Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into pending

This commit is contained in:
John Wiegley 2018-09-07 13:16:28 -07:00
commit 833851392d
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: C144D8F4F19FE630
6 changed files with 114 additions and 62 deletions

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@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LazyText
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as Builder
import Data.These (fromThese)
import qualified Data.Time.Clock.POSIX as Time
import Data.Traversable (mapM)
import Data.Traversable (for, mapM)
import Nix.Atoms
import Nix.Convert
import Nix.Effects
@ -234,6 +234,7 @@ builtinsList = sequence [
, add2 Normal "lessThan" lessThan
, add Normal "listToAttrs" listToAttrs
, add2 TopLevel "map" map_
, add2 TopLevel "mapAttrs" mapAttrs_
, add2 Normal "match" match_
, add2 Normal "mul" mul_
, add0 Normal "null" (return $ nvConstant NNull)
@ -292,27 +293,32 @@ builtinsList = sequence [
-- Primops
foldNixPath :: forall e m r. MonadNix e m
=> (FilePath -> Maybe String -> r -> m r) -> r -> m r
=> (FilePath -> Maybe String -> NixPathEntryType -> r -> m r) -> r -> m r
foldNixPath f z = do
mres <- lookupVar @_ @(NThunk m) "__includes"
dirs <- case mres of
Nothing -> return []
Just v -> fromNix @[Text] v
menv <- getEnvVar "NIX_PATH"
foldrM go z $ dirs ++ case menv of
foldrM go z $ map fromInclude dirs ++ case menv of
Nothing -> []
Just str -> Text.splitOn ":" (Text.pack str)
Just str -> uriAwareSplit (Text.pack str)
go x rest = case Text.splitOn "=" x of
[p] -> f (Text.unpack p) Nothing rest
[n, p] -> f (Text.unpack p) (Just (Text.unpack n)) rest
fromInclude x
| "://" `Text.isInfixOf` x = (x, PathEntryURI)
| otherwise = (x, PathEntryPath)
go (x, ty) rest = case Text.splitOn "=" x of
[p] -> f (Text.unpack p) Nothing ty rest
[n, p] -> f (Text.unpack p) (Just (Text.unpack n)) ty rest
_ -> throwError $ ErrorCall $ "Unexpected entry in NIX_PATH: " ++ show x
nixPath :: MonadNix e m => m (NValue m)
nixPath = fmap nvList $ flip foldNixPath [] $ \p mn rest ->
nixPath = fmap nvList $ flip foldNixPath [] $ \p mn ty rest ->
pure $ valueThunk
(flip nvSet mempty $ M.fromList
[ ("path", valueThunk $ nvPath p)
[ case ty of
PathEntryPath -> ("path", valueThunk $ nvPath p)
PathEntryURI -> ("uri", valueThunk $ nvStr (Text.pack p) mempty)
, ("prefix", valueThunk $
nvStr (Text.pack (fromMaybe "" mn)) mempty) ]) : rest
@ -569,6 +575,17 @@ map_ fun xs = fun >>= \f ->
. (f `callFunc`) . force')
<=< fromValue @[NThunk m] $ xs
mapAttrs_ :: forall e m. MonadNix e m
=> m (NValue m) -> m (NValue m) -> m (NValue m)
mapAttrs_ fun xs = fun >>= \f ->
fromValue @(AttrSet (NThunk m)) xs >>= \aset -> do
let pairs = M.toList aset
values <- for pairs $ \(key, value) ->
thunk $
withFrame Debug (ErrorCall "While applying f in mapAttrs:\n") $
callFunc ?? force' value =<< callFunc f (pure (nvStr key mempty))
toNix . M.fromList . zip (map fst pairs) $ values
filter_ :: forall e m. MonadNix e m => m (NValue m) -> m (NValue m) -> m (NValue m)
filter_ fun xs = fun >>= \f ->
toNix <=< filterM (fromValue <=< callFunc f . force')
@ -1011,43 +1028,6 @@ exec_ xs = do
xs <- traverse (fromValue @Text . force') ls
exec (map Text.unpack xs)
fetchTarball :: forall e m. MonadNix e m => m (NValue m) -> m (NValue m)
fetchTarball v = v >>= \case
NVSet s _ -> case M.lookup "url" s of
Nothing -> throwError $ ErrorCall
"builtins.fetchTarball: Missing url attribute"
Just url -> force url $ go (M.lookup "sha256" s)
v@NVStr {} -> go Nothing v
v -> throwError $ ErrorCall $
"builtins.fetchTarball: Expected URI or set, got " ++ show v
go :: Maybe (NThunk m) -> NValue m -> m (NValue m)
go msha = \case
NVStr uri _ -> fetch uri msha
v -> throwError $ ErrorCall $
"builtins.fetchTarball: Expected URI or string, got " ++ show v
{- jww (2018-04-11): This should be written using pipes in another module
fetch :: Text -> Maybe (NThunk m) -> m (NValue m)
fetch uri msha = case takeExtension (Text.unpack uri) of
".tgz" -> undefined
".gz" -> undefined
".bz2" -> undefined
".xz" -> undefined
".tar" -> undefined
ext -> throwError $ ErrorCall $ "builtins.fetchTarball: Unsupported extension '"
++ ext ++ "'"
fetch :: Text -> Maybe (NThunk m) -> m (NValue m)
fetch uri Nothing =
nixInstantiateExpr $ "builtins.fetchTarball \"" ++
Text.unpack uri ++ "\""
fetch url (Just m) = fromValue m >>= \sha ->
nixInstantiateExpr $ "builtins.fetchTarball { "
++ "url = \"" ++ Text.unpack url ++ "\"; "
++ "sha256 = \"" ++ Text.unpack sha ++ "\"; }"
fetchurl :: forall e m. MonadNix e m => m (NValue m) -> m (NValue m)
fetchurl v = v >>= \case
NVSet s _ -> attrsetGet "url" s >>= force ?? (go (M.lookup "sha256" s))

View file

@ -715,23 +715,28 @@ findPathBy finder l name = do
go :: Maybe FilePath -> NThunk m -> m (Maybe FilePath)
go p@(Just _) _ = pure p
go Nothing l = force l $ fromValue >=>
\(s :: HashMap Text (NThunk m)) ->
case M.lookup "path" s of
Just p -> force p $ fromValue >=> \(Path path) ->
case M.lookup "prefix" s of
Nothing -> tryPath path Nothing
Just pf -> force pf $ fromValueMay >=> \case
Just (pfx :: Text) | not (Text.null pfx) ->
tryPath path (Just (Text.unpack pfx))
_ -> tryPath path Nothing
Nothing ->
throwError $ ErrorCall $ "__nixPath must be a list of attr sets"
++ " with 'path' elements, but saw: " ++ show s
\(s :: HashMap Text (NThunk m)) -> do
p <- resolvePath s
force p $ fromValue >=> \(Path path) ->
case M.lookup "prefix" s of
Nothing -> tryPath path Nothing
Just pf -> force pf $ fromValueMay >=> \case
Just (pfx :: Text) | not (Text.null pfx) ->
tryPath path (Just (Text.unpack pfx))
_ -> tryPath path Nothing
tryPath p (Just n) | n':ns <- splitDirectories name, n == n' =
finder $ p <///> joinPath ns
tryPath p _ = finder $ p <///> name
resolvePath s = case M.lookup "path" s of
Just t -> return t
Nothing -> case M.lookup "uri" s of
Just ut -> thunk $ fetchTarball (force ut pure)
Nothing ->
throwError $ ErrorCall $ "__nixPath must be a list of attr sets"
++ " with 'path' elements, but saw: " ++ show s
findPathM :: forall e m. (MonadNix e m, MonadIO m) =>
[NThunk m] -> FilePath -> m FilePath
findPathM l name = findPathBy path l name
@ -799,3 +804,40 @@ evalExprLoc expr = do
phi = Eval.eval @_ @(NValue m) @(NThunk m) @m . annotated . getCompose
raise k f x = ReaderT $ \e -> k (\t -> runReaderT (f t) e) x
fetchTarball :: forall e m. MonadNix e m => m (NValue m) -> m (NValue m)
fetchTarball v = v >>= \case
NVSet s _ -> case M.lookup "url" s of
Nothing -> throwError $ ErrorCall
"builtins.fetchTarball: Missing url attribute"
Just url -> force url $ go (M.lookup "sha256" s)
v@NVStr {} -> go Nothing v
v -> throwError $ ErrorCall $
"builtins.fetchTarball: Expected URI or set, got " ++ show v
go :: Maybe (NThunk m) -> NValue m -> m (NValue m)
go msha = \case
NVStr uri _ -> fetch uri msha
v -> throwError $ ErrorCall $
"builtins.fetchTarball: Expected URI or string, got " ++ show v
{- jww (2018-04-11): This should be written using pipes in another module
fetch :: Text -> Maybe (NThunk m) -> m (NValue m)
fetch uri msha = case takeExtension (Text.unpack uri) of
".tgz" -> undefined
".gz" -> undefined
".bz2" -> undefined
".xz" -> undefined
".tar" -> undefined
ext -> throwError $ ErrorCall $ "builtins.fetchTarball: Unsupported extension '"
++ ext ++ "'"
fetch :: Text -> Maybe (NThunk m) -> m (NValue m)
fetch uri Nothing =
nixInstantiateExpr $ "builtins.fetchTarball \"" ++
Text.unpack uri ++ "\""
fetch url (Just m) = fromValue m >>= \sha ->
nixInstantiateExpr $ "builtins.fetchTarball { "
++ "url = \"" ++ Text.unpack url ++ "\"; "
++ "sha256 = \"" ++ Text.unpack sha ++ "\"; }"

View file

@ -203,10 +203,11 @@ exprFNixDoc = \case
NUnary op r1 ->
mkNixDoc (text (unpack (operatorName opInfo)) <> wrapParens opInfo r1) opInfo
where opInfo = getUnaryOperator op
NSelect r attr o ->
NSelect r' attr o ->
(if isJust o then leastPrecedence else flip mkNixDoc selectOp) $
wrapPath selectOp r <> dot <> prettySelector attr <> ordoc
r = flip mkNixDoc selectOp $ wrapParens appOpNonAssoc r'
ordoc = maybe empty (((space <> text "or") <+>) . wrapParens appOpNonAssoc) o
NHasAttr r attr ->
mkNixDoc (wrapParens hasAttrOp r <+> text "?" <+> prettySelector attr) hasAttrOp

View file

@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ renderExecFrame level = \case
renderThunkLoop :: (MonadReader e m, Has e Options, MonadFile m)
=> NixLevel -> ThunkLoop -> m [Doc]
renderThunkLoop _level = pure . (:[]) . \case
ThunkLoop Nothing -> text "<<loop>>"
ThunkLoop Nothing -> text "<<thunk loop>>"
ThunkLoop (Just n) ->
text $ "<<loop forcing thunk #" ++ show n ++ ">>"

View file

@ -17,8 +17,9 @@ import Data.Fix
import Data.HashMap.Lazy (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as M
import Data.List (sortOn)
import Data.Monoid (Endo)
import Data.Monoid (Endo, (<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Lens.Family2 as X
import Lens.Family2.Stock (_1, _2)
@ -108,3 +109,17 @@ toEncodingSorted = \case
$ M.toList m
A.Array l -> A.list toEncodingSorted $ V.toList l
v -> A.toEncoding v
data NixPathEntryType = PathEntryPath | PathEntryURI deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | @NIX_PATH@ is colon-separated, but can also contain URLs, which have a colon
-- (i.e. @https://...@)
uriAwareSplit :: Text -> [(Text, NixPathEntryType)]
uriAwareSplit = go where
go str = case Text.break (== ':') str of
(e1, e2)
| Text.null e2 -> [(e1, PathEntryPath)]
| Text.pack "://" `Text.isPrefixOf` e2 ->
let ((suffix, _):path) = go (Text.drop 3 e2)
in (e1 <> Text.pack "://" <> suffix, PathEntryURI) : path
| otherwise -> (e1, PathEntryPath) : go (Text.drop 1 e2)

View file

@ -323,7 +323,13 @@ case_fixed_points_attrsets =
-- constantEqualText "true" "[(x: x)] == [(x: x)]"
case_function_equals3 =
constantEqualText "false" "(x: x) == (x: x)"
constantEqualText "false" "(let a = (x: x); in a == a)"
case_function_equals4 =
constantEqualText "true" "(let a = {f = x: x;}; in a == a)"
case_function_equals5 =
constantEqualText "true" "(let a = [(x: x)]; in a == a)"
case_directory_pathexists =
constantEqualText "false" "builtins.pathExists \"/bin/sh/invalid-directory\""
@ -338,6 +344,14 @@ case_rec_path_attr =
constantEqualText "10"
"let src = 10; x = rec { passthru.src = src; }; in x.passthru.src"
case_mapattrs_builtin =
constantEqualText' "{ a = \"afoo\"; b = \"bbar\"; }" [i|
(builtins.mapAttrs (x: y: x + y) {
a = "foo";
b = "bar";
tests :: TestTree