# NixGLHost Running OpenGL Nix-built binaries on a foreign Linux distro is quite often a challenge. NixGLHost is gluing your nix-built binaries to the host OpenGL implementation. # NixGLHost Approach TODO before release, rephrase this, explain further. Clone the blog post in this section? 1. Patched libGLVnd to load vendor DSOs from a custom location, not relying on the library path. 1. Copy the host vendor DSOs to a nix-tmp location. 1. Modify the vendor DSOs runpath to point to the place where the vendor libs live. 1. Wrap the nix-built binary, inject the libGLVnd-specific env variables to point to the patched vendor lib dir. # Support - [ ] Proprietary Nvidia - [ ] GLX - [ ] EGL - [ ] Cuda - [ ] OpenCL - [ ] Mesa - [ ] GLX - [ ] EGL - [ ] OpenCL # Alternative Approaches - [NixGL](https://github.com/guibou/nixGL): tries to auto detect the host vendor driver, download it again, store it in the nix-store then wraps the nix-built binary and inject the downloaded vendor driver through `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`. # Authors/Maintainers - [Flokli](https://flokli.de/) - [Ninjatrappeur](https://alternativebit.fr/)