default.nix is parsing again, but not all-packages.nix

This commit is contained in:
John Wiegley 2014-07-01 03:27:13 -05:00
parent 682f039023
commit d62b7747b2
2 changed files with 20 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import Prelude hiding (elem)
nixApp :: Parser NExpr
nixApp = go <$> someTill (whiteSpace *> nixExpr True)
(try (lookAhead (char ';')))
(try (lookAhead (() <$ oneOf "=,;])}" <|> eof)))
go [] = error "some has failed us"
go [x] = x
@ -44,34 +44,32 @@ nixExpr = buildExpressionParser table . nixTerm
-- Postfix (pure (Fix . NOper . fun) <* symbol name)
nixTerm :: Bool -> Parser NExpr
nixTerm allowLambdas = trace "in nixTerm" (return ()) >> choice
nixTerm allowLambdas = choice
[ nixInt
, nixBool
, nixNull
, nixParens
, nixList
, nixPath
, maybeSetOrLambda allowLambdas
, setLambdaStringOrSym allowLambdas
nixInt :: Parser NExpr
nixInt = mkInt <$> decimal <?> "integer"
nixBool :: Parser NExpr
nixBool = (string "true" *> pure (mkBool True))
<|> (string "false" *> pure (mkBool False))
nixBool = (try (string "true") *> pure (mkBool True))
<|> (try (string "false") *> pure (mkBool False))
<?> "bool"
nixNull :: Parser NExpr
nixNull = string "null" *> pure mkNull <?> "null"
nixNull = try (string "null") *> pure mkNull <?> "null"
nixParens :: Parser NExpr
nixParens = parens nixApp <?> "parens"
nixList :: Parser NExpr
nixList = do
trace "in nixList" $ return ()
brackets (Fix . NList <$> many (nixTerm False)) <?> "list"
nixList = brackets (Fix . NList <$> many (trace "in nixList" $ nixTerm False)) <?> "list"
nixPath :: Parser NExpr
nixPath = try $ do
@ -82,9 +80,9 @@ nixPath = try $ do
isPathChar c = isAlpha c || c `Prelude.elem` ".:/"
maybeSetOrLambda :: Bool -> Parser NExpr
maybeSetOrLambda allowLambdas = do
trace "maybeSetOrLambda" $ return ()
setLambdaStringOrSym :: Bool -> Parser NExpr
setLambdaStringOrSym allowLambdas = do
trace "setLambdaStringOrSym" $ return ()
x <- try (lookAhead symName)
<|> try (lookAhead (singleton <$> char '{'))
<|> return ""
@ -92,8 +90,7 @@ maybeSetOrLambda allowLambdas = do
then setOrArgs
else do
trace "might still have a lambda" $ return ()
y <- try (lookAhead (symName *> whiteSpace *> symbolic ':'
*> return True))
y <- try (lookAhead (True <$ (symName *> whiteSpace *> symbolic ':')))
<|> return False
trace ("results are = " ++ show y) $ return ()
if y
@ -124,25 +121,16 @@ stringish
oneChar = mkStr . singleton <$> anyChar
argExpr :: Parser NExpr
argExpr = do
trace "in argExpr" $ return ()
(Fix . NArgSet . Map.fromList <$> argList)
argExpr = (Fix . NArgSet . Map.fromList <$> argList)
<|> ((mkSym <$> symName) <?> "argname")
argList = do
trace "in argList" $ return ()
braces ((argName <* trace "FOO" whiteSpace) `sepBy` trace "BAR" (symbolic ','))
argList = braces ((argName <* whiteSpace) `sepBy` symbolic ',')
<?> "arglist"
argName = do
trace "in argName" $ return ()
(,) <$> (symName <* whiteSpace)
argName = (,) <$> (symName <* whiteSpace)
<*> optional (symbolic '?' *> nixExpr False)
nvPair :: Parser (NExpr, NExpr)
nvPair = do
trace "in nvPair" $ return ()
(,) <$> keyName <*> (symbolic '=' *> nixApp)
nvPair = (,) <$> keyName <*> (symbolic '=' *> nixApp)
keyName :: Parser NExpr
keyName = (stringish <|> (mkSym <$> symName)) <* whiteSpace

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@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ import Text.Trifecta as X
someTill :: Parser a -> Parser end -> Parser [a]
someTill p end = go *> scan
someTill p end = go
go = do { x <- p; xs <- scan; return (x:xs) }
go = (:) <$> p <*> scan
scan = (end *> return []) <|> go