H.J. Lu 57292f5741 Add GLIBC_ABI_DT_RELR for DT_RELR support
The EI_ABIVERSION field of the ELF header in executables and shared
libraries can be bumped to indicate the minimum ABI requirement on the
dynamic linker.  However, EI_ABIVERSION in executables isn't checked by
the Linux kernel ELF loader nor the existing dynamic linker.  Executables
will crash mysteriously if the dynamic linker doesn't support the ABI
features required by the EI_ABIVERSION field.  The dynamic linker should
be changed to check EI_ABIVERSION in executables.

Add a glibc version, GLIBC_ABI_DT_RELR, to indicate DT_RELR support so
that the existing dynamic linkers will issue an error on executables with
GLIBC_ABI_DT_RELR dependency.  When there is a DT_VERNEED entry with on DT_NEEDED, issue an error if there is a DT_RELR entry without
GLIBC_ABI_DT_RELR dependency.

Support __placeholder_only_for_empty_version_map as the placeholder symbol
used only for empty version map to generate GLIBC_ABI_DT_RELR without any
2022-04-26 10:16:11 -07:00

151 lines
3.1 KiB

# This awk script processes the output of objdump --dynamic-syms
# into a simple format that should not change when the ABI is not changing.
if (combine_fullname)
combine = 1;
if (combine)
parse_names = 1;
# Per-file header.
/[^ :]+\.so\.[0-9.]+:[ ]+.file format .*$/ {
seen_opd = 0;
sofullname = $1;
sub(/:$/, "", sofullname);
soname = sofullname;
sub(/^.*\//, "", soname);
sub(/\.so\.[0-9.]+$/, "", soname);
suppress = ((filename_regexp != "" && sofullname !~ filename_regexp) \
|| (libname_regexp != "" && soname !~ libname_regexp));
suppress { next }
# Normalize columns.
/^[0-9a-fA-F]+ / { sub(/ /, " - ") }
# Skip undefineds.
$4 == "*UND*" { next }
# Skip locals.
$2 == "l" { next }
# If the target uses ST_OTHER, it will be output before the symbol name.
$2 == "g" || $2 == "w" && (NF == 7 || NF == 8) {
type = $3;
size = $5;
sub(/^0*/, "", size);
if (size == "") {
size = " 0x0";
} else {
size = " 0x" size;
version = $6;
symbol = $NF;
gsub(/[()]/, "", version);
# binutils versions up through at least 2.23 have some bugs that
# caused STV_HIDDEN symbols to appear in .dynsym, though that is useless.
if (NF > 7 && $7 == ".hidden") next;
if (version ~ /^GLIBC_ABI_/ && !include_abi_version) next;
if (version == "GLIBC_PRIVATE" && !include_private) next;
desc = "";
if (type == "D" && ($4 == ".tbss" || $4 == ".tdata")) {
type = "T";
else if (type == "D" && $4 == ".opd") {
type = "F";
size = "";
if (seen_opd < 0)
type = "O";
seen_opd = 1;
else if (type == "D" && NF == 8 && $7 == "0x80") {
# Alpha functions avoiding plt entry in users
type = "F";
size = "";
seen_opd = -1;
else if ($4 == "*ABS*") {
else if (type == "D") {
# Accept unchanged.
else if (type == "DO") {
type = "D";
else if (type == "DF") {
if (symbol ~ /^\./ && seen_opd >= 0)
seen_opd = -1;
type = "F";
size = "";
else if (type == "iD" && ($4 == ".text" || $4 == ".opd")) {
# Indirect functions.
type = "F";
size = "";
else {
print "ERROR: Unable to handle this type of symbol:", $0
exit 1
if (desc == "")
desc = symbol " " type size;
if (combine)
version = soname " " version (combine_fullname ? " " sofullname : "");
# Append to the string which collects the results.
descs = descs version " " desc "\n";
# Header crapola.
NF == 0 || /DYNAMIC SYMBOL TABLE/ || /file format/ { next }
print "ERROR: Unable to interpret this line:", $0
exit 1
function emit(end) {
if (!end && (combine || ! parse_names || soname == ""))
tofile = parse_names && !combine;
if (tofile) {
out = prefix soname ".symlist";
if (soname in outfiles)
out = out "." ++outfiles[soname];
outfiles[soname] = 1;
outpipe = "LC_ALL=C sort -u > " out;
} else {
outpipe = "LC_ALL=C sort -u";
printf "%s", descs | outpipe;
descs = "";
if (tofile)
print "wrote", out, "for", sofullname;