2018-04-22 14:33:38 -07:00

91 lines
3.7 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Nix.Normal where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Fix
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as M
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Nix.Atoms
import Nix.Effects
import Nix.Stack
import Nix.Thunk
import Nix.Utils
import Nix.Value
normalFormBy :: (Framed e m, MonadVar m, MonadFile m)
=> (forall r. NThunk m -> (NValue m -> m r) -> m r)
-> Int
-> NValue m
-> m (NValueNF m)
normalFormBy k n v = do
traceM $ replicate n ' ' ++ "normalFormBy: " ++ show v
when (n > 2000) $ throwError "<<loop during normalization>>"
case v of
NVConstant a -> return $ Fix $ NVConstantF a
NVStr t s -> return $ Fix $ NVStrF t s
NVList l ->
fmap (Fix . NVListF) $ forM (zip [0..] l) $ \(i :: Int, t) -> do
traceM $ replicate n ' ' ++ "normalFormBy: List[" ++ show i ++ "]"
t `k` normalFormBy k (succ n)
NVSet s p ->
fmap (Fix . flip NVSetF p) $ sequence $ flip M.mapWithKey s $ \key t -> do
traceM $ replicate n ' ' ++ "normalFormBy: Set{" ++ show key ++ "}"
t `k` normalFormBy k (succ n)
NVClosure p f -> return $ Fix $ NVClosureF p f
NVPath fp -> return $ Fix $ NVPathF fp
NVBuiltin name f -> return $ Fix $ NVBuiltinF name f
_ -> error "Pattern synonyms mask complete matches"
normalForm :: (Framed e m, MonadVar m, MonadFile m,
MonadThunk (NValue m) (NThunk m) m)
=> NValue m -> m (NValueNF m)
normalForm = normalFormBy force 0
embed :: forall m. (MonadThunk (NValue m) (NThunk m) m)
=> NValueNF m -> m (NValue m)
embed (Fix x) = case x of
NVConstantF a -> return $ nvConstant a
NVStrF t s -> return $ nvStr t s
NVListF l -> nvList . fmap (value @_ @_ @m)
<$> traverse embed l
NVSetF s p -> flip nvSet p . fmap (value @_ @_ @m)
<$> traverse embed s
NVClosureF p f -> return $ nvClosure p f
NVPathF fp -> return $ nvPath fp
NVBuiltinF name f -> return $ nvBuiltin name f
valueText :: forall e m. (Framed e m, MonadFile m, MonadEffects m)
=> Bool -> NValueNF m -> m (Text, DList Text)
valueText addPathsToStore = cata phi
phi :: NValueF m (m (Text, DList Text)) -> m (Text, DList Text)
phi (NVConstantF a) = pure (atomText a, mempty)
phi (NVStrF t c) = pure (t, c)
phi (NVListF _) = throwError "Cannot coerce a list to a string"
phi (NVSetF s _)
| Just asString <-
-- TODO: Should this be run through valueText recursively?
M.lookup "__asString" s = asString
| otherwise = throwError "Cannot coerce a set to a string"
phi NVClosureF {} = throwError "Cannot coerce a function to a string"
phi (NVPathF originalPath)
| addPathsToStore = do
-- TODO: Capture and use the path of the file being processed as the
-- base path
storePath <- addPath originalPath
pure (Text.pack $ unStorePath storePath, mempty)
| otherwise = pure (Text.pack originalPath, mempty)
phi (NVBuiltinF _ _) = throwError "Cannot coerce a function to a string"
valueTextNoContext :: (Framed e m, MonadFile m, MonadEffects m)
=> Bool -> NValueNF m -> m Text
valueTextNoContext addPathsToStore = fmap fst . valueText addPathsToStore