
169 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Nix.Render.Frame where
2018-04-25 08:09:43 +02:00
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Fix
import Data.Typeable
import Nix.Eval
import Nix.Exec
import Nix.Expr
import Nix.Frames
import Nix.Normal
import Nix.Options
import Nix.Parser.Library hiding (colon)
2018-04-25 08:09:43 +02:00
import Nix.Pretty
import Nix.Render
import Nix.Thunk
import Nix.Utils
import Nix.Value
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen as P
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen hiding ((<$>))
import qualified Text.Show.Pretty as PS
renderFrames :: forall v e m.
(MonadReader e m, Has e Options,
MonadVar m, MonadFile m, Typeable m, Typeable v)
=> Frames -> m Doc
renderFrames [] = pure mempty
renderFrames (x:xs) = do
opts :: Options <- asks (view hasLens)
frames <-
if | verbose opts <= ErrorsOnly ->
renderFrame @v x
| verbose opts <= Informational -> do
f <- renderFrame @v x
pure $ concatMap go (reverse xs) ++ f
| otherwise ->
concat <$> mapM (renderFrame @v) (reverse (x:xs))
pure $ case frames of
[] -> mempty
_ -> foldr1 (P.<$>) frames
go :: NixFrame -> [Doc]
go f = case framePos @v @m f of
Just pos ->
[text "While evaluating at "
<> text (sourcePosPretty pos)
<> colon]
Nothing -> []
framePos :: forall v (m :: * -> *). (Typeable m, Typeable v) => NixFrame
-> Maybe SourcePos
framePos (NixFrame _ f)
| Just (e :: EvalFrame m v) <- fromException f = case e of
EvaluatingExpr _ (Fix (Compose (Ann (SrcSpan beg _) _))) ->
Just beg
_ -> Nothing
| otherwise = Nothing
renderFrame :: forall v e m.
(MonadReader e m, Has e Options, MonadVar m,
MonadFile m, Typeable m, Typeable v)
=> NixFrame -> m [Doc]
renderFrame (NixFrame level f)
| Just (e :: EvalFrame m v) <- fromException f = renderEvalFrame level e
| Just (e :: ThunkLoop) <- fromException f = renderThunkLoop level e
| Just (e :: ValueFrame m) <- fromException f = renderValueFrame level e
| Just (_ :: NormalLoop m) <- fromException f =
pure [text "<<loop during normalization>>"]
| Just (e :: ExecFrame m) <- fromException f = renderExecFrame level e
| Just (e :: ErrorCall) <- fromException f = pure [text (show e)]
| otherwise = error $ "Unrecognized frame: " ++ show f
2018-04-25 08:09:43 +02:00
wrapExpr :: NExprF r -> NExpr
wrapExpr x = Fix (Fix (NSym "<?>") <$ x)
renderEvalFrame :: (MonadReader e m, Has e Options, MonadFile m)
=> NixLevel -> EvalFrame m v -> m [Doc]
renderEvalFrame level f = do
opts :: Options <- asks (view hasLens)
case f of
EvaluatingExpr _scope e@(Fix (Compose (Ann ann _))) ->
fmap (:[]) $ renderLocation ann
=<< renderExpr level "While evaluating" "Expression" e
ForcingExpr _scope e@(Fix (Compose (Ann ann _)))
| thunks opts ->
fmap (:[]) $ renderLocation ann
=<< renderExpr level "While forcing thunk from"
"Forcing thunk" e
2018-05-06 09:35:21 +02:00
Calling name ann ->
fmap (:[]) $ renderLocation ann $
text "While calling builtins." <> text name
_ -> pure []
renderExpr :: (MonadReader e m, Has e Options, MonadFile m)
=> NixLevel -> String -> String -> NExprLoc -> m Doc
renderExpr _level longLabel shortLabel e@(Fix (Compose (Ann _ x))) = do
opts :: Options <- asks (view hasLens)
let rendered
| verbose opts >= DebugInfo =
text (PS.ppShow (stripAnnotation e))
| verbose opts >= Chatty =
prettyNix (stripAnnotation e)
| otherwise =
prettyNix (Fix (Fix (NSym "<?>") <$ x))
pure $ if verbose opts >= Chatty
then text (longLabel ++ ":\n>>>>>>>>")
P.<$> indent 2 rendered
P.<$> text "<<<<<<<<"
else text shortLabel <> text ": " </> rendered
renderValueFrame :: (MonadReader e m, Has e Options, MonadFile m)
=> NixLevel -> ValueFrame m -> m [Doc]
renderValueFrame level = pure . (:[]) . \case
ForcingThunk -> text "ForcingThunk"
ConcerningValue _v -> text "ConcerningValue"
2018-04-29 00:01:12 +02:00
Comparison _ _ -> text "Comparing"
Addition _ _ -> text "Adding"
2018-04-29 00:01:12 +02:00
Division _ _ -> text "Dividing"
2018-04-29 20:43:06 +02:00
Multiplication _ _ -> text "Multiplying"
Coercion x y ->
text desc <> text (describeValue x)
<> text " to " <> text (describeValue y)
desc | level <= Error = "Cannot coerce "
| otherwise = "While coercing "
CoercionToJsonNF _v -> text "CoercionToJsonNF"
CoercionFromJson _j -> text "CoercionFromJson"
ExpectationNF _t _v -> text "ExpectationNF"
Expectation _t _v -> text "Expectation"
renderValue :: (MonadReader e m, Has e Options, MonadFile m, MonadVar m)
=> NixLevel -> String -> String -> NValue m -> m Doc
renderValue _level _longLabel _shortLabel v = do
opts :: Options <- asks (view hasLens)
if values opts
then prettyNValueProv v
else prettyNValue v
2018-04-24 21:25:40 +02:00
renderExecFrame :: (MonadReader e m, Has e Options, MonadVar m, MonadFile m)
=> NixLevel -> ExecFrame m -> m [Doc]
renderExecFrame level = \case
Assertion ann v ->
fmap (:[]) $ renderLocation ann
=<< ((text "Assertion failed:" </>)
<$> renderValue level "" "" v)
renderThunkLoop :: (MonadReader e m, Has e Options, MonadFile m)
=> NixLevel -> ThunkLoop -> m [Doc]
renderThunkLoop _level = pure . (:[]) . \case
ThunkLoop Nothing -> text "<<loop>>"
ThunkLoop (Just n) ->
text $ "<<loop forcing thunk #" ++ show n ++ ">>"