support tarballs in NIX_PATH and -I

This commit is contained in:
Jude Taylor 2018-09-02 11:25:24 -07:00
parent 7d549d67c6
commit 368f7e038c
3 changed files with 82 additions and 57 deletions

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@ -292,27 +292,32 @@ builtinsList = sequence [
-- Primops
foldNixPath :: forall e m r. MonadNix e m
=> (FilePath -> Maybe String -> r -> m r) -> r -> m r
=> (FilePath -> Maybe String -> NixPathEntryType -> r -> m r) -> r -> m r
foldNixPath f z = do
mres <- lookupVar @_ @(NThunk m) "__includes"
dirs <- case mres of
Nothing -> return []
Just v -> fromNix @[Text] v
menv <- getEnvVar "NIX_PATH"
foldrM go z $ dirs ++ case menv of
foldrM go z $ map fromInclude dirs ++ case menv of
Nothing -> []
Just str -> Text.splitOn ":" (Text.pack str)
Just str -> uriAwareSplit (Text.pack str)
go x rest = case Text.splitOn "=" x of
[p] -> f (Text.unpack p) Nothing rest
[n, p] -> f (Text.unpack p) (Just (Text.unpack n)) rest
fromInclude x
| "://" `Text.isInfixOf` x = (x, PathEntryURI)
| otherwise = (x, PathEntryPath)
go (x, ty) rest = case Text.splitOn "=" x of
[p] -> f (Text.unpack p) Nothing ty rest
[n, p] -> f (Text.unpack p) (Just (Text.unpack n)) ty rest
_ -> throwError $ ErrorCall $ "Unexpected entry in NIX_PATH: " ++ show x
nixPath :: MonadNix e m => m (NValue m)
nixPath = fmap nvList $ flip foldNixPath [] $ \p mn rest ->
nixPath = fmap nvList $ flip foldNixPath [] $ \p mn ty rest ->
pure $ valueThunk
(flip nvSet mempty $ M.fromList
[ ("path", valueThunk $ nvPath p)
[ case ty of
PathEntryPath -> ("path", valueThunk $ nvPath p)
PathEntryURI -> ("uri", valueThunk $ nvStr (Text.pack p) mempty)
, ("prefix", valueThunk $
nvStr (Text.pack (fromMaybe "" mn)) mempty) ]) : rest
@ -1011,43 +1016,6 @@ exec_ xs = do
xs <- traverse (fromValue @Text . force') ls
exec (map Text.unpack xs)
fetchTarball :: forall e m. MonadNix e m => m (NValue m) -> m (NValue m)
fetchTarball v = v >>= \case
NVSet s _ -> case M.lookup "url" s of
Nothing -> throwError $ ErrorCall
"builtins.fetchTarball: Missing url attribute"
Just url -> force url $ go (M.lookup "sha256" s)
v@NVStr {} -> go Nothing v
v -> throwError $ ErrorCall $
"builtins.fetchTarball: Expected URI or set, got " ++ show v
go :: Maybe (NThunk m) -> NValue m -> m (NValue m)
go msha = \case
NVStr uri _ -> fetch uri msha
v -> throwError $ ErrorCall $
"builtins.fetchTarball: Expected URI or string, got " ++ show v
{- jww (2018-04-11): This should be written using pipes in another module
fetch :: Text -> Maybe (NThunk m) -> m (NValue m)
fetch uri msha = case takeExtension (Text.unpack uri) of
".tgz" -> undefined
".gz" -> undefined
".bz2" -> undefined
".xz" -> undefined
".tar" -> undefined
ext -> throwError $ ErrorCall $ "builtins.fetchTarball: Unsupported extension '"
++ ext ++ "'"
fetch :: Text -> Maybe (NThunk m) -> m (NValue m)
fetch uri Nothing =
nixInstantiateExpr $ "builtins.fetchTarball \"" ++
Text.unpack uri ++ "\""
fetch url (Just m) = fromValue m >>= \sha ->
nixInstantiateExpr $ "builtins.fetchTarball { "
++ "url = \"" ++ Text.unpack url ++ "\"; "
++ "sha256 = \"" ++ Text.unpack sha ++ "\"; }"
fetchurl :: forall e m. MonadNix e m => m (NValue m) -> m (NValue m)
fetchurl v = v >>= \case
NVSet s _ -> attrsetGet "url" s >>= force ?? (go (M.lookup "sha256" s))

View file

@ -715,23 +715,28 @@ findPathBy finder l name = do
go :: Maybe FilePath -> NThunk m -> m (Maybe FilePath)
go p@(Just _) _ = pure p
go Nothing l = force l $ fromValue >=>
\(s :: HashMap Text (NThunk m)) ->
case M.lookup "path" s of
Just p -> force p $ fromValue >=> \(Path path) ->
case M.lookup "prefix" s of
Nothing -> tryPath path Nothing
Just pf -> force pf $ fromValueMay >=> \case
Just (pfx :: Text) | not (Text.null pfx) ->
tryPath path (Just (Text.unpack pfx))
_ -> tryPath path Nothing
Nothing ->
throwError $ ErrorCall $ "__nixPath must be a list of attr sets"
++ " with 'path' elements, but saw: " ++ show s
\(s :: HashMap Text (NThunk m)) -> do
p <- resolvePath s
force p $ fromValue >=> \(Path path) ->
case M.lookup "prefix" s of
Nothing -> tryPath path Nothing
Just pf -> force pf $ fromValueMay >=> \case
Just (pfx :: Text) | not (Text.null pfx) ->
tryPath path (Just (Text.unpack pfx))
_ -> tryPath path Nothing
tryPath p (Just n) | n':ns <- splitDirectories name, n == n' =
finder $ p <///> joinPath ns
tryPath p _ = finder $ p <///> name
resolvePath s = case M.lookup "path" s of
Just t -> return t
Nothing -> case M.lookup "uri" s of
Just ut -> thunk $ fetchTarball (force ut pure)
Nothing ->
throwError $ ErrorCall $ "__nixPath must be a list of attr sets"
++ " with 'path' elements, but saw: " ++ show s
findPathM :: forall e m. (MonadNix e m, MonadIO m) =>
[NThunk m] -> FilePath -> m FilePath
findPathM l name = findPathBy path l name
@ -799,3 +804,40 @@ evalExprLoc expr = do
phi = Eval.eval @_ @(NValue m) @(NThunk m) @m . annotated . getCompose
raise k f x = ReaderT $ \e -> k (\t -> runReaderT (f t) e) x
fetchTarball :: forall e m. MonadNix e m => m (NValue m) -> m (NValue m)
fetchTarball v = v >>= \case
NVSet s _ -> case M.lookup "url" s of
Nothing -> throwError $ ErrorCall
"builtins.fetchTarball: Missing url attribute"
Just url -> force url $ go (M.lookup "sha256" s)
v@NVStr {} -> go Nothing v
v -> throwError $ ErrorCall $
"builtins.fetchTarball: Expected URI or set, got " ++ show v
go :: Maybe (NThunk m) -> NValue m -> m (NValue m)
go msha = \case
NVStr uri _ -> fetch uri msha
v -> throwError $ ErrorCall $
"builtins.fetchTarball: Expected URI or string, got " ++ show v
{- jww (2018-04-11): This should be written using pipes in another module
fetch :: Text -> Maybe (NThunk m) -> m (NValue m)
fetch uri msha = case takeExtension (Text.unpack uri) of
".tgz" -> undefined
".gz" -> undefined
".bz2" -> undefined
".xz" -> undefined
".tar" -> undefined
ext -> throwError $ ErrorCall $ "builtins.fetchTarball: Unsupported extension '"
++ ext ++ "'"
fetch :: Text -> Maybe (NThunk m) -> m (NValue m)
fetch uri Nothing =
nixInstantiateExpr $ "builtins.fetchTarball \"" ++
Text.unpack uri ++ "\""
fetch url (Just m) = fromValue m >>= \sha ->
nixInstantiateExpr $ "builtins.fetchTarball { "
++ "url = \"" ++ Text.unpack url ++ "\"; "
++ "sha256 = \"" ++ Text.unpack sha ++ "\"; }"

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@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as M
import Data.List (sortOn)
import Data.Monoid (Endo)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Lens.Family2 as X
import Lens.Family2.Stock (_1, _2)
@ -108,3 +109,17 @@ toEncodingSorted = \case
$ M.toList m
A.Array l -> A.list toEncodingSorted $ V.toList l
v -> A.toEncoding v
data NixPathEntryType = PathEntryPath | PathEntryURI deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | @NIX_PATH@ is colon-separated, but can also contain URLs, which have a colon
-- (i.e. @https://...@)
uriAwareSplit :: Text -> [(Text, NixPathEntryType)]
uriAwareSplit = go where
go str = case Text.break (== ':') str of
(e1, e2)
| Text.null e2 -> [(e1, PathEntryPath)]
| Text.pack "://" `Text.isPrefixOf` e2 ->
let ((suffix, _):path) = go (Text.drop 3 e2)
in (e1 <> Text.pack "://" <> suffix, PathEntryURI) : path
| otherwise -> (e1, PathEntryPath) : go (Text.drop 1 e2)