WIP: pic/tracy-profiler #1

picnoir wants to merge 5 commits from pic/tracy-profiler into master



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The Nix maintainer team uses a GitHub project board to schedule and track reviews.

# Motivation <!-- Briefly explain what the change is about and why it is desirable. --> # Context <!-- Provide context. Reference open issues if available. --> <!-- Non-trivial change: Briefly outline the implementation strategy. --> <!-- Invasive change: Discuss alternative designs or approaches you considered. --> <!-- Large change: Provide instructions to reviewers how to read the diff. --> # Priorities and Process Add :+1: to [pull requests you find important](https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pulls?q=is%3Aopen+sort%3Areactions-%2B1-desc). The Nix maintainer team uses a [GitHub project board](https://github.com/orgs/NixOS/projects/19) to [schedule and track reviews](https://github.com/NixOS/nix/tree/master/maintainers#project-board-protocol).
picnoir added 5 commits 2024-02-07 11:30:17 +01:00
picnoir added 1 commit 2024-02-07 16:43:24 +01:00
picnoir force-pushed pic/tracy-profiler from 0d3ad9c5e7 to 4249a4e51e 2024-02-07 16:46:34 +01:00 Compare
picnoir force-pushed pic/tracy-profiler from 4249a4e51e to fda8741aa3 2024-02-07 17:00:05 +01:00 Compare
picnoir force-pushed pic/tracy-profiler from fda8741aa3 to 23551d2955 2024-02-07 19:57:07 +01:00 Compare
picnoir force-pushed pic/tracy-profiler from 23551d2955 to d22b68dd2c 2024-02-08 09:20:49 +01:00 Compare
picnoir force-pushed pic/tracy-profiler from d22b68dd2c to 453285fd1b 2024-02-08 09:36:28 +01:00 Compare
picnoir force-pushed pic/tracy-profiler from 453285fd1b to a53425cac4 2024-02-08 09:37:40 +01:00 Compare
picnoir force-pushed pic/tracy-profiler from a53425cac4 to 671739ca79 2024-02-08 10:04:30 +01:00 Compare
picnoir force-pushed pic/tracy-profiler from 671739ca79 to 3ea48708b1 2024-02-08 10:43:58 +01:00 Compare
This pull request is marked as a work in progress.


From your project repository, check out a new branch and test the changes.
git fetch -u origin pic/tracy-profiler:pic/tracy-profiler
git checkout pic/tracy-profiler


Merge the changes and update on Forgejo.
git checkout master
git merge --no-ff pic/tracy-profiler
git checkout master
git merge --ff-only pic/tracy-profiler
git checkout pic/tracy-profiler
git rebase master
git checkout master
git merge --no-ff pic/tracy-profiler
git checkout master
git merge --squash pic/tracy-profiler
git checkout master
git merge --ff-only pic/tracy-profiler
git checkout master
git merge pic/tracy-profiler
git push origin master
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Reference: picnoir/Nix#1
No description provided.