When checking equality, test equality of structure before forcing contained thunks

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Ryan Trinkle 2018-03-31 17:27:41 -04:00
parent 06cef41ac9
commit 8621b97f0b

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@ -216,7 +216,6 @@ thunkEq lt rt = do
rv <- forceThunk rt
valueEq lv rv
--TODO: Should we do two passes, so that we can avoid ever calling `eq` if the container structures aren't the same shape?
-- | Checks whether two containers are equal, using the given item equality predicate. If there are any item slots that don't match between the two containers, the result will be False.
:: (Align f, Traversable f, Monad m)
@ -225,9 +224,10 @@ alignEqM
-> f b
-> m Bool
alignEqM eq fa fb = fmap (either (const False) (const True)) $ runExceptT $ do
forM_ (align fa fb) $ \case
These a b -> guard =<< lift (a `eq` b)
pairs <- forM (align fa fb) $ \case
These a b -> return (a, b)
_ -> throwE ()
forM_ pairs $ \(a, b) -> guard =<< lift (eq a b)
valueEq :: MonadNix m => NValue m -> NValue m -> m Bool
valueEq l r = case (l, r) of