Anton-Latukha 0449dc4570 Merge update from haskell-with-nixpkgs
* "rev" "default" tracks local default Nixpkgs channel.

* "compiler" "default" tracks default Nixpkgs GHC compiler.

* Properly providing secret to the GitHub CI workflows.

* Clean-up.

* Project freed form reliance on Travis CI.

* Removing unmaintained GHCJS build, in favor for the further move to Haskell to WebAssembly compilation.


In terms of the fish shell the rebase merge is done in this way:

set -l tmpDir "$HOME/src/tmp"
set -l sourceDir 'haskell-with-nixpkgs'
set -l sourceUrl "$sourceDir.git"
set -l masterDir 'hnix'
set -l masterUrl "$masterDir.git"
set -l fileList \
default.nix \ \ \
Cabal-Linux.yml \
Nixpkgs-GHCJS.yml \
Nixpkgs-Linux-additional.yml \
Nixpkgs-Linux-maim.yml \
mkdir -p "$tmpDir"
rm -rf "$tmpDir/$sourceDir"
rm -rf "$tmpDir/$masterDir"
cd "$tmpDir"
git clone "$sourceUrl" "$sourceDir"
cd "$sourceDir"
git-pass-filter $fileList
cd "$tmpDir"
git clone "$masterUrl" "$masterDir"
cd "$masterDir"
git checkout -b upd-from-"$sourceDir"
git remote add hn "$tmpDir/$sourceDir"
git fetch hn master
git merge -S --allow-unrelated-histories hn/master


10 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 401 deletions(-)
.github/workflows/Cabal-Linux.yml              |   4 -
.github/workflows/Nixpkgs-Linux-main.yml       |  12 +-
.github/workflows/Nixpkgs-Linux-additional.yml |   4 +-
.github/workflows/Nixpkgs-macOS.yml            |   5 +-
default.nix                                    |  33 +++--                                       |  97 ++-------------
.github/workflows/Nixpkgs-GHCJS-turned-off     |  45 -------
ghcjs/nix.conf                                 |   2 -
ghcjs/default.nix                              |  79 ------------
.travis.yml                                    | 162 -------------------------
2020-08-18 10:13:36 +03:00

316 lines
12 KiB

# Default GHC for Nixpkgs by default, for current default and explicitly supported GHCs, Nixpkgs implicitly supports older minor versions also, until the configuration departs from compatibility with them.
# Compiler in a form ghc8101 <- GHC 8.10.1, just remove spaces and dots
compiler ? "default"
# Deafult.nix is a unit package abstraciton that allows to abstract over packages even in monorepos:
# Example: pass --arg cabalName --arg packageRoot "./subprojectDir", or map default.nix over a list of tiples for subprojects.
# cabalName is package resulting name: by default and on error resolves in haskellPackages.developPackage to project root directory name by default, but outside the haskellPackages.developPackage as you see below packageRoot can be different
, cabalName ? "hnix"
, packageRoot ? pkgs.nix-gitignore.gitignoreSource [ ] ./.
# This settings expose most of the Nixpkgs Haskell.lib API:
# Some of these options implicitly enable other options they require, and some counterpoint options clash, obviously
# Don't fail at configure time if there are multiple versions of the same package in the (recursive) dependencies of the package being built. Will delay failures, if any, to compile time.
, allowInconsistentDependencies ? false
# Escape the version bounds from the cabal file. You may want to avoid this function.
, doJailbreak ? false
# Nix dependency checking, compilation and execution of test suites listed in the package description file.
, doCheck ? true
# Just produce a SDist src tarball
, sdistTarball ? false
# The strict packaging process as used on Hackage. Tests consistency of the Cabal file.
, buildFromSdist ? true
# Turn all warn into err with {-Wall,-Werror}
, failOnAllWarnings ? false
# `failOnAllWarnings` + `buildFromSdist`
, buildStrictly ? false
# 2020-06-02: NOTE: enableDeadCodeElimination = true: On GHC =< 8.8.3 macOS build falls due to
, enableDeadCodeElimination ? false
# Disabled GHC code optimizations make build/tolling/dev loops faster.
# Works also for Haskel IDE Engine and GHCID.
# Enable optimizations for production use, and to pass benchmarks.
, disableOptimization ? true
# Use faster `gold` ELF linker from GNU binutils instead of older&slower but more versatile GNU linker. Is not available by default since macOS does not have it.
, linkWithGold ? false
# Provide an inventory of performance events and timings for the execution. Provides informaiton in an absolute sense. Nothing is timestamped.
, enableLibraryProfiling ? false
, enableExecutableProfiling ? false
# Include tracing information & abilities. Tracing records the chronology, often with timestamps and is extensive in time
, doTracing ? false
# Include DWARF debugging information & abilities
, enableDWARFDebugging ? true
# Strip results from all debugging symbols
, doStrip ? false
# Nixpkgs expects shared libraries
, enableSharedLibraries ? true
# Ability to make static libraries
, enableStaticLibraries ? false
# Make hybrid executable that is also a shared library
, enableSharedExecutables ? false
# link executables statically against haskell libs to reduce closure size
, justStaticExecutables ? false
, enableSeparateBinOutput ? false
# checkUnusedPackages: is `failOnAllWarnings` + `cabal sdist` + post-build dep check.
# Currently uses `packunused` or GHC 8.8 internals, later switches into GHC internal feature.
# Adds a post-build check to verify that dependencies declared in the cabal file are actually used.
, checkUnusedPackages ? false
# Generation and installation of haddock API documentation
, doHaddock ? false
# Generate hyperlinked source code for documentation using HsColour, and have Haddock documentation link to it.
, doHyperlinkSource ? false
# Generation and installation of a coverage report. See
, doCoverage ? false
# doBenchmark: Dependency checking + compilation and execution for benchmarks listed in the package description file.
, doBenchmark ? false
# For binaries named in `executableNamesToShellComplete` list, generate and bundle-into package an automatically loaded shell complettions
, generateOptparseApplicativeCompletions ? false
, executableNamesToShellComplete ? [ "hnix" ]
# Include Hoogle into derivation
, withHoogle ? true
# Nix by default updates and uses locally configured nixpkgs-unstable channel
# Nixpkgs revision options:
# `rev` vals in order of freshness -> cache & stability:
# { master
# , <commitHash>
# , haskell-updates # Haskell development branch in Nixpkgs, can be inconsistent. Weekly merged into the upstream
# , nixpkgs-unstable # Default branch on Nix installation, default for non NixOS
# , nixos-unstable # nixpkgs-unstable that passes a bunch of base tests
# , nixos-20.03 # Last stable release, gets almost no updates to recipes, gets only required backports
# ...
# }
, rev ? "default"
, pkgs ?
if builtins.compareVersions builtins.nixVersion "2.0" < 0
then abort "Requires Nix >= 2.0"
if ((rev == "") || (rev == "default") || (rev == "local"))
then import <nixpkgs> {}
# Do not guard with hash, so the project is able to use current channels (rolling `rev`) of Nixpkgs
else import (builtins.fetchTarball "${rev}.tar.gz") {}
// {
# Try to build dependencies even if they are marked broken.
config.allowBroken = true;
, mkDerivation ? null
getDefaultGHC = "ghc${
# Remove '.' from the string 8.8.4 -> 884
pkgs.lib.stringAsChars (c: if c == "." then "" else c)
# Get default GHC version,
(pkgs.lib.getVersion pkgs.haskellPackages.ghc)
compilerPackage =
if ((compiler == "") || (compiler == "default"))
then getDefaultGHC
else compiler;
# 2020-05-23: NOTE: Currently HNix-store needs no overlay
# hnix-store-src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
# owner = "haskell-nix";
# repo = "hnix-store";
# rev = "";
# sha256 = "1qf5rn43d46vgqqgmwqdkjh78rfg6bcp4kypq3z7mx46sdpzvb78";
# };
overlay = pkgs.lib.foldr pkgs.lib.composeExtensions (_: _: {}) [
# (import "${hnix-store-src}/overlay.nix")
(self: super:
pkgs.lib.optionalAttrs withHoogle {
ghc = super.ghc // { withPackages = super.ghc.withHoogle; };
ghcWithPackages = self.ghc.withPackages;
overrideHaskellPackages = orig: {
buildHaskellPackages =
orig.buildHaskellPackages.override overrideHaskellPackages;
overrides = if orig ? overrides
then pkgs.lib.composeExtensions orig.overrides overlay
else overlay;
haskellPackages = pkgs.haskell.packages.${compilerPackage}.override
# Application of functions from this list to the package in code here happens in the reverse order (from the tail). Some options depend on & override others, so if enabling options caused Nix error or not expected result - change the order, and please do not change this order without proper testing.
listSwitchFunc =
switch = sdistTarball;
function = pkgs.haskell.lib.sdistTarball;
switch = buildFromSdist;
function = pkgs.haskell.lib.buildFromSdist;
switch = buildStrictly;
function = pkgs.haskell.lib.buildStrictly;
switch = disableOptimization;
function = pkgs.haskell.lib.disableOptimization;
switch = doJailbreak;
function = pkgs.haskell.lib.doJailBreak;
switch = doStrip;
function = pkgs.haskell.lib.doStrip;
switch = enableDWARFDebugging;
function = pkgs.haskell.lib.enableDWARFDebugging;
switch = linkWithGold;
function = pkgs.haskell.lib.linkWithGold;
switch = failOnAllWarnings;
function = pkgs.haskell.lib.failOnAllWarnings;
switch = justStaticExecutables;
function = pkgs.haskell.lib.justStaticExecutables;
switch = checkUnusedPackages;
function = pkgs.haskell.lib.checkUnusedPackages {};
switch = generateOptparseApplicativeCompletions;
function = pkgs.haskell.lib.generateOptparseApplicativeCompletions executableNamesToShellComplete;
switch = doHyperlinkSource;
function = pkgs.haskell.lib.doHyperlinkSource;
# Function that applies enabled option to the package, used in the fold.
onSwitchApplyFunc = set: object:
if set.switch
then set.function object
else object;
# General description of package
package = haskellPackages.developPackage {
name = cabalName;
# Do not include into closure the files listed in .gitignore
root = packageRoot;
overrides = self: super: {
# 2020-06-26 Due to a behaviour change in neat-interpolation-0.4, we
# require n-i >= 0.4. dontCheck helps us avoid conflicts with
# neat-interpolation's test dependencies.
neat-interpolation = pkgs.haskell.lib.dontCheck super.neat-interpolation_0_5_1_1;
# 2020-07-23 hnix uses multiple functions that are unavailable in
# data-fix < 0.3.
data-fix = haskellPackages.callPackage
({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, hashable, stdenv }:
mkDerivation {
pname = "data-fix";
version = "0.3.0";
sha256 = "9e59b3ed694b5139316093b3767842e60ad4821858459e7cd763e5773dfa99a0";
libraryHaskellDepends = [ base deepseq hashable ];
homepage = "";
description = "Fixpoint data types";
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
}) {};
# 2020-08-04 hnix uses custom LayoutOptions and therefore is
# likely to be affected by the change in the ribbon width
# calculation in prettyprinter-1.7.0.
prettyprinter = haskellPackages.callPackage
({ mkDerivation, ansi-wl-pprint, base, base-compat, bytestring
, containers, deepseq, doctest, gauge, mtl, pgp-wordlist
, QuickCheck, quickcheck-instances, random, tasty, tasty-hunit
, tasty-quickcheck, text, transformers, stdenv
mkDerivation {
pname = "prettyprinter";
version = "1.7.0";
sha256 = "19z04sn0kqxgwcyfn5igjmbxw13xsb3mdhdidkb3kzswib78f6sr";
isLibrary = true;
isExecutable = true;
libraryHaskellDepends = [ base text ];
testHaskellDepends = [
base bytestring doctest pgp-wordlist QuickCheck
quickcheck-instances tasty tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck text
benchmarkHaskellDepends = [
ansi-wl-pprint base base-compat containers deepseq gauge mtl
QuickCheck random text transformers
description = "A modern, easy to use, well-documented, extensible pretty-printer";
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd2;
}) {};
modifier = drv: pkgs.haskell.lib.overrideCabal drv (attrs: {
buildTools = (attrs.buildTools or []) ++ [
testHaskellDepends = attrs.testHaskellDepends ++ [
# Declare that the header set arguments as according Haskell.lib switches
inherit allowInconsistentDependencies;
inherit doCheck;
inherit enableDeadCodeElimination;
inherit enableLibraryProfiling;
inherit enableExecutableProfiling;
inherit enableSharedLibraries;
inherit enableStaticLibraries;
inherit enableSharedExecutables;
inherit enableSeparateBinOutput;
inherit doBenchmark;
inherit doCoverage;
inherit doHaddock;
configureFlags = pkgs.stdenv.lib.optional doTracing "--flags=tracing";
passthru = {
nixpkgs = pkgs;
inherit haskellPackages;
returnShellEnv = false;
# One part of Haskell.lib options are argument switches, those are in `inherit`ed list.
# Other part - are function wrappers over pkg. Fold allows to compose those.
# composePackage = foldr (if switch then function) (package) ([{switch,function}]) == (functionN .. (function1 package))
composedPackage = pkgs.lib.foldr (onSwitchApplyFunc) package listSwitchFunc;
in composedPackage