remove types for rec/nonrec, make unit tests pass

This commit is contained in:
Allen Nelson 2016-01-23 17:18:41 -06:00
parent 50a3d0d0db
commit 29acdfe988
7 changed files with 288 additions and 275 deletions

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@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ data NValueF m r
| NVStr Text
| NVList [r]
| NVSet (Map.Map Text r)
| NVFunction (Formals r) (NValue m -> m r)
| NVFunction (Params r) (NValue m -> m r)
deriving (Generic, Typeable, Functor)
instance Show f => Show (NValueF m f) where
@ -51,20 +51,19 @@ valueText = cata phi where
phi (NVSet _) = error "Cannot coerce a set to a string"
phi (NVFunction _ _) = error "Cannot coerce a function to a string"
buildArgument :: Formals (NValue m) -> NValue m -> NValue m
buildArgument :: Params (NValue m) -> NValue m -> NValue m
buildArgument paramSpec arg = either error (Fix . NVSet) $ case paramSpec of
FormalName name -> return $ Map.singleton name arg
FormalSet s Nothing -> lookupParamSet s
FormalSet s (Just name) -> Map.insert name arg <$> lookupParamSet s
Param name -> return $ Map.singleton name arg
FixedParamSet s Nothing -> lookupParamSet s
FixedParamSet s (Just name) -> Map.insert name arg <$> lookupParamSet s
VariadicParamSet _ _ ->
error "Can't yet handle variadic param sets"
go env k def = maybe (Left err) return $ Map.lookup k env <|> def
where err = "Could not find " ++ show k
lookupParamSet fps = case fps of
FixedParamSet s -> case arg of
lookupParamSet s = case arg of
Fix (NVSet env) -> Map.traverseWithKey (go env) s
_ -> Left "Unexpected function environment"
_ -> error "Can't yet handle variadic param sets"
evalExpr :: MonadFix m => NExpr -> NValue m -> m (NValue m)
evalExpr = cata phi
@ -75,41 +74,41 @@ evalExpr = cata phi
where err = error ("Undefined variable: " ++ show var)
phi (NConstant x) = const $ return $ Fix $ NVConstant x
phi (NStr str) = fmap (Fix . NVStr) . flip evalString str
phi (NPath _ _) = error "Path expressions are not yet supported"
phi (NLiteralPath _) = error "Path expressions are not yet supported"
phi (NEnvPath _) = error "Path expressions are not yet supported"
phi (NOper x) = \env -> case x of
NUnary op arg -> arg env >>= \case
Fix (NVConstant c) -> pure $ Fix $ NVConstant $ case (op, c) of
(NNeg, NInt i) -> NInt (-i)
(NNot, NBool b) -> NBool (not b)
_ -> error $ "unsupported argument type for unary operator " ++ show op
_ -> error "argument to unary operator must evaluate to an atomic type"
NBinary op larg rarg -> do
lval <- larg env
rval <- rarg env
case (lval, rval) of
(Fix (NVConstant lc), Fix (NVConstant rc)) -> pure $ Fix $ NVConstant $ case (op, lc, rc) of
(NEq, l, r) -> NBool $ l == r
(NNEq, l, r) -> NBool $ l /= r
(NLt, l, r) -> NBool $ l < r
(NLte, l, r) -> NBool $ l <= r
(NGt, l, r) -> NBool $ l > r
(NGte, l, r) -> NBool $ l >= r
(NAnd, NBool l, NBool r) -> NBool $ l && r
(NOr, NBool l, NBool r) -> NBool $ l || r
(NImpl, NBool l, NBool r) -> NBool $ not l || r
(NPlus, NInt l, NInt r) -> NInt $ l + r
(NMinus, NInt l, NInt r) -> NInt $ l - r
(NMult, NInt l, NInt r) -> NInt $ l * r
(NDiv, NInt l, NInt r) -> NInt $ l `div` r
_ -> error $ "unsupported argument types for binary operator " ++ show op
(Fix (NVStr ls), Fix (NVStr rs)) -> case op of
NConcat -> pure $ Fix $ NVStr $ ls `mappend` rs
_ -> error $ "unsupported argument types for binary operator " ++ show op
(Fix (NVSet ls), Fix (NVSet rs)) -> case op of
NUpdate -> pure $ Fix $ NVSet $ rs `Map.union` ls
_ -> error $ "unsupported argument types for binary operator " ++ show op
phi (NUnary op arg) = \env -> arg env >>= \case
Fix (NVConstant c) -> pure $ Fix $ NVConstant $ case (op, c) of
(NNeg, NInt i) -> NInt (-i)
(NNot, NBool b) -> NBool (not b)
_ -> error $ "unsupported argument type for unary operator " ++ show op
_ -> error "argument to unary operator must evaluate to an atomic type"
phi (NBinary op larg rarg) = \env -> do
lval <- larg env
rval <- rarg env
case (lval, rval) of
(Fix (NVConstant lc), Fix (NVConstant rc)) -> pure $ Fix $ NVConstant $ case (op, lc, rc) of
(NEq, l, r) -> NBool $ l == r
(NNEq, l, r) -> NBool $ l /= r
(NLt, l, r) -> NBool $ l < r
(NLte, l, r) -> NBool $ l <= r
(NGt, l, r) -> NBool $ l > r
(NGte, l, r) -> NBool $ l >= r
(NAnd, NBool l, NBool r) -> NBool $ l && r
(NOr, NBool l, NBool r) -> NBool $ l || r
(NImpl, NBool l, NBool r) -> NBool $ not l || r
(NPlus, NInt l, NInt r) -> NInt $ l + r
(NMinus, NInt l, NInt r) -> NInt $ l - r
(NMult, NInt l, NInt r) -> NInt $ l * r
(NDiv, NInt l, NInt r) -> NInt $ l `div` r
_ -> error $ "unsupported argument types for binary operator " ++ show op
(Fix (NVStr ls), Fix (NVStr rs)) -> case op of
NConcat -> pure $ Fix $ NVStr $ ls `mappend` rs
_ -> error $ "unsupported argument types for binary operator " ++ show op
(Fix (NVSet ls), Fix (NVSet rs)) -> case op of
NUpdate -> pure $ Fix $ NVSet $ rs `Map.union` ls
_ -> error $ "unsupported argument types for binary operator " ++ show op
_ -> error $ "unsupported argument types for binary operator " ++ show op
phi (NSelect aset attr alternative) = go where
go env = do
@ -135,12 +134,12 @@ evalExpr = cata phi
phi (NList l) = \env ->
Fix . NVList <$> mapM ($ env) l
phi (NSet recBind binds) = \env -> case env of
phi (NSet binds) = \env -> Fix . NVSet <$> evalBinds True env binds
phi (NRecSet binds) = \env -> case env of
(Fix (NVSet env')) -> do
mergedEnv <- case recBind of
Rec -> pure $ Fix $ NVSet $ evaledBinds `Map.union` env'
NonRec -> fmap (Fix . NVSet) $ evalBinds True env binds
mergedEnv <- pure $ Fix $ NVSet $ evaledBinds `Map.union` env'
evaledBinds <- evalBinds True mergedEnv binds
pure mergedEnv
_ -> error "invalid evaluation environment"
@ -193,9 +192,12 @@ evalExpr = cata phi
evalString :: Monad m
=> NValue m -> NString (NValue m -> m (NValue m)) -> m Text
evalString env (NString _ parts)
= Text.concat <$> mapM (runAntiquoted return (fmap valueText . ($ env))) parts
evalString _env (NUri t) = return t
evalString env nstr = do
let fromParts parts = Text.concat <$>
mapM (runAntiquoted return (fmap valueText . ($ env))) parts
case nstr of
Indented parts -> fromParts parts
DoubleQuoted parts -> fromParts parts
evalBinds :: Monad m => Bool -> NValue m ->
[Binding (NValue m -> m (NValue m))] ->

View file

@ -23,6 +23,58 @@ import GHC.Generics
import Prelude hiding (readFile, concat, concatMap, elem, mapM,
sequence, minimum, foldr)
-- | The main nix expression type. This is polymorphic so that it can be made
-- a functor, which allows us to traverse expressions and map functions over
-- them. The actual 'NExpr' type is a fixed point of this functor, defined
-- below.
data NExprF r
= NConstant NAtom
-- ^ Constants: ints, bools, URIs, and null.
| NStr (NString r)
-- ^ A string, with interpolated expressions.
| NSym Text
-- ^ A variable. For example, in the expression @f a@, @f@ is represented
-- as @NSym "f"@ and @a@ as @NSym "a"@.
| NList [r]
-- ^ A list literal.
| NSet [Binding r]
-- ^ An attribute set literal, not recursive.
| NRecSet [Binding r]
-- ^ An attribute set literal, recursive.
| NLiteralPath FilePath
-- ^ A path expression, which is evaluated to a store path. The path here
-- can be relative, in which case it's evaluated relative to the file in
-- which it appears.
| NEnvPath FilePath
-- ^ A path which refers to something in the Nix search path (the NIX_PATH
-- environment variable. For example, @<nixpkgs/pkgs>@.
| NUnary NUnaryOp r
-- ^ Application of a unary operator to an expression.
| NBinary NBinaryOp r r
-- ^ Application of a binary operator to two expressions.
| NSelect r (NAttrPath r) (Maybe r)
-- ^ Dot-reference into an attribute set, optionally providing an
-- alternative if the key doesn't exist.
| NHasAttr r (NAttrPath r)
-- ^ Ask if a set contains a given attribute path.
| NAbs (Params r) r
-- ^ A function literal (lambda abstraction).
| NApp r r
-- ^ Apply a function to an argument.
| NLet [Binding r] r
-- ^ Evaluate the second argument after introducing the bindings.
| NIf r r r
-- ^ If-then-else statement.
| NWith r r
-- ^ Evaluate an attribute set, bring its bindings into scope, and
-- evaluate the second argument.
| NAssert r r
-- ^ Assert that the first returns true before evaluating the second.
deriving (Ord, Eq, Generic, Typeable, Data, Functor, Show)
-- | The monomorphic expression type is a fixed point of the polymorphic one.
type NExpr = Fix NExprF
-- | Atoms are values that evaluate to themselves. This means that
-- they appear in both the parsed AST (in the form of literals) and
-- the evaluated form.
@ -34,53 +86,57 @@ data NAtom
| NBool Bool
-- | Null values. There's only one of this variant.
| NNull
-- | URIs, which are just string literals, but do not need quotes.
| NUri Text
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable, Data, Show)
data NSetBind = Rec | NonRec
deriving (Ord, Eq, Generic, Typeable, Data, Show)
-- | A single line of the bindings section of a let expression or of
-- a set.
-- | A single line of the bindings section of a let expression or of a set.
data Binding r
= NamedVar (NAttrPath r) r
-- ^ An explicit naming, such as @x = y@ or @x.y = z@.
| Inherit (Maybe r) [NAttrPath r]
-- ^ Using a name already in scope, such as @inherit x;@ which is shorthand
-- for @x = x;@ or @inherit (x) y;@ which means @y = x.y;@.
deriving (Typeable, Data, Ord, Eq, Functor, Show)
-- | For functions which are called with a set as an argument.
data FormalParamSet r
= FixedParamSet (Map Text (Maybe r))
-- ^ Parameters for a function that expects an attribute set. The values
-- | @Params@ represents all the ways the formal parameters to a
-- function can be represented.
data Params r
= Param Text
-- ^ For functions with a single named argument, such as @x: x + 1@.
| FixedParamSet (Map Text (Maybe r)) (Maybe Text)
-- ^ Parameters for a function that expects an attribute set. The values
-- are @Just@ if they specify a default argument. For a fixed set, no
-- arguments beyond what is specified in the map may be given.
| VariadicParamSet (Map Text (Maybe r))
| VariadicParamSet (Map Text (Maybe r)) (Maybe Text)
-- ^ Same as the 'FixedParamSet', but extra arguments are allowed.
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable, Data, Functor, Show,
Foldable, Traversable)
-- | @Formals@ represents all the ways the formal parameters to a
-- function can be represented.
data Formals r
= FormalName Text
-- ^ For functions with a single named argument, such as @x: x + 1@.
| FormalSet (FormalParamSet r) (Maybe Text)
-- ^ For functions that expect an attribute set argument, and unpack values
-- from it. For example, @{x, y}: x + y@.
deriving (Ord, Eq, Generic, Typeable, Data, Functor, Show,
Foldable, Traversable)
-- | For the two different kinds of strings.
data StringKind = DoubleQuoted | Indented
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable, Data, Show)
-- | 'Antiquoted' represents an expression that is either
-- antiquoted (surrounded by ${...}) or plain (not antiquoted).
data Antiquoted v r = Plain v | Antiquoted r
deriving (Ord, Eq, Generic, Typeable, Data, Functor, Show)
-- | An 'NString' is a list of things that are either a plain string
-- or an antiquoted expression. After the antiquotes have been evaluated,
-- the final string is constructed by concating all the parts.
data NString r = NString StringKind [Antiquoted Text r] | NUri Text
data NString r
= DoubleQuoted [Antiquoted Text r]
-- ^ Strings wrapped with double-quotes (") are not allowed to contain
-- literal newline characters.
| Indented [Antiquoted Text r]
-- ^ Strings wrapped with two single quotes ('') can contain newlines,
-- and their indentation will be stripped.
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable, Data, Functor, Show)
-- | For the the 'IsString' instance, we use a plain doublequoted string.
instance IsString (NString r) where
fromString "" = DoubleQuoted []
fromString string = DoubleQuoted [Plain $ pack string]
-- | A 'KeyName' is something that can appear at the right side of an
-- equals sign.
-- For example, @a@ is a 'KeyName' in @{ a = 3; }@, @let a = 3;
-- equals sign. For example, @a@ is a 'KeyName' in @{ a = 3; }@, @let a = 3;
-- in ...@, @{}.a@ or @{} ? a@.
-- Nix supports both static keynames (just an identifier) and dynamic
@ -114,71 +170,11 @@ instance Functor NKeyName where
-- of strung-together key names.
type NAttrPath r = [NKeyName r]
-- | A functor-ized nix expression type, which lets us do things like traverse
-- expressions and map functions over them. The actual 'NExpr' type is defined
-- below.
data NExprF r
= NConstant NAtom
-- ^ Constants: ints, bools, and null.
| NStr (NString r)
-- ^ A string, with interpolated expressions.
| NList [r]
-- ^ A list literal.
| NSet NSetBind [Binding r]
-- ^ An attribute set literal, possibly recursive.
| NAbs (Formals r) r
-- ^ A lambda abstraction.
| NPath Bool FilePath
-- ^ A path expression, which is evaluated to a store path. The boolean
-- argument of 'NPath' is 'True' if the path refers to something in the
-- Nix search path. For example, @<nixpkgs/pkgs>@ is represented by
-- @NPath True "nixpkgs/pkgs"@, while @foo/bar@ is represented by @NPath
-- False "foo/bar@.
| NOper (NOperF r)
-- ^ Binary or unary operators.
| NSelect r (NAttrPath r) (Maybe r)
-- ^ Dot-reference into an attribute set, optionally providing an
-- alternative if the key doesn't exist.
| NHasAttr r (NAttrPath r)
-- ^ Ask if a set contains a given attribute path.
| NApp r r
-- ^ Apply a function to an argument.
| NSym Text
-- ^ A variable. For example, in the expression @f a@, @f@ is represented
-- as @NSym "f"@ and @a@ as @NSym "a"@.
| NLet [Binding r] r
-- ^ Evaluate the second argument after introducing the bindings.
| NIf r r r
-- ^ If-then-else statement.
| NWith r r
-- ^ Evaluate an attribute set, bring its bindings into scope, and
-- evaluate the second argument.
| NAssert r r
-- ^ Assert that the first returns true before evaluating the second.
deriving (Ord, Eq, Generic, Typeable, Data, Functor, Show)
type NExpr = Fix NExprF
-- | 'Antiquoted' represents an expression that is either
-- antiquoted (surrounded by ${...}) or plain (not antiquoted).
data Antiquoted v r = Plain v | Antiquoted r
deriving (Ord, Eq, Generic, Typeable, Data, Functor, Show)
-- | For the the 'IsString' instance, we use a plain doublequoted string.
instance IsString (NString r) where
fromString "" = NString DoubleQuoted []
fromString x = NString DoubleQuoted . (:[]) . Plain . pack $ x
-- | Operator expressions are unary or binary.
data NOperF r
= NUnary NUnaryOp r
| NBinary NBinaryOp r r
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable, Data, Functor, Show)
-- | There are two unary operations: logical not and integer negation.
data NUnaryOp = NNeg | NNot
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable, Data, Show)
-- | Binary operators expressible in the nix language.
data NBinaryOp
= NEq -- ^ Equality (==)
| NNEq -- ^ Inequality (!=)
@ -197,19 +193,36 @@ data NBinaryOp
| NConcat -- ^ List concatenation (++)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable, Data, Show)
-- | Get the name out of the parameter (there might be none).
paramName :: Params r -> Maybe Text
paramName (Param n) = Just n
paramName (FixedParamSet _ n) = n
paramName (VariadicParamSet _ n) = n
-- | Make an integer literal expression.
mkInt :: Integer -> NExpr
mkInt = Fix . NConstant . NInt
mkStr :: StringKind -> Text -> NExpr
mkStr kind x = Fix . NStr . NString kind $ if x == ""
then []
else [Plain x]
-- | Make a regular (double-quoted) string.
mkStr :: Text -> NExpr
mkStr = Fix . NStr . DoubleQuoted . \case
"" -> []
x -> [Plain x]
mkIndentedStr :: Text -> NExpr
mkIndentedStr = Fix . NStr . Indented . \case
"" -> []
x -> [Plain x]
-- | Make a literal URI expression.
mkUri :: Text -> NExpr
mkUri = Fix . NStr . NUri
mkUri = Fix . NConstant . NUri
-- | Make a path. Use 'True' if the path should be read from the
-- environment, else 'False'.
mkPath :: Bool -> FilePath -> NExpr
mkPath b = Fix . NPath b
mkPath False = Fix . NLiteralPath
mkPath True = Fix . NEnvPath
-- | Make a path expression which pulls from the NIX_PATH env variable.
mkEnvPath :: FilePath -> NExpr
@ -219,6 +232,7 @@ mkEnvPath = mkPath True
mkRelPath :: FilePath -> NExpr
mkRelPath = mkPath False
-- | Make a variable (symbol)
mkSym :: Text -> NExpr
mkSym = Fix . NSym
@ -232,28 +246,28 @@ mkNull :: NExpr
mkNull = Fix (NConstant NNull)
mkOper :: NUnaryOp -> NExpr -> NExpr
mkOper op = Fix . NOper . NUnary op
mkOper op = Fix . NUnary op
mkOper2 :: NBinaryOp -> NExpr -> NExpr -> NExpr
mkOper2 op a = Fix . NOper . NBinary op a
mkOper2 op a = Fix . NBinary op a
mkFormalSet :: [(Text, Maybe NExpr)] -> Formals NExpr
mkFormalSet = mkFixedParamSet
mkParamset :: [(Text, Maybe NExpr)] -> Params NExpr
mkParamset = mkFixedParamSet
mkFixedParamSet :: [(Text, Maybe NExpr)] -> Formals NExpr
mkFixedParamSet ps = FormalSet (FixedParamSet $ Map.fromList ps) Nothing
mkFixedParamSet :: [(Text, Maybe NExpr)] -> Params NExpr
mkFixedParamSet ps = FixedParamSet (Map.fromList ps) Nothing
mkVariadicParamSet :: [(Text, Maybe NExpr)] -> Formals NExpr
mkVariadicParamSet ps = FormalSet (VariadicParamSet $ Map.fromList ps) Nothing
mkVariadicParamSet :: [(Text, Maybe NExpr)] -> Params NExpr
mkVariadicParamSet ps = VariadicParamSet (Map.fromList ps) Nothing
mkApp :: NExpr -> NExpr -> NExpr
mkApp e = Fix . NApp e
mkRecSet :: [Binding NExpr] -> NExpr
mkRecSet = Fix . NSet Rec
mkRecSet = Fix . NRecSet
mkNonRecSet :: [Binding NExpr] -> NExpr
mkNonRecSet = Fix . NSet NonRec
mkNonRecSet = Fix . NSet
mkLet :: [Binding NExpr] -> NExpr -> NExpr
mkLet bs = Fix . NLet bs
@ -270,7 +284,7 @@ mkAssert e = Fix . NWith e
mkIf :: NExpr -> NExpr -> NExpr -> NExpr
mkIf e1 e2 = Fix . NIf e1 e2
mkFunction :: Formals NExpr -> NExpr -> NExpr
mkFunction :: Params NExpr -> NExpr -> NExpr
mkFunction params = Fix . NAbs params
-- | Shorthand for producing a binding of a name to an expression.
@ -283,7 +297,8 @@ bindTo name val = NamedVar (mkSelector name) val
appendBindings :: [Binding NExpr] -> NExpr -> NExpr
appendBindings newBindings (Fix e) = case e of
NLet bindings e' -> Fix $ NLet (bindings <> newBindings) e'
NSet bindType bindings -> Fix $ NSet bindType (bindings <> newBindings)
NSet bindings -> Fix $ NSet (bindings <> newBindings)
NRecSet bindings -> Fix $ NRecSet (bindings <> newBindings)
_ -> error "Can only append bindings to a set or a let"
-- | Applies a transformation to the body of a nix function.

View file

@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ nixUri = token $ fmap (mkUri . pack) $ (++)
nixString :: Parser (NString NExpr)
nixString = doubleQuoted <|> indented <?> "string"
doubleQuoted = NString DoubleQuoted . removePlainEmpty . mergePlain
doubleQuoted = DoubleQuoted . removePlainEmpty . mergePlain
<$> (doubleQ *> many (stringChar doubleQ (void $ char '\\') doubleEscape)
<* token doubleQ)
<?> "double quoted string"
@ -184,32 +184,32 @@ nixString = doubleQuoted <|> indented <?> "string"
escapeCode = choice [ c <$ char e | (c,e) <- escapeCodes ] <|> anyChar
-- | Gets all of the arguments for a function.
argExpr :: Parser (Formals NExpr)
argExpr :: Parser (Params NExpr)
argExpr = choice [atLeft, onlyname, atRight] <* symbolic ':' where
-- An argument not in curly braces. There's some potential ambiguity
-- in the case of, for example `x:y`. Is it a lambda function `x: y`, or
-- a URI `x:y`? Nix syntax says it's the latter. So we need to fail if
-- there's a valid URI parse here.
onlyname = choice [nixUri >> unexpected "valid uri",
FormalName <$> identifier]
Param <$> identifier]
-- Parameters named by an identifier on the left (`args @ {x, y}`)
atLeft = try $ do
name <- identifier <* symbolic '@'
ps <- params
return $ FormalSet ps (Just name)
(constructor, params) <- params
return $ constructor params (Just name)
-- Parameters named by an identifier on the right, or none (`{x, y} @ args`)
atRight = do
ps <- params
(constructor, params) <- params
name <- optional $ symbolic '@' *> identifier
return $ FormalSet ps name
return $ constructor params name
-- Return the parameters set.
params = do
(args, dotdots) <- braces getParams
let pset = if dotdots then VariadicParamSet else FixedParamSet
return $ pset $ Map.fromList args
let constructor = if dotdots then VariadicParamSet else FixedParamSet
return (constructor, Map.fromList args)
-- Collects the parameters within curly braces. Returns the parameters and
-- a boolean indicating if the parameters are variadic.
@ -242,9 +242,9 @@ keyName = dynamicKey <|> staticKey where
dynamicKey = DynamicKey <$> nixAntiquoted nixString
nixSet :: Parser NExpr
nixSet = Fix <$> (NSet <$> isRec <*> braces nixBinders) <?> "set" where
isRec = (try (reserved "rec" *> pure Rec) <?> "recursive set")
<|> pure NonRec
nixSet = Fix <$> (isRec <*> braces nixBinders) <?> "set" where
isRec = (try (reserved "rec" *> pure NRecSet) <?> "recursive set")
<|> pure NSet
parseNixFile :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m (Result NExpr)
parseNixFile = parseFromFileEx $ nixExpr <* eof

View file

@ -56,12 +56,12 @@ wrapParens op sub
| otherwise = parens $ withoutParens sub
prettyString :: NString NixDoc -> Doc
prettyString (NString DoubleQuoted parts) = dquotes . hcat . map prettyPart $ parts
prettyString (DoubleQuoted parts) = dquotes . hcat . map prettyPart $ parts
where prettyPart (Plain t) = text . concatMap escape . unpack $ t
prettyPart (Antiquoted r) = text "$" <> braces (withoutParens r)
escape '"' = "\\\""
escape x = maybe [x] (('\\':) . (:[])) $ toEscapeCode x
prettyString (NString Indented parts)
prettyString (Indented parts)
= group $ nest 2 (squote <> squote <$$> content) <$$> squote <> squote
content = vsep . map prettyLine . stripLastIfEmpty . splitLines $ parts
@ -72,22 +72,24 @@ prettyString (NString Indented parts)
prettyPart (Plain t) = text . unpack . replace "$" "''$" . replace "''" "'''" $ t
prettyPart (Antiquoted r) = text "$" <> braces (withoutParens r)
prettyString (NUri uri) = text (unpack uri)
prettyFormals :: Formals NixDoc -> Doc
prettyFormals (FormalName n) = text $ unpack n
prettyFormals (FormalSet s mname) = prettyParamSet s <> case mname of
Nothing -> empty
Just name -> text "@" <> text (unpack name)
prettyParamSet :: FormalParamSet NixDoc -> Doc
prettyParamSet params = lbrace <+> middle <+> rbrace
prettyArgs = case params of
FixedParamSet args -> map prettySetArg (toList args)
VariadicParamSet args -> map prettySetArg (toList args) ++ [text "..."]
middle = hcat $ punctuate (comma <> space) prettyArgs
prettyParams :: Params NixDoc -> Doc
prettyParams (Param n) = text $ unpack n
prettyParams paramSet = prettyParamSet <> argName where
prettyParamSet = lbrace <+> middle <+> rbrace
middle = hcat $ punctuate (comma <> space) prettyArgs
prettyArgs = case isVariadic of
False -> map prettySetArg (toList args)
True -> map prettySetArg (toList args) ++ [text "..."]
(isVariadic, args) = case paramSet of
VariadicParamSet args _ -> (True, args)
FixedParamSet args _ -> (False, args)
_ -> (False, mempty)
prettySetArg (n, maybeDef) = case maybeDef of
Nothing -> text (unpack n)
Just v -> text (unpack n) <+> text "?" <+> withoutParens v
argName = case paramName paramSet of
Nothing -> empty
Just name -> text "@" <> text (unpack name)
prettyBind :: Binding NixDoc -> Doc
prettyBind (NamedVar n v) = prettySelector n <+> equals <+> withoutParens v <> semi
@ -104,30 +106,12 @@ prettyKeyName (DynamicKey key) = runAntiquoted prettyString withoutParens key
prettySelector :: NAttrPath NixDoc -> Doc
prettySelector = hcat . punctuate dot . map prettyKeyName
prettySetArg :: (Text, Maybe NixDoc) -> Doc
prettySetArg (n, Nothing) = text (unpack n)
prettySetArg (n, Just v) = text (unpack n) <+> text "?" <+> withoutParens v
prettyOper :: NOperF NixDoc -> NixDoc
prettyOper (NBinary op r1 r2) = flip NixDoc opInfo $ hsep
[ wrapParens (f NAssocLeft) r1
, text $ operatorName opInfo
, wrapParens (f NAssocRight) r2
opInfo = getBinaryOperator op
f x
| associativity opInfo /= x = opInfo { associativity = NAssocNone }
| otherwise = opInfo
prettyOper (NUnary op r1) =
NixDoc (text (operatorName opInfo) <> wrapParens opInfo r1) opInfo
where opInfo = getUnaryOperator op
-- | Translate an atom into its nix representation.
atomText :: NAtom -> Text
atomText (NInt i) = pack (show i)
atomText (NBool b) = if b then "true" else "false"
atomText NNull = "null"
atomText (NInt i) = pack (show i)
atomText (NBool b) = if b then "true" else "false"
atomText NNull = "null"
atomText (NUri uri) = uri
prettyAtom :: NAtom -> NixDoc
prettyAtom atom = simpleExpr $ text $ unpack $ atomText atom
@ -140,12 +124,27 @@ prettyNix = withoutParens . cata phi where
phi (NList []) = simpleExpr $ lbracket <> rbracket
phi (NList xs) = simpleExpr $ group $
nest 2 (vsep $ lbracket : map (wrapParens appOpNonAssoc) xs) <$> rbracket
phi (NSet rec []) = simpleExpr $ recPrefix rec <> lbrace <> rbrace
phi (NSet rec xs) = simpleExpr $ group $
nest 2 (vsep $ recPrefix rec <> lbrace : map prettyBind xs) <$> rbrace
phi (NSet []) = simpleExpr $ lbrace <> rbrace
phi (NSet xs) = simpleExpr $ group $
nest 2 (vsep $ lbrace : map prettyBind xs) <$> rbrace
phi (NRecSet []) = simpleExpr $ recPrefix <> lbrace <> rbrace
phi (NRecSet xs) = simpleExpr $ group $
nest 2 (vsep $ recPrefix <> lbrace : map prettyBind xs) <$> rbrace
phi (NAbs args body) = leastPrecedence $
(prettyFormals args <> colon) </> (nest 2 $ withoutParens body)
phi (NOper oper) = prettyOper oper
(prettyParams args <> colon) </> (nest 2 $ withoutParens body)
phi (NBinary op r1 r2) = flip NixDoc opInfo $ hsep
[ wrapParens (f NAssocLeft) r1
, text $ operatorName opInfo
, wrapParens (f NAssocRight) r2
opInfo = getBinaryOperator op
f x
| associativity opInfo /= x = opInfo { associativity = NAssocNone }
| otherwise = opInfo
phi (NUnary op r1) =
NixDoc (text (operatorName opInfo) <> wrapParens opInfo r1) opInfo
where opInfo = getUnaryOperator op
phi (NSelect r attr o) = (if isJust o then leastPrecedence else flip NixDoc selectOp) $
wrapParens selectOp r <> dot <> prettySelector attr <> ordoc
where ordoc = maybe empty (((space <> text "or") <+>) . withoutParens) o
@ -153,17 +152,15 @@ prettyNix = withoutParens . cata phi where
= NixDoc (wrapParens hasAttrOp r <+> text "?" <+> prettySelector attr) hasAttrOp
phi (NApp fun arg)
= NixDoc (wrapParens appOp fun <+> wrapParens appOpNonAssoc arg) appOp
phi (NPath isFromEnv p)
| isFromEnv = simpleExpr $ text ("<" ++ p ++ ">")
-- If it's not an absolute path, we need to prefix with ./
| otherwise = simpleExpr $ text $ case p of
"./" -> "./."
"../" -> "../."
".." -> "../."
txt | "/" `isPrefixOf` txt -> txt
| "./" `isPrefixOf` txt -> txt
| "../" `isPrefixOf` txt -> txt
| otherwise -> "./" ++ txt
phi (NEnvPath p) = simpleExpr $ text ("<" ++ p ++ ">")
phi (NLiteralPath p) = simpleExpr $ text $ case p of
"./" -> "./."
"../" -> "../."
".." -> "../."
txt | "/" `isPrefixOf` txt -> txt
| "./" `isPrefixOf` txt -> txt
| "../" `isPrefixOf` txt -> txt
| otherwise -> "./" ++ txt
phi (NSym name) = simpleExpr $ text (unpack name)
phi (NLet binds body) = leastPrecedence $ group $ nest 2 $
vsep (text "let" : map prettyBind binds) <$> text "in" <+> withoutParens body
@ -177,5 +174,4 @@ prettyNix = withoutParens . cata phi where
phi (NAssert cond body) = leastPrecedence $
text "assert" <+> withoutParens cond <> semi <+> withoutParens body
recPrefix Rec = text "rec" <> space
recPrefix NonRec = empty
recPrefix = text "rec" <> space

View file

@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ unsplitLines = intercalate [Plain "\n"]
-- | Form an indented string by stripping spaces equal to the minimal indent.
stripIndent :: [Antiquoted Text r] -> NString r
stripIndent [] = NString Indented []
stripIndent [] = Indented []
stripIndent xs =
NString Indented . removePlainEmpty . mergePlain . unsplitLines $ ls'
Indented . removePlainEmpty . mergePlain . unsplitLines $ ls'
ls = stripEmptyOpening $ splitLines xs
ls' = map (dropSpaces minIndent) ls

View file

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Library
Build-depends: parsec
Build-depends: trifecta
ghc-options: -Wall
ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing
Executable hnix
Default-language: Haskell2010

View file

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ case_constant_uri = do
case_simple_set :: Assertion
case_simple_set = do
assertParseString "{ a = 23; b = 4; }" $ Fix $ NSet NonRec
assertParseString "{ a = 23; b = 4; }" $ Fix $ NSet
[ NamedVar (mkSelector "a") $ mkInt 23
, NamedVar (mkSelector "b") $ mkInt 4
@ -68,49 +68,49 @@ case_simple_set = do
case_set_inherit :: Assertion
case_set_inherit = do
assertParseString "{ e = 3; inherit a b; }" $ Fix $ NSet NonRec
assertParseString "{ e = 3; inherit a b; }" $ Fix $ NSet
[ NamedVar (mkSelector "e") $ mkInt 3
, Inherit Nothing [mkSelector "a", mkSelector "b"]
assertParseString "{ inherit; }" $ Fix $ NSet NonRec [ Inherit Nothing [] ]
assertParseString "{ inherit; }" $ Fix $ NSet [ Inherit Nothing [] ]
case_set_scoped_inherit :: Assertion
case_set_scoped_inherit = assertParseString "{ inherit (a) b c; e = 4; inherit(a)b c; }" $ Fix $ NSet NonRec
case_set_scoped_inherit = assertParseString "{ inherit (a) b c; e = 4; inherit(a)b c; }" $ Fix $ NSet
[ Inherit (Just (mkSym "a")) [mkSelector "b", mkSelector "c"]
, NamedVar (mkSelector "e") $ mkInt 4
, Inherit (Just (mkSym "a")) [mkSelector "b", mkSelector "c"]
case_set_rec :: Assertion
case_set_rec = assertParseString "rec { a = 3; b = a; }" $ Fix $ NSet Rec
case_set_rec = assertParseString "rec { a = 3; b = a; }" $ Fix $ NRecSet
[ NamedVar (mkSelector "a") $ mkInt 3
, NamedVar (mkSelector "b") $ mkSym "a"
case_set_complex_keynames :: Assertion
case_set_complex_keynames = do
assertParseString "{ \"\" = null; }" $ Fix $ NSet NonRec
assertParseString "{ \"\" = null; }" $ Fix $ NSet
[ NamedVar [DynamicKey (Plain "")] mkNull ]
assertParseString "{ a.b = 3; a.c = 4; }" $ Fix $ NSet NonRec
assertParseString "{ a.b = 3; a.c = 4; }" $ Fix $ NSet
[ NamedVar [StaticKey "a", StaticKey "b"] $ mkInt 3
, NamedVar [StaticKey "a", StaticKey "c"] $ mkInt 4
assertParseString "{ ${let a = \"b\"; in a} = 4; }" $ Fix $ NSet NonRec
assertParseString "{ ${let a = \"b\"; in a} = 4; }" $ Fix $ NSet
[ NamedVar [DynamicKey (Antiquoted letExpr)] $ mkInt 4 ]
assertParseString "{ \"a${let a = \"b\"; in a}c\".e = 4; }" $ Fix $ NSet NonRec
assertParseString "{ \"a${let a = \"b\"; in a}c\".e = 4; }" $ Fix $ NSet
[ NamedVar [DynamicKey (Plain str), StaticKey "e"] $ mkInt 4 ]
letExpr = Fix $ NLet [ NamedVar (mkSelector "a") (mkStr DoubleQuoted "b") ] (mkSym "a")
str = NString DoubleQuoted [Plain "a", Antiquoted letExpr, Plain "c"]
letExpr = Fix $ NLet [ NamedVar (mkSelector "a") (mkStr "b") ] (mkSym "a")
str = DoubleQuoted [Plain "a", Antiquoted letExpr, Plain "c"]
case_set_inherit_direct :: Assertion
case_set_inherit_direct = assertParseString "{ inherit ({a = 3;}); }" $ Fix $ NSet NonRec
[ flip Inherit [] $ Just $ Fix $ NSet NonRec [NamedVar (mkSelector "a") $ mkInt 3]
case_set_inherit_direct = assertParseString "{ inherit ({a = 3;}); }" $ Fix $ NSet
[ flip Inherit [] $ Just $ Fix $ NSet [NamedVar (mkSelector "a") $ mkInt 3]
case_inherit_selector :: Assertion
case_inherit_selector = do
assertParseString "{ inherit \"a\"; }" $ Fix $ NSet NonRec
assertParseString "{ inherit \"a\"; }" $ Fix $ NSet
[ Inherit Nothing [ [DynamicKey (Plain "a")] ] ]
assertParseFail "{ inherit a.x; }"
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ case_int_null_list = assertParseString "[1 2 3 null 4]" $ Fix (NList (map (Fix .
case_mixed_list :: Assertion
case_mixed_list = do
assertParseString "[{a = 3;}.a (if true then null else false) null false 4 [] c.d or null]" $ Fix $ NList
[ Fix (NSelect (Fix (NSet NonRec [NamedVar (mkSelector "a") (mkInt 3)])) (mkSelector "a") Nothing)
[ Fix (NSelect (Fix (NSet [NamedVar (mkSelector "a") (mkInt 3)])) (mkSelector "a") Nothing)
, Fix (NIf (mkBool True) mkNull (mkBool False))
, mkNull, mkBool False, mkInt 4, Fix (NList [])
, Fix (NSelect (mkSym "c") (mkSelector "d") (Just mkNull))
@ -135,43 +135,43 @@ case_mixed_list = do
assertParseFail "[${\"test\")]"
case_simple_lambda :: Assertion
case_simple_lambda = assertParseString "a: a" $ Fix $ NAbs (FormalName "a") (mkSym "a")
case_simple_lambda = assertParseString "a: a" $ Fix $ NAbs (Param "a") (mkSym "a")
case_lambda_or_uri :: Assertion
case_lambda_or_uri = do
assertParseString "a :b" $ Fix $ NAbs (FormalName "a") (mkSym "b")
assertParseString "a :b" $ Fix $ NAbs (Param "a") (mkSym "b")
assertParseString "a c:def" $ Fix $ NApp (mkSym "a") (mkUri "c:def")
assertParseString "c:def: c" $ Fix $ NApp (mkUri "c:def:") (mkSym "c")
assertParseString "a:{}" $ Fix $ NAbs (FormalName "a") $ Fix $ NSet NonRec []
assertParseString "a:[a]" $ Fix $ NAbs (FormalName "a") $ Fix $ NList [mkSym "a"]
assertParseString "a:{}" $ Fix $ NAbs (Param "a") $ Fix $ NSet []
assertParseString "a:[a]" $ Fix $ NAbs (Param "a") $ Fix $ NList [mkSym "a"]
assertParseFail "def:"
case_lambda_pattern :: Assertion
case_lambda_pattern = do
assertParseString "{b, c ? 1}: b" $
Fix $ NAbs (FormalSet args Nothing) (mkSym "b")
Fix $ NAbs (FixedParamSet args Nothing) (mkSym "b")
assertParseString "{ b ? x: x }: b" $
Fix $ NAbs (FormalSet args2 Nothing) (mkSym "b")
Fix $ NAbs (FixedParamSet args2 Nothing) (mkSym "b")
assertParseString "a@{b,c ? 1}: b" $
Fix $ NAbs (FormalSet args (Just "a")) (mkSym "b")
Fix $ NAbs (FixedParamSet args (Just "a")) (mkSym "b")
assertParseString "{b,c?1}@a: c" $
Fix $ NAbs (FormalSet args (Just "a")) (mkSym "c")
Fix $ NAbs (FixedParamSet args (Just "a")) (mkSym "c")
assertParseString "{b,c?1,...}@a: c" $
Fix $ NAbs (FormalSet vargs (Just "a")) (mkSym "c")
Fix $ NAbs (VariadicParamSet vargs (Just "a")) (mkSym "c")
assertParseString "{...}: 1" $
Fix $ NAbs (FormalSet (VariadicParamSet mempty) Nothing) (mkInt 1)
Fix $ NAbs (VariadicParamSet mempty Nothing) (mkInt 1)
assertParseFail "a@b: a"
assertParseFail "{a}@{b}: a"
args = FixedParamSet $ Map.fromList [("b", Nothing), ("c", Just $ mkInt 1)]
vargs = VariadicParamSet $ Map.fromList [("b", Nothing), ("c", Just $ mkInt 1)]
args2 = FixedParamSet $ Map.fromList [("b", Just lam)]
lam = Fix $ NAbs (FormalName "x") (mkSym "x")
args = Map.fromList [("b", Nothing), ("c", Just $ mkInt 1)]
vargs = Map.fromList [("b", Nothing), ("c", Just $ mkInt 1)]
args2 = Map.fromList [("b", Just lam)]
lam = Fix $ NAbs (Param "x") (mkSym "x")
case_lambda_app_int :: Assertion
case_lambda_app_int = assertParseString "(a: a) 3" $ Fix (NApp lam int) where
int = mkInt 3
lam = Fix (NAbs (FormalName "a") asym)
lam = Fix (NAbs (Param "a") asym)
asym = mkSym "a"
case_simple_let :: Assertion
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ case_identifier_special_chars = do
assertParseFail "'a"
makeStringParseTest :: String -> Assertion
makeStringParseTest str = assertParseString ("\"" ++ str ++ "\"") $ mkStr DoubleQuoted $ pack str
makeStringParseTest str = assertParseString ("\"" ++ str ++ "\"") $ mkStr $ pack str
case_simple_string :: Assertion
case_simple_string = mapM_ makeStringParseTest ["abcdef", "a", "A", " a a ", ""]
@ -227,18 +227,18 @@ case_string_dollar = mapM_ makeStringParseTest ["a$b", "a$$b", "$cdef", "gh$i"]
case_string_escape :: Assertion
case_string_escape = do
assertParseString "\"\\$\\n\\t\\r\\\\\"" $ mkStr DoubleQuoted "$\n\t\r\\"
assertParseString "\" \\\" \\' \"" $ mkStr DoubleQuoted " \" ' "
assertParseString "\"\\$\\n\\t\\r\\\\\"" $ mkStr "$\n\t\r\\"
assertParseString "\" \\\" \\' \"" $ mkStr " \" ' "
case_string_antiquote :: Assertion
case_string_antiquote = do
assertParseString "\"abc${ if true then \"def\" else \"abc\" } g\"" $
Fix $ NStr $ NString DoubleQuoted
Fix $ NStr $ DoubleQuoted
[ Plain "abc"
, Antiquoted $ Fix $ NIf (mkBool True) (mkStr DoubleQuoted "def") (mkStr DoubleQuoted "abc")
, Antiquoted $ Fix $ NIf (mkBool True) (mkStr "def") (mkStr "abc")
, Plain " g"
assertParseString "\"\\${a}\"" $ mkStr DoubleQuoted "${a}"
assertParseString "\"\\${a}\"" $ mkStr "${a}"
assertParseFail "\"a"
assertParseFail "${true}"
assertParseFail "\"${true\""
@ -251,16 +251,16 @@ case_select = do
assertParseString "a.e . d or null" $ Fix $ NSelect (mkSym "a")
[ StaticKey "e", StaticKey "d" ]
(Just mkNull)
assertParseString "{}.\"\"or null" $ Fix $ NSelect (Fix (NSet NonRec []))
assertParseString "{}.\"\"or null" $ Fix $ NSelect (Fix (NSet []))
[ DynamicKey (Plain "") ] (Just mkNull)
case_select_path :: Assertion
case_select_path = do
assertParseString "f ./." $ Fix $ NApp (mkSym "f") (mkPath False "./.")
assertParseString "f.b ../a" $ Fix $ NApp select (mkPath False "../a")
assertParseString "{}./def" $ Fix $ NApp (Fix (NSet NonRec [])) (mkPath False "./def")
assertParseString "{}./def" $ Fix $ NApp (Fix (NSet [])) (mkPath False "./def")
assertParseString "{}.\"\"./def" $ Fix $ NApp
(Fix $ NSelect (Fix (NSet NonRec [])) [DynamicKey (Plain "")] Nothing)
(Fix $ NSelect (Fix (NSet [])) [DynamicKey (Plain "")] Nothing)
(mkPath False "./def")
where select = Fix $ NSelect (mkSym "f") (mkSelector "b") Nothing
@ -273,11 +273,11 @@ case_fun_app = do
case_indented_string :: Assertion
case_indented_string = do
assertParseString "''a''" $ mkStr Indented "a"
assertParseString "''\n foo\n bar''" $ mkStr Indented "foo\nbar"
assertParseString "'' ''" $ mkStr Indented ""
assertParseString "'''''''" $ mkStr Indented "''"
assertParseString "'' ${null}\n a${null}''" $ Fix $ NStr $ NString Indented
assertParseString "''a''" $ mkIndentedStr "a"
assertParseString "''\n foo\n bar''" $ mkIndentedStr "foo\nbar"
assertParseString "'' ''" $ mkIndentedStr ""
assertParseString "'''''''" $ mkIndentedStr "''"
assertParseString "'' ${null}\n a${null}''" $ Fix $ NStr $ Indented
[ Antiquoted mkNull
, Plain "\na"
, Antiquoted mkNull
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ case_indented_string = do
case_indented_string_escape :: Assertion
case_indented_string_escape = assertParseString
"'' ''\\n ''\\t ''\\\\ ''${ \\ \\n ' ''' ''" $
mkStr Indented "\n \t \\ ${ \\ \\n ' '' "
mkIndentedStr "\n \t \\ ${ \\ \\n ' '' "
case_operator_fun_app :: Assertion
case_operator_fun_app = do
@ -304,8 +304,8 @@ case_operators = do
assertParseString "1 + (if true then 2 else 3)" $ mkOper2 NPlus (mkInt 1) $ Fix $ NIf
(mkBool True) (mkInt 2) (mkInt 3)
assertParseString "{ a = 3; } // rec { b = 4; }" $ mkOper2 NUpdate
(Fix $ NSet NonRec [NamedVar (mkSelector "a") (mkInt 3)])
(Fix $ NSet Rec [NamedVar (mkSelector "b") (mkInt 4)])
(Fix $ NSet [NamedVar (mkSelector "a") (mkInt 3)])
(Fix $ NRecSet [NamedVar (mkSelector "b") (mkInt 4)])
assertParseString "--a" $ mkOper NNeg $ mkOper NNeg $ mkSym "a"
assertParseString "a - b - c" $ mkOper2 NMinus
(mkOper2 NMinus (mkSym "a") (mkSym "b")) $