Parse double unary - correctly and improve perf

We now don't use `buildExpressionParser` from parsers because it cannot
deal with double unary `-`, as in `--a`. Because nix doesn't have
operators which have the same precendence but different associativities,
we can greatly simplify the operator parser. This also has the effect of
improving performance and the error messages a bit.
This commit is contained in:
Benno Fünfstück 2014-08-27 22:05:35 +02:00
parent c7a371d902
commit 3a08227c0c
3 changed files with 30 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -19,14 +19,14 @@ nixExpr = whiteSpace *> (nixToplevelForm <|> foldl' makeParser nixOpArg nixOpera
makeParser term (Left NSelectOp) = nixSelect term
makeParser term (Left NAppOp) = chainl1 term $ pure $ \a b -> Fix (NApp a b)
makeParser term (Left NHasAttrOp) = nixHasAttr term
makeParser term (Right ops) = buildExpressionParser [map buildOp ops] term
buildOp (NUnaryDef n op) = Prefix $ Fix . NOper . NUnary op <$ reservedOp n
buildOp (NBinaryDef n op a) = Infix (mkOper2 op <$ reservedOp n) (toAssoc a)
toAssoc NAssocNone = AssocNone
toAssoc NAssocLeft = AssocLeft
toAssoc NAssocRight = AssocRight
makeParser term (Right (NUnaryDef name op))
= build <$> many (void $ symbol name) <*> term
where build = flip $ foldl' (\t' () -> mkOper op t')
makeParser term (Right (NBinaryDef assoc ops)) = case assoc of
NAssocLeft -> chainl1 term op
NAssocRight -> chainr1 term op
NAssocNone -> term <**> (flip <$> op <*> term <|> pure id)
where op = choice . map (\(n,o) -> mkOper2 o <$ reservedOp n) $ ops
antiStart :: Parser String
antiStart = try (string "${") <?> show ("${" :: String)

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@ -209,28 +209,26 @@ data NAssoc = NAssocNone | NAssocLeft | NAssocRight
data NOperatorDef
= NUnaryDef String NUnaryOp
| NBinaryDef String NBinaryOp NAssoc
| NBinaryDef NAssoc [(String, NBinaryOp)]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable, Data, Show)
nixOperators :: [Either NSpecialOp [NOperatorDef]]
nixOperators :: [Either NSpecialOp NOperatorDef]
nixOperators =
[ Left NSelectOp
, Left NAppOp
, Right [ NUnaryDef "-" NNeg ]
, Right $ NUnaryDef "-" NNeg
, Left NHasAttrOp
] ++ map Right
[ [ NBinaryDef "++" NConcat NAssocRight ]
, [ NBinaryDef "*" NMult NAssocLeft , NBinaryDef "/" NDiv NAssocLeft ]
, [ NBinaryDef "+" NPlus NAssocLeft , NBinaryDef "-" NMinus NAssocLeft ]
, [ NUnaryDef "!" NNot ]
, [ NBinaryDef "//" NUpdate NAssocRight ]
, [ NBinaryDef "<" NLt NAssocLeft , NBinaryDef ">" NGt NAssocLeft
, NBinaryDef "<=" NLte NAssocLeft , NBinaryDef ">=" NGte NAssocLeft
, [ NBinaryDef "==" NEq NAssocNone , NBinaryDef "!=" NNEq NAssocNone ]
, [ NBinaryDef "&&" NAnd NAssocLeft ]
, [ NBinaryDef "||" NOr NAssocLeft ]
, [ NBinaryDef "->" NImpl NAssocNone ]
[ NBinaryDef NAssocRight [("++", NConcat)]
, NBinaryDef NAssocLeft [("*", NMult), ("/", NDiv)]
, NBinaryDef NAssocLeft [("+", NPlus), ("-", NMinus)]
, NUnaryDef "!" NNot
, NBinaryDef NAssocRight [("//", NUpdate)]
, NBinaryDef NAssocLeft [("<", NLt), (">", NGt), ("<=", NLte), (">=", NGte)]
, NBinaryDef NAssocNone [("==", NEq), ("!=", NNEq)]
, NBinaryDef NAssocLeft [("&&", NAnd)]
, NBinaryDef NAssocLeft [("||", NOr)]
, NBinaryDef NAssocNone [("->", NImpl)]
data OperatorInfo = OperatorInfo
@ -242,16 +240,15 @@ data OperatorInfo = OperatorInfo
getUnaryOperator :: NUnaryOp -> OperatorInfo
getUnaryOperator = (m Map.!) where
m = Map.fromList . concat . zipWith buildEntry [1..] . reverse $ nixOperators
buildEntry _ (Left _) = []
buildEntry i (Right ops) =
[ (op, OperatorInfo i NAssocNone name) | NUnaryDef name op <- ops ]
buildEntry i (Right (NUnaryDef name op)) = [(op, OperatorInfo i NAssocNone name)]
buildEntry _ _ = []
getBinaryOperator :: NBinaryOp -> OperatorInfo
getBinaryOperator = (m Map.!) where
m = Map.fromList . concat . zipWith buildEntry [1..] . reverse $ nixOperators
buildEntry _ (Left _) = []
buildEntry i (Right ops) =
[ (op, OperatorInfo i assoc name) | NBinaryDef name op assoc <- ops ]
buildEntry i (Right (NBinaryDef assoc ops)) =
[ (op, OperatorInfo i assoc name) | (name,op) <- ops ]
buildEntry _ _ = []
getSpecialOperatorPrec :: NSpecialOp -> Int
getSpecialOperatorPrec = (m Map.!) where

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@ -289,6 +289,10 @@ case_operators = do
assertParseString "{ a = 3; } // rec { b = 4; }" $ mkOper2 NUpdate
(Fix $ NSet NonRec [NamedVar (mkSelector "a") (mkInt 3)])
(Fix $ NSet Rec [NamedVar (mkSelector "b") (mkInt 4)])
assertParseString "--a" $ mkOper NNeg $ mkOper NNeg $ mkSym "a"
assertParseString "a - b - c" $ mkOper2 NMinus
(mkOper2 NMinus (mkSym "a") (mkSym "b")) $
mkSym "c"
tests :: TestTree
tests = $testGroupGenerator