Yu Watanabe fcbf4cb727 network: drop sections contain invalid settings in network_verify()
If e.g., an [Address] section has an invalid setting, then
previously assigned settings in the section is freed, and
only later settings are stored. That may cause partially broken
section stored in Network object.

This makes if an invalid setting is found, then set 'invalid' flag
instead of freeing it. And invalid sections are dropped later by
2019-03-13 11:59:18 +09:00

40 lines
975 B

/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1+ */
#pragma once
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "conf-parser.h"
#include "in-addr-util.h"
typedef struct AddressLabel AddressLabel;
#include "networkd-link.h"
#include "networkd-network.h"
#include "networkd-util.h"
typedef struct Network Network;
typedef struct Link Link;
typedef struct NetworkConfigSection NetworkConfigSection;
struct AddressLabel {
Network *network;
NetworkConfigSection *section;
unsigned char prefixlen;
uint32_t label;
union in_addr_union in_addr;
LIST_FIELDS(AddressLabel, labels);
void address_label_free(AddressLabel *label);
DEFINE_NETWORK_SECTION_FUNCTIONS(AddressLabel, address_label_free);
int address_label_configure(AddressLabel *address, Link *link, link_netlink_message_handler_t callback, bool update);