
93 lines
2.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

{ compiler ? "ghc822"
2018-05-15 21:16:02 +02:00
, doProfiling ? false
, doBenchmark ? false
, doTracing ? false
2018-04-29 03:21:24 +02:00
, doStrict ? false
2018-05-15 21:16:02 +02:00
, rev ? "255a833e841628c0b834575664eae373e28cdc27"
, sha256 ? "022xm1pf4fpjjy69g7qz6rpqnwpjcy1l0vj49m8xmgn553cs42ch"
2018-05-15 21:16:02 +02:00
, nixpkgs ?
if builtins.compareVersions builtins.nixVersion "2.0" < 0
then abort "hnix requires at least nix 2.0"
else import (builtins.fetchTarball {
url = "${rev}.tar.gz";
inherit sha256; }) {
config.allowUnfree = true;
config.allowBroken = false;
2018-04-07 01:23:24 +02:00
2018-04-17 00:10:47 +02:00
let inherit (nixpkgs) pkgs;
2018-04-07 01:23:24 +02:00
2018-04-17 00:10:47 +02:00
haskellPackages = pkgs.haskell.packages.${compiler}.override {
overrides = with pkgs.haskell.lib; self: super:
if compiler == "ghcjs" then {} else
cryptohash-md5 = doJailbreak super.cryptohash-md5;
cryptohash-sha1 = doJailbreak super.cryptohash-sha1;
cryptohash-sha256 = doJailbreak super.cryptohash-sha256;
cryptohash-sha512 = doJailbreak super.cryptohash-sha512;
serialise = dontCheck super.serialise;
ghc-datasize =
if doProfiling
then null
else pkgs.haskell.lib.overrideCabal super.ghc-datasize (attrs: {
enableLibraryProfiling = false;
enableExecutableProfiling = false;
ghc-heap-view =
if doProfiling
then null
else pkgs.haskell.lib.overrideCabal super.ghc-heap-view (attrs: {
enableLibraryProfiling = false;
enableExecutableProfiling = false;
2018-04-07 01:23:24 +02:00
2018-04-17 00:10:47 +02:00
in haskellPackages.developPackage {
root = ./.;
overrides = with pkgs.haskell.lib; self: super:
if compiler == "ghc802"
then {
concurrent-output = doJailbreak super.concurrent-output;
else {};
source-overrides =
if compiler == "ghc802"
then {
lens-family-core = "1.2.1";
lens-family = "1.2.1";
else {};
2018-04-17 00:10:47 +02:00
modifier = drv: pkgs.haskell.lib.overrideCabal drv (attrs: {
testHaskellDepends = attrs.testHaskellDepends ++
[ pkgs.nix pkgs.haskell.packages.ghc822.hpack
(let cabalInstallVersion = {
ghc802 = "";
ghc822 = "";
ghc842 = "";
}; in
haskellPackages.callHackage "cabal-install"
2018-05-15 21:16:02 +02:00
cabalInstallVersion.${compiler} {})
2018-04-17 00:10:47 +02:00
enableLibraryProfiling = doProfiling;
enableExecutableProfiling = doProfiling;
2018-04-07 01:23:24 +02:00
2018-04-17 00:10:47 +02:00
inherit doBenchmark;
2018-04-29 03:21:24 +02:00
configureFlags =
pkgs.stdenv.lib.optional doTracing "--flags=tracing"
++ pkgs.stdenv.lib.optional doProfiling "--flags=profiling"
++ pkgs.stdenv.lib.optional doStrict "--ghc-options=-Werror";
2018-04-17 00:10:47 +02:00