Began work on the evaluator

This commit is contained in:
John Wiegley 2014-06-29 10:11:29 -07:00
parent 7d8615aaf7
commit 305598ea7f

View file

@ -18,26 +18,30 @@
module Nix where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad hiding (forM_)
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad hiding (forM_, mapM, sequence)
--import Control.Monad.IO.Class
--import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
--import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
--import Control.Monad.Trans.Either
--import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Data.Char
import Data.Data
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
--import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text hiding (concat, concatMap, head, map)
import Data.Text.IO
--import Data.Traversable
--import Data.Text.IO
import Data.Traversable
--import Data.Typeable
import GHC.Generics
import qualified Prelude
import Prelude hiding (readFile, concat, concatMap, elem)
import Prelude hiding (readFile, concat, concatMap, elem, mapM,
import System.Environment
import System.IO.Memoize
--import System.IO.Memoize
-- import Text.Parsec hiding ((<|>), many, optional)
-- import Text.Parsec.Text
import Text.Trifecta
@ -51,6 +55,14 @@ loeb :: Functor f => f (f a -> a) -> f a
loeb xs = ys where ys = fmap ($ ys) xs
{-# INLINE loeb #-}
newtype Fix (f :: * -> *) = Fix { outF :: f (Fix f) }
cata :: Functor f => (f a -> a) -> Fix f -> a
cata f = f . fmap (cata f) . outF
cataM :: (Traversable f, Monad m) => (f a -> m a) -> Fix f -> m a
cataM f = f <=< mapM (cataM f) . outF
data NAtom
= NStr Text
| NInt Integer
@ -104,6 +116,16 @@ data NExprF r
-- ^ The untyped lambda calculus core
deriving (Ord, Eq, Generic, Typeable, Data)
-- An 'NValue' is the most reduced form of an 'NExpr' after evaluation
-- is completed.
data NValueF r
= NVConstant NAtom
| NVList [r]
| NVSet (Map Text r)
| NVArgSet (Map Text (Maybe r))
| NVFunction r (NValue -> IO r)
deriving (Generic, Typeable)
instance Functor NExprF where
fmap _ (NConstant a) = NConstant a
fmap f (NList r) = NList (fmap f r)
@ -119,14 +141,16 @@ instance Functor NExprF where
fmap f (NApp r r1) = NApp (f r) (f r1)
fmap f (NAbs r r1) = NAbs (f r) (f r1)
newtype Fix (f :: * -> *) = Fix { outF :: f (Fix f) }
cata :: Functor f => (f a -> a) -> Fix f -> a
cata f = f . fmap (cata f) . outF
type NExpr = Fix NExprF
newtype NEnv a = NEnv { getEnv :: Map a a }
instance Functor NValueF where
fmap _ (NVConstant a) = NVConstant a
fmap f (NVList xs) = NVList (fmap f xs)
fmap f (NVSet h) = NVSet (fmap f h)
fmap f (NVArgSet h) = NVArgSet (fmap (fmap f) h)
fmap f (NVFunction argset k) = NVFunction (f argset) (fmap f . k)
type NValue = Fix NValueF
instance Show f => Show (NExprF f) where
show (NConstant x) = show x
@ -181,6 +205,13 @@ dumpExpr = cata phi where
phi (NApp f x) = "NApp " ++ f ++ " " ++ x
phi (NAbs a b) = "NAbs " ++ a ++ " " ++ b
valueText :: NValue -> Text
valueText = cata phi where
phi (NVConstant a) = atomText a
phi (NVList _) = error "Cannot coerce a list to a string"
phi (NVSet _) = error "Cannot coerce a set to a string"
phi (NVArgSet _) = error "Cannot coerce an argument list to a string"
mkInt :: Integer -> NExpr
mkInt = Fix . NConstant . NInt
@ -199,23 +230,9 @@ mkBool = Fix . NConstant . NBool
mkNull :: NExpr
mkNull = Fix (NConstant NNull)
instance Show (Fix NExprF) where
show (Fix f) = show f
instance Eq (Fix NExprF) where
Fix x == Fix y = x == y
instance Ord (Fix NExprF) where
compare (Fix x) (Fix y) = compare x y
-- | Given an argument passed to a function, "fit" it within the arguments as
-- specified by the definition of the function.
-- For example, a function may be defined as @{ foo, bar }: body@, in which
-- case the argument must be a set that provides at least the keys @foo@ and
-- @bar@.
fitArgument :: NExpr -> NExpr -> NExpr
fitArgument _ _ = undefined
instance Show (Fix NExprF) where show (Fix f) = show f
instance Eq (Fix NExprF) where Fix x == Fix y = x == y
instance Ord (Fix NExprF) where compare (Fix x) (Fix y) = compare x y
nixApp :: Parser NExpr
nixApp = go <$> some (whiteSpace *> nixTerm True)
@ -262,9 +279,9 @@ maybeSetOrLambda allowLambdas = do
trace ("results are = " ++ show y) $ return ()
if y
then if allowLambdas
then trace "looking for set" $ setOrArgs
then setOrArgs
else error "Unexpected lambda"
else trace "just want a string" $ (keyName <?> "string")
else keyName <?> "string"
isPathChar :: Char -> Bool
isPathChar c = isAlpha c || c `Prelude.elem` ".:/"
@ -279,11 +296,9 @@ stringChar = char '\\' *> oneChar
symName :: Parser Text
symName = do
trace "symName" $ return ()
chars <- some (satisfy (\c -> isAlpha c || c == '.'))
trace ("chars = " ++ show chars) $ return ()
guard (isLower (head chars))
trace ("chars2 = " ++ show chars) $ return ()
return $ pack (trace ("chars: " ++ show chars) chars)
stringish :: Parser NExpr
@ -364,13 +379,79 @@ setOrArgs = do
-- Left e -> error (show e)
-- Right r -> return $ Just r
buildArgument :: NValue -> NValue -> NValue
buildArgument paramSpec arg = do
-- Having the typed lambda calculus would make this code much safer.
Fix $ NVSet $ case paramSpec of
Fix (NVArgSet s) ->
case arg of
Fix (NVSet s') ->
Map.foldlWithKey' (go s') Map.empty s
_ -> error "Unexpected function environment"
Fix (NVConstant (NSym name)) ->
Map.singleton name arg
go env m k v = case Map.lookup k env of
| Just v' <- v -> Map.insert k v' m
| otherwise -> error $ "Could not find " ++ show k
Just v' -> Map.insert k v' m
evalExpr :: NExpr -> NValue -> IO NValue
evalExpr = cata phi
phi :: NExprF (NValue -> IO NValue) -> NValue -> IO NValue
phi (NConstant x) = const $ return $ Fix $ NVConstant x
phi (NList l) = \env ->
Fix . NVList <$> mapM ($ env) l
phi (NConcat l) = \env ->
Fix . NVConstant . NStr . T.concat
<$> mapM (fmap valueText . ($ env)) l
phi (NArgSet xs) = error "Cannot evaluate an argument set"
phi (NSet b xs) = \env ->
Fix . NVSet . Map.fromList
<$> mapM (fmap (first valueText) . go env) xs
go env (x, y) = liftM2 (,) (x env) (y env)
phi (NLet v e) = error "let: not implemented"
phi (NIf i t e) = error "if: not implemented"
phi (NWith c v) = error "with: not implemented"
phi (NAssert e v) = error "assert: not implemented"
phi (NVar v) = error "var: not implemented"
phi (NApp fun x) = \env -> do
fun' <- fun env
case fun' of
Fix (NVFunction argset f) -> do
arg <- x env
let arg' = buildArgument argset arg
f arg'
_ -> error "Attempt to call non-function"
phi (NAbs a b) = \env -> do
-- jww (2014-06-28): arglists should not receive the current
-- environment, but rather should recursively view their own arg
-- set
args <- a env
return $ Fix $ NVFunction args b
nix :: FilePath -> IO ()
nix path = do
mpkgs <- parseFromFile nixApp path
forM_ mpkgs $ \pkgs -> do
mem <- once (return pkgs)
res <- join $ loeb (return (const mem))
Prelude.print res
mn <- parseFromFile nixApp path
forM_ mn $ \n -> do
top <- evalExpr n (Fix (NVSet Map.empty)) -- evaluate the top level
case top of
Fix (NVConstant atom) ->
Prelude.putStrLn $ "Evaluated atom: " ++ show atom
Fix (NVList xs) ->
Prelude.putStrLn "Evaluated to a list"
Fix (NVSet atom) ->
Prelude.putStrLn "Evaluated to a set"
main :: IO ()
main = do