fetchMercurial: set HGPLAIN when invoking hg

Without setting HGPLAIN, the user's environment leaks into
hg invocations, which means that the output may not be in the
expected format.

HGPLAIN is the Mercurial-recommended solution for this in that
it's intended for uses by scripts and programs which are looking
to parse Mercurial's output in a consistent manner.
This commit is contained in:
Luke Granger-Brown 2020-11-23 16:12:33 +00:00
parent 1973669e86
commit 226116f482
2 changed files with 45 additions and 12 deletions

View file

@ -11,6 +11,36 @@ using namespace std::string_literals;
namespace nix::fetchers {
namespace {
RunOptions hgOptions(const Strings & args) {
RunOptions opts("hg", args);
opts.searchPath = true;
auto env = getEnv();
// Set HGPLAIN: this means we get consistent output from hg and avoids leakage from a user or system .hgrc.
env["HGPLAIN"] = "";
opts.environment = env;
return opts;
// runProgram wrapper that uses hgOptions instead of stock RunOptions.
string runHg(const Strings & args, const std::optional<std::string> & input = {})
RunOptions opts = hgOptions(args);
opts.input = input;
auto res = runProgram(opts);
if (!statusOk(res.first))
throw ExecError(res.first, fmt("hg %1%", statusToString(res.first)));
return res.second;
struct MercurialInputScheme : InputScheme
std::optional<Input> inputFromURL(const ParsedURL & url) override
@ -100,11 +130,11 @@ struct MercurialInputScheme : InputScheme
// FIXME: shut up if file is already tracked.
runProgram("hg", true,
{ "add", *sourcePath + "/" + std::string(file) });
if (commitMsg)
runProgram("hg", true,
{ "commit", *sourcePath + "/" + std::string(file), "-m", *commitMsg });
@ -130,7 +160,7 @@ struct MercurialInputScheme : InputScheme
if (!input.getRef() && !input.getRev() && isLocal && pathExists(actualUrl + "/.hg")) {
bool clean = runProgram("hg", true, { "status", "-R", actualUrl, "--modified", "--added", "--removed" }) == "";
bool clean = runHg({ "status", "-R", actualUrl, "--modified", "--added", "--removed" }) == "";
if (!clean) {
@ -143,10 +173,10 @@ struct MercurialInputScheme : InputScheme
if (settings.warnDirty)
warn("Mercurial tree '%s' is unclean", actualUrl);
input.attrs.insert_or_assign("ref", chomp(runProgram("hg", true, { "branch", "-R", actualUrl })));
input.attrs.insert_or_assign("ref", chomp(runHg({ "branch", "-R", actualUrl })));
auto files = tokenizeString<std::set<std::string>>(
runProgram("hg", true, { "status", "-R", actualUrl, "--clean", "--modified", "--added", "--no-status", "--print0" }), "\0"s);
runHg({ "status", "-R", actualUrl, "--clean", "--modified", "--added", "--no-status", "--print0" }), "\0"s);
PathFilter filter = [&](const Path & p) -> bool {
assert(hasPrefix(p, actualUrl));
@ -224,33 +254,33 @@ struct MercurialInputScheme : InputScheme
if (!(input.getRev()
&& pathExists(cacheDir)
&& runProgram(
RunOptions("hg", { "log", "-R", cacheDir, "-r", input.getRev()->gitRev(), "--template", "1" })
hgOptions({ "log", "-R", cacheDir, "-r", input.getRev()->gitRev(), "--template", "1" })
.killStderr(true)).second == "1"))
Activity act(*logger, lvlTalkative, actUnknown, fmt("fetching Mercurial repository '%s'", actualUrl));
if (pathExists(cacheDir)) {
try {
runProgram("hg", true, { "pull", "-R", cacheDir, "--", actualUrl });
runHg({ "pull", "-R", cacheDir, "--", actualUrl });
catch (ExecError & e) {
string transJournal = cacheDir + "/.hg/store/journal";
/* hg throws "abandoned transaction" error only if this file exists */
if (pathExists(transJournal)) {
runProgram("hg", true, { "recover", "-R", cacheDir });
runProgram("hg", true, { "pull", "-R", cacheDir, "--", actualUrl });
runHg({ "recover", "-R", cacheDir });
runHg({ "pull", "-R", cacheDir, "--", actualUrl });
} else {
throw ExecError(e.status, fmt("'hg pull' %s", statusToString(e.status)));
} else {
runProgram("hg", true, { "clone", "--noupdate", "--", actualUrl, cacheDir });
runHg({ "clone", "--noupdate", "--", actualUrl, cacheDir });
auto tokens = tokenizeString<std::vector<std::string>>(
runProgram("hg", true, { "log", "-R", cacheDir, "-r", revOrRef, "--template", "{node} {rev} {branch}" }));
runHg({ "log", "-R", cacheDir, "-r", revOrRef, "--template", "{node} {rev} {branch}" }));
assert(tokens.size() == 3);
input.attrs.insert_or_assign("rev", Hash::parseAny(tokens[0], htSHA1).gitRev());
@ -263,7 +293,7 @@ struct MercurialInputScheme : InputScheme
Path tmpDir = createTempDir();
AutoDelete delTmpDir(tmpDir, true);
runProgram("hg", true, { "archive", "-R", cacheDir, "-r", input.getRev()->gitRev(), tmpDir });
runHg({ "archive", "-R", cacheDir, "-r", input.getRev()->gitRev(), tmpDir });
deletePath(tmpDir + "/.hg_archival.txt");

View file

@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ hg init $repo
echo '[ui]' >> $repo/.hg/hgrc
echo 'username = Foobar <foobar@example.org>' >> $repo/.hg/hgrc
# Set ui.tweakdefaults to ensure HGPLAIN is being set.
echo 'tweakdefaults = True' >> $repo/.hg/hgrc
echo utrecht > $repo/hello
touch $repo/.hgignore
hg add --cwd $repo hello .hgignore