Drop some dead code

This commit is contained in:
John Wiegley 2018-03-28 15:00:02 -07:00
parent cce4118452
commit 7affd66a25

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@ -302,30 +302,6 @@ tracingExprEval =
putStrLn $ "Evaluating: " ++ show x
k v
exprEvalIO :: NExpr -> IO (Context NValue)
exprEvalIO =
fmap (runIdentity . snd) . adiM @() (pure <$> eval) psi
psi :: (Fix NExprF -> IO ((), Identity (Context NValue)))
-> Fix NExprF -> IO ((), Identity (Context NValue))
psi k v@(Fix (NApp fun x)) = do
((), Identity fun) <- k fun
((), Identity arg) <- k x
case (fun, arg) of
(Fix (NVBuiltin "import" g), Fix (NVLiteralPath path)) -> do
eres <- parseNixFile path
case eres of
Failure err ->
error $ "Import of " ++ path ++ " failed: " ++ show err
Success expr -> k expr
(Fix (NVFunction params f), _) ->
return $ f (buildArgument params arg)
(Fix (NVBuiltin _ f), _) -> return $ f arg
(_, _) -> error "Attempt to call non-function"
psi k v = k v
evalString :: Monad m => NString (m (NValue m)) -> m (NValue m)
evalString nstr = do
let fromParts parts = do