xs))
nixExpr :: Bool -> Parser NExpr
nixExpr allowLambdas =
buildExpressionParser table (nixTerm allowLambdas) <?> "expression"
table :: OperatorTable Parser NExpr
nixExpr = buildExpressionParser table . nixTerm
table =
[ [ prefix "-" NNeg ]
, [ binary "++" NConcat AssocRight ]
@ -45,7 +44,7 @@ nixExpr allowLambdas =
-- Postfix (pure (Fix . NOper . fun) <* symbol name)
nixTerm :: Bool -> Parser NExpr
nixTerm allowLambdas = choice
nixTerm allowLambdas = trace "in nixTerm" (return ()) >> choice
[ nixInt
, nixBool
, nixNull
@ -67,12 +66,12 @@ nixNull :: Parser NExpr
nixNull = string "null" *> pure mkNull <?> "null"
nixParens :: Parser NExpr
nixParens = between (symbolic '(') (symbolic ')') nixApp <?> "parens"
nixParens = parens nixApp <?> "parens"
nixList :: Parser NExpr
nixList = between (symbolic '[') (symbolic ']')
(Fix . NList <$> many (nixTerm False))
<?> "list"
nixList = do
trace "in nixList" $ return ()
brackets (Fix . NList <$> many (nixTerm False)) <?> "list"
nixPath :: Parser NExpr
nixPath = try $ do
@ -112,9 +111,8 @@ symName = do
stringish :: Parser NExpr
= (char '"' *>
(merge <$> manyTill stringChar (char '"')))
<|> (char '$' *> between (symbolic '{') (symbolic '}') nixApp)
= (char '"' *> (merge <$> manyTill stringChar (char '"')))
<|> (char '$' *> braces nixApp)
merge = foldl1' (\x y -> Fix (NOper (NConcat x y)))
@ -126,18 +124,25 @@ stringish
oneChar = mkStr . singleton <$> anyChar
argExpr :: Parser NExpr
argExpr = (Fix . NArgSet . Map.fromList <$> argList)
<|> ((mkSym <$> symName) <?> "argname")
argExpr = do
trace "in argExpr" $ return ()
(Fix . NArgSet . Map.fromList <$> argList)
<|> ((mkSym <$> symName) <?> "argname")
argList = between (symbolic '{') (symbolic '}')
((argName <* whiteSpace) `sepBy` symbolic ',')
<?> "arglist"
argList = do
trace "in argList" $ return ()
braces ((argName <* trace "FOO" whiteSpace) `sepBy` trace "BAR" (symbolic ','))
<?> "arglist"
argName = (,) <$> (symName <* whiteSpace)
<*> optional (symbolic '?' *> nixTerm False)
argName = do
trace "in argName" $ return ()
(,) <$> (symName <* whiteSpace)
<*> optional (symbolic '?' *> nixExpr False)
nvPair :: Parser (NExpr, NExpr)
nvPair = (,) <$> keyName <*> (symbolic '=' *> nixApp)
nvPair = do
trace "in nvPair" $ return ()
(,) <$> keyName <*> (symbolic '=' *> nixApp)
keyName :: Parser NExpr
keyName = (stringish <|> (mkSym <$> symName)) <* whiteSpace
@ -153,9 +158,8 @@ setOrArgs = do
else try (lookAhead lookaheadForSet)
trace ("Do we have a set: " ++ show haveSet) $ return ()
if haveSet
then between (symbolic '{') (symbolic '}')
(Fix . NSet sawRec <$> nvPair `endBy` symbolic ';')
<?> "set"
then braces (Fix . NSet sawRec <$> nvPair `endBy` symbolic ';')
<?> "set"
else do
trace "parsing arguments" $ return ()
args <- argExpr <?> "arguments"
@ -169,7 +173,8 @@ lookaheadForSet = do
x <- (symbolic '{' *> return True) <|> return False
if not x then return x else do
y <- (keyName *> return True) <|> return False
if not y then return y else
if not y then return y else do
trace "still in lookaheadForSet" $ return ()
(symbolic '=' *> return True) <|> return False
parseNixFile :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m (Result NExpr)

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@ -1,27 +1,43 @@
module Nix.Parser.Library
module Text.Parsec
, module Text.Parsec.Expr
, module Text.Parsec.Text
module Text.Trifecta
, module Text.Parser.Expression
, module Text.Parser.LookAhead
module Nix.Parser.Library ( module Nix.Parser.Library, module X ) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Text.IO
import Text.Parsec hiding ((<|>), many, optional)
import Text.Parsec.Expr
import Text.Parsec.Text
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen (Doc, text)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Text.IO as T
import Text.Parsec as X hiding ((<|>), many, optional)
import Text.Parsec.Expr as X
import Text.Parsec.Text as X
import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as P
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen as X (Doc, text)
lexer :: Stream s m Char => P.GenTokenParser s u m
lexer = P.makeTokenParser P.LanguageDef
{ P.commentStart = "/*"
, P.commentEnd = "*/"
, P.commentLine = "#"
, P.nestedComments = True
, P.identStart = letter <|> char '_'
, P.identLetter = alphaNum <|> char '_'
, P.opStart = oneOf ":!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~"
, P.opLetter = oneOf "@"
, P.reservedNames = []
, P.reservedOpNames = []
, P.caseSensitive = True
parens :: Parser a -> Parser a
parens = P.parens lexer
brackets :: Parser a -> Parser a
brackets = P.brackets lexer
braces :: Parser a -> Parser a
braces = P.braces lexer
symbol :: String -> Parser String
symbol str = string str <* whiteSpace
@ -33,7 +49,7 @@ decimal :: Parser Integer
decimal = read <$> some digit
whiteSpace :: Parser ()
whiteSpace = spaces
whiteSpace = P.whiteSpace lexer
data Result a = Success a
| Failure Doc
@ -41,12 +57,19 @@ data Result a = Success a
parseFromFileEx :: MonadIO m => Parser a -> FilePath -> m (Result a)
parseFromFileEx p path =
(either (Failure . text . show) Success . parse p path)
`liftM` liftIO (readFile path)
`liftM` liftIO (T.readFile path)
import Text.Parser.Expression
import Text.Parser.LookAhead
import Text.Trifecta
import Text.Parser.Expression as X
import Text.Parser.LookAhead as X
import Text.Parser.Token as X
import Text.Trifecta as X
someTill :: Parser a -> Parser end -> Parser [a]
someTill p end = go *> scan
go = do { x <- p; xs <- scan; return (x:xs) }
scan = (end *> return []) <|> go

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{ cabal, parsers, trifecta, text, ansiWlPprint, parsec, transformers
, useParsec ? false
, useParsec ? true
cabal.mkDerivation (self: rec {