use std::fs::{create_dir_all, copy}; use std::process::{Command}; use std::{fs::File, path::PathBuf}; use std::path::Path; use std::fmt; use std::sync::Mutex; use clap::Parser; use exif::{Tag, In, Value}; use chrono::{Utc, DateTime, Datelike, NaiveDateTime}; use indicatif::ParallelProgressIterator; use rayon::prelude::*; use serde::Deserialize; #[derive(Parser, Debug)] #[command(author, version, about, long_about = None)] struct CliArgs { /// Pictures library directory backup_root: String, /// Picture to backup. Alternatively, you can send a list of /// pictures to backup via stdin. file_path: Option, } /// Structure used to parse the JSON output of the exiftool program. #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] struct ExifToolEntry { #[serde(rename(deserialize = "CreateDate"))] create_date: Option } enum BackupSuccess { AlreadyBackup(String), Backup(String, PictureDatetimeOrigin) } enum BackupFailure { AlreadyBackupButDifferent(String), CopyError(String), IncorrectFilename(String) } enum PictureDatetimeOrigin { Exif, ExifTool, FilesystemMetadata } static CREATE_DIR_MUTEX: Mutex<()> = Mutex::new(()); impl fmt::Display for BackupFailure { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match self { Self::AlreadyBackupButDifferent(s) => write!(f, "{}: already exists in the photo library but has a different content", s), Self::CopyError(s) => write!(f, "Copy error, {}", s), Self::IncorrectFilename(s) => write!(f, "Incorrect Filename, {}", s) } } } fn main() { let cli = CliArgs::parse(); validate_args(&cli); let stdin = std::io::stdin(); let filepaths = match cli.file_path { Some(ref fp) => vec!(Ok(fp.to_string())), None => stdin.lines() .into_iter() .map(|l| l.map_err(|_|BackupFailure::IncorrectFilename(String::from("Can't parse filename from stdin")))) .collect() }; let filepaths_len = filepaths.len() as u64; let res: Vec> = filepaths .into_par_iter() .progress_count(filepaths_len) .map(|filepathres| { let filepath = filepathres?; backup_file(&cli, &filepath) }) .collect(); display_backup_result(res) } fn display_backup_result(results: Vec>) { let mut nb_copy_exif: u32 = 0; let mut nb_copy_exiftool: u32 = 0; let mut nb_copy_filesystem: u32 = 0; let mut nb_duplicates: u32 = 0; let mut failures: Vec = Vec::new(); results.into_iter().for_each(|e| match e { Ok(s) => { match s { BackupSuccess::AlreadyBackup(_) => nb_duplicates +=1, BackupSuccess::Backup(_, origin) => match origin { PictureDatetimeOrigin::Exif => nb_copy_exif +=1, PictureDatetimeOrigin::ExifTool => nb_copy_exiftool +=1, PictureDatetimeOrigin::FilesystemMetadata => nb_copy_filesystem +=1 } } }, Err(f) => failures.push(f) }); eprintln!("Backup Statistics:"); eprintln!("=================="); eprintln!("Duplicates: {}", nb_duplicates); eprintln!("Copied: {}", nb_copy_exif + nb_copy_filesystem); eprintln!("To classify these newly copied files, we used:"); eprintln!(" {}: EXIF metadata", nb_copy_exif); eprintln!(" {}: the exiftool program", nb_copy_exiftool); eprintln!(" {}: filesystem metadata", nb_copy_filesystem); eprintln!("Failures: {}", failures.len()); if failures.len() != 0 { eprintln!(""); eprintln!("WARNING: unable to backup some files:"); failures.iter().for_each(|f| eprintln!("{}", f)); } } /// Backup a file. fn backup_file(cli: &CliArgs, file_path: &str) -> Result { let filename = Path::new(file_path); let file = File::open(filename).map_err( |e| BackupFailure::CopyError(format!("cannot open the {} file: {}", file_path, e.to_string())) )?; let (datetime, origin) = get_picture_datetime(file_path, &file); let picture_dir = find_backup_dir(&cli.backup_root, &datetime); upsert_picture_directory(&picture_dir); let filename_name = filename.file_name() .ok_or_else(|| BackupFailure::IncorrectFilename( format!("Incorrect file name {}", filename.display())))?; let target_filename = picture_dir.join(filename_name); if !target_filename.is_file() { match copy(filename, &target_filename) { Ok(_) => Ok(BackupSuccess::Backup( target_filename.into_os_string().into_string().unwrap(), origin)), Err(_) => Err(BackupFailure::CopyError(String::from(file_path))) } } else if same_files(filename, &target_filename) { Ok(BackupSuccess::AlreadyBackup(String::from(file_path))) } else { Err(BackupFailure::AlreadyBackupButDifferent(format!("{} => {}", file_path, target_filename.display()))) } } fn upsert_picture_directory(picture_dir: &PathBuf) { // Prevent concurrent directory creation by locking a mutex. let _ = CREATE_DIR_MUTEX.lock(); if !picture_dir.exists() { create_dir_all(&picture_dir) .unwrap_or_else( |e| panic!("ERROR: cannot create the backup directory {}: {}", &picture_dir.display(), e.to_string()) ); } else if !picture_dir.is_dir() { panic!("ERROR: {} already exists and is not a directory. Can't use it to store a picture.", &picture_dir.display()) } } /// Retrieves when the picture has been shot from the EXIF metadata. /// If no datetime EXIF data is attached to the file, use the file /// last modification date. fn get_picture_datetime(file_path: &str, file: &File) -> (DateTime, PictureDatetimeOrigin) { // Try exif crate. get_picture_exif_datetime(file).map(|dt| (dt, PictureDatetimeOrigin::Exif)) // Exif failed, shell out to exiftool. .or_else(|| { get_picture_exiftool_datetime(file_path) .map(|dt| (dt, PictureDatetimeOrigin::ExifTool))}) // Exiftool failed as well. Fallback to Unix datetime. .unwrap_or((get_file_modified_time(file_path, file), PictureDatetimeOrigin::FilesystemMetadata)) } /// Retrieves the picture EXIF datetime. fn get_picture_exif_datetime(file: &File) -> Option> { let mut bufreader = std::io::BufReader::new(file); let exifreader = exif::Reader::new(); let exif = exifreader.read_from_container(&mut bufreader).ok()?; let datetime_field = exif.get_field(Tag::DateTimeOriginal, In::PRIMARY)?; match datetime_field.value { Value::Ascii(ref vec) if !vec.is_empty() => { // Meh… I know… let str_date = String::from_utf8(vec[0].to_vec()).unwrap(); NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str(&str_date, "%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S") .map(|naive_datetime| DateTime::from_utc(naive_datetime, Utc)) .ok() }, _ => None } } /// Shells out to the exiftool CLI. Despite its name, exiftool parses /// much more metadata than exif. Such as MOV metadata. fn get_picture_exiftool_datetime(file_path: &str) -> Option> { let output = Command::new("exiftool") .args(["-j", "-P", "-CreateDate", file_path]) .output() .ok()?; if !output.status.success() { return None } let stdout_str = String::from_utf8(output.stdout).ok()?; let parsed_output: Vec = serde_json::from_str(&stdout_str).ok()?; if parsed_output.len() != 1 { None } else { let entry = parsed_output.get(0)?; let date: &str = &entry.create_date.as_ref()?; NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str(date, "%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S") .map(|naive_datetime| DateTime::from_utc(naive_datetime, Utc)) .ok() } } /// If we cannot load the EXIF creation datetime, we end up using the /// last modified time of the file. fn get_file_modified_time(file_path: &str, file: &File) -> DateTime { let systemtime = file.metadata() .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Cannot retrieve UNIX file metadata for {}", file_path)) .modified() .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Cannot retrieve modified time for {}", file_path)); systemtime.into() } /// Return directory in which we want to save the picture. fn find_backup_dir(backup_root: &str, datetime: &DateTime) -> PathBuf { let backup_root = Path::new(backup_root); backup_root .join(format!("{:04}", datetime.year())) .join(format!("{:02}", datetime.month())) .join(format!("{:02}", } /// Sanity function making sure the user did not give us complete /// garbage data. fn validate_args(args: &CliArgs) { match &args.file_path { Some(file_path) => { if !Path::new(&file_path).is_file() { panic!("ERROR: {} is not a file", &file_path); }; } None => () }; if Path::new(&args.backup_root).is_file() { panic!("ERROR: {} is a file, not a valid backup dir", &args.backup_root); }; let exif_tool_in_path = Command::new("bash") .args(["-c", "command exiftool"]) .output() .ok() .map(|e| e.status.success()) .unwrap(); if !exif_tool_in_path { eprintln!("Exiftool doesn't seem to be present in $PATH. Install it if you want to be able to extract more pictures metadata"); } } /// Compare two files and check if they're the same. We're not really /// comparing the whole file, it'd be too expensive. We assume that if /// two pictures have the same EXIF data, the same size and the same /// creation date, they're the same. fn same_files(source: &Path, target: &Path) -> bool { let source_file = File::open(source) .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Error: cannot open file {}", &source.display())) .metadata() .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Error: cannot get metadata of file {}", &source.display())); let target_file = File::open(target) .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Error: cannot open file {}", &target.display())) .metadata() .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Error: cannot get metadata of file {}", &target.display())); source_file.len() == target_file.len() }