2019-10-21 23:52:22 +02:00

302 lines
10 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-signatures #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
module Nix.Effects.Basic where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.HashMap.Lazy ( HashMap )
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as M
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Maybe ( maybeToList )
import Data.Text ( Text )
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc
import Nix.Atoms
import Nix.Convert
import Nix.Effects
import Nix.Exec ( MonadNix
, callFunc
, evalExprLoc
, nixInstantiateExpr
import Nix.Expr
import Nix.Frames
import Nix.Normal
import Nix.Parser
import Nix.Pretty
import Nix.Render
import Nix.Scope
import Nix.String
import Nix.String.Coerce
import Nix.Utils
import Nix.Value
import Nix.Value.Monad
import System.FilePath
#ifdef MIN_VERSION_ghc_datasize
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc_datasize(0,2,0)
import GHC.DataSize
defaultMakeAbsolutePath :: MonadNix e t f m => FilePath -> m FilePath
defaultMakeAbsolutePath origPath = do
origPathExpanded <- expandHomePath origPath
absPath <- if isAbsolute origPathExpanded
then pure origPathExpanded
else do
cwd <- do
mres <- lookupVar "__cur_file"
case mres of
Nothing -> getCurrentDirectory
Just v -> demand v $ \case
NVPath s -> return $ takeDirectory s
v ->
$ ErrorCall
$ "when resolving relative path,"
++ " __cur_file is in scope,"
++ " but is not a path; it is: "
++ show v
pure $ cwd <///> origPathExpanded
removeDotDotIndirections <$> canonicalizePath absPath
expandHomePath :: MonadFile m => FilePath -> m FilePath
expandHomePath ('~' : xs) = flip (++) xs <$> getHomeDirectory
expandHomePath p = return p
-- | Incorrectly normalize paths by rewriting patterns like @a/b/..@ to @a@.
-- This is incorrect on POSIX systems, because if @b@ is a symlink, its
-- parent may be a different directory from @a@. See the discussion at
removeDotDotIndirections :: FilePath -> FilePath
removeDotDotIndirections = intercalate "/" . go [] . splitOn "/"
go s [] = reverse s
go (_ : s) (".." : rest) = go s rest
go s (this : rest) = go (this : s) rest
infixr 9 <///>
(<///>) :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
x <///> y | isAbsolute y || "." `isPrefixOf` y = x </> y
| otherwise = joinByLargestOverlap x y
joinByLargestOverlap (splitDirectories -> xs) (splitDirectories -> ys) =
joinPath $ head
[ xs ++ drop (length tx) ys | tx <- tails xs, tx `elem` inits ys ]
defaultFindEnvPath :: MonadNix e t f m => String -> m FilePath
defaultFindEnvPath = findEnvPathM
findEnvPathM :: forall e t f m . MonadNix e t f m => FilePath -> m FilePath
findEnvPathM name = do
mres <- lookupVar "__nixPath"
case mres of
Nothing -> error "impossible"
Just x -> demand x $ fromValue >=> \(l :: [NValue t f m]) ->
findPathBy nixFilePath l name
nixFilePath :: MonadEffects t f m => FilePath -> m (Maybe FilePath)
nixFilePath path = do
path <- makeAbsolutePath @t @f path
exists <- doesDirectoryExist path
path' <- if exists
then makeAbsolutePath @t @f $ path </> "default.nix"
else return path
exists <- doesFileExist path'
return $ if exists then Just path' else Nothing
:: forall e t f m
. MonadNix e t f m
=> (FilePath -> m (Maybe FilePath))
-> [NValue t f m]
-> FilePath
-> m FilePath
findPathBy finder l name = do
mpath <- foldM go Nothing l
case mpath of
Nothing ->
$ ErrorCall
$ "file '"
++ name
++ "' was not found in the Nix search path"
++ " (add it's using $NIX_PATH or -I)"
Just path -> return path
go :: Maybe FilePath -> NValue t f m -> m (Maybe FilePath)
go p@(Just _) _ = pure p
go Nothing l =
demand l $ fromValue >=> \(s :: HashMap Text (NValue t f m)) -> do
p <- resolvePath s
demand p $ fromValue >=> \(Path path) -> case M.lookup "prefix" s of
Nothing -> tryPath path Nothing
Just pf -> demand pf $ fromValueMay >=> \case
Just (nsPfx :: NixString) ->
let pfx = hackyStringIgnoreContext nsPfx
in if not (Text.null pfx)
then tryPath path (Just (Text.unpack pfx))
else tryPath path Nothing
_ -> tryPath path Nothing
tryPath p (Just n) | n' : ns <- splitDirectories name, n == n' =
finder $ p <///> joinPath ns
tryPath p _ = finder $ p <///> name
resolvePath s = case M.lookup "path" s of
Just t -> return t
Nothing -> case M.lookup "uri" s of
Just ut -> defer $ fetchTarball ut
Nothing ->
$ ErrorCall
$ "__nixPath must be a list of attr sets"
++ " with 'path' elements, but received: "
++ show s
:: forall e t f m . MonadNix e t f m => NValue t f m -> m (NValue t f m)
fetchTarball = flip demand $ \case
NVSet s _ -> case M.lookup "url" s of
Nothing ->
throwError $ ErrorCall "builtins.fetchTarball: Missing url attribute"
Just url -> demand url $ go (M.lookup "sha256" s)
v@NVStr{} -> go Nothing v
v ->
$ ErrorCall
$ "builtins.fetchTarball: Expected URI or set, got "
++ show v
go :: Maybe (NValue t f m) -> NValue t f m -> m (NValue t f m)
go msha = \case
NVStr ns -> fetch (hackyStringIgnoreContext ns) msha
v ->
$ ErrorCall
$ "builtins.fetchTarball: Expected URI or string, got "
++ show v
{- jww (2018-04-11): This should be written using pipes in another module
fetch :: Text -> Maybe (NThunk m) -> m (NValue t f m)
fetch uri msha = case takeExtension (Text.unpack uri) of
".tgz" -> undefined
".gz" -> undefined
".bz2" -> undefined
".xz" -> undefined
".tar" -> undefined
ext -> throwError $ ErrorCall $ "builtins.fetchTarball: Unsupported extension '"
++ ext ++ "'"
fetch :: Text -> Maybe (NValue t f m) -> m (NValue t f m)
fetch uri Nothing =
nixInstantiateExpr $ "builtins.fetchTarball \"" ++ Text.unpack uri ++ "\""
fetch url (Just t) = demand t $ fromValue >=> \nsSha ->
let sha = hackyStringIgnoreContext nsSha
in nixInstantiateExpr
$ "builtins.fetchTarball { "
++ "url = \""
++ Text.unpack url
++ "\"; "
++ "sha256 = \""
++ Text.unpack sha
++ "\"; }"
defaultFindPath :: MonadNix e t f m => [NValue t f m] -> FilePath -> m FilePath
defaultFindPath = findPathM
:: forall e t f m
. MonadNix e t f m
=> [NValue t f m]
-> FilePath
-> m FilePath
findPathM = findPathBy path
path :: MonadEffects t f m => FilePath -> m (Maybe FilePath)
path path = do
path <- makeAbsolutePath @t @f path
exists <- doesPathExist path
return $ if exists then Just path else Nothing
:: (MonadNix e t f m, MonadState (HashMap FilePath NExprLoc) m)
=> FilePath
-> m (NValue t f m)
defaultImportPath path = do
traceM $ "Importing file " ++ path
withFrame Info (ErrorCall $ "While importing file " ++ show path) $ do
imports <- get
evalExprLoc =<< case M.lookup path imports of
Just expr -> pure expr
Nothing -> do
eres <- parseNixFileLoc path
case eres of
Failure err ->
$ ErrorCall
. show $ fillSep ["Parse during import failed:", err]
Success expr -> do
modify (M.insert path expr)
pure expr
defaultPathToDefaultNix :: MonadNix e t f m => FilePath -> m FilePath
defaultPathToDefaultNix = pathToDefaultNixFile
-- Given a path, determine the nix file to load
pathToDefaultNixFile :: MonadFile m => FilePath -> m FilePath
pathToDefaultNixFile p = do
isDir <- doesDirectoryExist p
pure $ if isDir then p </> "default.nix" else p
:: forall e t f m . MonadNix e t f m => NValue t f m -> m (NValue t f m)
defaultDerivationStrict = fromValue @(AttrSet (NValue t f m)) >=> \s -> do
nn <- maybe (pure False) (demand ?? fromValue) (M.lookup "__ignoreNulls" s)
s' <- M.fromList <$> mapMaybeM (handleEntry nn) (M.toList s)
v' <- normalForm =<< toValue @(AttrSet (NValue t f m)) @_ @(NValue t f m) s'
nixInstantiateExpr $ "derivationStrict " ++ show (prettyNValue v')
mapMaybeM :: (a -> m (Maybe b)) -> [a] -> m [b]
mapMaybeM op = foldr f (return [])
where f x xs = op x >>= (<$> xs) . (++) . maybeToList
handleEntry :: Bool -> (Text, NValue t f m) -> m (Maybe (Text, NValue t f m))
handleEntry ignoreNulls (k, v) = fmap (k, ) <$> case k of
-- The `args' attribute is special: it supplies the command-line
-- arguments to the builder.
-- TODO This use of coerceToString is probably not right and may
-- not have the right arguments.
"args" -> demand v $ fmap Just . coerceNixList
"__ignoreNulls" -> pure Nothing
_ -> demand v $ \case
NVConstant NNull | ignoreNulls -> pure Nothing
v' -> Just <$> coerceNix v'
coerceNix :: NValue t f m -> m (NValue t f m)
coerceNix = toValue <=< coerceToString callFunc CopyToStore CoerceAny
coerceNixList :: NValue t f m -> m (NValue t f m)
coerceNixList v = do
xs <- fromValue @[NValue t f m] v
ys <- traverse (`demand` coerceNix) xs
toValue @[NValue t f m] ys
defaultTraceEffect :: MonadPutStr m => String -> m ()
defaultTraceEffect = Nix.Effects.putStrLn