
329 lines
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/* Optimized AVX2 implementation of ChaCha20 cipher.
Copyright (C) 2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
/* chacha20-amd64-avx2.S - AVX2 implementation of ChaCha20 cipher
Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Jussi Kivilinna <>
This file is part of Libgcrypt.
Libgcrypt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Libgcrypt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* Based on D. J. Bernstein reference implementation at
chacha-regs.c version 20080118
D. J. Bernstein
Public domain. */
#include <sysdep.h>
#ifdef PIC
# define rRIP (%rip)
# define rRIP
/* register macros */
#define INPUT %rdi
#define DST %rsi
#define SRC %rdx
#define NBLKS %rcx
#define ROUND %eax
/* stack structure */
#define STACK_VEC_X12 (32)
#define STACK_VEC_X13 (32 + STACK_VEC_X12)
#define STACK_TMP (32 + STACK_VEC_X13)
#define STACK_TMP1 (32 + STACK_TMP)
#define STACK_MAX (32 + STACK_TMP1)
/* vector registers */
#define X0 %ymm0
#define X1 %ymm1
#define X2 %ymm2
#define X3 %ymm3
#define X4 %ymm4
#define X5 %ymm5
#define X6 %ymm6
#define X7 %ymm7
#define X8 %ymm8
#define X9 %ymm9
#define X10 %ymm10
#define X11 %ymm11
#define X12 %ymm12
#define X13 %ymm13
#define X14 %ymm14
#define X15 %ymm15
#define X0h %xmm0
#define X1h %xmm1
#define X2h %xmm2
#define X3h %xmm3
#define X4h %xmm4
#define X5h %xmm5
#define X6h %xmm6
#define X7h %xmm7
#define X8h %xmm8
#define X9h %xmm9
#define X10h %xmm10
#define X11h %xmm11
#define X12h %xmm12
#define X13h %xmm13
#define X14h %xmm14
#define X15h %xmm15
helper macros
/* 4x4 32-bit integer matrix transpose */
#define transpose_4x4(x0,x1,x2,x3,t1,t2) \
vpunpckhdq x1, x0, t2; \
vpunpckldq x1, x0, x0; \
vpunpckldq x3, x2, t1; \
vpunpckhdq x3, x2, x2; \
vpunpckhqdq t1, x0, x1; \
vpunpcklqdq t1, x0, x0; \
vpunpckhqdq x2, t2, x3; \
vpunpcklqdq x2, t2, x2;
/* 2x2 128-bit matrix transpose */
#define transpose_16byte_2x2(x0,x1,t1) \
vmovdqa x0, t1; \
vperm2i128 $0x20, x1, x0, x0; \
vperm2i128 $0x31, x1, t1, x1;
8-way chacha20
#define ROTATE2(v1,v2,c,tmp) \
vpsrld $(32 - (c)), v1, tmp; \
vpslld $(c), v1, v1; \
vpaddb tmp, v1, v1; \
vpsrld $(32 - (c)), v2, tmp; \
vpslld $(c), v2, v2; \
vpaddb tmp, v2, v2;
#define ROTATE_SHUF_2(v1,v2,shuf) \
vpshufb shuf, v1, v1; \
vpshufb shuf, v2, v2;
#define XOR(ds,s) \
vpxor s, ds, ds;
#define PLUS(ds,s) \
vpaddd s, ds, ds;
#define QUARTERROUND2(a1,b1,c1,d1,a2,b2,c2,d2,ign,tmp1,\
interleave_op3,interleave_op4) \
vbroadcasti128 .Lshuf_rol16 rRIP, tmp1; \
interleave_op1; \
PLUS(a1,b1); PLUS(a2,b2); XOR(d1,a1); XOR(d2,a2); \
ROTATE_SHUF_2(d1, d2, tmp1); \
interleave_op2; \
PLUS(c1,d1); PLUS(c2,d2); XOR(b1,c1); XOR(b2,c2); \
ROTATE2(b1, b2, 12, tmp1); \
vbroadcasti128 .Lshuf_rol8 rRIP, tmp1; \
interleave_op3; \
PLUS(a1,b1); PLUS(a2,b2); XOR(d1,a1); XOR(d2,a2); \
ROTATE_SHUF_2(d1, d2, tmp1); \
interleave_op4; \
PLUS(c1,d1); PLUS(c2,d2); XOR(b1,c1); XOR(b2,c2); \
ROTATE2(b1, b2, 7, tmp1);
.section .text.avx2, "ax", @progbits
.align 32
.byte 2,3,0,1,6,7,4,5,10,11,8,9,14,15,12,13
.byte 3,0,1,2,7,4,5,6,11,8,9,10,15,12,13,14
.byte 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
.long 0x80000000
.hidden __chacha20_avx2_blocks8
ENTRY (__chacha20_avx2_blocks8)
/* input:
* %rdi: input
* %rsi: dst
* %rdx: src
* %rcx: nblks (multiple of 8)
pushq %rbp;
cfi_rel_offset(rbp, 0)
movq %rsp, %rbp;
subq $STACK_MAX, %rsp;
andq $~31, %rsp;
mov $20, ROUND;
/* Construct counter vectors X12 and X13 */
vpmovzxbd L(inc_counter) rRIP, X0;
vpbroadcastd L(unsigned_cmp) rRIP, X2;
vpbroadcastd (12 * 4)(INPUT), X12;
vpbroadcastd (13 * 4)(INPUT), X13;
vpaddd X0, X12, X12;
vpxor X2, X0, X0;
vpxor X2, X12, X1;
vpcmpgtd X1, X0, X0;
vpsubd X0, X13, X13;
vmovdqa X12, (STACK_VEC_X12)(%rsp);
vmovdqa X13, (STACK_VEC_X13)(%rsp);
/* Load vectors */
vpbroadcastd (0 * 4)(INPUT), X0;
vpbroadcastd (1 * 4)(INPUT), X1;
vpbroadcastd (2 * 4)(INPUT), X2;
vpbroadcastd (3 * 4)(INPUT), X3;
vpbroadcastd (4 * 4)(INPUT), X4;
vpbroadcastd (5 * 4)(INPUT), X5;
vpbroadcastd (6 * 4)(INPUT), X6;
vpbroadcastd (7 * 4)(INPUT), X7;
vpbroadcastd (8 * 4)(INPUT), X8;
vpbroadcastd (9 * 4)(INPUT), X9;
vpbroadcastd (10 * 4)(INPUT), X10;
vpbroadcastd (11 * 4)(INPUT), X11;
vpbroadcastd (14 * 4)(INPUT), X14;
vpbroadcastd (15 * 4)(INPUT), X15;
vmovdqa X15, (STACK_TMP)(%rsp);
QUARTERROUND2(X0, X4, X8, X12, X1, X5, X9, X13, tmp:=,X15,,,,)
vmovdqa (STACK_TMP)(%rsp), X15;
vmovdqa X8, (STACK_TMP)(%rsp);
QUARTERROUND2(X2, X6, X10, X14, X3, X7, X11, X15, tmp:=,X8,,,,)
QUARTERROUND2(X0, X5, X10, X15, X1, X6, X11, X12, tmp:=,X8,,,,)
vmovdqa (STACK_TMP)(%rsp), X8;
vmovdqa X15, (STACK_TMP)(%rsp);
QUARTERROUND2(X2, X7, X8, X13, X3, X4, X9, X14, tmp:=,X15,,,,)
sub $2, ROUND;
jnz L(round2);
vmovdqa X8, (STACK_TMP1)(%rsp);
/* tmp := X15 */
vpbroadcastd (0 * 4)(INPUT), X15;
PLUS(X0, X15);
vpbroadcastd (1 * 4)(INPUT), X15;
PLUS(X1, X15);
vpbroadcastd (2 * 4)(INPUT), X15;
PLUS(X2, X15);
vpbroadcastd (3 * 4)(INPUT), X15;
PLUS(X3, X15);
vpbroadcastd (4 * 4)(INPUT), X15;
PLUS(X4, X15);
vpbroadcastd (5 * 4)(INPUT), X15;
PLUS(X5, X15);
vpbroadcastd (6 * 4)(INPUT), X15;
PLUS(X6, X15);
vpbroadcastd (7 * 4)(INPUT), X15;
PLUS(X7, X15);
transpose_4x4(X0, X1, X2, X3, X8, X15);
transpose_4x4(X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, X15);
vmovdqa (STACK_TMP1)(%rsp), X8;
transpose_16byte_2x2(X0, X4, X15);
transpose_16byte_2x2(X1, X5, X15);
transpose_16byte_2x2(X2, X6, X15);
transpose_16byte_2x2(X3, X7, X15);
vmovdqa (STACK_TMP)(%rsp), X15;
vmovdqu X0, (64 * 0 + 16 * 0)(DST)
vmovdqu X1, (64 * 1 + 16 * 0)(DST)
vpbroadcastd (8 * 4)(INPUT), X0;
PLUS(X8, X0);
vpbroadcastd (9 * 4)(INPUT), X0;
PLUS(X9, X0);
vpbroadcastd (10 * 4)(INPUT), X0;
PLUS(X10, X0);
vpbroadcastd (11 * 4)(INPUT), X0;
PLUS(X11, X0);
vmovdqa (STACK_VEC_X12)(%rsp), X0;
PLUS(X12, X0);
vmovdqa (STACK_VEC_X13)(%rsp), X0;
PLUS(X13, X0);
vpbroadcastd (14 * 4)(INPUT), X0;
PLUS(X14, X0);
vpbroadcastd (15 * 4)(INPUT), X0;
PLUS(X15, X0);
vmovdqu X2, (64 * 2 + 16 * 0)(DST)
vmovdqu X3, (64 * 3 + 16 * 0)(DST)
/* Update counter */
addq $8, (12 * 4)(INPUT);
transpose_4x4(X8, X9, X10, X11, X0, X1);
transpose_4x4(X12, X13, X14, X15, X0, X1);
vmovdqu X4, (64 * 4 + 16 * 0)(DST)
vmovdqu X5, (64 * 5 + 16 * 0)(DST)
transpose_16byte_2x2(X8, X12, X0);
transpose_16byte_2x2(X9, X13, X0);
transpose_16byte_2x2(X10, X14, X0);
transpose_16byte_2x2(X11, X15, X0);
vmovdqu X6, (64 * 6 + 16 * 0)(DST)
vmovdqu X7, (64 * 7 + 16 * 0)(DST)
vmovdqu X8, (64 * 0 + 16 * 2)(DST)
vmovdqu X9, (64 * 1 + 16 * 2)(DST)
vmovdqu X10, (64 * 2 + 16 * 2)(DST)
vmovdqu X11, (64 * 3 + 16 * 2)(DST)
vmovdqu X12, (64 * 4 + 16 * 2)(DST)
vmovdqu X13, (64 * 5 + 16 * 2)(DST)
vmovdqu X14, (64 * 6 + 16 * 2)(DST)
vmovdqu X15, (64 * 7 + 16 * 2)(DST)
sub $8, NBLKS;
lea (8 * 64)(DST), DST;
lea (8 * 64)(SRC), SRC;
jnz L(loop8);
/* eax zeroed by round loop. */