Remove unused valueText and valueTextNoContext functions

This commit is contained in:
Ken Micklas 2018-11-17 14:44:58 -05:00
parent 50b907861a
commit be8390ac79

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@ -108,32 +108,3 @@ embed (Free x) = case x of
NVClosureF p f -> return $ nvClosure p f
NVPathF fp -> return $ nvPath fp
NVBuiltinF n f -> return $ nvBuiltin n f
valueText :: forall e m. (Framed e m, MonadEffects m, Typeable m)
=> Bool -> NValueNF m -> m NixString
valueText addPathsToStore = iter phi . check
check :: NValueNF m -> Free (NValueF m) (m NixString)
check = fmap (const $ pure (hackyMakeNixStringWithoutContext "<CYCLE>"))
phi :: NValueF m (m NixString) -> m NixString
phi (NVConstantF a) = pure (hackyMakeNixStringWithoutContext (atomText a))
phi (NVStrF ns) = pure ns
phi v@(NVListF _) = coercionFailed v
phi v@(NVSetF s _)
| Just asString <- M.lookup "__asString" s = asString
| otherwise = coercionFailed v
phi v@NVClosureF {} = coercionFailed v
phi (NVPathF originalPath)
| addPathsToStore = do
storePath <- addPath originalPath
pure (hackyMakeNixStringWithoutContext $ Text.pack $ unStorePath storePath)
| otherwise = pure (hackyMakeNixStringWithoutContext (Text.pack originalPath))
phi v@(NVBuiltinF _ _) = coercionFailed v
coercionFailed v =
throwError $ Coercion @m (valueType v) TString
valueTextNoContext :: (Framed e m, MonadEffects m, Typeable m)
=> Bool -> NValueNF m -> m Text
valueTextNoContext addPathsToStore = fmap hackyStringIgnoreContext . valueText addPathsToStore