2018-07-28 13:23:23 -04:00

113 lines
4 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Control.DeepSeq
import qualified Control.Exception as Exc
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Fix
import Data.List (isInfixOf)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String.Interpolate.IsString
import Data.Text (unpack)
import Data.Time
import qualified EvalTests
import qualified Nix
import Nix.Exec
import Nix.Expr.Types
import Nix.NixString
import Nix.Options
import Nix.Parser
import Nix.Value
import qualified NixLanguageTests
import qualified ParserTests
import qualified PrettyTests
import qualified ReduceExprTests
-- import qualified PrettyParseTests
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.FilePath.Glob
import System.Posix.Files
import System.Process
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
cabalCorrectlyGenerated :: Assertion
cabalCorrectlyGenerated = do
output <- readCreateProcess (shell "hpack") ""
when ("modified manually" `isInfixOf` output) $
"Edit package.yaml and re-generate hnix.cabal by running \"hpack\""
ensureLangTestsPresent :: Assertion
ensureLangTestsPresent = do
exist <- fileExist "data/nix/tests/"
unless exist $
errorWithoutStackTrace $ unlines
[ "Directory data/nix does not have any files."
, "Did you forget to run"
++ " \"git submodule update --init --recursive\"?" ]
ensureNixpkgsCanParse :: Assertion
ensureNixpkgsCanParse =
consider "default.nix" (parseNixFile "default.nix") $ \case
Fix (NAbs (ParamSet params _ _) _) -> do
let rev = getString "rev" params
sha256 = getString "sha256" params
consider "fetchTarball expression" (pure $ parseNixTextLoc [i|
builtins.fetchTarball {
url = "{rev}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "#{sha256}";
}|]) $ \expr -> do
NVStr ns <- do
time <- liftIO getCurrentTime
runLazyM (defaultOptions time) $ Nix.nixEvalExprLoc Nothing expr
files <- globDir1 (compile "**/*.nix") (unpack $ stringIntentionallyDropContext ns)
forM_ files $ \file ->
-- Parse and deepseq the resulting expression tree, to ensure the
-- parser is fully executed.
consider file (parseNixFileLoc file) $ Exc.evaluate . force
v -> error $ "Unexpected parse from default.nix: " ++ show v
getExpr k m = let Just (Just r) = lookup k m in r
getString k m =
let Fix (NStr (DoubleQuoted [Plain str])) = getExpr k m in str
consider path action k = action >>= \case
Failure err -> errorWithoutStackTrace $
"Parsing " ++ path ++ " failed: " ++ show err
Success expr -> k expr
main :: IO ()
main = do
nixLanguageTests <- NixLanguageTests.genTests
evalComparisonTests <- EvalTests.genEvalCompareTests
let allOrLookup var = lookupEnv "ALL_TESTS" <|> lookupEnv var
nixpkgsTestsEnv <- allOrLookup "NIXPKGS_TESTS"
-- prettyTestsEnv <- lookupEnv "PRETTY_TESTS"
hpackTestsEnv <- allOrLookup "HPACK_TESTS"
pwd <- getCurrentDirectory
setEnv "NIX_REMOTE" ("local?root=" ++ pwd ++ "/")
defaultMain $ testGroup "hnix" $
[ testCase "hnix.cabal correctly generated" cabalCorrectlyGenerated
| isJust hpackTestsEnv ] ++
[ ParserTests.tests
, EvalTests.tests
, PrettyTests.tests
, ReduceExprTests.tests] ++
-- [ PrettyParseTests.tests
-- (fromIntegral (read (fromMaybe "0" prettyTestsEnv) :: Int)) ] ++
[ evalComparisonTests ] ++
[ testCase "Nix language tests present" ensureLangTestsPresent
, nixLanguageTests ] ++
[ testCase "Nixpkgs parses without errors" ensureNixpkgsCanParse
| isJust nixpkgsTestsEnv ]