antiquotes + improve pretty printer + restructure

This commit improves the pretty printing and adds support for
antiquotes. It also fixes an issue with the parser that caused `[if true
then false else true]` to parse successfully, even though that is not a
valid nix expression.

The pretty printer now produces a lot more readable output and also
supports operator precedences.

The changes to the AST are:

  * strings are no longer atomic, because they may contain other
  expressions in the form of antiquotes. For strings, the new type
  NString is introduced and the constructor NStr is added to NExprF
  * the unused NVar constructor of NExprF is removed
  * operators are now represented uniformly so that the pretty printer
  can lookup information about operators (in particular, associativity
  and precedence)
  * the NArgs constructor is removed. The first argument of the NAbs
  constructor now directly represents the lambda arguments.
  * the select and the hasattr operator are moved into NExpr because
  they are special (they only accept a selector as second argument, and
  select also supports 'or')

The list of operators is now in Types.hs and Parser.hs re-uses that list
to build the parser. This is required because the pretty printer and
parser both need access to operator precedences.

Parser and evaluator also support dynamic attributes and attributes with
dots now. As an example, `let b.a = 3; b.c = { e = {}; }; b.c.e.${"f"} =
4; in b` is parsed and evaluated correctly. As a side effect, NSym
values now don't evaluate to themselves anymore, but instead to the
value retrieved by looking up the variable in the current environment.

Support for evaluating `inherit` bindings was removed because it was
broken before (`{ inherit a; }` would evaluate to a set where the
attribute `a` had the value `NSym a`, not the value of `a`).

The manual Show instances for the AST were replaced by derived
ones, because the manual instances often resulted in output were it was
difficult to determine the missing parentheses.
This commit is contained in:
Benno Fünfstück 2014-08-15 22:11:54 +02:00
parent 4550c1a05a
commit a6bacc3150
7 changed files with 509 additions and 349 deletions

View file

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ nix path = do
Success n -> do
displayIO stdout $ renderPretty 0.4 80 (prettyNix n)
top <- evalExpr n (Fix (NVSet Map.empty)) -- evaluate top level
putStrLn ""
print top
main :: IO ()

View file

@ -2,55 +2,54 @@ module Nix.Eval where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad hiding (mapM)
import Control.Monad hiding (mapM, sequence)
import Data.Foldable (foldl')
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Traversable as T
import Nix.Types
import Prelude hiding (mapM)
import Prelude hiding (mapM, sequence)
buildArgument :: NValue -> NValue -> NValue
buildArgument paramSpec arg =
-- Having the typed lambda calculus would make this code much safer.
Fix $ NVSet $ case paramSpec of
Fix (NVArgSet s) ->
case arg of
Fix (NVSet s') ->
Map.foldlWithKey' (go s') Map.empty s
_ -> error "Unexpected function environment"
Fix (NVConstant (NSym name)) -> Map.singleton name arg
_ -> error $ "Unexpected param spec: " ++ show paramSpec
buildArgument :: Formals NValue -> NValue -> NValue
buildArgument paramSpec arg = either error (Fix . NVSet) $ case paramSpec of
FormalName name -> return $ Map.singleton name arg
FormalSet s -> lookupParamSet s
FormalLeftAt name s -> Map.insert name arg <$> lookupParamSet s
FormalRightAt s name -> Map.insert name arg <$> lookupParamSet s
go env m k v = case Map.lookup k env of
| Just v' <- v -> Map.insert k v' m
| otherwise -> error $ "Could not find " ++ show k
Just v' -> Map.insert k v' m
go env k def = maybe (Left err) return $ Map.lookup k env <|> def
where err = "Could not find " ++ show k
lookupParamSet (FormalParamSet s) = case arg of
Fix (NVSet env) -> Map.traverseWithKey (go env) s
_ -> Left "Unexpected function environment"
evalExpr :: NExpr -> NValue -> IO NValue
evalExpr = cata phi
phi :: NExprF (NValue -> IO NValue) -> NValue -> IO NValue
phi (NConstant (NSym var)) = \env -> case env of
Fix (NVSet s) -> maybe err return $ Map.lookup var s
_ -> error "invalid evaluation environment"
where err = error ("Undefined variable: " ++ show var)
phi (NConstant x) = const $ return $ Fix $ NVConstant x
phi (NStr str) = fmap (Fix . NVStr) . flip evalString str
phi (NOper _x) = error "Operators are not yet defined"
phi (NSelect _x _attr _or) = error "Select expressions are not yet supported"
phi (NHasAttr _x _attr) = error "Has attr expressions are not yet supported"
phi (NList l) = \env ->
Fix . NVList <$> mapM ($ env) l
-- phi (NConcat l) = \env ->
-- Fix . NVConstant . NStr . T.concat
-- <$> mapM (fmap valueText . ($ env)) l
phi (NArgs s) = \env -> Fix . NVArgSet <$> mapM (T.sequence . fmap ($ env)) (formalsAsMap s)
-- TODO: recursive sets
phi (NSet _b binds) = \env ->
Fix . NVSet <$> evalBinds env binds
Fix . NVSet <$> evalBinds True env binds
-- TODO: recursive binding
phi (NLet binds e) = \env -> case env of
(Fix (NVSet env')) -> do
letenv <- evalBinds env binds
letenv <- evalBinds False env binds
let newenv = Map.union letenv env'
e . Fix . NVSet $ newenv
_ -> error "invalid evaluation environment"
@ -77,8 +76,6 @@ evalExpr = cata phi
(NVConstant (NBool False)) -> error "assertion failed"
_ -> error "assertion condition must be boolean"
phi (NVar _v) = error "var: not implemented"
phi (NApp fun x) = \env -> do
fun' <- fun env
case fun' of
@ -92,14 +89,42 @@ evalExpr = cata phi
-- jww (2014-06-28): arglists should not receive the current
-- environment, but rather should recursively view their own arg
-- set
args <- a env
args <- traverse ($ env) a
return $ Fix $ NVFunction args b
evalBinds :: NValue -> [Binding (NValue -> IO NValue)] ->
evalString :: NValue -> NString (NValue -> IO NValue) -> IO Text
evalString env (NString parts)
= Text.concat <$> mapM (runAntiquoted return (fmap valueText . ($ env))) parts
evalBinds :: Bool -> NValue -> [Binding (NValue -> IO NValue)] ->
IO (Map.Map Text NValue)
evalBinds env xs =
Map.fromList <$> mapM (fmap (first valueText)) (concatMap go xs) where
go :: Binding (NValue -> IO NValue) -> [IO (NValue, NValue)]
go (NamedVar x y) = [liftM2 (,) (x env) (y env)]
go (Inherit ys) = map (\y -> (,) <$> y env <*> y env) ys
go (ScopedInherit x ys) = map (\y -> (,) <$> x env <*> y env) ys
evalBinds allowDynamic env xs = buildResult <$> sequence (concatMap go xs) where
buildResult :: [([Text], NValue)] -> Map.Map Text NValue
buildResult = foldl' insert Map.empty . map (first reverse) where
insert _ ([], _) = error "invalid selector with no components"
insert m (p:ps, v) = modifyPath ps (insertIfNotMember p v) where
alreadyDefinedErr = error $ "attribute " ++ attr ++ " already defined"
attr = show $ Text.intercalate "." $ reverse (p:ps)
modifyPath :: [Text] -> (Map.Map Text NValue -> Map.Map Text NValue) -> Map.Map Text NValue
modifyPath [] f = f m
modifyPath (x:parts) f = modifyPath parts $ \m' -> case Map.lookup x m' of
Nothing -> Map.singleton x $ g Map.empty
Just (Fix (NVSet m'')) -> Map.insert x (g m'') m'
Just _ -> alreadyDefinedErr
where g = Fix . NVSet . f
insertIfNotMember k x m'
| Map.notMember k m' = Map.insert k x m'
| otherwise = alreadyDefinedErr
-- TODO: Inherit
go :: Binding (NValue -> IO NValue) -> [IO ([Text], NValue)]
go (NamedVar x y) = [liftM2 (,) (evalSelector allowDynamic env x) (y env)]
evalSelector :: Bool -> NValue -> NSelector (NValue -> IO NValue) -> IO [Text]
evalSelector dyn e = mapM evalKeyName where
evalKeyName (StaticKey k) = return k
evalKeyName (DynamicKey k)
| dyn = runAntiquoted (evalString e) (fmap valueText . ($ e)) k
| otherwise = error "dynamic attribute not allowed in this context"

View file

@ -6,55 +6,61 @@ import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Foldable
import Data.List (foldl1')
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Text hiding (head, map, foldl1')
import Data.Text hiding (head, map, foldl1', foldl')
import Nix.Types
import Nix.Parser.Library
import Prelude hiding (elem)
-- | The lexer for this parser is defined in 'Nix.Parser.Library'.
nixApp :: Parser NExpr
nixApp = go <$> someTill (whiteSpace *> nixExpr True) (try (lookAhead stop))
nixApp = go <$> some (whiteSpace *> nixExpr)
go [] = error "some has failed us"
go [x] = x
go (f:x:xs) = go (Fix (NApp f x) : xs)
stop = () <$ oneOf "=,;])}" <|> stopWords <|> eof
nixExpr :: Parser NExpr
nixExpr = nixExprWith nixOperators
nixExpr :: Bool -> Parser NExpr
nixExpr = buildExpressionParser table . nixTermOrAttr
nixExprWith :: [Either NSpecialOp [NOperatorDef]] -> Parser NExpr
nixExprWith = foldl' makeParser nixTerm
table =
[ [ prefix "-" NNeg ]
-- , [ prefix "~" NSubpath ] -- deprecated
, [ binary "?" NHasAttr AssocNone ]
, [ binary "++" NConcat AssocRight ]
, [ binary "*" NMult AssocLeft, binary "/" NDiv AssocLeft ]
, [ binary "+" NPlus AssocLeft, binary "-" NMinus AssocLeft ]
, [ prefix "!" NNot ]
, [ binary "//" NUpdate AssocRight ]
, [ binary "<" NLt AssocLeft, binary ">" NGt AssocLeft
, binary "<=" NLte AssocLeft, binary ">=" NGte AssocLeft ]
, [ binary "==" NEq AssocNone, binary "!=" NNEq AssocNone ]
, [ binary "&&" NAnd AssocLeft ]
, [ binary "||" NOr AssocLeft ]
, [ binary "->" NImpl AssocNone ]
makeParser term (Left NSelectOp) = nixSelect term
makeParser term (Left NAppOp) = term
makeParser term (Left NHasAttrOp) = nixHasAttr term
makeParser term (Right ops) = buildExpressionParser [map buildOp ops] term
binary name fun =
Infix $ (\x y -> Fix (NOper (fun x y))) <$ reservedOp name
prefix name fun =
Prefix $ Fix . NOper . fun <$ reservedOp name
-- postfix name fun = Postfix (Fix . NOper . fun <$ symbol name)
buildOp (NUnaryDef n op) = Prefix $ Fix . NOper . NUnary op <$ reservedOp n
buildOp (NBinaryDef n op a) = Infix (mkOper <$ reservedOp n) (toAssoc a)
where mkOper r1 = Fix . NOper . NBinary op r1
nixTermOrAttr :: Bool -> Parser NExpr
nixTermOrAttr = buildExpressionParser table . nixTerm where
table = [[Infix ((\x y -> Fix (NOper (NAttr x y))) <$ reservedOp ".") AssocLeft]]
toAssoc NAssocNone = AssocNone
toAssoc NAssocLeft = AssocLeft
toAssoc NAssocRight = AssocRight
nixTerm :: Bool -> Parser NExpr
nixTerm allowLambdas = choice
nixAntiquoted :: Parser a -> Parser (Antiquoted a NExpr)
nixAntiquoted p = Plain <$> p
<|> Antiquoted <$> (try (string "${") *> whiteSpace *> nixApp <* symbolic '}')
nixSelector :: Parser (NSelector NExpr)
nixSelector = keyName `sepBy1` symbolic '.'
nixSelect :: Parser NExpr -> Parser NExpr
nixSelect term = build
<$> term
<*> optional ((,) <$> (char '.' *> nixSelector) <*> optional (reserved "or" *> nixApp))
build t Nothing = t
build t (Just (s,o)) = Fix $ NSelect t s o
nixHasAttr :: Parser NExpr -> Parser NExpr
nixHasAttr term = build <$> term <*> optional (reservedOp "?" *> nixSelector) where
build t Nothing = t
build t (Just s) = Fix $ NHasAttr t s
nixTerm :: Parser NExpr
nixTerm = choice
[ nixInt
, nixParens
, nixList
@ -63,8 +69,13 @@ nixTerm allowLambdas = choice
, nixBool
, nixNull
, nixPath -- can be expensive due to back-tracking
, setLambdaStringOrSym allowLambdas
, try nixLambda <|> nixSet
, nixStringExpr
, nixSym
] <* whiteSpace
nixSym :: Parser NExpr
nixSym = mkSym <$> identifier
nixInt :: Parser NExpr
nixInt = mkInt <$> decimal <?> "integer"
@ -81,7 +92,10 @@ nixParens :: Parser NExpr
nixParens = parens nixApp <?> "parens"
nixList :: Parser NExpr
nixList = brackets (Fix . NList <$> many (nixTermOrAttr False <* whiteSpace)) <?> "list"
nixList = brackets (Fix . NList <$> many (listTerm <* whiteSpace)) <?> "list" where
listTerm = nixSelect $ choice
[ nixInt, nixParens, nixList, nixSet, nixBool, nixNull, nixPath, nixStringExpr
, nixSym ]
nixPath :: Parser NExpr
nixPath = try $ fmap mkPath $ mfilter ('/' `elem`) $ some (oneOf "A-Za-z_0-9.:/")
@ -97,28 +111,37 @@ nixIf = fmap Fix $ NIf
<*> (whiteSpace *> reserved "then" *> nixApp)
<*> (whiteSpace *> reserved "else" *> nixApp)
-- | This is a bit tricky because we don't know whether we're looking at a set
-- or a lambda until we've looked ahead a bit. And then it may be neither,
-- in which case we fall back to expected a plain string or identifier.
setLambdaStringOrSym :: Bool -> Parser NExpr
setLambdaStringOrSym True = try nixLambda <|> setLambdaStringOrSym False
setLambdaStringOrSym False = try nixSet <|> keyName
nixLambda :: Parser NExpr
nixLambda = Fix <$> (NAbs <$> (argExpr <?> "arguments") <*> nixApp)
stringish :: Parser NExpr
stringish = (char '"' *> (merge <$> manyTill stringChar (char '"')))
<|> (char '$' *> braces nixApp)
nixStringExpr :: Parser NExpr
nixStringExpr = Fix . NStr <$> nixString
nixString :: Parser (NString NExpr)
nixString = NString . merge <$> (char '"' *> manyTill stringChar (symbolic '"'))
merge = foldl1' (\x y -> Fix (NOper (NConcat x y)))
merge [] = [Plain ""]
merge [x] = [x]
merge (Plain a : Plain b : rs) = merge (Plain (a `append` b) : rs)
merge (x : rs) = x : merge rs
stringChar = char '\\' *> (mkStr . singleton <$> anyChar)
<|> (try (string "${") *> nixApp <* char '}')
<|> (mkStr . pack <$> many (noneOf "\"\\"))
stringChar = char '\\' *> (Plain . singleton <$> escapeCode)
<|> Antiquoted <$> (try (string "${") *> nixApp <* char '}')
<|> Plain . singleton <$> char '$'
<|> Plain . pack <$> some (noneOf "\"\\$")
argExpr :: Parser NExpr
argExpr = Fix . NArgs <$> choice
escapeCode = choice $ map (\(x,y) -> x <$ char y)
[ ('\n', 'n')
, ('\r', 'r')
, ('\t', 't')
, ('\\', '\\')
, ('$' , '$')
, ('"' , '"')
, ('\'', '\'')
argExpr :: Parser (Formals NExpr)
argExpr = choice
[ idOrAtPattern <$> identifier <* whiteSpace <*> optional (symbolic '@' *> paramSet)
, setOrAtPattern <$> paramSet <* whiteSpace <*> optional (symbolic '@' *> identifier)
] <* symbolic ':'
@ -127,11 +150,11 @@ argExpr = Fix . NArgs <$> choice
paramSet = FormalParamSet . Map.fromList <$> argList
argList :: Parser [(Text, Maybe NExpr)]
argList = braces ((argName <* whiteSpace) `sepBy` symbolic ',') <?> "arglist"
argList = braces ((argName <* whiteSpace) `sepBy` symbolic ',') <?> "arglist"
argName :: Parser (Text, Maybe NExpr)
argName = (,) <$> identifier <* whiteSpace
<*> optional (symbolic '?' *> nixExpr False)
<*> optional (symbolic '?' *> nixApp)
idOrAtPattern :: Text -> Maybe (FormalParamSet NExpr) -> Formals NExpr
idOrAtPattern i Nothing = FormalName i
@ -142,18 +165,17 @@ argExpr = Fix . NArgs <$> choice
setOrAtPattern s (Just i) = FormalRightAt s i
nixBinders :: Parser [Binding NExpr]
nixBinders = choice
[ reserved "inherit" *> whiteSpace *> (scopedInherit <|> inherit) <?> "inherited binding"
, namedVar
] `endBy` symbolic ';'
scopedInherit = try (symbolic '(') *>
(ScopedInherit <$> nixExpr False <* symbolic ')' <*> many keyName) <?> "scoped inherit binding"
inherit = Inherit <$> many keyName
namedVar = NamedVar <$> keyName <*> (symbolic '=' *> nixApp) <?> "variable binding"
nixBinders = (inherit <|> namedVar) `endBy` symbolic ';' where
inherit = Inherit <$> (reserved "inherit" *> optional scope) <*> many nixSelector
<?> "inherited binding"
namedVar = NamedVar <$> nixSelector <*> (symbolic '=' *> nixApp)
<?> "variable binding"
scope = parens nixApp <?> "inherit scope"
keyName :: Parser NExpr
keyName = (stringish <|> (mkSym <$> identifier)) <* whiteSpace
keyName :: Parser (NKeyName NExpr)
keyName = dynamicKey <|> staticKey where
staticKey = StaticKey <$> identifier
dynamicKey = DynamicKey <$> nixAntiquoted nixString
nixSet :: Parser NExpr
nixSet = Fix <$> (NSet <$> isRec <*> (braces nixBinders <?> "set")) where

View file

@ -72,14 +72,14 @@ reserved :: (TokenParsing m, Monad m) => String -> m ()
reserved = reserve identStyle
reservedOp :: TokenParsing m => String -> m ()
reservedOp o = token $ try $
reservedOp o = token $ try $ () <$
highlight ReservedOperator (string o) <* (notFollowedBy opLetter <?> "end of " ++ o)
opStart :: CharParsing m => m Char
opStart = oneOf ":!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~"
opLetter :: CharParsing m => m Char
opLetter = oneOf "@"
opLetter = oneOf "@>-+"
identStart :: CharParsing m => m Char
identStart = letter <|> char '_'

View file

@ -1,79 +1,131 @@
module Nix.Pretty where
import Data.Map (toList)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Text (Text, unpack)
import Nix.Types
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen
prettyBind :: Binding NExpr -> Doc
prettyBind (NamedVar n v) = prettyNix n <+> equals <+> prettyNix v <> semi
prettyBind (Inherit ns) = text "inherit" <+> fillSep (map prettyNix ns) <> semi
prettyBind (ScopedInherit s ns) = text "inherit" <+> parens (prettyNix s) <+> fillSep (map prettyNix ns) <> semi
-- | This type represents a pretty printed nix expression
-- together with some information about the expression.
data NixDoc = NixDoc
{ -- | The rendered expression, without any parentheses.
withoutParens :: Doc
prettyFormals :: Formals NExpr -> Doc
-- | The root operator is the operator at the root of
-- the expression tree. For example, in '(a * b) + c', '+' would be the root
-- operator. It is needed to determine if we need to wrap the expression in
-- parentheses.
, rootOp :: OperatorInfo
-- | A simple expression is never wrapped in parentheses. The expression
-- behaves as if it's root operator had a precedence higher than all
-- other operators (including function application).
simpleExpr :: Doc -> NixDoc
simpleExpr = flip NixDoc $ OperatorInfo maxBound NAssocNone "simple expr"
-- | An expression that behaves as if it's root operator
-- had a precedence lower than all other operators.
-- That ensures that the expression is wrapped in parantheses in
-- almost always, but it's still rendered without parentheses
-- in cases where parentheses are never required (such as in the LHS
-- of a binding).
leastPrecedence :: Doc -> NixDoc
leastPrecedence = flip NixDoc $ OperatorInfo minBound NAssocNone "least precedence"
appOpNonAssoc :: OperatorInfo
appOpNonAssoc = appOp { associativity = NAssocNone }
wrapParens :: OperatorInfo -> NixDoc -> Doc
wrapParens op sub
| precedence (rootOp sub) > precedence op = withoutParens sub
| precedence (rootOp sub) == precedence op
&& associativity (rootOp sub) == associativity op
&& associativity op /= NAssocNone = withoutParens sub
| otherwise = parens $ withoutParens sub
prettyString :: NString NixDoc -> Doc
prettyString (NString parts) = dquotes . hcat . map prettyPart $ parts
where prettyPart (Plain t) = text . unpack $ t
prettyPart (Antiquoted r) = text "$" <> braces (withoutParens r)
prettyFormals :: Formals NixDoc -> Doc
prettyFormals (FormalName n) = text $ unpack n
prettyFormals (FormalSet s) = prettyParamSet s
prettyFormals (FormalLeftAt n s) = text (unpack n) <> text "@" <> prettyParamSet s
prettyFormals (FormalRightAt s n) = prettyParamSet s <> text "@" <> text (unpack n)
prettyParamSet :: FormalParamSet NExpr -> Doc
prettyParamSet (FormalParamSet args) = lbrace <+> hcat (map prettySetArg $ toList args) <+> rbrace
prettyParamSet :: FormalParamSet NixDoc -> Doc
prettyParamSet (FormalParamSet args) =
lbrace <+> hcat (map prettySetArg $ toList args) <+> rbrace
prettySetArg :: (Text, Maybe NExpr) -> Doc
prettyBind :: Binding NixDoc -> Doc
prettyBind (NamedVar n v) = prettySelector n <+> equals <+> withoutParens v <> semi
prettyBind (Inherit s ns)
= text "inherit" <+> scope <> fillSep (map prettySelector ns) <> semi
where scope = maybe empty ((<> space) . parens . withoutParens) s
prettyKeyName :: NKeyName NixDoc -> Doc
prettyKeyName (StaticKey key) = text . unpack $ key
prettyKeyName (DynamicKey key) = runAntiquoted prettyString withoutParens key
prettySelector :: NSelector NixDoc -> Doc
prettySelector = hcat . punctuate dot . map prettyKeyName
prettySetArg :: (Text, Maybe NixDoc) -> Doc
prettySetArg (n, Nothing) = text (unpack n)
prettySetArg (n, Just v) = text (unpack n) <+> text "?" <+> prettyNix v
prettySetArg (n, Just v) = text (unpack n) <+> text "?" <+> withoutParens v
infixOper :: NExpr -> String -> NExpr -> Doc
infixOper l op r = prettyNix l <+> text op <+> prettyNix r
prettyOper :: NOperF NixDoc -> NixDoc
prettyOper (NBinary op r1 r2) = flip NixDoc opInfo $ hsep
[ wrapParens (f NAssocLeft) r1
, text $ operatorName opInfo
, wrapParens (f NAssocRight) r2
opInfo = getBinaryOperator op
f x
| associativity opInfo /= x = opInfo { associativity = NAssocNone }
| otherwise = opInfo
prettyOper (NUnary op r1) =
NixDoc (text (operatorName opInfo) <> wrapParens opInfo r1) opInfo
where opInfo = getUnaryOperator op
prettyOper :: NOperF NExpr -> Doc
prettyOper (NNot r) = text "!" <> prettyNix r
prettyOper (NNeg r) = text "-" <> prettyNix r
prettyOper (NEq r1 r2) = infixOper r1 "==" r2
prettyOper (NNEq r1 r2) = infixOper r1 "!=" r2
prettyOper (NLt r1 r2) = infixOper r1 "<" r2
prettyOper (NLte r1 r2) = infixOper r1 "<=" r2
prettyOper (NGt r1 r2) = infixOper r1 ">" r2
prettyOper (NGte r1 r2) = infixOper r1 ">=" r2
prettyOper (NAnd r1 r2) = infixOper r1 "&&" r2
prettyOper (NOr r1 r2) = infixOper r1 "||" r2
prettyOper (NImpl r1 r2) = infixOper r1 ">" r2
prettyOper (NUpdate r1 r2) = infixOper r1 "//" r2
prettyOper (NHasAttr r1 r2) = infixOper r1 "?" r2
prettyOper (NAttr r1 r2) = prettyNix r1 <> text "." <> prettyNix r2
prettyOper (NPlus r1 r2) = infixOper r1 "+" r2
prettyOper (NMinus r1 r2) = infixOper r1 "-" r2
prettyOper (NMult r1 r2) = infixOper r1 "*" r2
prettyOper (NDiv r1 r2) = infixOper r1 "/" r2
prettyOper (NConcat r1 r2) = infixOper r1 "++" r2
prettyAtom :: NAtom -> Doc
prettyAtom (NStr s) = dquotes $ text $ unpack s
prettyAtom atom = text $ unpack $ atomText atom
prettyAtom :: NAtom -> NixDoc
prettyAtom atom = simpleExpr $ text $ unpack $ atomText atom
prettyNix :: NExpr -> Doc
prettyNix (Fix expr) = go expr where
go (NConstant atom) = prettyAtom atom
go (NOper oper) = prettyOper oper
go (NList xs) = lbracket <+> fillSep (map prettyNix xs) <+> rbracket
prettyNix = withoutParens . cata phi where
phi :: NExprF NixDoc -> NixDoc
phi (NConstant atom) = prettyAtom atom
phi (NStr str) = simpleExpr $ prettyString str
phi (NList xs) = simpleExpr $ group $
nest 2 (vsep $ lbracket : map (wrapParens appOpNonAssoc) xs) <$> rbracket
phi (NSet rec xs) = simpleExpr $ group $
nest 2 (vsep $ prefix rec <> lbrace : map prettyBind xs) <$> rbrace
prefix Rec = text "rec" <> space
prefix NonRec = empty
phi (NAbs args body) = leastPrecedence $
(prettyFormals args <> colon) </> withoutParens body
go (NArgs fs) = prettyFormals fs
phi (NOper oper) = prettyOper oper
phi (NSelect r attr o) = (if isJust o then leastPrecedence else flip NixDoc selectOp) $
wrapParens selectOp r <> dot <> prettySelector attr <> ordoc
where ordoc = maybe empty ((space <>) . withoutParens) o
phi (NHasAttr r attr)
= NixDoc (wrapParens hasAttrOp r <+> text "?" <+> prettySelector attr) hasAttrOp
phi (NApp fun arg)
= NixDoc (wrapParens appOp fun <+> wrapParens appOpNonAssoc arg) appOp
go (NSet rec xs) =
(case rec of Rec -> "rec"; NonRec -> empty)
<+> lbrace <+> vcat (map prettyBind xs) <+> rbrace
go (NLet _binds _body) = text "let"
go (NIf cond trueBody falseBody) =
(text "if" <+> prettyNix cond)
<$$> (text "then" <+> prettyNix trueBody)
<$$> (text "else" <+> prettyNix falseBody)
go (NWith scope body) = text "with" <+> prettyNix scope <> semi <+> prettyNix body
go (NAssert cond body) = text "assert" <+> prettyNix cond <> semi <+> prettyNix body
go (NVar e) = prettyNix e
go (NApp fun arg) = prettyNix fun <+> parens (prettyNix arg)
go (NAbs args body) = (prettyNix args <> colon) <$$> prettyNix body
phi (NLet _binds _body) = simpleExpr $ text "let"
phi (NIf cond trueBody falseBody) = leastPrecedence $
group $ nest 2 $ (text "if" <+> withoutParens cond) <$>
( align (text "then" <+> withoutParens trueBody)
<$> align (text "else" <+> withoutParens falseBody)
phi (NWith scope body) = leastPrecedence $
text "with" <+> withoutParens scope <> semi <+> withoutParens body
phi (NAssert cond body) = leastPrecedence $
text "assert" <+> withoutParens cond <> semi <+> withoutParens body

View file

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
@ -12,8 +14,10 @@ import Data.Data
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Text hiding (concat, concatMap, head, map)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Text hiding (concat, concatMap, head, map, zipWith, reverse, intercalate)
import Data.Traversable
import GHC.Exts
import GHC.Generics
import Prelude hiding (readFile, concat, concatMap, elem, mapM,
@ -27,121 +31,179 @@ cataM :: (Traversable f, Monad m) => (f a -> m a) -> Fix f -> m a
cataM f = f <=< mapM (cataM f) . outF
data NAtom
= NStr Text
| NInt Integer
| NPath FilePath
| NBool Bool
| NSym Text
| NNull
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable, Data)
instance Show (NAtom) where
show (NStr s) = "NStr " ++ show s
show (NInt i) = "NInt " ++ show i
show (NPath p) = "NPath " ++ show p
show (NBool b) = "NBool " ++ show b
show (NSym s) = "NSym " ++ show s
show NNull = "NNull"
= NInt Integer
| NPath FilePath
| NBool Bool
| NSym Text
| NNull
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable, Data, Show)
atomText :: NAtom -> Text
atomText (NStr s) = s
atomText (NInt i) = pack (show i)
atomText (NPath p) = pack p
atomText (NBool b) = if b then "true" else "false"
atomText (NSym s) = s
atomText NNull = "null"
-- | 'Antiquoted' represents an expression that is either
-- antiquoted (surrounded by ${...}) or plain (not antiquoted).
data Antiquoted v r = Plain v | Antiquoted r
deriving (Ord, Eq, Generic, Typeable, Data, Functor, Show)
runAntiquoted :: (v -> a) -> (r -> a) -> Antiquoted v r -> a
runAntiquoted f _ (Plain v) = f v
runAntiquoted _ f (Antiquoted r) = f r
-- | A 'NixString' is a list of things that are either a plain string
-- or an antiquoted expression. After the antiquotes have been evaluated,
-- the final string is constructed by concating all the parts.
newtype NString r = NString [Antiquoted Text r]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable, Data, Functor, Show)
instance IsString (NString r) where
fromString = NString . (:[]) . Plain . pack
-- | A 'KeyName' is something that can appear at the right side of an equals sign.
-- For example, @a@ is a 'KeyName' in @{ a = 3; }@, @let a = 3; in ...@, @{}.a@ or @{} ? a@.
-- Nix supports both static keynames (just an identifier) and dynamic identifiers.
-- Dynamic identifiers can be either a string (e.g.: @{ "a" = 3; }@) or an antiquotation
-- (e.g.: @let a = "example"; in { ${a} = 3; }.example@).
-- Note: There are some places where a dynamic keyname is not allowed. In particular, those include:
-- * the RHS of a @binding@ inside @let@: @let ${"a"} = 3; in ...@ produces a syntax error.
-- * the attribute names of an 'inherit': @inherit ${"a"};@ is forbidden.
-- Note: In Nix, a simple string without antiquotes such as @"foo"@ is allowed even if
-- the context requires a static keyname, but the parser still considers it a
-- 'DynamicKey' for simplicity.
data NKeyName r
= DynamicKey (Antiquoted (NString r) r)
| StaticKey Text
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable, Data, Show)
-- deriving this instance automatically is not possible
-- because r occurs not only as last argument in Antiquoted (NString r) r
instance Functor NKeyName where
fmap f (DynamicKey (Plain str)) = DynamicKey . Plain $ fmap f str
fmap f (DynamicKey (Antiquoted e)) = DynamicKey . Antiquoted $ f e
fmap _ (StaticKey key) = StaticKey key
type NSelector r = [NKeyName r]
data NOperF r
= NNot r
| NNeg r
= NUnary NUnaryOp r
| NBinary NBinaryOp r r
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable, Data, Functor, Show)
| NEq r r
| NNEq r r
| NLt r r
| NLte r r
| NGt r r
| NGte r r
| NAnd r r
| NOr r r
| NImpl r r
| NUpdate r r
| NHasAttr r r
| NAttr r r
data NUnaryOp = NNeg | NNot deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable, Data, Show)
data NSpecialOp = NHasAttrOp | NSelectOp | NAppOp
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable, Data, Show)
data NBinaryOp
= NEq
| NNEq
| NLt
| NLte
| NGt
| NGte
| NAnd
| NOr
| NImpl
| NUpdate
| NPlus r r
| NMinus r r
| NMult r r
| NDiv r r
| NConcat r r
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable, Data, Functor)
| NPlus
| NMinus
| NMult
| NDiv
| NConcat
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable, Data, Show)
instance Show f => Show (NOperF f) where
show (NNot r) = "! " ++ show r
show (NNeg r) = "-" ++ show r
data NAssoc = NAssocNone | NAssocLeft | NAssocRight
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable, Data, Show)
show (NEq r1 r2) = show r1 ++ " == " ++ show r2
show (NNEq r1 r2) = show r1 ++ " != " ++ show r2
show (NLt r1 r2) = show r1 ++ " < " ++ show r2
show (NLte r1 r2) = show r1 ++ " <= " ++ show r2
show (NGt r1 r2) = show r1 ++ " > " ++ show r2
show (NGte r1 r2) = show r1 ++ " >= " ++ show r2
show (NAnd r1 r2) = show r1 ++ " && " ++ show r2
show (NOr r1 r2) = show r1 ++ " || " ++ show r2
show (NImpl r1 r2) = show r1 ++ " -> " ++ show r2
show (NUpdate r1 r2) = show r1 ++ " // " ++ show r2
show (NHasAttr r1 r2) = show r1 ++ " ? " ++ show r2
show (NAttr r1 r2) = show r1 ++ "." ++ show r2
data NOperatorDef
= NUnaryDef String NUnaryOp
| NBinaryDef String NBinaryOp NAssoc
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable, Data, Show)
show (NPlus r1 r2) = show r1 ++ " + " ++ show r2
show (NMinus r1 r2) = show r1 ++ " - " ++ show r2
show (NMult r1 r2) = show r1 ++ " * " ++ show r2
show (NDiv r1 r2) = show r1 ++ " / " ++ show r2
nixOperators :: [Either NSpecialOp [NOperatorDef]]
nixOperators =
[ Left NSelectOp
, Left NAppOp
, Right [ NUnaryDef "-" NNeg ]
, Left NHasAttrOp
] ++ map Right
[ [ NBinaryDef "++" NConcat NAssocRight ]
, [ NBinaryDef "*" NMult NAssocLeft , NBinaryDef "/" NDiv NAssocLeft ]
, [ NBinaryDef "+" NPlus NAssocLeft , NBinaryDef "-" NMinus NAssocLeft ]
, [ NUnaryDef "!" NNot ]
, [ NBinaryDef "//" NUpdate NAssocRight ]
, [ NBinaryDef "<" NLt NAssocLeft , NBinaryDef ">" NGt NAssocLeft
, NBinaryDef "<=" NLte NAssocLeft , NBinaryDef ">=" NGte NAssocLeft
, [ NBinaryDef "==" NEq NAssocNone , NBinaryDef "!=" NNEq NAssocNone ]
, [ NBinaryDef "&&" NAnd NAssocLeft ]
, [ NBinaryDef "||" NOr NAssocLeft ]
, [ NBinaryDef "->" NImpl NAssocNone ]
data OperatorInfo = OperatorInfo
{ precedence :: Int
, associativity :: NAssoc
, operatorName :: String
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable, Data, Show)
getUnaryOperator :: NUnaryOp -> OperatorInfo
getUnaryOperator = (m Map.!) where
m = Map.fromList . concat . zipWith buildEntry [1..] . reverse $ nixOperators
buildEntry _ (Left _) = []
buildEntry i (Right ops) =
[ (op, OperatorInfo i NAssocNone name) | NUnaryDef name op <- ops ]
getBinaryOperator :: NBinaryOp -> OperatorInfo
getBinaryOperator = (m Map.!) where
m = Map.fromList . concat . zipWith buildEntry [1..] . reverse $ nixOperators
buildEntry _ (Left _) = []
buildEntry i (Right ops) =
[ (op, OperatorInfo i assoc name) | NBinaryDef name op assoc <- ops ]
getSpecialOperatorPrec :: NSpecialOp -> Int
getSpecialOperatorPrec = (m Map.!) where
m = Map.fromList . catMaybes . zipWith buildEntry [1..] $ nixOperators
buildEntry _ (Right _) = Nothing
buildEntry i (Left op) = Just (op, i)
selectOp :: OperatorInfo
selectOp = OperatorInfo (getSpecialOperatorPrec NSelectOp) NAssocLeft "."
hasAttrOp :: OperatorInfo
hasAttrOp = OperatorInfo (getSpecialOperatorPrec NHasAttrOp) NAssocLeft "?"
appOp :: OperatorInfo
appOp = OperatorInfo (getSpecialOperatorPrec NAppOp) NAssocLeft " "
show (NConcat r1 r2) = show r1 ++ " ++ " ++ show r2
data NSetBind = Rec | NonRec
deriving (Ord, Eq, Generic, Typeable, Data)
deriving (Ord, Eq, Generic, Typeable, Data, Show)
instance Show NSetBind where
show Rec = "rec"
show NonRec = ""
-- | A single line of the bindings section of a let expression.
data Binding r = NamedVar r r | Inherit [r] | ScopedInherit r [r]
deriving (Typeable, Data, Ord, Eq, Functor)
instance Show r => Show (Binding r) where
show (NamedVar name val) = show name ++ " = " ++ show val ++ ";"
show (Inherit names) = "inherit " ++ concatMap show names ++ ";"
show (ScopedInherit context names) = "inherit (" ++ show context ++ ") " ++ concatMap show names ++ ";"
-- | A single line of the bindings section of a let expression or of
-- a set.
data Binding r
= NamedVar (NSelector r) r
| Inherit (Maybe r) [NSelector r]
deriving (Typeable, Data, Ord, Eq, Functor, Show)
data FormalParamSet r = FormalParamSet (Map Text (Maybe r))
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable, Data, Functor)
instance Show r => Show (FormalParamSet r) where
show (FormalParamSet h) = "{ " ++ go (Map.toList h) ++ " }"
go [] = ""
go [x] = showArg x
go (x:xs) = showArg x ++ ", " ++ go xs
showArg (k, Nothing) = unpack k
showArg (k, Just v) = unpack k ++ " ? " ++ show v
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable, Data, Functor, Show, Foldable, Traversable)
-- | @Formals@ represents all the ways the formal parameters to a
-- function can be represented.
data Formals r =
FormalName Text |
FormalSet (FormalParamSet r) |
FormalLeftAt Text (FormalParamSet r) |
FormalRightAt (FormalParamSet r) Text
deriving (Ord, Eq, Generic, Typeable, Data, Functor)
instance Show r => Show (Formals r) where
show (FormalName n) = show n
show (FormalSet s) = show s
show (FormalLeftAt n s) = show n ++ "@" ++ show s
show (FormalRightAt s n) = show s ++ "@" ++ show n
data Formals r
= FormalName Text
| FormalSet (FormalParamSet r)
| FormalLeftAt Text (FormalParamSet r)
| FormalRightAt (FormalParamSet r) Text
deriving (Ord, Eq, Generic, Typeable, Data, Functor, Show, Foldable, Traversable)
-- | @formalsAsMap@ combines the outer and inner name bindings of
-- 'Formals'
@ -152,25 +214,25 @@ formalsAsMap (FormalLeftAt n (FormalParamSet s)) = Map.insert n Nothing s
formalsAsMap (FormalRightAt (FormalParamSet s) n) = Map.insert n Nothing s
data NExprF r
-- value types
= NConstant NAtom
| NOper (NOperF r)
| NStr (NString r)
| NList [r]
-- ^ A "concat" is a list of things which must combine to form a string.
| NArgs (Formals r)
| NSet NSetBind [Binding r]
| NAbs (Formals r) r
-- operators
| NOper (NOperF r)
| NSelect r (NSelector r) (Maybe r)
| NHasAttr r (NSelector r)
| NApp r r
-- language constructs
| NLet [Binding r] r
| NIf r r r
| NWith r r
| NAssert r r
| NVar r
| NApp r r
| NAbs r r
-- ^ The untyped lambda calculus core
deriving (Ord, Eq, Generic, Typeable, Data, Functor)
deriving (Ord, Eq, Generic, Typeable, Data, Functor, Show)
type NExpr = Fix NExprF
@ -178,48 +240,11 @@ instance Show (Fix NExprF) where show (Fix f) = show f
instance Eq (Fix NExprF) where Fix x == Fix y = x == y
instance Ord (Fix NExprF) where compare (Fix x) (Fix y) = compare x y
instance Show f => Show (NExprF f) where
show (NConstant x) = show x
show (NOper x) = show x
show (NList l) = "[ " ++ go l ++ " ]"
go [] = ""
go [x] = show x
go (x:xs) = show x ++ ", " ++ go xs
show (NArgs fs) = show fs
show (NSet b xs) = show b ++ " { " ++ concatMap show xs ++ " }"
show (NLet v e) = "let " ++ show v ++ "; " ++ show e
show (NIf i t e) = "if " ++ show i ++ " then " ++ show t ++ " else " ++ show e
show (NWith c v) = "with " ++ show c ++ "; " ++ show v
show (NAssert e v) = "assert " ++ show e ++ "; " ++ show v
show (NVar v) = show v
show (NApp f x) = show f ++ " " ++ show x
show (NAbs a b) = show a ++ ": " ++ show b
dumpExpr :: NExpr -> String
dumpExpr = cata phi where
phi (NConstant x) = "NConstant " ++ show x
phi (NOper x) = "NOper " ++ show x
phi (NList l) = "NList [" ++ show l ++ "]"
phi (NArgs xs) = "NArgs " ++ show xs
phi (NSet b xs) = "NSet " ++ show b ++ " " ++ show xs
phi (NLet v e) = "NLet " ++ show v ++ " " ++ e
phi (NIf i t e) = "NIf " ++ i ++ " " ++ t ++ " " ++ e
phi (NWith c v) = "NWith " ++ c ++ " " ++ v
phi (NAssert e v) = "NAssert " ++ e ++ " " ++ v
phi (NVar v) = "NVar " ++ v
phi (NApp f x) = "NApp " ++ f ++ " " ++ x
phi (NAbs a b) = "NAbs " ++ a ++ " " ++ b
mkInt :: Integer -> NExpr
mkInt = Fix . NConstant . NInt
mkStr :: Text -> NExpr
mkStr = Fix . NConstant . NStr
mkStr = Fix . NStr . NString . (:[]) . Plain
mkPath :: FilePath -> NExpr
mkPath = Fix . NConstant . NPath
@ -227,44 +252,43 @@ mkPath = Fix . NConstant . NPath
mkSym :: Text -> NExpr
mkSym = Fix . NConstant . NSym
mkSelector :: Text -> NSelector NExpr
mkSelector = (:[]) . StaticKey
mkBool :: Bool -> NExpr
mkBool = Fix . NConstant . NBool
mkNull :: NExpr
mkNull = Fix (NConstant NNull)
-- An 'NValue' is the most reduced form of an 'NExpr' after evaluation
-- | An 'NValue' is the most reduced form of an 'NExpr' after evaluation
-- is completed.
data NValueF r
= NVConstant NAtom
| NVStr Text
| NVList [r]
| NVSet (Map Text r)
| NVArgSet (Map Text (Maybe r))
| NVFunction r (NValue -> IO r)
deriving (Generic, Typeable)
type NValue = Fix NValueF
instance Show (Fix NValueF) where show (Fix f) = show f
instance Functor NValueF where
fmap _ (NVConstant a) = NVConstant a
fmap f (NVList xs) = NVList (fmap f xs)
fmap f (NVSet h) = NVSet (fmap f h)
fmap f (NVArgSet h) = NVArgSet (fmap (fmap f) h)
fmap f (NVFunction argset k) = NVFunction (f argset) (fmap f . k)
| NVFunction (Formals r) (NValue -> IO r)
deriving (Generic, Typeable, Functor)
instance Show f => Show (NValueF f) where
show (NVConstant a) = "NVConstant " ++ show a
show (NVList xs) = "NVList " ++ show xs
show (NVSet h) = "NVSet " ++ show h
show (NVArgSet h) = "NVArgSet " ++ show h
show (NVFunction argset _) = "NVFunction " ++ show argset
showsPrec = flip go where
go (NVConstant atom) = showsCon1 "NVConstant" atom
go (NVStr text) = showsCon1 "NVStr" text
go (NVList list) = showsCon1 "NVList" list
go (NVSet attrs) = showsCon1 "NVSet" attrs
go (NVFunction r _) = showsCon1 "NVFunction" r
showsCon1 :: Show a => String -> a -> Int -> String -> String
showsCon1 con a d = showParen (d > 10) $ showString (con ++ " ") . showsPrec 11 a
type NValue = Fix NValueF
instance Show (Fix NValueF) where show (Fix f) = show f
valueText :: NValue -> Text
valueText = cata phi where
phi (NVConstant a) = atomText a
phi (NVStr t) = t
phi (NVList _) = error "Cannot coerce a list to a string"
phi (NVSet _) = error "Cannot coerce a set to a string"
phi (NVArgSet _) = error "Cannot coerce an argument list to a string"
phi (NVFunction _ _) = error "Cannot coerce a function to a string"

View file

@ -23,35 +23,51 @@ case_constant_bool = do
case_simple_set :: Assertion
case_simple_set = do
assertParseString "{ a = 23; b = 4; }" $ Fix $ NSet NonRec
[ NamedVar (mkSym "a") $ mkInt 23
, NamedVar (mkSym "b") $ mkInt 4
[ NamedVar (mkSelector "a") $ mkInt 23
, NamedVar (mkSelector "b") $ mkInt 4
assertParseFail "{ a = 23 }"
case_set_inherit :: Assertion
case_set_inherit = do
assertParseString "{ e = 3; inherit a b; }" $ Fix $ NSet NonRec
[ NamedVar (mkSym "e") $ mkInt 3
, Inherit [mkSym "a", mkSym "b"]
[ NamedVar (mkSelector "e") $ mkInt 3
, Inherit Nothing [mkSelector "a", mkSelector "b"]
assertParseString "{ inherit; }" $ Fix $ NSet NonRec [ Inherit [] ]
assertParseString "{ inherit; }" $ Fix $ NSet NonRec [ Inherit Nothing [] ]
case_set_scoped_inherit :: Assertion
case_set_scoped_inherit = assertParseString "{ inherit (a) b c; e = 4; inherit(a)b c; }" $ Fix $ NSet NonRec
[ ScopedInherit (mkSym "a") [mkSym "b", mkSym "c"]
, NamedVar (mkSym "e") $ mkInt 4
, ScopedInherit (mkSym "a") [mkSym "b", mkSym "c"]
[ Inherit (Just (mkSym "a")) [mkSelector "b", mkSelector "c"]
, NamedVar (mkSelector "e") $ mkInt 4
, Inherit (Just (mkSym "a")) [mkSelector "b", mkSelector "c"]
case_set_rec :: Assertion
case_set_rec = assertParseString "rec { a = 3; b = a; }" $ Fix $ NSet Rec
[ NamedVar (mkSym "a") $ mkInt 3
, NamedVar (mkSym "b") $ mkSym "a"
[ NamedVar (mkSelector "a") $ mkInt 3
, NamedVar (mkSelector "b") $ mkSym "a"
case_set_complex_keynames :: Assertion
case_set_complex_keynames = do
assertParseString "{ \"\" = null; }" $ Fix $ NSet NonRec
[ NamedVar [DynamicKey (Plain "")] mkNull ]
assertParseString "{ a.b = 3; a.c = 4; }" $ Fix $ NSet NonRec
[ NamedVar [StaticKey "a", StaticKey "b"] $ mkInt 3
, NamedVar [StaticKey "a", StaticKey "c"] $ mkInt 4
assertParseString "{ ${let a = \"b\"; in a} = 4; }" $ Fix $ NSet NonRec
[ NamedVar [DynamicKey (Antiquoted letExpr)] $ mkInt 4 ]
assertParseString "{ \"a${let a = \"b\"; in a}c\".e = 4; }" $ Fix $ NSet NonRec
[ NamedVar [DynamicKey (Plain str), StaticKey "e"] $ mkInt 4 ]
letExpr = Fix $ NLet [ NamedVar (mkSelector "a") (mkStr "b") ] (mkSym "a")
str = NString [Plain "a", Antiquoted letExpr, Plain "c"]
case_set_inherit_direct :: Assertion
case_set_inherit_direct = assertParseString "{ inherit ({a = 3;}); }" $ Fix $ NSet NonRec
[ flip ScopedInherit [] $ Fix $ NSet NonRec [NamedVar (mkSym "a") $ mkInt 3]
[ flip Inherit [] $ Just $ Fix $ NSet NonRec [NamedVar (mkSelector "a") $ mkInt 3]
case_int_list :: Assertion
@ -62,45 +78,50 @@ case_int_null_list :: Assertion
case_int_null_list = assertParseString "[1 2 3 null 4]" $ Fix (NList (map (Fix . NConstant) [NInt 1, NInt 2, NInt 3, NNull, NInt 4]))
case_simple_lambda :: Assertion
case_simple_lambda = assertParseString "a: a" $ Fix (NAbs (Fix $ NArgs $ FormalName "a") (mkSym "a"))
case_simple_lambda = assertParseString "a: a" $ Fix $ NAbs (FormalName "a") (mkSym "a")
case_lambda_pattern :: Assertion
case_lambda_pattern = do
assertParseString "{b, c ? 1}: b" $
Fix $ NAbs (Fix $ NArgs $ FormalSet args) (mkSym "b")
Fix $ NAbs (FormalSet args) (mkSym "b")
assertParseString "{b ? x: x}: b" $
Fix $ NAbs (FormalSet args2) (mkSym "b")
assertParseString "a@{b,c ? 1}: b" $
Fix $ NAbs (Fix $ NArgs $ FormalLeftAt "a" args) (mkSym "b")
Fix $ NAbs (FormalLeftAt "a" args) (mkSym "b")
assertParseString "{b,c?1}@a: c" $
Fix $ NAbs (Fix $ NArgs $ FormalRightAt args "a") (mkSym "c")
Fix $ NAbs (FormalRightAt args "a") (mkSym "c")
assertParseFail "a@b: a"
assertParseFail "{a}@{b}: a"
args = FormalParamSet $ Map.fromList [("b", Nothing), ("c", Just $ mkInt 1)]
args2 = FormalParamSet $ Map.fromList [("b", Just lam)]
lam = Fix $ NAbs (FormalName "x") (mkSym "x")
case_lambda_app_int :: Assertion
case_lambda_app_int = assertParseString "(a: a) 3" $ Fix (NApp lam int) where
int = mkInt 3
lam = Fix (NAbs (Fix $ NArgs $ FormalName "a") asym)
lam = Fix (NAbs (FormalName "a") asym)
asym = mkSym "a"
case_simple_let :: Assertion
case_simple_let = do
assertParseString "let a = 4; in a" $ Fix (NLet binds asym)
assertParseString "let a = 4; in a" $ Fix (NLet binds $ mkSym "a")
assertParseFail "let a = 4 in a"
binds = [NamedVar asym $ mkInt 4]
asym = mkSym "a"
binds = [NamedVar (mkSelector "a") $ mkInt 4]
case_nested_let :: Assertion
case_nested_let = do
assertParseString "let a = 4; in let b = 5; in a" $ Fix $ NLet [NamedVar (mkSym "a") $ mkInt 4] $
Fix $ NLet [NamedVar (mkSym "b") $ mkInt 5] $ mkSym "a"
assertParseString "let a = 4; in let b = 5; in a" $ Fix $ NLet
[ NamedVar (mkSelector "a") $ mkInt 4 ]
(Fix $ NLet [NamedVar (mkSelector "b") $ mkInt 5] $ mkSym "a")
assertParseFail "let a = 4; let b = 3; in b"
case_let_scoped_inherit :: Assertion
case_let_scoped_inherit = do
assertParseString "let a = null; inherit (b) c; in c" $ Fix $
NLet [NamedVar (mkSym "a") mkNull, ScopedInherit (mkSym "b") [mkSym "c"]] $ mkSym "c"
assertParseString "let a = null; inherit (b) c; in c" $ Fix $ NLet
[ NamedVar (mkSelector "a") mkNull, Inherit (Just $ mkSym "b") [mkSelector "c"] ]
(mkSym "c")
assertParseFail "let inherit (b) c in c"
case_identifier_special_chars :: Assertion
@ -125,7 +146,9 @@ case_string_dollar :: Assertion
case_string_dollar = mapM_ makeStringParseTest ["a$b", "a$$b", "$cdef", "gh$i"]
case_string_escape :: Assertion
case_string_escape = assertParseString "\"\\$\\n\\t\\r\\\\\"" $ mkStr "$\n\t\r\\"
case_string_escape = do
assertParseString "\"\\$\\n\\t\\r\\\\\"" $ mkStr "$\n\t\r\\"
assertParseString "\" \\\" \\' \"" $ mkStr " \" ' "
case_if :: Assertion
case_if = do
@ -136,6 +159,19 @@ case_if = do
assertParseFail "if true then false else false else"
assertParseFail "1 + 2 then"
case_string_antiquote :: Assertion
case_string_antiquote = do
assertParseString "\"abc${ if true then \"def\" else \"abc\" } g\"" $
Fix $ NStr $ NString
[ Plain "abc"
, Antiquoted $ Fix $ NIf (mkBool True) (mkStr "def") (mkStr "abc")
, Plain " g"
assertParseString "\"\\${a}\"" $ mkStr "${a}"
assertParseFail "\"a"
assertParseFail "${true}"
assertParseFail "\"${true\""
tests :: TestTree
tests = $testGroupGenerator