#include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #include "XSUB.h" /* Prevent a clash between some Perl and libstdc++ macros. */ #undef do_open #undef do_close #include #include #include #include #if HAVE_SODIUM #include #endif using namespace nix; void doInit() { if (!store) { try { settings.processEnvironment(); settings.loadConfFile(); settings.update(); settings.lockCPU = false; store = openStore(); } catch (Error & e) { croak("%s", e.what()); } } } MODULE = Nix::Store PACKAGE = Nix::Store PROTOTYPES: ENABLE #undef dNOOP // Hack to work around "error: declaration of 'Perl___notused' has a different language linkage" error message on clang. #define dNOOP void init() CODE: doInit(); void setVerbosity(int level) CODE: verbosity = (Verbosity) level; int isValidPath(char * path) CODE: try { doInit(); RETVAL = store->isValidPath(path); } catch (Error & e) { croak("%s", e.what()); } OUTPUT: RETVAL SV * queryReferences(char * path) PPCODE: try { doInit(); PathSet paths; store->queryReferences(path, paths); for (PathSet::iterator i = paths.begin(); i != paths.end(); ++i) XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(i->c_str(), 0))); } catch (Error & e) { croak("%s", e.what()); } SV * queryPathHash(char * path) PPCODE: try { doInit(); Hash hash = store->queryPathHash(path); string s = "sha256:" + printHash32(hash); XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(s.c_str(), 0))); } catch (Error & e) { croak("%s", e.what()); } SV * queryDeriver(char * path) PPCODE: try { doInit(); Path deriver = store->queryDeriver(path); if (deriver == "") XSRETURN_UNDEF; XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(deriver.c_str(), 0))); } catch (Error & e) { croak("%s", e.what()); } SV * queryPathInfo(char * path, int base32) PPCODE: try { doInit(); ValidPathInfo info = store->queryPathInfo(path); if (info.deriver == "") XPUSHs(&PL_sv_undef); else XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(info.deriver.c_str(), 0))); string s = "sha256:" + (base32 ? printHash32(info.hash) : printHash(info.hash)); XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(s.c_str(), 0))); mXPUSHi(info.registrationTime); mXPUSHi(info.narSize); AV * arr = newAV(); for (PathSet::iterator i = info.references.begin(); i != info.references.end(); ++i) av_push(arr, newSVpv(i->c_str(), 0)); XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newRV((SV *) arr))); } catch (Error & e) { croak("%s", e.what()); } SV * queryPathFromHashPart(char * hashPart) PPCODE: try { doInit(); Path path = store->queryPathFromHashPart(hashPart); XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(path.c_str(), 0))); } catch (Error & e) { croak("%s", e.what()); } SV * computeFSClosure(int flipDirection, int includeOutputs, ...) PPCODE: try { doInit(); PathSet paths; for (int n = 2; n < items; ++n) computeFSClosure(*store, SvPV_nolen(ST(n)), paths, flipDirection, includeOutputs); for (PathSet::iterator i = paths.begin(); i != paths.end(); ++i) XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(i->c_str(), 0))); } catch (Error & e) { croak("%s", e.what()); } SV * topoSortPaths(...) PPCODE: try { doInit(); PathSet paths; for (int n = 0; n < items; ++n) paths.insert(SvPV_nolen(ST(n))); Paths sorted = topoSortPaths(*store, paths); for (Paths::iterator i = sorted.begin(); i != sorted.end(); ++i) XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(i->c_str(), 0))); } catch (Error & e) { croak("%s", e.what()); } SV * followLinksToStorePath(char * path) CODE: try { doInit(); RETVAL = newSVpv(followLinksToStorePath(path).c_str(), 0); } catch (Error & e) { croak("%s", e.what()); } OUTPUT: RETVAL void exportPaths(int fd, int sign, ...) PPCODE: try { doInit(); Paths paths; for (int n = 2; n < items; ++n) paths.push_back(SvPV_nolen(ST(n))); FdSink sink(fd); exportPaths(*store, paths, sign, sink); } catch (Error & e) { croak("%s", e.what()); } void importPaths(int fd) PPCODE: try { doInit(); FdSource source(fd); store->importPaths(false, source); } catch (Error & e) { croak("%s", e.what()); } SV * hashPath(char * algo, int base32, char * path) PPCODE: try { Hash h = hashPath(parseHashType(algo), path).first; string s = base32 ? printHash32(h) : printHash(h); XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(s.c_str(), 0))); } catch (Error & e) { croak("%s", e.what()); } SV * hashFile(char * algo, int base32, char * path) PPCODE: try { Hash h = hashFile(parseHashType(algo), path); string s = base32 ? printHash32(h) : printHash(h); XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(s.c_str(), 0))); } catch (Error & e) { croak("%s", e.what()); } SV * hashString(char * algo, int base32, char * s) PPCODE: try { Hash h = hashString(parseHashType(algo), s); string s = base32 ? printHash32(h) : printHash(h); XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(s.c_str(), 0))); } catch (Error & e) { croak("%s", e.what()); } SV * convertHash(char * algo, char * s, int toBase32) PPCODE: try { Hash h = parseHash16or32(parseHashType(algo), s); string s = toBase32 ? printHash32(h) : printHash(h); XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(s.c_str(), 0))); } catch (Error & e) { croak("%s", e.what()); } SV * signString(SV * secretKey_, char * msg) PPCODE: try { #if HAVE_SODIUM STRLEN secretKeyLen; unsigned char * secretKey = (unsigned char *) SvPV(secretKey_, secretKeyLen); if (secretKeyLen != crypto_sign_SECRETKEYBYTES) throw Error("secret key is not valid"); unsigned char sig[crypto_sign_BYTES]; unsigned long long sigLen; crypto_sign_detached(sig, &sigLen, (unsigned char *) msg, strlen(msg), secretKey); XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv((char *) sig, sigLen))); #else throw Error("Nix was not compiled with libsodium, required for signed binary cache support"); #endif } catch (Error & e) { croak("%s", e.what()); } int checkSignature(SV * publicKey_, SV * sig_, char * msg) CODE: try { #if HAVE_SODIUM STRLEN publicKeyLen; unsigned char * publicKey = (unsigned char *) SvPV(publicKey_, publicKeyLen); if (publicKeyLen != crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES) throw Error("public key is not valid"); STRLEN sigLen; unsigned char * sig = (unsigned char *) SvPV(sig_, sigLen); if (sigLen != crypto_sign_BYTES) throw Error("signature is not valid"); RETVAL = crypto_sign_verify_detached(sig, (unsigned char *) msg, strlen(msg), publicKey) == 0; #else throw Error("Nix was not compiled with libsodium, required for signed binary cache support"); #endif } catch (Error & e) { croak("%s", e.what()); } OUTPUT: RETVAL SV * addToStore(char * srcPath, int recursive, char * algo) PPCODE: try { doInit(); Path path = store->addToStore(baseNameOf(srcPath), srcPath, recursive, parseHashType(algo)); XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(path.c_str(), 0))); } catch (Error & e) { croak("%s", e.what()); } SV * makeFixedOutputPath(int recursive, char * algo, char * hash, char * name) PPCODE: try { doInit(); HashType ht = parseHashType(algo); Path path = makeFixedOutputPath(recursive, ht, parseHash16or32(ht, hash), name); XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(path.c_str(), 0))); } catch (Error & e) { croak("%s", e.what()); } SV * derivationFromPath(char * drvPath) PREINIT: HV *hash; CODE: try { doInit(); Derivation drv = derivationFromPath(*store, drvPath); hash = newHV(); HV * outputs = newHV(); for (DerivationOutputs::iterator i = drv.outputs.begin(); i != drv.outputs.end(); ++i) hv_store(outputs, i->first.c_str(), i->first.size(), newSVpv(i->second.path.c_str(), 0), 0); hv_stores(hash, "outputs", newRV((SV *) outputs)); AV * inputDrvs = newAV(); for (DerivationInputs::iterator i = drv.inputDrvs.begin(); i != drv.inputDrvs.end(); ++i) av_push(inputDrvs, newSVpv(i->first.c_str(), 0)); // !!! ignores i->second hv_stores(hash, "inputDrvs", newRV((SV *) inputDrvs)); AV * inputSrcs = newAV(); for (PathSet::iterator i = drv.inputSrcs.begin(); i != drv.inputSrcs.end(); ++i) av_push(inputSrcs, newSVpv(i->c_str(), 0)); hv_stores(hash, "inputSrcs", newRV((SV *) inputSrcs)); hv_stores(hash, "platform", newSVpv(drv.platform.c_str(), 0)); hv_stores(hash, "builder", newSVpv(drv.builder.c_str(), 0)); AV * args = newAV(); for (Strings::iterator i = drv.args.begin(); i != drv.args.end(); ++i) av_push(args, newSVpv(i->c_str(), 0)); hv_stores(hash, "args", newRV((SV *) args)); HV * env = newHV(); for (StringPairs::iterator i = drv.env.begin(); i != drv.env.end(); ++i) hv_store(env, i->first.c_str(), i->first.size(), newSVpv(i->second.c_str(), 0), 0); hv_stores(hash, "env", newRV((SV *) env)); RETVAL = newRV_noinc((SV *)hash); } catch (Error & e) { croak("%s", e.what()); } OUTPUT: RETVAL void addTempRoot(char * storePath) PPCODE: try { doInit(); store->addTempRoot(storePath); } catch (Error & e) { croak("%s", e.what()); }