2018-11-16 21:30:51 -05:00

768 lines
30 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-signatures #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
module Nix.Exec where
import Prelude hiding (putStr, putStrLn, print)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Catch hiding (catchJust)
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Ref
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (StateT(..))
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Fix
import Data.GADT.Compare
import Data.HashMap.Lazy (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as M
import Data.List
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Typeable
import Nix.Atoms
import Nix.Context
import Nix.Convert
import Nix.Effects
import Nix.Eval as Eval
import Nix.Expr
import Nix.Frames
import Nix.String
import Nix.Normal
import Nix.Options
import Nix.Parser
import Nix.Pretty
import Nix.Render
import Nix.Scope
import Nix.Thunk
import Nix.Utils
import Nix.Value
#ifdef MIN_VERSION_haskeline
import System.Console.Haskeline.MonadException hiding (catch)
import System.FilePath
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen (text)
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen as P
#ifdef MIN_VERSION_pretty_show
import qualified Text.Show.Pretty as PS
#ifdef MIN_VERSION_ghc_datasize
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc_datasize(0,2,0) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 804
import GHC.DataSize
type MonadNix e m =
(Scoped e (NThunk m) m, Framed e m, Has e SrcSpan, Has e Options,
Typeable m, MonadVar m, MonadEffects m, MonadFix m, MonadCatch m,
Alternative m)
data ExecFrame m = Assertion SrcSpan (NValue m)
deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Typeable m => Exception (ExecFrame m)
nverr :: forall s e m a. (MonadNix e m, Exception s) => s -> m a
nverr = evalError @(NValue m)
currentPos :: forall e m. (MonadReader e m, Has e SrcSpan) => m SrcSpan
currentPos = asks (view hasLens)
wrapExprLoc :: SrcSpan -> NExprLocF r -> NExprLoc
wrapExprLoc span x = Fix (Fix (NSym_ span "<?>") <$ x)
instance MonadNix e m => MonadThunk (NValue m) (NThunk m) m where
thunk mv = do
opts :: Options <- asks (view hasLens)
if thunks opts
then do
frames :: Frames <- asks (view hasLens)
-- Gather the current evaluation context at the time of thunk
-- creation, and record it along with the thunk.
let go (fromException ->
Just (EvaluatingExpr scope
(Fix (Compose (Ann span e))))) =
let e' = Compose (Ann span (Nothing <$ e))
in [Provenance scope e']
go _ = []
ps = concatMap (go . frame) frames
fmap (NThunk ps . coerce) . buildThunk $ mv
fmap (NThunk [] . coerce) . buildThunk $ mv
-- The ThunkLoop exception is thrown as an exception with MonadThrow,
-- which does not capture the current stack frame information to provide
-- it in a NixException, so we catch and re-throw it here using
-- 'throwError' from Frames.hs.
force (NThunk ps t) f = catch go (throwError @ThunkLoop)
go = case ps of
[] -> forceThunk t f
Provenance scope e@(Compose (Ann span _)):_ ->
withFrame Info (ForcingExpr scope (wrapExprLoc span e))
(forceThunk t f)
value = NThunk [] . coerce . valueRef
prov :: MonadNix e m
=> (NValue m -> Provenance m) -> NValue m -> m (NValue m)
prov p v = do
opts :: Options <- asks (view hasLens)
pure $ if values opts
then addProvenance p v
else v
instance MonadNix e m => MonadEval (NValue m) m where
freeVariable var =
nverr $ ErrorCall $ "Undefined variable '" ++ Text.unpack var ++ "'"
attrMissing ks Nothing =
evalError @(NValue m) $ ErrorCall $
"Inheriting unknown attribute: "
++ intercalate "." (map Text.unpack (NE.toList ks))
attrMissing ks (Just s) = do
s' <- prettyNValue s
evalError @(NValue m) $ ErrorCall $ "Could not look up attribute "
++ intercalate "." (map Text.unpack (NE.toList ks))
++ " in " ++ show s'
evalCurPos = do
scope <- currentScopes
span@(SrcSpan delta _) <- currentPos
addProvenance (\_ -> Provenance scope (NSym_ span "__curPos"))
<$> toValue delta
evaledSym name val = do
scope <- currentScopes
span <- currentPos
pure $ addProvenance (const $ Provenance scope (NSym_ span name)) val
evalConstant c = do
scope <- currentScopes
span <- currentPos
pure $ nvConstantP (Provenance scope (NConstant_ span c)) c
evalString = assembleString >=> \case
Just ns -> do
scope <- currentScopes
span <- currentPos
pure $ nvStrP (Provenance scope
(NStr_ span (DoubleQuoted [Plain (hackyStringIgnoreContext ns)]))) ns
Nothing -> nverr $ ErrorCall "Failed to assemble string"
evalLiteralPath p = do
scope <- currentScopes
span <- currentPos
nvPathP (Provenance scope (NLiteralPath_ span p)) <$> makeAbsolutePath p
evalEnvPath p = do
scope <- currentScopes
span <- currentPos
nvPathP (Provenance scope (NEnvPath_ span p)) <$> findEnvPath p
evalUnary op arg = do
scope <- currentScopes
span <- currentPos
execUnaryOp scope span op arg
evalBinary op larg rarg = do
scope <- currentScopes
span <- currentPos
execBinaryOp scope span op larg rarg
evalWith c b = do
scope <- currentScopes
span <- currentPos
addProvenance (\b -> Provenance scope (NWith_ span Nothing (Just b)))
<$> evalWithAttrSet c b
evalIf c t f = do
scope <- currentScopes
span <- currentPos
fromValue c >>= \b ->
if b
then addProvenance (\t -> Provenance scope (NIf_ span (Just c) (Just t) Nothing)) <$> t
else addProvenance (\f -> Provenance scope (NIf_ span (Just c) Nothing (Just f))) <$> f
evalAssert c body = fromValue c >>= \b -> do
span <- currentPos
if b
then do
scope <- currentScopes
addProvenance (\b -> Provenance scope (NAssert_ span (Just c) (Just b))) <$> body
else nverr $ Assertion span c
evalApp f x = do
scope <- currentScopes
span <- currentPos
addProvenance (const $ Provenance scope (NBinary_ span NApp (Just f) Nothing))
<$> callFunc f x
evalAbs p k = do
scope <- currentScopes
span <- currentPos
pure $ nvClosureP (Provenance scope (NAbs_ span (Nothing <$ p) Nothing))
(void p) (\arg -> snd <$> k arg (\_ b -> ((),) <$> b))
evalError = throwError
infixl 1 `callFunc`
callFunc :: forall e m. (MonadNix e m, Typeable m)
=> NValue m -> m (NValue m) -> m (NValue m)
callFunc fun arg = case fun of
NVClosure params f -> do
traceM $ "callFunc:NVFunction taking " ++ show params
f arg
NVBuiltin name f -> do
span <- currentPos
withFrame Info (Calling @m @(NThunk m) name span) $ f arg
s@(NVSet m _) | Just f <- M.lookup "__functor" m -> do
traceM "callFunc:__functor"
force f $ (`callFunc` pure s) >=> (`callFunc` arg)
x -> throwError $ ErrorCall $ "Attempt to call non-function: " ++ show x
execUnaryOp :: (Framed e m, MonadVar m)
=> Scopes m (NThunk m) -> SrcSpan -> NUnaryOp -> NValue m
-> m (NValue m)
execUnaryOp scope span op arg = do
traceM "NUnary"
case arg of
NVConstant c -> case (op, c) of
(NNeg, NInt i) -> unaryOp $ NInt (-i)
(NNeg, NFloat f) -> unaryOp $ NFloat (-f)
(NNot, NBool b) -> unaryOp $ NBool (not b)
_ -> throwError $ ErrorCall $
"unsupported argument type for unary operator " ++ show op
x -> throwError $ ErrorCall $ "argument to unary operator"
++ " must evaluate to an atomic type: " ++ show x
unaryOp = pure . nvConstantP (Provenance scope (NUnary_ span op (Just arg)))
:: forall e m. (MonadNix e m, MonadEval (NValue m) m)
=> Scopes m (NThunk m)
-> SrcSpan
-> NBinaryOp
-> NValue m
-> m (NValue m)
-> m (NValue m)
execBinaryOp scope span NOr larg rarg = fromNix larg >>= \l ->
if l
then orOp Nothing True
else rarg >>= \rval -> fromNix @Bool rval >>= orOp (Just rval)
orOp r b = pure $
nvConstantP (Provenance scope (NBinary_ span NOr (Just larg) r)) (NBool b)
execBinaryOp scope span NAnd larg rarg = fromNix larg >>= \l ->
if l
then rarg >>= \rval -> fromNix @Bool rval >>= andOp (Just rval)
else andOp Nothing False
andOp r b = pure $
nvConstantP (Provenance scope (NBinary_ span NAnd (Just larg) r)) (NBool b)
execBinaryOp scope span op lval rarg = do
rval <- rarg
let bin :: (Provenance m -> a) -> a
bin f = f (Provenance scope (NBinary_ span op (Just lval) (Just rval)))
toBool = pure . bin nvConstantP . NBool
case (lval, rval) of
(NVConstant lc, NVConstant rc) -> case (op, lc, rc) of
(NEq, _, _) -> toBool =<< valueEq lval rval
(NNEq, _, _) -> toBool . not =<< valueEq lval rval
(NLt, l, r) -> toBool $ l < r
(NLte, l, r) -> toBool $ l <= r
(NGt, l, r) -> toBool $ l > r
(NGte, l, r) -> toBool $ l >= r
(NAnd, _, _) ->
nverr $ ErrorCall "should be impossible: && is handled above"
(NOr, _, _) ->
nverr $ ErrorCall "should be impossible: || is handled above"
(NPlus, l, r) -> numBinOp bin (+) l r
(NMinus, l, r) -> numBinOp bin (-) l r
(NMult, l, r) -> numBinOp bin (*) l r
(NDiv, l, r) -> numBinOp' bin div (/) l r
NBool l, NBool r) -> toBool $ not l || r
_ -> nverr $ ErrorCall $ unsupportedTypes lval rval
(NVStr ls, NVStr rs) -> case op of
NPlus -> pure $ bin nvStrP (ls `hackyStringMappend` rs)
NEq -> toBool =<< valueEq lval rval
NNEq -> toBool . not =<< valueEq lval rval
NLt -> toBool $ ls < rs
NLte -> toBool $ ls <= rs
NGt -> toBool $ ls > rs
NGte -> toBool $ ls >= rs
_ -> nverr $ ErrorCall $ unsupportedTypes lval rval
(NVStr _, NVConstant NNull) -> case op of
NEq -> toBool =<< valueEq lval (nvStr (hackyMakeNixStringWithoutContext ""))
NNEq -> toBool . not =<< valueEq lval (nvStr (hackyMakeNixStringWithoutContext ""))
_ -> nverr $ ErrorCall $ unsupportedTypes lval rval
(NVConstant NNull, NVStr _) -> case op of
NEq -> toBool =<< valueEq (nvStr (hackyMakeNixStringWithoutContext "")) rval
NNEq -> toBool . not =<< valueEq (nvStr (hackyMakeNixStringWithoutContext "")) rval
_ -> nverr $ ErrorCall $ unsupportedTypes lval rval
(NVSet ls lp, NVSet rs rp) -> case op of
NUpdate -> pure $ bin nvSetP (rs `M.union` ls) (rp `M.union` lp)
NEq -> toBool =<< valueEq lval rval
NNEq -> toBool . not =<< valueEq lval rval
_ -> nverr $ ErrorCall $ unsupportedTypes lval rval
(NVSet ls lp, NVConstant NNull) -> case op of
NUpdate -> pure $ bin nvSetP ls lp
NEq -> toBool =<< valueEq lval (nvSet M.empty M.empty)
NNEq -> toBool . not =<< valueEq lval (nvSet M.empty M.empty)
_ -> nverr $ ErrorCall $ unsupportedTypes lval rval
(NVConstant NNull, NVSet rs rp) -> case op of
NUpdate -> pure $ bin nvSetP rs rp
NEq -> toBool =<< valueEq (nvSet M.empty M.empty) rval
NNEq -> toBool . not =<< valueEq (nvSet M.empty M.empty) rval
_ -> nverr $ ErrorCall $ unsupportedTypes lval rval
(ls@NVSet {}, NVStr rs) -> case op of
NPlus -> (\ls -> bin nvStrP (hackyModifyNixContents (Text.pack ls `mappend`) rs))
<$> coerceToString False False ls
NEq -> toBool =<< valueEq lval rval
NNEq -> toBool . not =<< valueEq lval rval
_ -> nverr $ ErrorCall $ unsupportedTypes lval rval
(NVStr ls, rs@NVSet {}) -> case op of
NPlus -> (\rs -> bin nvStrP (hackyModifyNixContents (`mappend` Text.pack rs) ls))
<$> coerceToString False False rs
NEq -> toBool =<< valueEq lval rval
NNEq -> toBool . not =<< valueEq lval rval
_ -> nverr $ ErrorCall $ unsupportedTypes lval rval
(NVList ls, NVList rs) -> case op of
NConcat -> pure $ bin nvListP $ ls ++ rs
NEq -> toBool =<< valueEq lval rval
NNEq -> toBool . not =<< valueEq lval rval
_ -> nverr $ ErrorCall $ unsupportedTypes lval rval
(NVList ls, NVConstant NNull) -> case op of
NConcat -> pure $ bin nvListP ls
NEq -> toBool =<< valueEq lval (nvList [])
NNEq -> toBool . not =<< valueEq lval (nvList [])
_ -> nverr $ ErrorCall $ unsupportedTypes lval rval
(NVConstant NNull, NVList rs) -> case op of
NConcat -> pure $ bin nvListP rs
NEq -> toBool =<< valueEq (nvList []) rval
NNEq -> toBool . not =<< valueEq (nvList []) rval
_ -> nverr $ ErrorCall $ unsupportedTypes lval rval
(NVPath p, NVStr ns) -> case op of
NEq -> toBool $ Just p == fmap Text.unpack (hackyStringIgnoreContextMaybe ns)
NNEq -> toBool $ Just p /= fmap Text.unpack (hackyStringIgnoreContextMaybe ns)
NPlus -> bin nvPathP <$> makeAbsolutePath (p `mappend` Text.unpack (hackyStringIgnoreContext ns))
_ -> nverr $ ErrorCall $ unsupportedTypes lval rval
(NVPath ls, NVPath rs) -> case op of
NPlus -> bin nvPathP <$> makeAbsolutePath (ls ++ rs)
_ -> nverr $ ErrorCall $ unsupportedTypes lval rval
_ -> case op of
NEq -> toBool False
NNEq -> toBool True
_ -> nverr $ ErrorCall $ unsupportedTypes lval rval
unsupportedTypes :: Show a => a -> a -> String
unsupportedTypes lval rval =
"Unsupported argument types for binary operator "
++ show op ++ ": " ++ show lval ++ ", " ++ show rval
numBinOp :: (forall r. (Provenance m -> r) -> r)
-> (forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a) -> NAtom -> NAtom -> m (NValue m)
numBinOp bin f = numBinOp' bin f f
numBinOp' :: (forall r. (Provenance m -> r) -> r)
-> (Integer -> Integer -> Integer)
-> (Float -> Float -> Float)
-> NAtom -> NAtom -> m (NValue m)
numBinOp' bin intF floatF l r = case (l, r) of
(NInt li, NInt ri) -> toInt $ li `intF` ri
(NInt li, NFloat rf) -> toFloat $ fromInteger li `floatF` rf
(NFloat lf, NInt ri) -> toFloat $ lf `floatF` fromInteger ri
(NFloat lf, NFloat rf) -> toFloat $ lf `floatF` rf
_ -> nverr $ ErrorCall $ unsupportedTypes l r
toInt = pure . bin nvConstantP . NInt
toFloat = pure . bin nvConstantP . NFloat
coerceToString :: MonadNix e m => Bool -> Bool -> NValue m -> m String
coerceToString copyToStore coerceMore = go
go = \case
NVConstant (NBool b)
| b && coerceMore -> pure "1"
| coerceMore -> pure ""
NVConstant (NInt n) | coerceMore -> pure $ show n
NVConstant (NFloat n) | coerceMore -> pure $ show n
NVConstant NNull | coerceMore -> pure ""
NVStr ns -> pure $ Text.unpack (hackyStringIgnoreContext ns)
NVPath p | copyToStore -> unStorePath <$> addPath p
| otherwise -> pure p
NVList l | coerceMore -> unwords <$> traverse (`force` go) l
v@(NVSet s _) | Just p <- M.lookup "__toString" s ->
force p $ (`callFunc` pure v) >=> go
NVSet s _ | Just p <- M.lookup "outPath" s ->
force p go
v -> throwError $ ErrorCall $ "Expected a string, but saw: " ++ show v
newtype Lazy m a = Lazy
{ runLazy :: ReaderT (Context (Lazy m) (NThunk (Lazy m)))
(StateT (HashMap FilePath NExprLoc) m) a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Alternative, Monad, MonadPlus,
MonadFix, MonadIO,
MonadReader (Context (Lazy m) (NThunk (Lazy m))))
instance MonadTrans Lazy where
lift = Lazy . lift . lift
instance MonadRef m => MonadRef (Lazy m) where
type Ref (Lazy m) = Ref m
newRef = lift . newRef
readRef = lift . readRef
writeRef r = lift . writeRef r
instance MonadAtomicRef m => MonadAtomicRef (Lazy m) where
atomicModifyRef r = lift . atomicModifyRef r
instance (MonadFile m, Monad m) => MonadFile (Lazy m)
instance MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (Lazy m) where
catch (Lazy (ReaderT m)) f = Lazy $ ReaderT $ \e ->
catch (m e) ((`runReaderT` e) . runLazy . f)
instance MonadThrow m => MonadThrow (Lazy m) where
throwM = Lazy . throwM
#ifdef MIN_VERSION_haskeline
instance MonadException m => MonadException (Lazy m) where
controlIO f = Lazy $ controlIO $ \(RunIO run) ->
let run' = RunIO (fmap Lazy . run . runLazy)
in runLazy <$> f run'
instance MonadStore m => MonadStore (Lazy m) where
addPath' = lift . addPath'
toFile_' n = lift . toFile_' n
instance MonadPutStr m => MonadPutStr (Lazy m)
instance MonadHttp m => MonadHttp (Lazy m)
instance MonadEnv m => MonadEnv (Lazy m)
instance MonadInstantiate m => MonadInstantiate (Lazy m)
instance MonadExec m => MonadExec (Lazy m)
instance (MonadFix m, MonadCatch m, MonadFile m, MonadStore m, MonadVar m,
MonadPutStr m, MonadHttp m, MonadEnv m, MonadInstantiate m, MonadExec m,
MonadIO m, Alternative m, MonadPlus m, Typeable m)
=> MonadEffects (Lazy m) where
makeAbsolutePath origPath = do
origPathExpanded <- expandHomePath origPath
absPath <- if isAbsolute origPathExpanded then pure origPathExpanded else do
cwd <- do
mres <- lookupVar @_ @(NThunk (Lazy m)) "__cur_file"
case mres of
Nothing -> getCurrentDirectory
Just v -> force v $ \case
NVPath s -> return $ takeDirectory s
v -> throwError $ ErrorCall $ "when resolving relative path,"
++ " __cur_file is in scope,"
++ " but is not a path; it is: "
++ show v
pure $ cwd <///> origPathExpanded
removeDotDotIndirections <$> canonicalizePath absPath
-- Given a path, determine the nix file to load
pathToDefaultNix = pathToDefaultNixFile
findEnvPath = findEnvPathM
findPath = findPathM
importPath path = do
traceM $ "Importing file " ++ path
withFrame Info (ErrorCall $ "While importing file " ++ show path) $ do
imports <- Lazy $ ReaderT $ const get
evalExprLoc =<< case M.lookup path imports of
Just expr -> pure expr
Nothing -> do
eres <- Lazy $ parseNixFileLoc path
case eres of
Failure err ->
throwError $ ErrorCall . show $
text "Parse during import failed:" P.</> err
Success expr -> do
Lazy $ ReaderT $ const $
modify (M.insert path expr)
pure expr
derivationStrict = fromValue @(ValueSet (Lazy m)) >=> \s -> do
nn <- maybe (pure False) fromNix (M.lookup "__ignoreNulls" s)
s' <- M.fromList <$> mapMaybeM (handleEntry nn) (M.toList s)
v' <- normalForm =<< toValue @(ValueSet (Lazy m)) s'
nixInstantiateExpr $ "derivationStrict " ++ show (prettyNValueNF v')
mapMaybeM :: (a -> Lazy m (Maybe b)) -> [a] -> Lazy m [b]
mapMaybeM op = foldr f (return [])
where f x xs = op x >>= (<$> xs) . (++) . maybeToList
handleEntry ignoreNulls (k, v) = fmap (k,) <$> case k of
-- The `args' attribute is special: it supplies the command-line
-- arguments to the builder.
"args" -> Just <$> convertNix @[Text] v
"__ignoreNulls" -> pure Nothing
_ -> force v $ \case
NVConstant NNull | ignoreNulls -> pure Nothing
v' -> Just <$> coerceNix v'
coerceNix = toNix . Text.pack <=< coerceToString True True
getRecursiveSize =
#ifdef MIN_VERSION_ghc_datasize
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc_datasize(0,2,0) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 804
toNix @Integer <=< fmap fromIntegral . liftIO . recursiveSize
const $ toNix (0 :: Integer)
const $ toNix (0 :: Integer)
traceEffect = putStrLn
runLazyM :: Options -> MonadIO m => Lazy m a -> m a
runLazyM opts = (`evalStateT` M.empty)
. (`runReaderT` newContext opts)
. runLazy
-- | Incorrectly normalize paths by rewriting patterns like @a/b/..@ to @a@.
-- This is incorrect on POSIX systems, because if @b@ is a symlink, its
-- parent may be a different directory from @a@. See the discussion at
removeDotDotIndirections :: FilePath -> FilePath
removeDotDotIndirections = intercalate "/" . go [] . splitOn "/"
where go s [] = reverse s
go (_:s) ("..":rest) = go s rest
go s (this:rest) = go (this:s) rest
expandHomePath :: MonadFile m => FilePath -> m FilePath
expandHomePath ('~' : xs) = flip (++) xs <$> getHomeDirectory
expandHomePath p = return p
-- Given a path, determine the nix file to load
pathToDefaultNixFile :: MonadFile m => FilePath -> m FilePath
pathToDefaultNixFile p = do
isDir <- doesDirectoryExist p
pure $ if isDir then p </> "default.nix" else p
infixr 9 <///>
(<///>) :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
x <///> y | isAbsolute y || "." `isPrefixOf` y = x </> y
| otherwise = joinByLargestOverlap x y
joinByLargestOverlap (splitDirectories -> xs) (splitDirectories -> ys) =
joinPath $ head [ xs ++ drop (length tx) ys
| tx <- tails xs, tx `elem` inits ys ]
findPathBy :: forall e m. (MonadNix e m, MonadIO m) =>
(FilePath -> m (Maybe FilePath)) ->
[NThunk m] -> FilePath -> m FilePath
findPathBy finder l name = do
mpath <- foldM go Nothing l
case mpath of
Nothing ->
throwError $ ErrorCall $ "file '" ++ name
++ "' was not found in the Nix search path"
++ " (add it using $NIX_PATH or -I)"
Just path -> return path
go :: Maybe FilePath -> NThunk m -> m (Maybe FilePath)
go p@(Just _) _ = pure p
go Nothing l = force l $ fromValue >=>
\(s :: HashMap Text (NThunk m)) -> do
p <- resolvePath s
force p $ fromValue >=> \(Path path) ->
case M.lookup "prefix" s of
Nothing -> tryPath path Nothing
Just pf -> force pf $ fromValueMay >=> \case
Just (pfx :: Text) | not (Text.null pfx) ->
tryPath path (Just (Text.unpack pfx))
_ -> tryPath path Nothing
tryPath p (Just n) | n':ns <- splitDirectories name, n == n' =
finder $ p <///> joinPath ns
tryPath p _ = finder $ p <///> name
resolvePath s = case M.lookup "path" s of
Just t -> return t
Nothing -> case M.lookup "uri" s of
Just ut -> thunk $ fetchTarball (force ut pure)
Nothing ->
throwError $ ErrorCall $ "__nixPath must be a list of attr sets"
++ " with 'path' elements, but saw: " ++ show s
findPathM :: forall e m. (MonadNix e m, MonadIO m) =>
[NThunk m] -> FilePath -> m FilePath
findPathM l name = findPathBy path l name
path :: (MonadEffects m, MonadIO m) => FilePath -> m (Maybe FilePath)
path path = do
path <- makeAbsolutePath path
exists <- doesPathExist path
return $ if exists then Just path else Nothing
findEnvPathM :: forall e m. (MonadNix e m, MonadIO m)
=> FilePath -> m FilePath
findEnvPathM name = do
mres <- lookupVar @_ @(NThunk m) "__nixPath"
case mres of
Nothing -> error "impossible"
Just x -> force x $ fromValue >=> \(l :: [NThunk m]) ->
findPathBy nixFilePath l name
nixFilePath :: (MonadEffects m, MonadIO m) => FilePath -> m (Maybe FilePath)
nixFilePath path = do
path <- makeAbsolutePath path
exists <- doesDirectoryExist path
path' <- if exists
then makeAbsolutePath $ path </> "default.nix"
else return path
exists <- doesFileExist path'
return $ if exists then Just path' else Nothing
addTracing :: (MonadNix e m, Has e Options,
MonadReader Int n, Alternative n)
=> Alg NExprLocF (m a) -> Alg NExprLocF (n (m a))
addTracing k v = do
depth <- ask
guard (depth < 2000)
local succ $ do
v'@(Compose (Ann span x)) <- sequence v
return $ do
opts :: Options <- asks (view hasLens)
let rendered =
if verbose opts >= Chatty
#ifdef MIN_VERSION_pretty_show
then text $ PS.ppShow (void x)
then text $ show (void x)
else prettyNix (Fix (Fix (NSym "?") <$ x))
msg x = text ("eval: " ++ replicate depth ' ') <> x
loc <- renderLocation span (msg rendered <> text " ...\n")
putStr $ show loc
res <- k v'
print $ msg rendered <> text " ...done"
return res
evalExprLoc :: forall e m. (MonadNix e m, Has e Options)
=> NExprLoc -> m (NValue m)
evalExprLoc expr = do
opts :: Options <- asks (view hasLens)
if tracing opts
then join . (`runReaderT` (0 :: Int)) $
adi (addTracing phi)
(raise (addStackFrames @(NThunk m) . addSourcePositions))
else adi phi (addStackFrames @(NThunk m) . addSourcePositions) expr
phi = Eval.eval @_ @(NValue m) @(NThunk m) @m . annotated . getCompose
raise k f x = ReaderT $ \e -> k (\t -> runReaderT (f t) e) x
fetchTarball :: forall e m. MonadNix e m => m (NValue m) -> m (NValue m)
fetchTarball v = v >>= \case
NVSet s _ -> case M.lookup "url" s of
Nothing -> throwError $ ErrorCall
"builtins.fetchTarball: Missing url attribute"
Just url -> force url $ go (M.lookup "sha256" s)
v@NVStr {} -> go Nothing v
v -> throwError $ ErrorCall $
"builtins.fetchTarball: Expected URI or set, got " ++ show v
go :: Maybe (NThunk m) -> NValue m -> m (NValue m)
go msha = \case
NVStr ns -> fetch (hackyStringIgnoreContext ns) msha
v -> throwError $ ErrorCall $
"builtins.fetchTarball: Expected URI or string, got " ++ show v
{- jww (2018-04-11): This should be written using pipes in another module
fetch :: Text -> Maybe (NThunk m) -> m (NValue m)
fetch uri msha = case takeExtension (Text.unpack uri) of
".tgz" -> undefined
".gz" -> undefined
".bz2" -> undefined
".xz" -> undefined
".tar" -> undefined
ext -> throwError $ ErrorCall $ "builtins.fetchTarball: Unsupported extension '"
++ ext ++ "'"
fetch :: Text -> Maybe (NThunk m) -> m (NValue m)
fetch uri Nothing =
nixInstantiateExpr $ "builtins.fetchTarball \"" ++
Text.unpack uri ++ "\""
fetch url (Just m) = fromValue m >>= \sha ->
nixInstantiateExpr $ "builtins.fetchTarball { "
++ "url = \"" ++ Text.unpack url ++ "\"; "
++ "sha256 = \"" ++ Text.unpack sha ++ "\"; }"
exec :: (MonadExec m, Framed e m, MonadThrow m, Alternative m, MonadCatch m, MonadFix m, MonadEffects m, GEq (Ref m), MonadAtomicRef m, Typeable m, Has e (Scopes m (NThunk m)), Has e Options, Has e SrcSpan) => [String] -> m (NValue m)
exec args = either throwError evalExprLoc =<< exec' args
nixInstantiateExpr :: (MonadInstantiate m, Framed e m, MonadThrow m, Alternative m, MonadCatch m, MonadFix m, MonadEffects m, GEq (Ref m), MonadAtomicRef m, Typeable m, Has e (Scopes m (NThunk m)), Has e Options, Has e SrcSpan) => String -> m (NValue m)
nixInstantiateExpr s = either throwError evalExprLoc =<< instantiateExpr s