
237 lines
8.7 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-top-binds #-}
module Nix.String
( NixString
, principledGetContext
, principledMakeNixString
, principledMempty
, StringContext(..)
, ContextFlavor(..)
, NixLikeContext(..)
, NixLikeContextValue(..)
, toNixLikeContext
, fromNixLikeContext
, stringHasContext
, principledIntercalateNixString
, hackyGetStringNoContext
, principledGetStringNoContext
, principledStringIgnoreContext
, hackyStringIgnoreContext
, hackyMakeNixStringWithoutContext
, principledMakeNixStringWithoutContext
, principledMakeNixStringWithSingletonContext
, principledModifyNixContents
, principledStringMappend
, principledStringMempty
, principledStringMConcat
, WithStringContext
, WithStringContextT(..)
, extractNixString
, addStringContext
, addSingletonStringContext
, runWithStringContextT
, runWithStringContext
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.Functor.Identity
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as M
import qualified Data.HashSet as S
import Data.Hashable
import Data.Text ( Text )
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import GHC.Generics
-- {-# WARNING hackyGetStringNoContext, hackyStringIgnoreContext, hackyMakeNixStringWithoutContext "This NixString function needs to be replaced" #-}
-- | A 'ContextFlavor' describes the sum of possible derivations for string contexts
data ContextFlavor =
| AllOutputs
| DerivationOutput !Text
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
instance Hashable ContextFlavor
-- | A 'StringContext' ...
data StringContext =
StringContext { scPath :: !Text
, scFlavor :: !ContextFlavor
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
instance Hashable StringContext
data NixString = NixString
{ nsContents :: !Text
, nsContext :: !(S.HashSet StringContext)
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
instance Hashable NixString
newtype NixLikeContext = NixLikeContext
{ getNixLikeContext :: M.HashMap Text NixLikeContextValue
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
data NixLikeContextValue = NixLikeContextValue
{ nlcvPath :: !Bool
, nlcvAllOutputs :: !Bool
, nlcvOutputs :: ![Text]
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
instance Semigroup NixLikeContextValue where
a <> b = NixLikeContextValue
{ nlcvPath = nlcvPath a || nlcvPath b
, nlcvAllOutputs = nlcvAllOutputs a || nlcvAllOutputs b
, nlcvOutputs = nlcvOutputs a <> nlcvOutputs b
instance Monoid NixLikeContextValue where
mempty = NixLikeContextValue False False []
toStringContexts :: (Text, NixLikeContextValue) -> [StringContext]
toStringContexts (path, nlcv) = case nlcv of
NixLikeContextValue True _ _ ->
StringContext path DirectPath:toStringContexts (path, nlcv { nlcvPath = False })
NixLikeContextValue _ True _ ->
StringContext path AllOutputs:toStringContexts (path, nlcv { nlcvAllOutputs = False })
NixLikeContextValue _ _ ls | not (null ls) ->
map (StringContext path . DerivationOutput) ls
_ -> []
toNixLikeContextValue :: StringContext -> (Text, NixLikeContextValue)
toNixLikeContextValue sc = (,) (scPath sc) $ case scFlavor sc of
DirectPath -> NixLikeContextValue True False []
AllOutputs -> NixLikeContextValue False True []
DerivationOutput t -> NixLikeContextValue False False [t]
toNixLikeContext :: S.HashSet StringContext -> NixLikeContext
toNixLikeContext stringContext = NixLikeContext $ S.foldr go mempty stringContext
go sc hm = let
(t, nlcv) = toNixLikeContextValue sc
in M.insertWith (<>) t nlcv hm
fromNixLikeContext :: NixLikeContext -> S.HashSet StringContext
fromNixLikeContext =
S.fromList . join . map toStringContexts . M.toList . getNixLikeContext
principledGetContext :: NixString -> S.HashSet StringContext
principledGetContext = nsContext
-- | Combine two NixStrings using mappend
principledMempty :: NixString
principledMempty = NixString "" mempty
-- | Combine two NixStrings using mappend
principledStringMappend :: NixString -> NixString -> NixString
principledStringMappend (NixString s1 t1) (NixString s2 t2) =
NixString (s1 <> s2) (t1 <> t2)
-- | Combine two NixStrings using mappend
hackyStringMappend :: NixString -> NixString -> NixString
hackyStringMappend (NixString s1 t1) (NixString s2 t2) =
NixString (s1 <> s2) (t1 <> t2)
-- | Combine NixStrings with a separator
principledIntercalateNixString :: NixString -> [NixString] -> NixString
principledIntercalateNixString _ [] = principledMempty
principledIntercalateNixString _ [ns] = ns
principledIntercalateNixString sep nss = NixString contents ctx
contents = Text.intercalate (nsContents sep) (map nsContents nss)
ctx = S.unions (nsContext sep : map nsContext nss)
-- | Combine NixStrings using mconcat
hackyStringMConcat :: [NixString] -> NixString
hackyStringMConcat = foldr hackyStringMappend (NixString mempty mempty)
-- | Empty string with empty context.
principledStringMempty :: NixString
principledStringMempty = NixString mempty mempty
-- | Combine NixStrings using mconcat
principledStringMConcat :: [NixString] -> NixString
principledStringMConcat =
foldr principledStringMappend (NixString mempty mempty)
--instance Semigroup NixString where
--NixString s1 t1 <> NixString s2 t2 = NixString (s1 <> s2) (t1 <> t2)
--instance Monoid NixString where
-- mempty = NixString mempty mempty
-- mappend = (<>)
-- | Extract the string contents from a NixString that has no context
hackyGetStringNoContext :: NixString -> Maybe Text
hackyGetStringNoContext (NixString s c) | null c = Just s
| otherwise = Nothing
-- | Extract the string contents from a NixString that has no context
principledGetStringNoContext :: NixString -> Maybe Text
principledGetStringNoContext (NixString s c) | null c = Just s
| otherwise = Nothing
-- | Extract the string contents from a NixString even if the NixString has an associated context
principledStringIgnoreContext :: NixString -> Text
principledStringIgnoreContext (NixString s _) = s
-- | Extract the string contents from a NixString even if the NixString has an associated context
hackyStringIgnoreContext :: NixString -> Text
hackyStringIgnoreContext (NixString s _) = s
-- | Returns True if the NixString has an associated context
stringHasContext :: NixString -> Bool
stringHasContext (NixString _ c) = not (null c)
-- | Constructs a NixString without a context
hackyMakeNixStringWithoutContext :: Text -> NixString
hackyMakeNixStringWithoutContext = flip NixString mempty
-- | Constructs a NixString without a context
principledMakeNixStringWithoutContext :: Text -> NixString
principledMakeNixStringWithoutContext = flip NixString mempty
-- | Modify the string part of the NixString, leaving the context unchanged
principledModifyNixContents :: (Text -> Text) -> NixString -> NixString
principledModifyNixContents f (NixString s c) = NixString (f s) c
-- | Create a NixString using a singleton context
:: Text -> StringContext -> NixString
principledMakeNixStringWithSingletonContext s c = NixString s (S.singleton c)
-- | Create a NixString from a Text and context
principledMakeNixString :: Text -> S.HashSet StringContext -> NixString
principledMakeNixString s c = NixString s c
-- | A monad for accumulating string context while producing a result string.
newtype WithStringContextT m a = WithStringContextT (WriterT (S.HashSet StringContext) m a)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadTrans, MonadWriter (S.HashSet StringContext))
type WithStringContext = WithStringContextT Identity
-- | Add 'StringContext's into the resulting set.
:: Monad m => S.HashSet StringContext -> WithStringContextT m ()
addStringContext = WithStringContextT . tell
-- | Add a 'StringContext' into the resulting set.
addSingletonStringContext :: Monad m => StringContext -> WithStringContextT m ()
addSingletonStringContext = WithStringContextT . tell . S.singleton
-- | Get the contents of a 'NixString' and write its context into the resulting set.
extractNixString :: Monad m => NixString -> WithStringContextT m Text
extractNixString (NixString s c) = WithStringContextT $ tell c >> return s
-- | Run an action producing a string with a context and put those into a 'NixString'.
runWithStringContextT :: Monad m => WithStringContextT m Text -> m NixString
runWithStringContextT (WithStringContextT m) =
uncurry NixString <$> runWriterT m
-- | Run an action producing a string with a context and put those into a 'NixString'.
runWithStringContext :: WithStringContextT Identity Text -> NixString
runWithStringContext = runIdentity . runWithStringContextT