More work on dynamic bindings

This commit is contained in:
John Wiegley 2018-04-01 06:22:23 -07:00
parent 06d63b0644
commit c02b8bf843

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@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ lint (NSym var) = do
mres <- lookupVar var
case mres of
Nothing -> throwError $ "Undefined variable: " ++ show var
Just v -> v
Just v -> return v
lint v@(NConstant c) = mkSymbolic [TConstant [t]]
@ -283,8 +283,8 @@ lint (NSelect aset attr alternative) = do
extract v [] = return $ Just v
lint (NHasAttr aset attr) = aset >>= unpackSymbolic >>= \case
NMany [TSet s] -> lintSelector True attr >>= \case
lint e@(NHasAttr aset attr) = aset >>= unpackSymbolic >>= \case
NMany [TSet s] -> lintSelector (void e) True attr >>= \case
[keyName] -> mkSymbolic [TConstant [TBool]]
_ -> throwError $ "attr name argument to hasAttr"
++ " is not a single-part name"
@ -296,31 +296,30 @@ lint e@(NList l) = do
y <- everyPossible
(\t -> mkSymbolic [TList t]) =<< foldM (unify (void e)) y l'
lint (NSet binds) = do
s <- lintBinds True False binds
lint e@(NSet binds) = do
s <- lintBinds (void e) True False binds
mkSymbolic [TSet s]
lint (NRecSet binds) = do
s <- lintBinds True True binds
lint e@(NRecSet binds) = do
s <- lintBinds (void e) True True binds
mkSymbolic [TSet s]
lint (NLet binds e) = do
s <- lintBinds True True binds
pushScope s e
lint e@(NLet binds body) = do
s <- lintBinds (void e) True True binds
pushScope s body
lint e@(NIf cond t f) = do
c <- cond
unify (void e) c =<< mkSymbolic [TConstant [TBool]]
join $ unify (void e) <$> t <*> f
lint (NWith scope e) = scope >>= unpackSymbolic >>= \case
NMany [TSet s'] -> pushWeakScope s' e
lint (NWith scope body) = scope >>= unpackSymbolic >>= \case
NMany [TSet s'] -> pushWeakScope s' body
_ -> throwError "scope must be a set in with statement"
lint (NAssert cond e) = do
c <- cond
unify (void e) c =<< mkSymbolic [TConstant [TBool]]
lint e@(NAssert cond body) = do
join $ unify (void e) <$> cond <*> mkSymbolic [TConstant [TBool]]
lint (NApp fun arg) = fun >>= \case
@ -386,17 +385,22 @@ buildArgument params arg = case params of
These x _ -> const (pure x)
attrSetAlter :: forall e m. MonadNixLint e m
=> [Text]
=> [Maybe Text]
-> HashMap Text (m Symbolic)
-> m Symbolic
-> m (HashMap Text (m Symbolic))
attrSetAlter [] _ _ = throwError "invalid selector with no components"
attrSetAlter (p:ps) m val = case M.lookup p m of
attrSetAlter (Nothing:ps) m val =
-- In the case where the only thing we know about a dynamic key is that it
-- must unify with a string, we have to consider the possibility that it
-- might select any one of the members of 'm'.
attrSetAlter (Just p:ps) m val = case M.lookup p m of
Nothing | null ps -> go
| otherwise -> recurse M.empty
Just v | null ps -> go
| otherwise -> v >>= unpackSymbolic >>= \case
NMany [TSet s] -> recurse s
NMany [TSet s] -> recurse (pure <$> s)
--TODO: Keep a stack of attributes we've already traversed, so
--that we can report that to the user
x -> throwError $ "attribute " ++ show p
@ -414,31 +418,35 @@ attrSetAlter (p:ps) m val = case M.lookup p m of
(\t -> mkSymbolic [TSet t]) =<< traverse (withScopes scope) m'
lintBinds :: forall e m. MonadNixLint e m
=> Bool
=> NExprF ()
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> [Binding (m Symbolic)]
-> m (HashMap Text Symbolic)
lintBinds allowDynamic recursive = buildResult . concat <=< mapM go
lintBinds context allowDynamic recursive = buildResult . concat <=< mapM go
go :: Binding (m Symbolic) -> m [([Text], m Symbolic)]
go :: Binding (m Symbolic) -> m [([Maybe Text], m Symbolic)]
go (NamedVar x y) =
sequence [liftM2 (,) (lintSelector allowDynamic x) (pure y)]
sequence [liftM2 (,) (lintSelector context allowDynamic x) (pure y)]
go (Inherit ms names) = forM names $ \name -> do
key <- lintKeyName allowDynamic name
return ([key], do
mv <- case ms of
Nothing -> lookupVar key
Just s -> s >>= unpackSymbolic >>= \case
NMany [TSet s] -> pushScope s (lookupVar key)
x -> throwError
$ "First argument to inherit should be a set, saw: "
++ show (() <$ x)
case mv of
Nothing -> throwError $ "Inheriting unknown attribute: "
++ show (() <$ name)
Just v -> v)
mkey <- lintKeyName context allowDynamic name
return ([mkey], case mkey of
Nothing -> return undefined
Just key -> do
mv <- case ms of
Nothing -> lookupVar key
Just s -> s >>= unpackSymbolic >>= \case
NMany [TSet s] -> pushScope s (lookupVar key)
x -> throwError
$ "First argument to inherit should be a set, saw: "
++ show (() <$ x)
case mv of
Nothing -> throwError $ "Inheriting unknown attribute: "
++ show (() <$ name)
Just v -> return v)
buildResult :: [([Text], m Symbolic)] -> m (HashMap Text Symbolic)
buildResult :: [([Maybe Text], m Symbolic)]
-> m (HashMap Text Symbolic)
buildResult bindings = do
s <- foldM insert M.empty bindings
scope <- currentScopes @_ @Symbolic
@ -454,16 +462,24 @@ lintBinds allowDynamic recursive = buildResult . concat <=< mapM go
lintString :: MonadNixLint e m => NString (m Symbolic) -> m Symbolic
lintString _nstr = mkSymbolic [TStr]
lintSelector :: (Framed e m, MonadNix m)
=> Bool -> NAttrPath (m Symbolic) -> m [Text]
lintSelector = mapM . lintKeyName
lintSelector :: MonadNixLint e m
=> NExprF () -> Bool -> NAttrPath (m Symbolic)
-> m [Maybe Text]
lintSelector context = mapM . lintKeyName context
lintKeyName :: (Framed e m, MonadNix m)
=> Bool -> NKeyName (m Symbolic) -> m Text
lintKeyName _ (StaticKey k) = return k
lintKeyName dyn (DynamicKey k)
-- We know keys must be result in strings, but we can't know which member in
-- the set they'll reference. Since sets have heterogenous membership, when we
-- see a reference such as 'a.b.c', we can only know there's an error if we've
-- inferred that no member of 'a' is a set.
lintKeyName :: MonadNixLint e m
=> NExprF () -> Bool -> NKeyName (m Symbolic)
-> m (Maybe Text)
lintKeyName _ _ (StaticKey k) = return $ Just k
lintKeyName context dyn (DynamicKey k)
| dyn = do
v <- runAntiquoted lintString id k
valueTextNoContext =<< normalForm v
-- This is done only as a check.
runAntiquoted lintString
(\x -> join $ unify context <$> x <*> mkSymbolic [TStr]) k
return Nothing
| otherwise =
throwError "dynamic attribute not allowed in this context"