Merge pull request #77 from domenkozar/prettyprinter-fixes

Prettyprinter fixes
This commit is contained in:
John Wiegley 2018-01-28 11:26:20 -08:00 committed by GitHub
commit a28a8397cd
No known key found for this signature in database
1 changed files with 10 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -81,16 +81,16 @@ prettyParams (ParamSet s mname) = prettyParamSet s <> case mname of
Just name -> text "@" <> text (unpack name)
prettyParamSet :: ParamSet NixDoc -> Doc
prettyParamSet params = lbrace <+> middle <+> rbrace
prettyParamSet params = encloseSep (lbrace <> space) (align rbrace) sep prettyArgs
prettySetArg (n, maybeDef) = case maybeDef of
Nothing -> text (unpack n)
Just v -> text (unpack n) <+> text "?" <+> withoutParens v
prettyArgs = case params of
FixedParamSet args -> map prettySetArg (toList args)
VariadicParamSet args -> map prettySetArg (toList args) ++ [text "..."]
middle = hcat $ punctuate (comma <> space) prettyArgs
prettySetArg (n, maybeDef) = case maybeDef of
Nothing -> text (unpack n)
Just v -> text (unpack n) <+> text "?" <+> withoutParens v
sep = align (comma <> space)
prettyBind :: Binding NixDoc -> Doc
prettyBind (NamedVar n v) = prettySelector n <+> equals <+> withoutParens v <> semi
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ prettyNix = withoutParens . cata phi where
phi (NRecSet xs) = simpleExpr $ group $
nest 2 (vsep $ recPrefix <> lbrace : map prettyBind xs) <$> rbrace
phi (NAbs args body) = leastPrecedence $
(prettyParams args <> colon) </> (nest 2 $ withoutParens body)
(prettyParams args <> colon) </> (indent 2 (withoutParens body))
phi (NBinary op r1 r2) = flip NixDoc opInfo $ hsep
[ wrapParens (f NAssocLeft) r1
, text $ operatorName opInfo
@ -156,17 +156,17 @@ prettyNix = withoutParens . cata phi where
| "../" `isPrefixOf` txt -> txt
| otherwise -> "./" ++ txt
phi (NSym name) = simpleExpr $ text (unpack name)
phi (NLet binds body) = leastPrecedence $ group $ nest 2 $
vsep (text "let" : map prettyBind binds) <$> text "in" <+> withoutParens body
phi (NLet binds body) = leastPrecedence $ group $ text "let" <$> indent 2 (
vsep (map prettyBind binds)) <$> text "in" <+> withoutParens body
phi (NIf cond trueBody falseBody) = leastPrecedence $
group $ nest 2 $ (text "if" <+> withoutParens cond) <$>
( align (text "then" <+> withoutParens trueBody)
<$> align (text "else" <+> withoutParens falseBody)
phi (NWith scope body) = leastPrecedence $
text "with" <+> withoutParens scope <> semi <+> withoutParens body
text "with" <+> withoutParens scope <> semi <$> align (withoutParens body)
phi (NAssert cond body) = leastPrecedence $
text "assert" <+> withoutParens cond <> semi <+> withoutParens body
text "assert" <+> withoutParens cond <> semi <$> align (withoutParens body)
recPrefix = text "rec" <> space