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John Wiegley 2014-07-04 01:55:04 -05:00
parent 710b421b46
commit b01890048c

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@ -159,57 +159,3 @@ lookaheadForSet = do
parseNixFile :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m (Result NExpr)
parseNixFile = parseFromFileEx nixApp
Grammar of the Nix language (LL(n)). I conditionalize terms in the grammar
with a predicate suffix in square brackets. If the predicate fails, we
back-track. WS is used to indicate where arbitrary whitespace is allowed.
top ::= app
Applied expressions, or "expr expr", express function application. Since they
do not mean this within lists, we must call it out as a separate grammar rule so
that we can make clear when it is allowed.
app ::= expr WS+ app | (epsilon)
expr ::= atom
| '(' app ')'
| '[' list_members ']'
| "rec"[opt] '{' set_members[one kv_pair exists] '}'
| argspec ':' app
atom ::= INTEGER
| "true" | "false"
| "null"
| CHAR(0-9A-Za-z_./)+[elem '/']
| '"' string '"'
Strings are a bit special in that not only do they observe escaping conventions,
but they allow for interpolation of arbitrary Nix expressions. This means
they form a sub-grammar, so we assume a lexical context switch here.
string ::= string_elem string | (epsilon)
string_elem ::= '\' ANYCHAR | subexpr | ANYCHAR+
subexpr ::= "${" WS* app "}"
list_members ::= expr WS+ list_members | (epsilon)
set_members ::= kv_pair WS* ';' WS* set_members | (epsilon)
kv_pair ::= stringish WS* '=' WS* app
stringish ::= string | CHAR(0-9A-Za-z_.)+ | subexpr
argspec ::= CHAR(0-9A-Za-z_)+ | '{' arg_list '}'
arg_list ::= arg_specifier | arg_specifier ',' arg_list
arg_specifier ::= CHAR(0-9A-Za-z_)+ default_value[opt]
default_value ::= '?' app