
234 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MonoLocalBinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS -Wno-orphans#-}
module PrettyParseTests where
import Data.Algorithm.Diff
import Data.Algorithm.DiffOutput
import Data.Char
import Data.Fix
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Text ( Text
, pack
2018-11-17 05:51:18 +01:00
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc
import Hedgehog
import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen
import qualified Hedgehog.Range as Range
import Nix.Atoms
import Nix.Expr
import Nix.Parser
import Nix.Pretty
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.Hedgehog
import Text.Megaparsec ( Pos
, SourcePos
, mkPos
import qualified Text.Show.Pretty as PS
asciiString :: MonadGen m => m String
asciiString = Gen.list (Range.linear 1 15) Gen.lower
asciiText :: Gen Text
asciiText = pack <$> asciiString
-- Might want to replace this instance with a constant value
genPos :: Gen Pos
genPos = mkPos <$> (Range.linear 1 256)
genSourcePos :: Gen SourcePos
genSourcePos = SourcePos <$> asciiString <*> genPos <*> genPos
genKeyName :: Gen (NKeyName NExpr)
genKeyName =
Gen.choice [DynamicKey <$> genAntiquoted genString, StaticKey <$> asciiText]
genAntiquoted :: Gen a -> Gen (Antiquoted a NExpr)
genAntiquoted gen =
Gen.choice [Plain <$> gen, pure EscapedNewline, Antiquoted <$> genExpr]
genBinding :: Gen (Binding NExpr)
genBinding = Gen.choice
[ NamedVar <$> genAttrPath <*> genExpr <*> genSourcePos
, Inherit
<$> Gen.maybe genExpr
<*> Gen.list (Range.linear 0 5) genKeyName
<*> genSourcePos
genString :: Gen (NString NExpr)
genString = Gen.choice
[ DoubleQuoted <$> Gen.list (Range.linear 0 5) (genAntiquoted asciiText)
, Indented <$> (Range.linear 0 10) <*> Gen.list
(Range.linear 0 5)
(genAntiquoted asciiText)
genAttrPath :: Gen (NAttrPath NExpr)
genAttrPath = (NE.:|) <$> genKeyName <*> Gen.list (Range.linear 0 4) genKeyName
genParams :: Gen (Params NExpr)
genParams = Gen.choice
[ Param <$> asciiText
, ParamSet
<$> Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) ((,) <$> asciiText <*> Gen.maybe genExpr)
<*> Gen.bool
<*> Gen.choice [pure Nothing, Just <$> asciiText]
genAtom :: Gen NAtom
genAtom = Gen.choice
[ NInt <$> Gen.integral (Range.linear 0 1000)
, NFloat <$> Gen.float (Range.linearFrac 0.0 1000.0)
, NBool <$> Gen.bool
, pure NNull
-- This is written by hand so we can use `fairList` rather than the normal
-- list Arbitrary instance which makes the generator terminate. The
-- distribution is not scientifically chosen.
genExpr :: Gen NExpr
genExpr = Gen.sized $ \(Size n) -> Fix <$> if n < 2
then Gen.choice [genConstant, genStr, genSym, genLiteralPath, genEnvPath]
else Gen.frequency
[ (1 , genConstant)
, (1 , genSym)
, (4 , Gen.resize (Size (n `div` 3)) genIf)
, (10, genRecSet)
, (20, genSet)
, (5 , genList)
, (2 , genUnary)
, (2, Gen.resize (Size (n `div` 3)) genBinary)
, (3, Gen.resize (Size (n `div` 3)) genSelect)
, (20, Gen.resize (Size (n `div` 2)) genAbs)
, (2, Gen.resize (Size (n `div` 2)) genHasAttr)
, (10, Gen.resize (Size (n `div` 2)) genLet)
, (10, Gen.resize (Size (n `div` 2)) genWith)
, (1, Gen.resize (Size (n `div` 2)) genAssert)
genConstant = NConstant <$> genAtom
genStr = NStr <$> genString
genSym = NSym <$> asciiText
genList = NList <$> fairList genExpr
genSet = NSet <$> fairList genBinding
genRecSet = NRecSet <$> fairList genBinding
genLiteralPath = NLiteralPath . ("./" ++) <$> asciiString
genEnvPath = NEnvPath <$> asciiString
genUnary = NUnary <$> Gen.enumBounded <*> genExpr
genBinary = NBinary <$> Gen.enumBounded <*> genExpr <*> genExpr
genSelect = NSelect <$> genExpr <*> genAttrPath <*> Gen.maybe genExpr
genHasAttr = NHasAttr <$> genExpr <*> genAttrPath
genAbs = NAbs <$> genParams <*> genExpr
genLet = NLet <$> fairList genBinding <*> genExpr
genIf = NIf <$> genExpr <*> genExpr <*> genExpr
genWith = NWith <$> genExpr <*> genExpr
genAssert = NAssert <$> genExpr <*> genExpr
-- | Useful when there are recursive positions at each element of the list as
-- it divides the size by the length of the generated list.
fairList :: Gen a -> Gen [a]
fairList g = Gen.sized $ \s -> do
k <- (Range.linear 0 (unSize s))
-- Use max here to avoid dividing by zero when there is the empty list
Gen.resize (Size (unSize s `div` max 1 k)) $ Gen.list (Range.singleton k) g
equivUpToNormalization :: NExpr -> NExpr -> Bool
equivUpToNormalization x y = normalize x == normalize y
normalize :: NExpr -> NExpr
normalize = cata $ \case
NConstant (NInt n) | n < 0 ->
Fix (NUnary NNeg (Fix (NConstant (NInt (negate n)))))
NConstant (NFloat n) | n < 0 ->
Fix (NUnary NNeg (Fix (NConstant (NFloat (negate n)))))
NSet binds -> Fix (NSet (map normBinding binds))
NRecSet binds -> Fix (NRecSet (map normBinding binds))
NLet binds r -> Fix (NLet (map normBinding binds) r)
NAbs params r -> Fix (NAbs (normParams params) r)
r -> Fix r
normBinding (NamedVar path r pos) = NamedVar ( normKey path) r pos
normBinding (Inherit mr names pos) = Inherit mr (map normKey names) pos
normKey (DynamicKey quoted) = DynamicKey (normAntiquotedString quoted)
normKey (StaticKey name ) = StaticKey name
:: Antiquoted (NString NExpr) NExpr -> Antiquoted (NString NExpr) NExpr
normAntiquotedString (Plain (DoubleQuoted [EscapedNewline])) = EscapedNewline
normAntiquotedString (Plain (DoubleQuoted strs)) =
let strs' = map normAntiquotedText strs
in if strs == strs'
then Plain (DoubleQuoted strs)
else normAntiquotedString (Plain (DoubleQuoted strs'))
normAntiquotedString r = r
normAntiquotedText :: Antiquoted Text NExpr -> Antiquoted Text NExpr
normAntiquotedText (Plain "\n" ) = EscapedNewline
normAntiquotedText (Plain "''\n") = EscapedNewline
normAntiquotedText r = r
normParams (ParamSet binds var (Just "")) = ParamSet binds var Nothing
normParams r = r
-- | Test that parse . pretty == id up to attribute position information.
prop_prettyparse :: Monad m => NExpr -> PropertyT m ()
prop_prettyparse p = do
2018-11-17 05:51:18 +01:00
let prog = show (prettyNix p)
case parse (pack prog) of
Failure s -> do
footnote $ show $ vsep
[fillSep ["Parse failed:", pretty (show s)], indent 2 (prettyNix p)]
Success v
| equivUpToNormalization p v -> success
| otherwise -> do
let pp = normalise prog
pv = normalise (show (prettyNix v))
$ show
$ vsep
$ [ "----------------------------------------"
, vsep ["Expr before:", indent 2 (pretty (PS.ppShow p))]
, "----------------------------------------"
, vsep ["Expr after:", indent 2 (pretty (PS.ppShow v))]
, "----------------------------------------"
, vsep ["Pretty before:", indent 2 (pretty prog)]
, "----------------------------------------"
, vsep ["Pretty after:", indent 2 (prettyNix v)]
, "----------------------------------------"
, vsep ["Normalised before:", indent 2 (pretty pp)]
, "----------------------------------------"
, vsep ["Normalised after:", indent 2 (pretty pv)]
, "========================================"
, vsep ["Normalised diff:", pretty (ppDiff (diff pp pv))]
, "========================================"
assert (pp == pv)
parse = parseNixText
normalise = unlines . map (reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse) . lines
diff :: String -> String -> [Diff [String]]
diff s1 s2 = getDiff (map (: []) (lines s1)) (map (: []) (lines s2))
tests :: TestLimit -> TestTree
tests n = testProperty "Pretty/Parse Property" $ withTests n $ property $ do
x <- forAll genExpr
prop_prettyparse x